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  7x03 - Pure Pt. 1
 Posted: 02/07/14 12:00
# 1 
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Maddie! Fucking turn it down! Maddie! - Fucking, fucking shit! - Fuck off! For shit's sake! I was sleeping! Fuck off! I was fucking working until Maddie! Fuck off! All I'm asking you to do is turn the fucking music down! Fuck off! Sorry.

I want to fucking sleep, Maddie! You think I give a shit? Fuck off! I just want you to turn that fucking music down! I'm not turning it down! Go! Go! You're fucking nuts, aren't you?! Yeah, go on! Fuck off! Are you OK? Yeah.

Someone should help you.

Yaniv! What? Er what did you just say? Topol, speak English, all right? This is an English cafe.

We speak English here.

Pete, you're Greek, man.

Don't tell me who's English.

I decide who's fucking English.

Get on with the takeaways.

Right, if this place hasn't got £600 in the till by this evening, I'm firing the one with the smallest tits.

It's either you or her, Jakob.


Go polish your Uzi.

Hi, you lot.

Are you ready to order or d'you need another ten minutes? Er what's the souvlaki? The thing about menus is they actually say it on Oh, yeah.

Yeah, it does.

But it didn't say whether or not you recommend it.

Seriously, fuck off.

Um Pete wanted me to help.

OK, take this order, then.

Cheeky cunts.

Er OK, what would you like? Just orange juice.

Just bring back a shit-load of fried crap, yeah? Right, fried crap.

We've got that.

No, I went there last week.

I'm not gonna go again.

Well, who is gonna be there? Who? Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah.

You shouldn't do all her work for her.

I'm just getting on with things.

It's not so bad here, huh? Sure.

If you like sausage.

What you doing now? You want to go somewhere else? Don't you want to go somewhere else with Amanda? No, she's, er she's boring.

You know? So, er let's go take a drink.

I'm going home, Yaniv.

Another time.

OK, another time.

It's a date another time.

I'll remember that.

I don't forget, huh? Dad, hi.


' Um I can't talk now, Dad.

I'm walking home.

'Can't you talk while you're walking?' I'm just Look, er what is it? 'How are you?' I'm fine, Dad.

Look, I've gotta go.

'Come home for the weekend.

Rueby's missing you.

You know how he' I've got shifts.

I'll have to see what the shifts are.

OK? 'OK.

' Bye.



I forgot your name.



I'm going for a whiz.


Then I'm having a spliff.

Do you want some? It's pretty trashed in there, but fuck it.

I don't really smoke anything.

Thanks anyway.





Can I get you something? No, no, I'm fine, thank you.


It is you, isn't it? Sorry? I know it is.

I have been looking at them for days, and then last night, I realised.

I really don't get what These are cool.

Did your boyfriend take them? No.

There's nothing, though.

No name, nothing.

Just just this website.

You know, this stuff is pretty incredible.

II don't know who took this.

You don't want to tell me.

That's OK.


I like that nobody knows it's you.

Nobody knows anything, right? OK.

It's our secret.

But I wish I could look like that.




That's cute.

Er what are you looking for, Yaniv? Oh, just things.

I collect soldiers.

What? I like soldiers.

Well, this is not so good.

But you should get that.

And then we should go for a drink.

Oh, I don't know.


It's just a drink.

Yes, good, decided.

We're going.

Come on, let's go.

I Yalla.

Let's go.

This is Cassie.

Hey, speak English.

Don't you have manners? I said, it's nice to meet you.


Yanny must like you if he's got manners now.



Nobody teaches them how to speak to a girl.

Let me tell you, his cock is bigger than his brain.

Much bigger.

Er I don't really know him.

Keep it that way.

Come on.

Let's dance.


I scratched you.

Oh, yeah? No problem.

London is weird, huh? Yeah.

I like you.

Stay a bit.

We'll talk.

I'm sorry.

I need to go now.

Why? I didn't mean this to happen.

Can't we be friends? This isn't friends, is it? Why not? I just didn't want to be alone tonight.

Does that sound awful? That sounds awful.

Do what you need to do, OK? I'm sorry.

It's my fault.

I thought I would be OK with this.

It doesn't matter.

It's OK.

I'm going, OK? So go.

