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  1x08 - The Rescue
 Posted: 11/02/03 15:53
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Opening scene - Cohen's kitchen - shows a shot of Ryan looking worried, then Seth, then Sandy, then finally Kirsten at the fridge

Kirsten: I have three sesame and one plain (motions to rolls)

(shows close ups of Ryan, Seth & Sandy shaking their heads)

Kirsten: look we're not gonna hear from the hospital for a while, why don't you guys get showered and dressed, and you (to Ryan) can't be late for your meeting with the dean.

Sandy: I'll take em to school

Kirsten: (to Sandy) You can't be late for your first day

(nobody moves/leaves)

Kirsten: Well if we're not gonna eat lets-lets jus, let's just go.

(Kirsten heads out, Ryan and Seth get up and cross paths just as the phone rings. shows a close up of the phone ringing, then pans from Seth, to Sandy and then Ryan all looking worried)

CUT TO: The hospital - Marissa is in bed, and Jimmy is sitting by her bed side. Jimmy brushes hair out of her eyes then we see Sandy & Kirsten at the door of her room.

Sandy: (barely audible) Hey

Jimmy: Hey (getting up to shake his hand) she uhh she just fell back to sleep but she was awake and uhh aware

(Ryan sits down where Jimmy was)

Jimmy: (to Ryan) thanks for uh calling the hospital...finding her if they hadn't airlifted her out she uhh

Sandy: When can she go home?

Jimmy: Uhh they said in a-in a day or so, they wanna keep her under observation

Kirsten: That's hospital policy

(Julie walks in)

Julie: So I guess there's no need to worry right...I mean a teenage girl palms a dozen pain killers and washes it down with tequila...its perfectly normal right

(to Kirsten & Sandy) what are you doing here?

Jimmy: I called them

Julie: What Marissa needs right now is to be with her visitors (looks at Ryan)

Sandy: Well let's go...we should go

Kirsten: (to Jimmy) If you need anything

Jimmy: Thanks

(Ryan stands, shows shots of Ryan, then Julie then Jimmy watching Marissa. then the Cohen's leaving the room)

CUT TO: Hospital corridor

Sandy: (to Ryan) Don't take it personally. Julies just been through...every parents nightmare

Kirsten: I'm sure she'll apologise

Sandy: (suprised) you are? Its Julie cooper we're talking about

(Julie walks up behind them)

Julie: Excuse me, Ryan can I talk to you for a sec

(Ryan walks over to her)

Julie: I don't know what happened in Mexico, but here's what I do know. Since you showed up Marissa's ben a wreck, comes home crying, doesn't want to go to her own catillion, having problems with her boyfriend(pause) and now you can add another shining accomplishment to your list of achievements. In addition to stealing cars, burning down houses and befriending wood be assassins (pause) You've almost killed my daughter

(Ryan looks shocked)

Ryan: You can blame me all you want (pause) but I would never do anything to hurt Marissa

(Julie looks un-phased and calm)

Julie: well you're not going to get the chance because you're never going to see her again, you even try and I'll make sure you're thrown back in juvi where you belong

(Julie walks away leaving Ryan stunned)

Theme song - California by Phantom Planet

The Harbor school - Kirsten, Seth & Ryan are walking

Seth: well, so wait, I don't get it Luke's the one that she should be blaming not you

Ryan: She doesn't know that

Seth: So why didn't you tell her

Ryan: I'm just glad Marissa's ok

Kirsten: Uhh guys I'm gonna check in with the events committee, so I'll catch up with you at the deans office

Seth: yeah

Kirsten: Ryan don't be nervous, you're gonna do great

(Ryan looks worried, Kirsten walks off leaving Ryan and Seth alone. Shows a shot of what Ryan is looking at)

Ryan: (stunned) This is school

Seth: Mm hmm. Ahh registration week Ryan, it's my favourite time of year because your fellow students aren't around to ruin it (kid walks past) except that one

Ryan: you guys have tennis courts and a swimming pool

Seth: I'm guessing you didn't at your old school

Ryan: ah, well we had a basketball hoop

CUT TO: A shot of the Harbor school Newport Beach logo, then pans to Seth and Ryan walking up to Kirsten who is with a group of teachers

Kirsten: oh hi guys

Seth: Hi Dr Tally, Miss Kimberly, how're you guys doin

(they don't say anything)

Seth: kay (walking away) my mums more popular then me, that's a little bit pathetic I realise. Oh hey, ah after your meeting we gotta get your photo taken for school ID

Ryan: Another mug shot

Seth: If you must be so cynical

CUT TO: Sandy getting his photo taken at what we assume is his new workplace. Rachel is with him.

Rachel: Oh yeah, that ones a keeper

Sandy: So when do we do the retina scan

Rachel: Friday

Sandy: (suprised) I was joking

Rachel: So was I, good thing we didn't hire you for your quick wit

Sandy: Well god doesn't give with 2 hands (I think that's what it says?)

