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  1x03 - Viva Las Vegas
 Posted: 08/23/03 03:10
# 1 
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Opening teaser begins with Sandy signing his name in at the

jailhouse. He looks over at Ryan and walks towards him, sitting down.

Sandy: We got to stop meeting like this. Some good news. Kirsten's

company has dropped all arson charges, which means, pending your

probation hearing, you'll be out, no problem.

Ryan: When's that?

Sandy: 30 to 60 days. I could have you out sooner, if I could

release you into the care of a parent or a guardian.

Ryan looks to the side and sees Luke getting let out and hugging his


Ryan: He gets to leave?

Sandy: Who? Luke? Well, according to both of you, the fire was an

accident, and he's got no priors. His record's clean.

Luke and Ryan exchange angry glares.

Ryan: And he has someone to take him home.

Sandy: Ryan, you know, if I could...It's going to be okay.

Ryan: (scoffs) My mom ditched me. I burned your wife's house down.

How is this going to be okay?

Sandy: We'll find your mother.

Ryan: And what if we don't?

Sandy: We will do whatever it takes.

Ryan: I mean, what if I don't want to find her?

Sandy: If only you'd come to me...instead of running away...

Ryan: Why? So I can end up in Child Services and foster care?

Sandy: You could have died in that fire.

Ryan:'ve done more than enough. I can take care of

myself. Won't be that different from how it's been. (He gets up and

starts to walk away.)

Sandy: We'll talk again before your hearing.

Ryan: Tell your...wife...thanks.

Sandy: Already did.

Ryan walks out of the room and back behind the bars. He walks past

his other cellmates and accidentally bumps into him. The guy gets

into his face.

Ryan: Sorry.

Guy: You ain't now, but you will be.

Sandy slows down as he walks by, watching all that's going on. Ryan

looks back at him and is pushed by one of the guys to keep walking.

End teaser.


We hear Kirsten talking to Rosa as Sandy walks in.

Kirsten: Now all we need are the Bellinis...and can you make mine a


Sandy: Wow, you're all set up for your Newpsie convention. Hey, when

do these vultures land?

Kirsten: Soon...and I'm sure that I have a doily out of place


Sandy: Good. Gives 'em something to talk about. I don't know why you

have these women over. You don't like them.

Kirsten: I don't don't like them. I grew up with these women.

They're my oldest friends. Besides, it's for charity.

Sandy: What's on the agenda? What event are you dragging me to this


Kirsten: Casino night.

Sandy: You know this home-from-the-office housewife thing...It's


Kirsten: Disturbing?

Sandy: Hot. It's disturbingly hot.

Kirsten walks away smiling as Seth walks in quietly.

Sandy: Hey. Whatcha doing?

Seth: (He starts fixing himself cereal.) Nothing. I'm grounded.

Sandy: Well, you're handling it well. You're lucky you're only


Seth: Can I see him?

Sandy: Ryan? No. There's nothing I can do for him right now.

Seth: Yeah? You think he's okay?

Sandy: Well, there's a reason why I like to try to keep kids out of

those places.

Seth: And, you just...can't get him out, or you're just not a good

enough lawyer?

Sandy: My hands are tied unless I can find his mother.

Seth: So, then, why can't he stay here?

Kirsten: I will not have this conversation again. (Turns away from

them) Rosa, can you make sure that the scones go inside.

Seth: Yeah, well, if anything happens to Ryan, then it's all on

you--so I just hope you can live with that.

Kirsten: What I can't live with is if something was to happen to you

because of him.

Seth: Like I meet someone who doesn't suck?

Kirsten: We are not his parents. I am not his mother.

Seth: (starts to walk away) Good thing.

Sandy: Hey! Get back here. Apologize.

Seth continues to walk away and the doorbell rings. Rosa answers it,

and we see it's Kirsten's friends.

Sandy: Ladies.

Julie: Sandy, hi. How are you? (She kisses his cheek) Are you

holding up okay? That poor boy. He's locked up, yes?

Sandy: Yeah, temporarily.

Julie: Well, nobody blames you for bringing him into the community.

You're so trusting, Sandy.

She walks away towards another woman.

Woman: Hey, Julie, their house looks good. I thought you said it

burned down.