Are these your friends? Some of them.

Some of them are not here any more.

I'll see you.

'Hello?' Dad? 'Cass? Cassie, it's it's late.

' Yeah, I couldn't talk before.

'Hello, Cassie? Are you there?' Yeah, I'm here.

'I'm afraid I've had a drink.

' Dad, are you all right? 'Yes, love.

' 'Your mum wants you home.

' Mum died.

She's not alive, Dad.

'We need you here, darling.

' Hey! Hey! Fuck off! Jesus Christ! I'm just playing my fucking Oh.


Er you you said I should come to your room sometime.

Er well, yeah.

It's, um it's quite late, though, isn't it? So Carrie.

It's Cassie.




Er you're kind of freaking me out a bit.

What's up? I just had a I just had a funny day.


Isn't that the best kind? I just fucked this guy.

Yeah? Yeah.

I don't know why I did it.

Was he nice? Not really.

I wanted to, though.


Well, there you go.

It doesn't hurt, as long as they don't ming.

What what, er do you do? I am merely an actor.


What have you been in? Oh, you know.


I'm waiting.

For what? Discovery.

So, how do you live? Do you have money? Oh, there's nice people everywhere.

Really? You just have to ask them for things.

Like what? Stuff you need.

You've just arrived in London, haven't you? Two months ago.

Really? That long? God, this house is crap.

Where were you before? America.


I was with a boy and we travelled a lot, until we couldn't go any further.

Then it ended, so I came home.

Why? Cos if it didn't end, it was for ever.

He's OK.

I think he isn't.

He isn't, is he? What was his name? It doesn't matter now.

I think someone's following me.

He's taking weird photos and he's Hey.

Um are you outside? Yeah, I'll I'll come down now.

Um look, sorry, it's My friend's Yeah.

Yeah, sure.

But we can talk about this again, yeah? Yeah.

I I didn't mean Well, now that we know each other.

We don't.

I mean, I don't know your name.


And you're Cassie.



Sorry I'm late.

We don't show this building much, and the traffic was awful on the Finchley Road.

I almost gave up.

Oh, that's OK.

My boss couldn't make it, though.

He got called away at short notice.

Oh, bugger it.

No, it's fine.

He just wants me to take photos.


No problem.

Come on, then.

No, hang on.


I think it was some kind of computer company.

They went bust, of course.

The offices are up here and there.

Your boss, does he want the whole building? Er sorry? The management company don't really want to split the lease.

But I guess he could sublet.



You know, if you want to take your photos, you could just pull the doors behind you.

Just don't tell on me, all right? It's fine.

No problem.


You're not going to throw a rave in here? Do they even still have raves? I don't know.


You've got my number.


Dad, are you feeling better? 'This is Rueben.

' Rueby? Are you OK? Dad's on the beach and he's sorry.

What for? For shouting and crying.

Is everything all right, Rueby? 'I was missing Mum this morning, 'and Dad said I could ring you and you would make me feel better.

' Do you feel better? 'Yes.

Because you love me.

' That's right, Rueby.

'Dad says you're coming to play Connect 4 with me, because he's crap at it.

' Yeah, I will.



' Bye, Rueby.

Oh, fuck! Cassie! Look, I'm sorry! I didn't mean Oh! You little fucking What are you doing? Stop! Shut up! Let me explain! I didn't Don't speak to me! I'll tell Yaniv what you did, and he'll fuck you up! Cassie! Don't speak to me! What do you do? Do you wank? What? No! No, I No, don't.

Cassie! Cassie, wait! - Have a good day.


See you.




Oh, hey.


What have you got there? A kite.

I found it.

What are you going to do with it? Fix it.

You do realise he's going to fire you if you keep on being late? It's OK.

I don't really care.

I'm leaving anyway.


No, you're not.

You can't leave me with these miserable tossers.

OK, why? I'm bored.

Gotta move, you know.

Really? What, isn't this all enough for you? It's too much.

Oh, whatever.

One cheese and ham panini, one vegetarian breakfast, one baked potato, chicken and sweetcorn.


What's your problem? What? Nothing.

I need a bacon and egg sandwich, Jew boy.

I'm sorry.

You took my camera.

It's a Canon.