Rachel: come on, time for you to meet your team. Ok you'll be assigned your researcher, two paralegals and a file clerk to do all the heavy lifting for you. Speaking of which let me show you our state of the art gym!

Sandy: Oh you guys have a gym

Rachel: You didn't at the PD's office?

Sandy: Oh, we had a basketball hoop

CUT TO: The Harbor school - Ryan and Kirsten are sitting outside the dean's office

Kirsten: Everything's gonna be fine

Ryan: (sigh) its just, it's you know at hales (I assume old school) you sorta showed up, no essays, interviews, tests (sigh)

Kirsten: Ryan the Harbor school is one of the best private prep schools in the country; if you graduate from here you can get into any college in the UC system, maybe even an Ivy League

Ryan: I don't really think I'm an Ivy League kinda guy

Kirsten: After a year or two here you will be

Ryan: college huh

Kirsten: Yeah

CUT TO: Seth walking up

Kirsten: (o/s to Seth) what'd you get?

Seth: Uhh AP history English calculus and physics and French four, good thing I don't have a life (to Ryan) what is wrong? Are you nervous?

Kirsten: Seth would you please tell Ryan that Dr Kim is very nice

Seth: Oh yeah, she is sweet!

(Ryan looks at them both, still worried. Dr Kim walks out)

Dr Kim: Kirsten, how are you?

Kirsten: Hi (shakes her hand) nice to see you

Dr Kim: Good to see you, Seth always interesting to see you. And you must be Ryan, why don't we step into my office.

CUT TO: Sandy's new office, He and Rachel walk in

Sandy: Well, this doesn't suck!

Rachel: That eloquence will serve you nicely on the stand

Sandy: Like you guys ever actually go to trial

Rachel: You're one of us now Sandy, better start wrappin your head around it (pause) so, is your family all excited about your first day?

Sandy: My wife LOVES being married to a corporate sell out, right-right-right- right, wrappin my head around it

(guy wheels in a trolley full of case files)

Sandy: You gotta be kidding me

Rachel: Yeah, I figured you'd wanna dive right in

(Sandy looks at one of the boxes)

Sandy: Chemical peel gone awry, fascinating, bad botox injection, noise complaint on a yacht

Rachel: scintillating

Sandy: In the pure sense of the word

Rachel: Don't be a snob

Sandy: Just defend them, right. rich people need lawyers to!

CUT TO: The Harbor school - Dr Kim's office with Ryan & Kirsten)

Dr Kim: (off screen) Weak grades, truancy

Dr Kim: notation regarding some criminal activity (sighs)

Kirsten: It was a misdemeanor, probation

Dr Kim: None the less, not exactly Harbor school material

Kirsten: Dr Kim Ryan's had alot to overcome, but Sandy and I feel that in the right environment he could really excel

Dr Kim: There's no doubt that Mr. Atwood has extraordinary promise. I'm just concerned that he hasn't had, adequate preparation for the rigors of our curriculum

Kirsten: Or are you concerned about the pressure from parents who don't want Ryan here

(Dr Kim looks suprised at what Kirsten said. Ryan looks impressed)

Dr Kim: That's definitely a consideration, but not a decisive one (Kirsten rolls her eyes) Kirsten you know as well as I do how bright and motivated our students are. those that aren't bred for USC go off to Harvard and Yale. I just think a place like Newport union might be a better fit for a student with Ryan's background

Ryan: My background? (Dr Kim looks suprised) (sighs) I can't change where I'm from but I can change where I'm going

Dr Kim: Ryan, you understand that if you did fail you would lose a year, not to mention self confidence

(Ryan scoffs)

Ryan: With all due respect Dr Kim, if you think not letting me in is gonna inspire self confidence (sincerely) Give me a shot

Dr Kim: You got great test scores. I definitely responded to your personal essay. Your grades are... borderline...but acceptable. If you could pass a placement exam...It's not an aptitude test, it measures your preparedness, what you've learnt not how bright you are

Ryan: Just tell me where and when!

The Harbor school - Seth at a group of tables reading, Summer walks up

Seth: Summer, hey

Summer: (smiling) Hi

(Seth motions for her to join him and she does)

Summer: It is so weird being in school right now, surrounded by all these people who have idea

Seth: I know...have you talked to Marissa?

Summer: I spoke to her mom... you?

Seth: Ah, We went by this morning but she was sleeping (pause) I think she's gonna be ok though

Summer: I still can't believe it, you know... I thought she was dead

Seth: Me too...well hey maybe when she's feeling better we'll um, we'll take her out and try and cheer her up. Take her to a movie or, six flags that kinda thing

Summer: Yeah, I guess...