Julie: Oh, not this one--one of Kirsten's developments. Luckily, she

has so many.

Sandy: Well, I should be off. Got to find the next kid to jeopardize

the community. Maybe a black kid. Or an Asian kid. Bye, ladies.

He leaves as the women stay quiet and look at each other.

Kirsten: How about a Bellini?

All: Yes.


Cut to Ryan getting his food at the jail. As he's walking, the same

guy that he bumped into yesterday hits his tray out of his hands and

slams him onto the table. He holds a fork and his arm to Ryan's

neck, choking him.

Guy: You sorry now? You got a problem? You disrespecting me? As long

as you're here, you best watch out for me, man.

He lets him go and pushes him to the ground. Ryan sits up slowly.


Cut back to Kirsten and her friends.

Julie: Well, I think it's an absolute embarrassment that the

fund-raiser is two days away, and we still don't have a theme.

First woman: Well, I thought it was Casino Night.

Second woman: I thought it was Monte Carlo Night.

Third woman: No, it's Vegas Night.

Julie: See, this is a travesty.

First woman: It can't be Monte Carlo Night. Cotillion is coming up.

I mean, don't you remember out amendment? No two black tie events in

the same month.

Kirsten: I'll be right back. Um, I have to go uh...check on the


Julie: She's been through so much. Her son...was friends with that


We cut to Seth in his room. He grabs his skateboard and jacket and

leaves the house quietly, passing by the living room where the women

are talking about the fund-raiser.

Kirsten: Where do you think you're going?

Seth: (sighs) What are you doing out here?

Kirsten: I'm taking a Newpsie break. Where are you going?

Seth: I'm not going anywhere.

Kirsten: (Warningly) Seth.

Seth: I'm going to juvie to visit Ryan.

Kirsten: No, no you are not. No way.

Seth: Okay, bye. (Turns to leave)

Kirsten: Seth. I know that I am not the perfect Carol Brady mom, but

I love you and I am trying to protect you. I have dropped all the

charges on him. I have hired somebody to find his mother. What more

do you want?

Seth: I would like you to go with me.

Julie: (opens the door) Kirsten? Oh, there you are. We're talking

about the bunting. Is acetate okay?

Kirsten: Sounds great. (Julie says okay and goes back inside) Give

me fifteen minutes to lose the ladies.


Cut to Marissa's bedroom. Marissa is sitting on her bed, dialing a

number on the phone, while Summer is trying on clothes in just her

bra and shorts.

Summer: Can I try this on?

Marissa: Hey, Summer, my dad's home, you know.

Summer: You say that like it's a bad thing.

Marissa: Oh, gross.

Summer: Your dad's always home these days. What's up with that?

She avoids the question when she hears the answering machine pick up

on the other end of the line.

Marissa: (into phone) Hey, Luke, it's me. I just...wanted to talk,

so call me. Um...please?

Summer: Still hasn't called you back? He was in lockup. Maybe he's

into dudes now.

Marissa laughs.

Summer: God, he loves you. He got in a fight and burnt a house down

over you. That's hot. What more do you need?

Marissa: How about talking to me?

Summer: Well, he'll get over it. He can't really think you're into

that Chino kid.

Marissa sighs and sits back.


Cut to Jimmy and Seth walking into a hallway of Jimmy's house.

Jimmy:'s your mother?

Seth: Uh, just...married.

Jimmy: (knocks on door) Marissa? You've got company.

The door moves open and Seth sees Summer standing there in her bra.

Seth: Oh, my god.

Jimmy: Sorry. (Walks away)

Seth: (grinning widely) Uh...Hi, Summer. Um, um...I'm Seth Cohen. I

live...I live right next door.

Marissa: (closes the door to block Summer from Seth's view) What's


Seth: I...what? Yes, what is up. Uh...I'm going to visit Ryan. I

thought, you know, maybe you'd like to come. I'm sure he'd love to

see you.

Marissa: (speaking loudly) Uh, what's that, Seth? Did you say you

need a ride to a Star Wars convention? (She walks into the hallway

with Seth and closes the door.)

Seth: The Star Wars convention? I'm sorry. Her top was off. You

couldn't have at least said "X-Men" for me?

