MAN: Let's go, let's go! MAN: Redcoats! Redcoats are coming! REDCOAT: Stop in the name of the throne! You're certain this is the right place? Quite certain, Captain.
Secure that door.
What door? Man the door.
Sir with all due respect General Washington's orders were firm.
Bring back the crate and you.
Man the door.
Captain, this way.
In the name of the Virginia militia, we claim this cargo.
Step aside.
(Speaking German) (Grunts) CRANE: Surviving death, separated by time, tests the bonds of love.
The moment I saw her, I knew the bravest love is born again with each new day.
The kind of love that makes the mundane a marvel, that bewilders with its magnificence.
Until fate's cruel hand intervened.
And in the blink of an eye, Katrina was lost to me.
WOMAN: (Crying) I am so, so sorry.
I offer this tale, no matter how cruelly he may have treated you, to suggest that you do not give up.
Nor give into anything less than certainty in matters of the heart.
No one's ever s-said it like that.
Thank you.
It is I who should thank you, kind woman, for unlocking this vehicle from afar.
And showing me how the entertainment system operates.
Farewell, Yolanda.
Thank you for calling NorthStar Assistance.
(Beep) (Alarm blaring) ABBIE: Crane.
Jenny escaped.
IRVING: You want me to call off the search and give your sister a head start? I'm asking you to give me a head start so this doesn't escalate.
She's been here a year and a half with a release in six months.
Why risk everything now without a good reason? (Laughs) You're attributing reason? Jenny's psych reports characterize her as disciplined and methodical.
Jenny does not do random.
Then for my money, that makes her even scarier.
You come visit your sister yesterday, Crane talks to her for all of five minutes, and tonight she escapes.
What the hell did you say to her? I merely informed the lady there'd been a series of murders in Sleepy Hollow, and she might be helpful to our investigation.
Well, that is just great.
My opinion, though admittedly not a professional one, is that Miss Jennifer Mills is a brilliant misunderstood woman, haunted by a past she's struggling to understand.
Yet her past is precisely what makes her valuable to us.
Due respect, Crane, if I were her, you're the last guy I'd want vouching for my sanity.
ABBIE: Sir, you want facts.
We've had four dead bodies in two weeks.
That is a disturbing average by anyone's count.
And all of them barely explainable.
And how does this relate to your sister's escape? I don't know.
But it does.
And enough to make her run.
That is why you need me.
If I can get her to tell us what she thinks is happening here, maybe we can get ahead of this.
I just need you to buy me a little bit of time.
You got 12 hours.
Then she's on a nationwide warrant.
Boom, boom, boom, boom Oh, ho, ho, ho Mmm, mmm, mmm Mm-hmm, hmm, hmm I love to see you strut Up and down the floor When you're talking to me I think you earned this.
I need my things, Wendel.
Been burning a hole in my safe since you left it.
Thanks, I owe you one.
You owe me nothing.
Except an explanation would be nice.
Remember when I told you one day this town was gonna go straight to hell? I hate being right.
Left hand down.
Always the left hand will save you.
(Phone vibrating) Please continue from here The ninth measure.
MALE VOICE: (Digitally altered) Jennifer Mills has escaped.
We have reason to believe she knows where item 37 is located.
You will find her and then retrieve item 37.
A cleanup crew will arrive to assist your search.
They have a list of her known associates.
Hang up if you understand.
(Door opens) (Door closes) Can I help you? My associates and I seek a woman who may have entered your establishment, yes? Jennifer Mills? Never heard of her, fella.
A lot of women come in here.
You guys got to go.
Lies require commitment, Mr.
Are you quite certain you're committed to your course? I assure you I am.
Well, I'll tell you what.
You all walk out of here, and I won't redecorate this place with your face.
Son of a bitch.
Jennifer Mills.
She was here, yes? (Gasping) Yes, yes, she was here.
Excellent start.
However progress requires suffering to evolve.
Go to hell.
(Clicking tongue) No need for that, Mr.
In due time, hell will come to us.
(Screaming) ABBIE: No.
Listen to me.
I already have a copy of the impound report.
I haven't spoken with the other officer, or I would've directed my questions to them instead of you.
Your sister bears an inglorious list of prior convictions.
Weapons charges.
Breaking and entering.
She never did do anything halfway.
I want to know where she dumped the car, were there any recent GTAs in the area, carjack reports, and what direction she was going.
I'll hold.
It seems when she wasn't incarcerated, she was traveling the world.
There are records of journeys to Mexico, Guatemala, Nepal someplace called Somalia.
It's a country in Africa.
Not exactly known for its law and order.
She would've fit right in.
Why would someone travel to such exotic locales and then return to Sleepy Hollow if all that awaited her here - was potential incarceration? - I don't know.