Seth: Maybe before then if you want ah, I don't know you and me could go see a movie...or something

(off screen girls say hi to Summer, and look weird as they see her with Seth)

Summer: Hey, guys

(Summer looks uncomfortable)

Summer: Look, Cohen, this years all messed up, I mean Marissa's in the hospital, I'll never speak to Luke or Holly and I w

Seth: (cuts her off) Oh yeah its fine, we're back in school now old rules apply

(Seth looks hurt as he motions her to go)

Summer: (barely heard) sorry

CUT TO Marissa's hospital room - Jimmy walks in with coffee and hands it to Julie, Marissa is asleep

Jimmy: Strong sedative huh

Julie: Yeah, she needs to sleep (takes a sip of coffee) and we need to talk (gets up and moves close to the door) Look um Jimmy, you and I we need to present a united front. It's hard enough this forcing us to be in the same room together

Jimmy: Thanks Jules, you got a great, great bed side manner

Julie: Calling the Cohen's this morning was completely inappropriate. You know I don't like that Brian

(a close up of Marissa asleep)

Jimmy: (off screen) Ryan

Julie: (off screen) I don't want him anywhere near Marissa

(Marissa begins to stir)

Jimmy: (whispering) Marissa said it was an accident, ok there's-there's no one to blame

(Marissa opens her eyes, and listens, cut back to Julie & Jimmy)

Julie: well that's a convenient position to take considering you're the one who let her go to Tijuana in the first place

Jimmy: Oh, so uh now it's my fault?

Julie: You're the one who destroyed this family Jimmy, you lied to us, you stole money from your clients and your friends. Why do you think she took all those pills?

Jimmy: (scoffs, whispers) You cannot honestly believe that

Julie: I left her in your care for one weekend and look what happened...which is why I'm asking the judge for sole custody

(Jimmy looks shocked, a close up of a shocked Marissa is shown)

Jimmy: Julie, come on, you can't

Julie: Getting the girls away from you is my only chance to give them back some semblance of a life, and if you fight me on this I'll take you to court and you'll be lucky if you even get supervised visitation

Jimmy: Yeah well you're gonna have to because (whispers) I am not giving up my kids

Julie: You may not have a choice (off screen - a close up of Marissa with her eyes closed, and a tear rolling down her face) I'm going back to check on Caitlyn and the sitter. You should get cleaned up, you're a wreck

(Marissa opens her eyes, waits for Jimmy to leave then gets her mobile out of the drawer, she is clearly upset)

CUT TO: The pool house - Ryan is studying an old test of Seth's and Seth is talking to him

Seth: It's a good thing I never thrown anything away, the questions are different but you get the idea

Ryan: Yeah, that I'm gonna fail

Seth: Hey, no you're not gonna fail ok, you have to get in. I will not spend another year at that school alone, ok please, thankyou. study. (pauses) Especially though, if all it takes is a couple a cheerleaders walking by and suddenly it's like mmm Summer and I we jus, we just didn't happen

(Ryan looks at him)

Seth: Sorry, you study (pause) here's the thing though Ryan (Ryan looks frustrated) we connected, right we connected and it was awesome, especially the part where she kissed me, I do believe I might've ma

Ryan: Seth! I have two hours until I take this test, so unless you plan on attending Newport union high wi

Seth: Right, got it less talking more study

(phone rings and they both look at it)

Seth: Don't move! I'm gonna get that, you...keep studying

Hello...hey Marissa, hi um yeah-yeah-yeah-yeah-yeah sorry sure

(Seth hands the phone to Ryan)

Ryan: Hey...o, ok...alright, um ok ill be there, bye (to Seth) she's upset, something with her parents, an her moms going home for a little while so

Seth: wh, what about the test?

Ryan: I'llll be there I'll just have to do the best that I can

Seth: wel, hey not to bum you out but what if that's not good enough?

Ryan: Well then... Dr Kim is right (walking out) I'm not Harbor school material

(Seth now looks frustrated)

CUT TO: Marissa's hospital room - Marissa is sitting up in bed, and Ryan knocks, Marissa smiles when she sees him and he walks in with flowers and sits next to her bed

Ryan: Hey

Marissa: Hi!

Ryan: These are for you, uh its all they had left at the gift shop...I'll just uh

Marissa: I'm sorry...I was so dumb...what I did I

Ryan: hey-hey-hey-hey, don't worry

Marissa: wasn't (sincerely) I didn't wanna kill myself...I didn't...I just wanted to...escape

Ryan: yeah, I know

(Ryan and Marissa both smile, then they hear Julie talking to a nurse and both look worried)

Julie: (off screen) Excuse me nurse, when you get a chance lunch please

Marissa: (to Ryan) you should... (motions to hide)

(Ryan quickly runs into the bathroom, just before Julie walks in)

Julie: Ooh, sweetie you're awake, aw, how are you feeling? your sister sends her love

Marissa: mm (frowning) my throat hurts

Julie: It's because they had to pump your stomach honey (sees the flowers) Where did that thing come from?

Marissa: oh I, I don't know

Julie: It's from him (shot of Ryan) he came here didn't he after I told him not to, after everything he's done to y

Marissa: He didn't, I, it wasn't his fault

Julie: Honey you keep saying that but before he got here (shot of Ryan) you were happy

Marissa: You think I was happy?