Marissa: Look, I can't go with you. I can't see Ryan. I mean, Luke's

not talking to me as it is.

Seth: So what? Ryan's in jail. I thought we were all friends, and...

Marissa: It's's too complicated.

Seth: To visit him?

Marissa: I can't, okay?

Seth: Yeah. Fine. Whatever.

He walks away and Marissa watches him go.


Cut to Seth and Kirsten walking through the jail.

Kirsten: Let's just make this quick, okay?

Seth just nods.

We see Ryan walk into the visiting room and take a seat at one of

the tables. Kirsten signs them in and Seth walks into the visiting


Seth: Hey. What happened to your neck?

Ryan: It's...nothing.

Seth: You okay?

Ryan: Great.

Seth: So, I'm sorry the plan didn't work. I thought I had it figured

out. Thought you were safe.

Guy: Hey, what's the matter, huh? Give me a smile.

We see that the guy is the same one that had attacked Ryan and that

he is talking to Kirsten.

Seth: So, Marissa seemed pretty weird when I tried to talk to her.

What happened between you guys?

Guy: You got a nice swerve on you, lady. You fine.

Ryan: Hey, leave her alone.

Kirsten: Ryan, it's okay.

Guy: You jokin'. This your little honey? (Gets up and walks over to

them) Come here, bitch. I want to get a good look at you.

Kirsten: Seth, let's go. Now.

Seth: Uh, guard.

Guy: I only need, like, two minutes.

Ryan: Leave here alone.

Kirsten: Seth, now!

Guy: What you going to do about it, man?

Kirsten: Guards!

Ryan jumps out of his chair and slams the guy into the window.

Kirsten: Guard!

The guy punches Ryan and he falls to the ground.

Guy: I'm going to kill you, punk ass.

He keeps punching Ryan until the guards pull him away.

Guy: You're dead! You hear me? You dead!

Another guard pulls Ryan out of the room and Kirsten worriedly

watches him leave.


Cut to a black car pulling up into the Cohen's driveway. We watch as

Sandy walks down the hallway, where we hear a video game being


Sandy: Seth...what did we say? No video games.

He walks into the room and notices both Seth and Ryan are sitting on

the floor, playing the game.

Sandy: Oh.

Cut to Kirsten and Sandy in the kitchen.

Sandy: I never knew you to be an impulse shopper.

Kirsten: I didn't know what else to do.

Sandy: Did you tell him it was permanent?

Kirsten: No, of course not.

Sandy: 'Cause we can't keep jerking this kid around, pulling him out

of Juvie, sending him to foster care, giving him hope, and-and

taking it away.

Kirsten: They were going to kill him in that place, Sandy. He

couldn't stay there. But he can't stay here. We've got to find his


Sandy: He doesn't want to find her.

Kirsten: He's a kid. He doesn't know what he wants.

Ryan: (from behind them) So I guess I won't unpack.

Kirsten turns away from him and Ryan looks at them somewhat sadly.


Cut to Seth walking around in the kitchen, Batman comic book in

hand. Morning. He sits down at the counter as Ryan walks in.

Seth: Hey.

Ryan: Hey.

Seth: Help yourself to a wide assortment of breakfast cereals.

Ryan walks over and pours some cereal into a bowl.

Seth: So, Ryan, what exactly happened that night with Marissa before

Luke showed up?

Ryan: She came to see me.

Seth: And?

Ryan: And I told her to leave.

Seth: You asked her to leave? That's it? You two up there all alone

and you expect me to believe that.

Ryan: I thought I was taking off in the morning. It didn't seem


Seth: Well, I mean, you're still here. She lives next door.

Ryan: I don't know. I said some things.

Seth: So now's your chance to take it back.


Cut to Julie walking in on Marissa straightening her hair.

Julie: Hey, I'm off. They're waiting for me in the ballroom. Those

ladies can't do anything unless I'm there. You should come. It'll be

fun. Well, not fun, but it's for charity.

Marissa: No, thanks.

Julie: Marissa, honey, enough moping. It's very sweet that you're so

concerned about this boy, but he's in the system now. He's being

taken care of. And he's not your responsibility because he's in love

with you.

Marissa: He's not in love with me.