The lens alone is worth more than my It's worth a lot.

You probably don't care, but I've been saving for two years to get it.

I've done three jobs, one of which was, er cleaning toilets in Euston, and I'm I'm still paying, so What are you going to do? Nothing.

Look, don't leave.

I'll go.

I'll tell Pete.

I Shut up.

Look, you've gotta give it back to me or I I will have to kill myself.

You should be nicer.

I see some things, and I have to take a picture.

That's all.

And you thought what? That I'd say no? Yes.

Well, you were right, Jakob.

I was standing in my room.

My own room! It You're beautiful and you don't even know.

Tell Pete I quit.

Yeah? Hi.


Just wondering what you were up to.

Just fixing this.

Are you off somewhere? To see my Dad and my brother in Wales.

Oh, right.

You coming back? Probably not.

Er those guys.

The other morning.

You saw them leaving.

It's none of my business what you do, Maddie.

I like sex.

So sue me.

Anyway, um I was wondering about the guy.

Did you call the police or anything? Do you have the, you know, porno pictures on that? They're not porn.

I know.

I was just messing with you.

Can I see? Jesus.

That's here.

Shit, man.

You look incredible.

He was stalking me.

Has he stopped? Yeah.

I think so.

This one has 40,000 hits.

What? It says here that That's manic.

I wish I don't know.

What? I wish someone could see the beauty in me like that.


I don't want to.

Oh, come on.

Don't tell me that you haven't already been looking at them.

This creep's got you.

He really has.

Anyway, I'm going out with those idiots downstairs.

Do you want to come? No.

Thanks anyway.

No worries.

Er listen.

Come back.

From Wales.

Yeah? Cos I don't think I can stand it alone here with the wankers.

I'll think about it.


OK, two full English.

One with chips, one with beans.

Burger and chips, egg and chips.

Go! Take this shit away! All right.

Look, chill out, Pete.

Chill out? I'm dying here.

Just take it away.

Go, go, go, go.

Fuck's sake.

I'm cooking in my own kitchen.

It's fucking degrading.

Two baked potatoes with tuna.

Three teas.

Yaniv, teas, go.

All right.

Two coffees.

Black Americano.

Caramel latte.

One chicken supreme.

What? Let me see that.

Chicken fucking what? I mean, how do we do that? Chicken fucking What kind of homosexual bollocks is this? Fuck's sake.

Jakob, he makes it nice and creamy.

Creamy? I'll give him creamy, the little cunt.

Where is he? Hi.

Sorry about the wait.

These are so fucking cool.

It's like some majorly on-trend shit.

It's some serious mysterious shit going on.

She's not even asking for anything.

I love it, man.


Orange juice, please.

Stephen? Latte.


Skinny, yeah? Skinny is the golden rule, right? Skinny is good, right? Right.

You're leaving too? I might.

What I want, it doesn't mean anything? I'm sorry.

But you like me? I don't know, Yaniv.

It's not about that.

I don't care if you like me.

Is there somebody else? I just don't want to sleep with you.

That's all.

And you What's wrong with sleeping with me? You liked it.


I'm waiting, OK? I can't explain.

Waiting? What are you waiting for? For something else.



Let me know when it happens.

You know, some places I've been to, you can't be waiting for something.

You can't wait.

You can't wait.

I take pictures.

It's the only thing I can do.

You scared me, Jakob.

I know, I know.

I'm I'm a complete schlossfarter.

What does that mean? I don't know.

I made it up.

I'll never sleep with you.

Why does everything have to be about sex? That's what people want, isn't it? You just want to fuck.

No, stop spoiling it.

I gave up sex when I was nine.

You had sex when you were? No.

That's when I became aware that I would be a virgin for the rest of my life.

I just take pictures.

That's all.

Who for? It doesn't work if nobody looks at them.

People look at you.

I think you like it.

Can I trust you? It's pure, Cassie.

All it is, is you me and the world sees what we want.

There's too much light.

What are you wearing? Um nothing special.

That's good.

Show me.


Something's coming.



Ha! Hey! I'm one of the chosen people.

Is he watching you, Jakob? Er yeah.

Everyone gets lonely here.

It's OK.

This is Marcel Hulot.

We were looking for you.

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