Julie: Well if you weren't you never told me about it

Marissa: I tried! but y

Julie: (cuts her off) I need to talk to the nurse, the security in here is appalling

(Julie leaves and Ryan comes out)

Marissa: I'm sorry about that y, you know about her

Ryan: that's ok, I should go and take this test but I'll be back first chance I get

Marissa: I don't know...with my mom I

Ryan: I'm not afraid of your mom

Marissa: Well, I am

CUT TO Cohen's kitchen - Seth is reading a comic and Kirsten walks in

Kirsten: Did you ask, Ryan what he wants for lunch

Seth: He doesn't want any, he's on a diet

Kirsten: why is he on a diet?

Seth: WHY is he on a diet?

Kirsten: Well I'm gonna ask him because I wanna see how he's doing on his

Seth: mom-mom-mom-mom-mom (grabs her as she walks past) uh he's in a state of deep-deep-deep zen like concentration right now, ok

Kirsten: Well he still needs to eat

Seth: (desperate to stop her) HES NAKED! alright...he's naked, he studies in the nude it's a Chino thing, ok and I think that if you were to walk in on him...naked and dad was to find out I think that suspicions might be raised. a house divided... will not stand!

(door bell)

Kirsten: You and I still need to talk about your little suprise trip to Tijuana!

Seth: Ok, I can't wait

(Kirsten opens the front door, its Jimmy)

Kirsten: Jimmy hi, is Marissa ok?

Jimmy: Yeah she's-she's doing better thanks uh its Julie who's giving me the Sandy coming home for lunch?

Kirsten: Uh n, no he-he just started a-a new job today why what's going on?

Jimmy: Uh she's suing me...for sole custody, maybe even supervised visits

Kirsten: Why would she do that?

Jimmy: Well my question is can she, I just need to know what kind of shot I have at joint custody given what I've put my family through...I just wanna know what kind of case she has

Kirsten: Come on in, I'll get Sandy's new number

Jimmy: I'll just uh, I'll-I'll wait out here, I mean, y know

Kirsten: Jimmy, we have been friends for to long to let something like was just a

Jimmy: It was stupid, it was-it was-it was monumentally...stupid, I'm s, I'm sorry

Kirsten: It's ok...I mean it's not kobo its, its ok

Jimmy: I mean you and Sandy are the only friends I have left...I definitely don't wanna lose you

Kirsten: you wont, so are you comin in or what?

CUT TO Marissa's hospital room - Marissa is on her mobile listening to her dad's answering machine msg

Answering machine message: Hi you've reached Jimmy Cooper, I'm not in right now but please leave a message and ill get back...

(Marissa hides the phone when she hears the door open)

Julie: Security said they'd do what they can but I don't know this is exactly why I thought Sandiego would be good for you

(Marissa looks confused)

Marissa: Sandiego?

Julie: Dr Bourke has a facility there

Marissa: who's Dr Bourke?

Julie: oh well uh she's a psychiatrist, highly recommended, she runs an institute for young women who are troubled

Marissa: You're sending me to a mental institution

Julie: It's a recovery centre... oh honey...I know you don't understand but...I would rather have you hate me now then risk losing you again

Marissa: Does dad know about this?

Julie: well I think some time away from your father would be good for you to

Marissa: well...what if I don't wanna go

Julie: That's for Dr Bourke to decide, she'll be here after lunch to evaluate you. Please honey just talk to her, let her help you...and then we can get you out of here and you can start to get better

Marissa: Yeah, um if it's ok I just need to use the bathroom

Julie: of course

(Marissa grabs her phone and takes it with her in the bathroom, Julie fixes Marissa's bed and throws out the flowers Ryan gave her)

CUT TO: Seth's bedroom - Seth is sitting on the bed reading when there is a knock on his door)

Seth: Not now mom I'm studying naked

Summer: eewww

Seth: Summer? come in

Summer: ah noo way

(Seth opens the door)

Seth: I'm not naked

(Summer is covering her eyes)

Summer: no-no-no-no

(Summer looks after a few seconds)

Summer: mmm kay, I don't get it (walking in) what kind of family do you have Cohen?

Seth: The kind where mothers and sons wear clothes...always...even in the shower

Summer: hmm (looking around his room, sees Captain oats)

(laughing) this?

Seth: uh I don't know, I've never seen it before

Summer: ah huh, what's its name?

Seth: I don't know

(Summer looks at him as if to say, come on you're already busted)

Seth: Captain oats, what are you doing here?

(Summer puts captain oats down)

Summer: Coop just called, she's freaking out, her moms threatening to ship her off to the insane asylum

Seth: really?

Summer: Yeah, I'm serious, I've gotta do something Cohen, I need to get radical...I need Ryan

Seth: well you can't have him he's taking a placement exam, what's wrong with me though, am I not radical enough?

Summer: well that depends...are you ready to take on Julie Cooper?

Seth: We need Ryan!