Julie: Why not? He thinks he's too good for you?

Marissa: Actually, he thinks I'm too good for him.

Julie: Well, he's right, but that's the past, and you need to focus

on the future, which means Luke. You've invested so much with Luke,

honey. Your relationship has too much potential to be squandered by

some silly misunderstanding. So I want you to finish your hair, put

on a nice top, and please come join me at the club, hmm?

Marissa: Okay. Thanks, mom.

Julie: It's what I'm here for. (She smiles and leaves)


Cut to Kirsten talking to Rosa.

Kirsten: I have to make some calls so if you could finish up in the

kitchen that would be terrific. (to Sandy) Where are you going?

Sandy: (coming down the stairs) I got an early court date. I'm in

and out of the office.

Kirsten: I have to set up for Casino Night. What about Ryan?

Sandy: I got two calls in to the private investigator about his


Kirsten: Yeah, but what am I supposed to do with him?

Sandy: Take him with you. Spend some time together.

Kirsten: With all those women there?

Sandy: Sure, they'll love him. (He leaves)


Cut to people setting up a room for the Casino Night.

Kirsten: Oh, hi, Julie.

Julie: Kirsten. Seth.

Kirsten: Julie, this is Ryan.

Julie: I'm Julie Cooper. I've heard so much about you.

Ryan: Nice to meet you, too.

Julie: There he is.

She walks over to Luke, who just walked into the door.

Luke: Hey, Mrs. Cooper.

Kirsten: Thanks for coming.

Luke: Yeah, you know, anything I can do to help make amends for what


Kirsten: Ryan, I forgot that he was coming. If you want to...

Ryan: No, I'm here. How can I help?

Julie: Well, now that we have our big strong, strapping men, time

for heavy lifting.

Cut to Seth blowing up a balloon with helium. Miranda sees Luke and

Ryan carrying over a table and walks over to Luke.

Marissa: Hey, I was hoping maybe we could talk.

Luke: Which one of us did you want to talk to? (He walks away)

Marissa: Luke, come on. (After a moment, she too walks away.)

Ryan: I'm sorry. I feel like ever since I've gotten here, I screwed

everything up.

Marissa: No, I'm sorry. It's my fault, too. I mean, I never should

have left Luke to see you that night. And those things. And those

things you said before...

Ryan: I didn't...

Marissa: You were right. We're from two different worlds. I'm glad

you're okay.

She walks away and Seth watches her. He turns to Ryan and soon

after, goes back to blowing up balloons.

Cut to Luke carrying chairs over to a table. As he sets them down,

Ryan approaches him with a big box of cards in his arms.

Ryan: Okay, what happened up at that house...

Luke: I don't want to hear about it. You and I have nothing to say

to each other. I don't know who you are or what you're doing here.

All I know is you and me, we're done.

Kirsten: Ok, boys. Uh, Ryan, why don't you come with me? New project.

Ryan grabs the box and follows her away.

Cut to Julie and her friend, Taryn, in a coffee shop. They've gotten

their coffees and go to sit at a table.

Julie: How dare they? This boy is violent. He's a menace. I mean,

they may forgive and forget, but I don't. Who's to say he won't do

it again?

We see that Sandy is also in the coffee shop, sitting at a table.

Taryn: You're right. You are right.

Julie: All I know is that the police are taking criminals off the

street and Sandy Cohen is putting them in my backyard.

Sandy looks up at the mention of his name.

Taryn: How does she put up with it?

Julie: Who, Kirsten? She's never home. She's always working,

building her empire, whatever.

Taryn: I feel sorry for her. Dr. Phil did a show on mothers who

avoid their home lives by becoming workaholics. It's so sad.

Sandy gets up and walks over to their table.

Julie: I just hope she has a vault. And she keeps her jewels locked

up. She has some very expensive brooches.

Sandy: Hey, ladies. Care if I join you? Ooh. (He takes a piece of

Julie's muffin and eats it.) Mind? So, I couldn't help but overhear.

Julie: I...well, I hope you're not...