Summer: Yah

(they both head out)

Seth: That's my bed

Summer: ok

Seth: I just wanted you to know

Summer: Uh huh

CUT TO Sandy's office - Sandy is on the phone and Rachel walks in

Sandy: (on the phone) No, it's a very fair offer given the merits of the case...ok (Rachel rolls her hands at him as if to say speed it up)...I'll think it over, goodbye

Sandy: My wife does that thing with her hands when she, she's really pissed off with me

Rachel: Your wife and I have alot in've been here half a day and you've booked court dates for 5 of the 7 cases you were assigned

Sandy: Do I win the free set of steak knives?

Rachel: Sandy, this isn't how they do things around here and I could keep this off the partners radar for now but you've gotta understand

Sandy: Understand what? I'm going to court, I'm takin em on, I'm bringing em down, especially this bastard who won't let his neighbour grow his hedges over his own fence

Rachel: look, you know how much time and energy goes into trying one of these, if you settled you could handle twice as many cases and we're in a volume business here

Sandy: Like cosco...look I, I thought the whole reason you brought me here is cause you wanted a trial attourney, you know who's committed and passionate and blah blah blah

Rachel: Yes and when one of these cases actually deserves to go before a jury the courtroom is all yours, but in the meantime I need you to pick up the phone and passionately negotiate some settlements (Sandy laughs) Come on I put my ass on the line to get you this gig, please, do it for me

CUT TO: The Harbor school - Ryan is doing his test; Seth & Summer walk in and interrupt it)

Seth: Hey

Ryan: What're you guys doing here, Dr Kim's gonna be back any minute

Seth: Yeah I know this isn't the best time but we uh Marissa needs you, right now, or us I've just

Summer: Her mom's gone psycho, she's having her committed

(Dr Kim walks in)

Dr Kim: WHAT is going on in here?

Seth: Hi Dr Kim, this is not what it looks like but there's kind of an emergency

Summer: Yeah we just need to borrow Ryan for a little while

Seth: (over summer) we're gonna bring him back

Dr Kim: Ryan is not going anywhere

(Seth and Summer talk at the same time)

Seth: ok, but there's kind of an emergency

Summer: you don't understand

Dr Kim: you two out, out now, goodbye, goodbye

(Dr Kim shuts the door)

Ryan: Actually I gotta go to

Dr Kim: Have you finished the test?

Ryan: no but I

Dr Kim: Ryan if this is to difficult tell me, if the Cohen's are pressuring you to go to this school

Ryan: its not to difficult and they're not, I wanna be here

Dr Kim: then prove it, sit down finish the test

Ryan: I can't

Dr Kim: Ryan if this is the level of commitment you plan to bring to your studies here at the Harbor school

Ryan: Dr Kim I really don't have time to argue with you right now

Dr Kim: There is no argument, you walk away from this test, you walk away from this school

(Ryan thinks for a second)

Ryan: you're probably right, it wouldn't of worked out anyway, sorry for wasting your time

(Ryan leaves)

(Seth and Summer are waiting for him outside)

Ryan: Let's go

CUT TO: Marissa's hospital room - Marissa is sitting in a chair with her arms crossed; clearly not wanting to be there, Dr Bourke is asking her questions

Dr Bourke: So your mother tells me you struggled with anorexia in the ninth grade

Marissa: my moms convinced it was was just tennis season, I was really stressed, that's all.

Dr Bourke: And tenth grade you were caught shop lifting

Marissa: it was just a lighter and a pack of cigarettes

Dr Bourke: Do you still smoke?

Marissa: Not really

Dr Bourke: Drink?... would you say you drink alot?

Marissa: I guess I mean what's alot

Dr Bourke: have you ever had so much to drink that you blacked out (Marissa doesn't answer) Tell me about this passed year, your dad's legal troubles bankruptcy, your parents probably the last place you wanna be right? (Marissa shrugs) your mom mentioned a boyfriend, Luke

Marissa: he's not my boyfriend anymore

Dr Bourke: really, you wanna tell me what happened?

Marissa: anything I say your just gonna use against me to prove to my mom that I'm troubled, right

Dr Bourke: I'm not here to judge; I'm here to listen and try to help

Marissa: You're here because my mom would rather have me shipped off to a mental institution then have to deal with what's really going on

Dr Bourke: I'm here because accidentally or not, you nearly killed yourself (pause) and you wanna tell me what's actually going on? with you and your mom

Marissa: (shrugs) how much time do you have?

Hospital corridor - Ryan & Seth are waiting for Summer

Seth: This isn't good man, Summer should have been here by now

Ryan: She better be here soon

Seth: well what if something happened? right I mean Marissa's dad can't even get her outta here how are we supposed to be able to

Ryan: not by waiting for Summer (walks over to receptionist) Hi we're here for Marissa Cooper

(a shot of Summer wearing a candy stripers outfit)

Summer: uh its ok Denise, they're with me.

Seth: good--lord

Summer: what? I told you I was a candy striper

Seth: I...thought you were kidding

Summer: It's for charity, all the girls do it

Seth: I should be hospitalised more, I

Summer: Well if you need any help!

Ryan: Ok guys (to Summer) can you get us in the psych ward or not?

Summer: Just try to keep up with me

Ryan: Cool, Seth your on lookout

Summer: Hi Gloria, I know it's my day off but I just cannot get enough of sick people, these guys are gonna help me with the sponge baths

Seth: hmm, dibs on that guy!

Still at the hospital - Dr Bourke is talking to Jimmy & Julie about Marissa

Dr Bourke: I'm not saying that we need to keep her on suicide watch but there are definitely some underlying issues that she hasn't been dealing with

Julie: but you can help her?

Dr Bourke: I can recommend further treatment, psycho dynamic therapy, group work

Julie: at the institute

Dr Bourke: At the institute or here in Newport I see patients or I can refer you

Julie: no-no I want her to get out of Newport it's too chaotic for her here right now

Jimmy: She can't leave now she's got school, she's got her friends, I think uprooting her now would do more harm then good

Julie: She almost died Jimmy how much more harm can she do

Dr Bourke: Alright you decide, I need to check in with the institute, scuse me

Jimmy: thanks

Julie: she's going to the institute

Jimmy: she's not going anywhere

Julie: don't make me call my lawyer

Jimmy: go ahead, ill call mine

Julie: I'm gonna go talk to Marissa

(Julie walks out and talks to Dr Bourke who is on the phone)

Julie: excuse me, Dr Marissa's father and I have discussed it, I've got a bag for her in the car and I can drive her down myself tonight

Dr Bourke: I'll make the arrangements

Julie: thankyou

Marissa's room - Julie is telling Marissa about the plan

Julie: (holding Marissa's hand) I know this may be difficult for you to hear but Dr Bourke and I think it's for the best

Marissa: Well what about dad?

Julie: well he just wants what's best for you to sweetie. now Dr Bourke and I have to finish some paperwork so you should get dressed ok (Marissa nods)

I'm glad you're taking this so well Marissa

Marissa: yeah well, if it's for the best right

Julie: mm, I love you honey (kisses Marissa's head) ok, get dressed I'll be back

Marissa: bye (she watches Julie leave then gets out of bed just as Ryan comes out of her bathroom)

Marissa: (big smile) How'd I do?

Ryan: you almost had me convinced! here (hands her a bag)

(Marissa holds up a candy stripers outfit)

Ryan: It's uh, its Summers idea, it's for uh, for cover

Marissa: (smirking) sure, Summers idea.

(they both smile, Ryan turns around so Marissa can change, but turns back for a split second)

Marissa: Hey! no peeking

(Marissa takes off her hospital gown, exposing her back)

Hospital corridor - Seth & Summer are waiting for Ryan & Marissa

Seth: (picks up a book from the trolley Summer is pushing) Hey! madam bovary (whistles) This old bear (?) can really turn a phrase

Summer: I guess, it was kind of a bummer, I mean I know Emma got her heart like totally broken but why'd she have to go and eat arsenic(?)

Seth: You've read madam bovary?

Summer: five times, its Tom Sheralds favourite book...ooh I should go check on him, he's two floors down he's like incontinent

Seth: you're a strange and mysterious woman Summer

(they see Julie & Dr Bourke walking towards them)

Dr Bourke: the most important thing is that we make sure Marissa

(Seth makes hand signals at Summer, which she can't understand - it's really funny!)

Summer: ok wait, no I don't know what that means Cohen, I wasn't in panama

Seth: (whispers) it means that you should

Summer: Ok just go, and ill run interference

Seth: yeah that's what I said ten four

(Seth runs off, Summer walks towards Julie & Dr Bourke)

Summer: Hi Mrs. Cooper, how are you?

Julie: Hey Summer, are you hear to see Mariss

Summer: oh yeah well I was just volunteering today, thought I'd stop by. how is she?

Julie: well she's going to be fine eventually

Summer: (to Dr Bourke) are you her doctor?

Dr Bourke: I'm her therapist, now we're on our way to see her right now

Summer: (attempts to stall) therapist huh, do you have a second because I keep having this dream, and well I'm in the woods trying to find this resturant but I'm totally lost, and SO hungry, see I have a reservation so I cant be late are you following?

Marissa's hospital room - Marissa is dressed in the candy stripers outfit, and Ryan is with her

Ryan: are you ready?

Marissa: Yeah (gets up off the bed)

(Ryan opens the door and Luke is standing there with flowers)

Marissa: (to Luke) Go away

Luke: I just wanted to see you im-im so sorry about everything

Marissa: yeah that's what you said in Mexico

Luke: that was a mistake

Marissa: no kidding

Luke: what're you doing dressed like that?

(Seth comes to the door)

Seth: (to Ryan and Marissa) Ah hey your mom and the doctor are on the move

Luke: you're running away?