Sandy: Mad? Offended? No. I am disappointed. And frankly, I'm a

little surprised. This is supposed to be a community that welcomes

outsiders. I mean, me--I'm all the way from the Bronx, and you're

from, what, Riverside, right? Which is not that different really,

from where Ryan's from. (Cell phone rings) Excuse me a minute. (He

answers it) Hello. Yeah. Dawn, that's her. Uh huh. (He starts

writing something on a napkin.) Good job. Okay, bye. (Hangs up the

phone) Thanks for the muffin.

He leaves and Julie looks anything but happy.

Julie: Can I have a napkin...Now?


Cut back to Kirsten, who's now talking on the phone.

Kirsten: What am I supposed to do with 120,000 pounds of concrete?

Get a new mixer. Just call me when you know. (Hangs up)

Ryan: What do you do exactly? Real estate or construction?

Seth: Dude, don't ask.

Kirsten: I tried to explain it to Seth once and he fell asleep half

way through.

Seth: Okay, but, uh...yeah, that's pretty much true.

Ryan: Try me.

Seth groans and walks away.

Kirsten: My dad is in real estate development. He owns the Newport


Ryan: Wow, you guys built the mall, the Pacific Auditorium, baseball

stadium, stuff like that.

Kirsten: Mm-hmm. And I'm in charge of residential development.

Ryan: So, you deal with the contractors, the architects, planning

and zoning commission.

Kirsten: How did you know?

Ryan: I worked construction a couple summers. And I used to want to

be an architect.

Kirsten: What do you want to be now?

Ryan: 17.

Kirsten: (laughs) Me too.


Cut to Jimmy lying down on the sofa, watching T.V. Julie walks in.

Jimmy: Hey, I thought you were setting up at the um...

She grabs the remote and turns the T.V. off.

Kirsten: You will not believe what Sandy Cohen said to me. He

basically called me white trash. He said I was from Riverside.

Jimmy: Honey, you are from Riverside.

Julie: It was his tone. Compared me to that boy who started the

fire. And to bring him to our function--Kirsten is out of control.

What, she thinks the rules don't apply to her? Now, I know you were

young, but how you ever dated that woman, I will never understand. I

have half a mind to call her and tell her...

Jimmy: Leave Kirsten alone. She's the one paying our bills.

Julie: What are you talking about?

Jimmy: You know that...problem I was having at work? Well...she

solved it.

Julie: You went to Kirsten for a handout? Jimmy, how do you think

this makes us look?

Jimmy: I really wouldn't call it a handout.

Julie: Oh, really? What would you call it?

Jimmy: (sighs) A hundred thousand dollars.

He walks away and she stares at him, shocked


Cut to a laundromat. A woman is having trouble with a machine, so

she walks over to a blonde lady.

Woman: That machine ate my change.

Dawn: Okay, okay. That one's always broken. Here you go. Try the

next one over.

Dawn walks over to another machine as Sandy walks into the


Sandy: Dawn Atwood? Sandy Cohen, Ryan's attorney. I'd love to talk

to you.

Dawn: Can't talk. Stupid thing's stuck.

Sandy: It'll only take a couple of minutes.

Dawn: Damnit!

She dropped the box of quarters she had and goes to the ground to

pick them up.

Dawn: How is he?

Sandy: Why don't we grab a cup of coffee and talk about it.


Cut to the car driving up the driveway. Kirsten, Seth, and Ryan walk

into the house.

Kirsten: There are some great historical homes in the area and we

can always go on an architectural tour.

Seth: Yeah, those things are awesome.

Ryan: Yeah, I'd like that.

They start walking when Ryan notices Sandy and Dawn talking in the

living room. She stands up.

Dawn: Hey, Ry.


Cut to everyone sitting at the dinner table. Rosa goes around

serving the food.

Kirsten: Thank you, Rosa.

Dawn: Um...thanks.

Sandy: No, thank you, Rosa.

Everyone is quiet.

Sandy: So, Dawn, how long you been working at the laundromat?

Dawn: Uh, not long. Just a couple of weeks.

Ryan: What happened to the restaurant?

Dawn: Um...they were making cutbacks.

Ryan: You got fired.

Dawn: Well, it was for the best. They had rats, cockroaches.


Seth goes to take a bite of food, but puts it back down.

Ryan: You seen Trey?

Dawn: Uh, went to visit him at the prison. He wouldn't see me.

Kirsten: Where are you living these days?

Dawn: With friends. I'm between places right now.

Kirsten: Why don't you stay here tonight?

Ryan: What about A.J.?

Dawn: No. I broke up with him. We're through. No more. I put up with

too much. He laid his hands on me and Ryan too many times.

Ryan: Mom?

Dawn: What? I'm just saying...he was a bad influence, you

know...with his drinking and...

Ryan: 'Cause A.J. was the problem?

Dawn: Hey, I haven't touched a drop since I dumped his sorry ass

last week. The scum he used to bring into the house, and his whole

coke thing.

Ryan angrily gets up from the table and starts to leave.

Dawn: Where are you going?

Ryan: It was bad enough living through it the first time.

Dawn: Ryan, wait, sweetie. I...sorry.

She gets up also and goes after him.

Cut to Ryan and Dawn in the living room area.

Dawn: Will you at least talk to me?

Ryan: What are you even doing here?

Dawn: I came...for you.

Ryan: Why? What do you want from me? You left a note. A note.

Dawn: Okay, let me explain...

Ryan: You abandoned me. You threw me out. You just took off.

Dawn: I know, honey. I was...and A.J., and...the drinking,

and...It's going to be different now.

Ryan: That's what you said when we moved from Fresno after dad got


Dawn: I'm going to be different now. We have a chance to start over,

babe. I mean, we've never had people like them, you know, who wanted

to help us.

Ryan: Right. So, someone offers you a nice place to stay, and

suddenly, you're all about the mom thing? (He walks over to the

window sadly)

Dawn: I didn't know what I was doing when I married your dad. I was

to young when I had your brother. But with you... You were always

the smart one. You know? The good one. When you got arrested...I

knew I'd failed, were my last hope. I should go.

Ryan: Wait.

She walks towards him, but he steps away.

Dawn: You ever going to forgive me, Kiddo?

Ryan: Let's just go slow, okay?

Dawn: (She smiles.) Okay. Whatever you want. I'm not going to lose

you again.


Cut to outside where Kirsten is sitting at a table and Seth is

cleaning out the pool. Day.

Seth: So, where'd they go, anyways?

Kirsten: I don't know. Out.

Seth: All right. So, we'll just wait for Happy Hour to end, and...

Kirsten: Seth, we need to be supportive. She seems like she's trying.

Seth: Yeah, but how do you know? I mean, this woman abandoned him,

and now all she has to do is show up? Mom, she should be the one

that's on probation, not Ryan.

Kirsten: What do you want me to do? Invite her to stay so we can

keep an eye on her?

Seth: Yes, that is exactly what I want you to do.

We hear laughing and Ryan and Dawn show up behind them.

Dawn: (sighs) What a beautiful walk. The water's so warm. Not that

Ryan would know. You used to love going in the water.

Ryan: Not with all my clothes on.

Dawn: Ah. I'm an embarrassment to my son.

Kirsten: Welcome to my world.

Dawn: Well...we should probably head out soon.

Kirsten: Actually, I was thinking. just got here, you have

nowhere to stay, and we're all just getting to know each other.

Seth: We're having a party tonight.

Kirsten: Right.

Dawn: Not for me. Thanks, though.

Kirsten: Vegas Night.

Dawn: Vegas, huh? Well, it's very kind of you to offer, but no. I

don't have anything to wear.

Kirsten: (getting up) Oh, we'll find something.

She walks off and Dawn looks to Ryan, who just shrugs.


Cut to Ryan doing the dishes. Sandy walks in.

Sandy: Hey! Kirsten does the same thing--washes the dishes before

putting them in the dishwasher. I never know whether they're clean

or dirty.

Ryan: We never had a dishwasher.

Sandy: So, how's everything going?

Ryan: Okay, I guess. We had a good day.

Sandy: You know, you being with your mother doesn't mean we're not

going to still see each other.

Ryan: She really likes it here. She talked about finding someplace the numbered streets.

Kirsten and Dawn walk up, Dawn wearing a black dress.

Dawn: do I look?

Ryan smiles at her and she smiles back.


Cut to Vegas Night. Sandy signs them in and he walks over to

Kirsten, escorting her inside. Dawn and Ryan follow.