Marissa: look Luke please I…

(Luke backs out the door and looks both ways)

Luke: Take the stairs

(Seth, Ryan, and then Marissa all leave, leaving Luke in the doorway holding the flowers)

CUT TO: Cafe La Roca - Kirsten & Jimmy walk in looking for Sandy, who is at a table with Rachel

Jimmy: are you sure its ok I mean I don't wanna interrupt

Kirsten: his office said he was having welcome to the firm drinks with a few of his (sees it's only Rachel) associates

Rachel: (laughs) can I have another one?

Kirsten: Hey

Sandy: mm hey-hey, wh-what are you two doing here?

Kirsten: uh when I couldn't reach you on your cell phone I called the office, Jimmy needs some legal advice (to Rachel) I'm Kirsten

Rachel: Hi I'm Rachel

Kirsten: oh so this is Rachel

Sandy: this is Rachel

Rachel: I'm Rachel

Jimmy: Hi so I'm-I'm uh Jimmy

Rachel: Hi (shakes his hand)

Kirsten: so are you suing a tequila company, doing some research

Sandy: well apparently we don't sue anybody

Rachel: now you say that like it's a bad thing, Kirsten your lucky to be married to somebody so hillarious

Kirsten: I am

Jimmy: You know what um, ill just take care of this myself, I'm gonna-I'm gonna go

Kirsten: Jimmy

Sandy: stop by the office tomorrow morning

Jimmy: ah yeah no tomorrows uh gonna be to late, thanks Kirsten

Kirsten: I'll see you at home, when your finished work (to Rachel) It was nice to meet you

Rachel: yeah

CUT TO Jimmy's apartment - he opens the door and finds Ryan, Seth, Summer & Marissa there

Marissa: Hey dad

(Jimmy looks stunned)

Jimmy: what, what are you doing here?

Marissa: I uh... I checked out

Jimmy: does your mother know about this?

Ryan: we're gonna wait in the car

Seth: yeah, yeah

Summer: yeah, yeah

(they all leave)

Jimmy: you ran away?

(Marissa hugs Jimmy)

Marissa: I didn't know what else to do

Jimmy: oh sweetheart

Marissa: I mean mum was getting ready to drive me down to Sandiego

Jimmy: What?

Marissa: wait, you didn't know?

Jimmy: uh, I shoulda guessed

Marissa: look I don't wanna go to Sandiego, and I don't wanna live with mom...I wanna stay with you

Jimmy: look I want that to ok but I, I don't know-I don't know if, if that's possible your mom is suing me for sole custody and after everything I've done she kinda has me over a barrel, kiddo look if I do even the slightest thing wrong I could never see you again ok and I don't-I don't ever wanna lose you (the phone rings) hold on um jus-just give me a sec ok

Marissa: yeah

Jimmy: hey, yeah hi (he walks out to the verandah) uh no she's uh she's here, look I didn't have anything to do with this Julie...well uh you were gonna take her to Sandiego without telling me about it (Marissa walks out the front door) uh alright I, ill keep her here

CUT TO: Summer, Seth, Marissa & Ryan walking along eating pizza

Summer: what'd you wanna do now Coop?

Marissa: I don't know what to do, I mean what can I do

Seth: we could hide you in one of my mom's developments (they all look at him) I'm kidding!

Marissa: mm hmm I mean how is any of this even possible, my mom wants to lock me up in an asylum while my dad can't even do anything about it!

Ryan: well, we'll figure something out

Summer: we better hurry cause she just escaped from a psych ward wearing a candy striper outfit, if they didn't think she was crazy before they (realises what she just said) Sorry Coop, I'm gonna go get another slice

Seth: As will I

Ryan: well if you wanna skip town I guess I could go with you

Marissa: my mom would love that

Ryan: look if your moms doing all this just to keep me away from you I, I'll stay away

Marissa: I don't want that (they both smile)

Ryan: so what're we gonna do?

Marissa: if I could just get her to listen

CUT TO Cohen's lounge room - Kirsten is on the couch and Sandy walks in

Sandy: hey

Kirsten: back from work

Sandy: I don't understand why you're so upset, I mean I understand but its nothing, she works at the firm

Kirsten: she doesn't look old enough to be served in a bar led alone a lawyer

Sandy: she's 33, she graduated Berkley four years after you did

Kirsten: what's her favourite color?

Sandy: pink...Kirsten

Kirsten: Sandy I'm not saying anything's going on

Sandy: good, cause you spent the weekend paintin Jimmy Coopers house and I didn't say a word because I knew nothing was going on...right

Kirsten: right...of course

Sandy: so what were you two doing together tonight?

Kirsten: Jimmy's got custody issues with Julie

Sandy: well I guess we're all havin what're we gonna do? I have to work with this woman

Kirsten: I trust you

Sandy: ok...I trust you

Kirsten: ok

(the phone rings, Sandy answers it)

Sandy: hello

Ryan: Hey it's Ryan

Sandy: Hey, what's goin on?