Dawn: All their parties like this?

Ryan: Pretty much.

Dawn: Well... Let's clean 'em out, kid.

Julie: Kirsten! Another perfect event.

Sandy: (to Jimmy) So, business is good?

Jimmy: Yeah, it's good. It's good.

Kirsten: (to Julie) I love your dress.

Julie: You do? It's yours.

Kirsten: Um...hi.

Jimmy hugs her.

Sandy: Would you like a drink?

Kirsten: I'd love one.

Sandy and Kirsten walk away and Taryn walks over to them.

Taryn: It's all fabulous, just fabulous!

Kirsten: Oh, thank you.

Julie: (to Jimmy) How much did you get for the hug?


Cut to Ryan and Dawn at a blackjack table. She puts down two stacks

of chips.

Ryan: Betting kind of big, mom?

Dawn: Well, it's for charity. Besides, the count's way positive.

Ryan: You're counting? It's not a single deck.

Dawn: Oh honey, if I teach you anything in this world...the count

goes way higher with multiple decks.

Dealer: Blackjack

Dawn: Whoo! See, honey? My luck's turning around already.

She wins again.

Dawn: Yes! (Laughing) That's beautiful. I told you we could do it. I

told you, too.

Kirsten notices them laughing together and she smiles.

Dawn: (stops waitress) Excuse me. Uh...Tonic water and lime, please.

She grabs the chips and hands them to Ryan.

Dawn: My boy. Lucky for him, he's got my brains.

Marissa and Ryan look at each other, and Dawn notices this.

Dawn: Go! Have fun...with your friend. I'll be fine. You don't have

to baby-sit me.

He pats her lightly on the shoulder and leaves. We pan down to her

hand to see it shaking.


Cut to Ryan walking over to Marissa.

Ryan: Hey

Marissa: Hi. So, is that your mom?

Ryan: Yeah.

Marissa: She came back, so I guess that means you're going home.

Ryan: Yeah, I guess.

Marissa: Well, good luck with everything.

Ryan: You too. Have a nice life.

They look over to see Luke staring at them angrily.

Ryan: You should go.

She leaves.


Cut to Seth walking. A pair of red dice falls to the ground and he

bends down to pick them up. When he looks back up, Summer is

standing there, looking at him.

Seth: Hi, Summer. Seth Cohen.

Summer: I'm superstitious. Blow on these.

Seth: What?

Summer: (holds out dice in her hand) Blow.

He blows on them and she throws them onto the table. She wins.

Summer: My god! (Grabs dice) Do it again.

He blows on them and she wins again.

Summer: (screams and pulls him towards the table) You're not going

anywhere, Sid.

Seth: Seth.

Summer: Whatever.

Seth: (happily) Okay.

Summer: (holds out dice) Blow.

He blows on them again and she throws them.


Cut to Luke playing a slot machine. Marissa walks up.

Marissa: You can't just not talk to me.

Luke: Watch me.

He walks away and she walks after him.

Marissa: It's not like you're totally innocent in all this. I mean,

you didn't have to attack him.

Luke: What was I supposed to do? You left me to go up there for him.

Marissa: It's not like that. It was a mistake.

Luke: Hell, yeah.

He walks away. Ryan looks at Marissa and she turns away.


Cut to Julie walking up to Sandy.

Julie: Hi, Sandy.

Sandy: Hey, Julie.

Julie: I came to apologize and say thank you. The check that you

guys gave Jimmy. You never know who your friends are until you're in

need. And we needed that hundred grand.

Sandy: It was our pleasure. You can't take it with you.

Julie giggles and walks away. Behind them, we see Luke walking. Ryan

goes up to him.

Luke: What do you want?

Ryan: Nothing happened...with Marissa and me.

Luke: Now, I don't want to talk about it.

Ryan: No, listen. She chose you. You're the one she wants.

Ryan walks away.


Cut to Sandy. As he's walking, he sees Kirsten and Jimmy laughing

and talking together. Behind him, Dawn walks up to the bar.

Dawn: Can I get a Seven and Seven, please? Nerves. Tough game of


Kirsten sees Dawn getting her drink.

Dawn: Thank you. (Takes the drink and sips)

Jimmy: Oh, you know what? How 'bout dessert?

Kirsten: (talking to Jimmy) We could...yeah, we could have a little


Dawn: Always does the trick.

She takes another sip as Kirsten watches her.


Cut to Seth and Summer at the game table. She rolls the dice and

wins again.

Summer: (hugs him) You rock, Stanley.

Seth: (smiling) Oh...(blows on dice)


Cut to Marissa at a slot machine. She turns to leave, but Luke stops


Luke: Hey. Let's try again.

They place their hands on the handle and pull down.


Cut to Dawn at the game table.

Dawn: Oh crap. Goddamn luck, huh? Well, pony up, honey. Don't be shy.

She notices her glass is empty and gets a glass of champagne from

the waiter.

Dawn: My new best friend. Thank you.

Kirsten sees Dawn with another drink and walks up to her.

Kirsten: Um, don't you think you've had enough?

Dawn: Oh. You're right. (Puts the drink down) I've just got to learn

to celebrate without the sauce.

Kirsten: Well, no one said it was going to be easy.

Sandy: (walks up to Kirsten) Could we talk? It's important.

Kirsten: Of course. Excuse us.

Dawn: Sure

Once they're gone, Dawn picks up the glass and finishes the drink.


Cut to Jimmy sitting at a table. Julie walks up.

Julie: You want to hear something so funny?

Jimmy: Always.

Julie: Sandy Cohen had no idea Kirsten wrote you that check. Imagine

being so rich you don't tell your husband you're giving away

$100,000 dollars.

Jimmy: (gets up) All right, you know what?

Julie: Who needs chips? You've got Kirsten.

Jimmy: What'd you say to him?

Julie: You don't even care how this makes me feel--that you went to


Jimmy: I didn't have any choice. You didn't want to talk about it. I

was trying to save us. Our family was in trouble.

Julie: Looks like we're not the only ones.

Cut to Sandy and Kirsten, talking.

Sandy: A hundred thousand dollars? It's more than I make in a year.

She walks away so that they're both outside.

Kirsten: It's just a loan. Of my money.

Sandy: It's not the money. It's that you never told me.

Kirsten: I know. I don't know why.

Sandy: I've got a couple of ideas. Let me take you on a little

journey through my neuroses for the past hour or so.

Kirsten: Sandy, I promise, it was just a loan. There's nothing more

to it. He was in trouble. There was no one else he could tell.

Sandy: So what's your excuse?

Jimmy: (opens the door and walks over to them) Sandy, uh, I don't

know what Julie said to you.

Sandy: I'm trying to have a private conversation with my wife.


Cut to Ryan standing by the bar. Seth walks up and slams his money


Seth: Two Mountain Dews, my good man. Thank you, Ryan. Greatest

night ever. It's like one of those nights when the stars and the

cosmos and the moons align, and it's just like, wow. Thank you.

How's your mom doing?

Ryan: High rolling. She was made for this place.

Seth: Yeah? Then maybe this could work.

Ryan: Yeah? Maybe.

Summer: Rabbit's foot. Vamos nos.

Seth: By the end of the night, she might know my first name. Duty


Summer scoffs and walks away, Seth walking after her.


Cut back to outside.

Jimmy: Look, I'm sorry.

We hear Dawn laughing from inside and se wobbles a bit, steadying

herself with the table.

Dawn: Hold up. Oh!

She trips and lands on the waiter, both falling to the ground.

Waiter: What the hell is your problem?

Dawn: What's my problem? What's your problem? Just back off. Uh,

Ryan, I must've tripped. It's these damn shoes. Oops. Hello.

She starts giggling as everyone stares at her.

Seth: (to Summer) Here. Good luck. (He walks away to help.)

Guy: Dude, that lady is wasted.

Second Guy: I bet you could bang her.

Marissa: Hey, shut up.

Dawn: Why don't you just quit staring and help me up, okay? Get me

up! Help me up!

Luke goes over to help.

Dawn: Finally!

Sandy: (to Seth) Why don't you go get the car? (to Dawn) What, maybe

you had one too many?

Dawn: Well, I...

She notices everyone staring at her.

Dawn: What are you looking at? Where's Ryan?

Ryan: Hey.

Dawn: Ryan?

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