Ryan: uh I'm with Marissa and I need your advice

Sandy: uh huh... well if I've learned anything today... you don't wanna go to court with this, your gonna wanna settle

(door bell, Sandy answers the door & Julie is there)

Julie: what is going on?

Sandy: come with me (he leads her to the kitchen)

Julie: I don't understand what does this have to do with Marissa, do you know where she (she sees Ryan) well no suprise your involved in all this, where is she?

Ryan: I don't know, at a bus station, on a tropical island somewhere

Sandy: Ryan

Julie: I cannot believe that you're chaperoning this farce

Sandy: Julie, sit down

Julie: no I don't want to sit down

Sandy: alright, lets all talk

Julie: talk about what-what is there to talk about

Ryan: well if you ever wanna see your daughter

Sandy: (to Ryan) watch it! Julie I-I-I know you've been through alot but-but Ryan isn't the problem

Julie: what is that supposed to mean? (to Ryan) You tell me where she is and them I am taking her home, she just ran away from a hospital

Ryan: She ran away from you!... look your from riverside right, well that's not to far from where I grew up

Julie: I am calling the police in like two seconds

Ryan: AND I know this place has everything we never had and I know your afraid your gonna lose it all, everything you've ever wanted

Julie: I'm done!

Ryan: But what you want, and what your daughter wants are two different things


Ryan: I KNOW WHAT SHE DOESNT WANT, she doesn't wanna go to Sandiego (Marissa appears in the background) ...and she doesn't wanna live with you

Julie: I don't know what I'm suppose to say to any of this

Marissa: Just say yes

Julie: oh honey, no-no you don't mean that

Marissa: Yes, I do, look I know you're only trying to help, you're just making everything worse

(Julie is crying)

Julie: you have no idea how scared I was

Marissa: I'm sorry...but look I'm not gonna hurt myself again and ill even still see a therapist if you want, but I wanna do it I wanna live with dad...I mean at least for now

Julie: this isn't over Marissa, ill let myself out

Ryan: are you ok?

(Marissa kisses Ryan on the cheek, and hugs him)

CUT TO: Cohen's backyard - Seth & Summer are sitting by the pool

Seth: so you still think that after everything that happened today when we get back to school you're gonna be able to ignore me

Summer: well...all I can do is try

Seth: I admire your will

Kirsten: hey

Seth: hey, how'd it go?

Kirsten: ah... its over

Seth: yeah

Kirsten: Summer you should take Marissa her dads

(Summer smiles at Seth, then walks away)

Seth: bye Summer (Summer smiles) (to Kirsten) it's just a little thing we do

Kirsten: hmm, ok, now lets talk about that suprise little trip to Tijuana

Seth: It's pronounced Tia-whuana, that's how, your so white mom

CUT TO: Sandy & Ryan in the kitchen

Sandy: I've never heard you talk so much

Ryan: well I like to save it for when it counts

Sandy: I heard about what happened with your test today, or what didn't happen...your suddenly not so talkative...look I get it, Marissa needed help you were worried about her, believe me I understand, I'm worried about you

Ryan: uh I'm ok going to public school, it'll be a hell of alot better then where I went

Sandy: go to Dr Kim and explain yourself

Ryan: I don't think she wants to hear from me...ever again

Sandy: oooh you're afraid of her, you went toe to toe with Julie Cooper the dragon lady you can take Dr Kim, talk to her, if there's a problem you'll have your attourney present. I got your back

CUT TO: The Harbor school - Sandy & Seth are waiting for Ryan outside Dr Kim's office

Sandy: So you and Summer seemed pretty chummy yesterday

Seth: dad, chummy

Sandy: its ok you can tell me

Seth: no, I really, I can't

Sandy: you can't tell your dad, who can you tell

Seth: Gee, I don't know uh Ryan, mom, that tree over there

Sandy: you're gonna miss me when I'm gone

Seth: when're you leaving? (he playfully hits him, and Sandy hits back) hey

(Ryan & Dr Kim walk out)

Sandy: what's the verdict?

Dr Kim: he passed, he did very well

Seth: congratulations (clapping and shakes Ryan's hand) dude you're a pirate

Ryan: you guys have pirates

Seth: yeah I know, it's a bit minty

Ryan: yeah

Sandy: thankyou Dr Kim, for giving Ryan another chance

Dr Kim: Mr. Cohen I told Ryan that if he EVER pulls a stunt like that again, he's going to need a much better lawyer then you to get him out of it. Welcome to the Harbor school Ryan, ill be watching you

Sandy: (to Ryan) you thought juvi was tough

Seth: hey, you ready to get your photo taken for your student ID

Ryan: a mug shot?

Seth: So cynical

Sandy: Hey check out my new mug shot (takes it out of his wallet and shows the boys)

Seth: god

Sandy: what?

Seth: dad those eyebrows are out of control!

Sandy: it's a sign of power you know!

Seth: well then you must be the most powerful man in the world

Sandy: well brace yourself son, its genetic!

(Fade out on the 3 of them walking and mucking around)

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