It's not like she had to come back for family reunions.
A personal query, if I may.
Where was your family during all this? This is the perfect time to ask me about my childhood.
No, those dates were two weeks ago, I need today.
That is what I meant by "recently.
" Call me back.
Dad bailed when we were kids.
Mom had a nervous breakdown a few years later.
The state dumped us in foster care.
So, question answered.
(Papers ruffling) (Hangs up phone) After the age of 12, you had one foster home and Miss Jenny had seven.
I raise it merely to note she resided in her last home for nearly a full year.
Perhaps these charitable souls possess some information that might help us locate her.
(Truck horn blares) (Indistinct radio transmissions) Definitely not a robbery.
Till's still loaded.
There's a bank deposit bag full of cash and last night's receipts.
Whatever it was, it was personal.
You might want to check your breakfast, boss.
What do you got up there? My guess is somebody played a little hardball and then made a piñata out of him.
And a paperweight.
Just like Corbin and the Reverend.
The wounds aren't cauterized.
Corbin's and the Reverend's were.
Markings on the torso, face This man was tortured first.
Based on the blood pattern, head was taken after the fact, not as the killing blow.
Aside from the beheading, the M.
is completely different.
I want to know the second Forensics has anything, on my cell phone only.
Let's stay off the radio on this one.
You expecting more of this? (Chuckles) In this town? What do you think? (Barking) LUANNE: Jenny was trouble.
I remember that much.
Someone push her buttons, whoo-ee, she went off.
And I had to plead her case to the school superintendent or the sheriff.
You spoke to Sheriff Corbin about her? Ralphie, shut up! (Barking stops) Corbin's the one that caught her shoplifting.
He let her off, though.
She claimed they'd never met.
To be honest, maybe a little hard jail time would've straightened her out.
Troubled kids, they need discipline and order.
That's what I give 'em.
ABBIE: The government pays you a monthly stipend for every child you take in, does it not? Trust me, it ain't enough.
Must be a hardship.
If you're implying that I'm taking advantage of the situation I'm not implying, I'm declaring.
That girl is sleeping on the floor in violation of your conservatorship contract and about ten state laws.
Bags under her eyes, dry skin, all symptoms of malnutrition, and yet somehow you have enough money to put a brand-new car in the driveway.
How is that? I put a roof over your sister's head when no one else would.
Nobody wanted her.
You have one choice right now.
That is to tell me something, anything that will help me find her, or so help me, I will rain legal brimstone down on you so hard it will make God jealous.
She used to take off and go up to Trout Lake, about four miles north of here.
Said there was a cabin up there, - belonged to a friend.
What friend? I got no idea.
Expect a call from Family Services.
Shutting you down.
And get that girl some food.
She told me about you.
The "good" sister that just walked away.
Who you really mad at here, girly? Me or you? (Door creaking) What are you doing? Old habits die hard.
How fortuitous.
An officer of the law with a criminal past.
Imagine the delinquency we could perpetrate if we really put our minds to it.
Lieutenant This home belonged to Sheriff Corbin.
Your sister? Oh, my God.
I know.
She lied to me.
It appears they were quite close.
You have no idea.
Put it down.
You put it down.
I'm not gonna ask you twice.
Neither am I.
Well this is awkward.
You gonna shoot me? - Why do you think that we walk through the door instead of the SWAT team? I bought you time.
You need to trust me.
Trust is the last thing you're getting from me.
You have no idea what we're dealing with here.
Jenny, I'm trying to make things right.
Give me a break! It's so much easier for you to stick your head in the sand, pretend what's right in front of you isn't really happening.
Maybe I ought to leave you here so you can bury your damn self! JENNY: Yeah, 'cause you're good at Enough! If your familial ties meant so little to you, you'd spend far less effort baiting her into a fight just to stoke your misguided pride.
And you Do make some effort not to be such an easy target.
Now drop your weapons, both of you.
Nice to see you again, British Guy.
My name is Ichabod Crane.
How long was Sheriff Corbin in your life? What, he didn't tell you? No, he did not.
The man had secrets.
I just never knew you were one of them.
Well, unlike certain people, he believed me.
I helped him obtain rare objects, dig for information and find answers.
He sent you traveling? Why? I knew you especially wouldn't understand.
Corbin sent me here.
When? He came to visit me the night before he died.
Never saw him in such a state.
He felt something was coming for him.
And when I asked him what, all he said was "Death.
" My God.
(Shrieks) He told me that if it turned out to be true, I had to come here and get something, something that he needed me to keep safe.
A sextant.
For mapping sea travel.
I never heard Corbin talk about it before.
Until the night before he died, right? JENNY: The man was scared.
That's all I know.
May I? These markings, I've seen them.
Before the war in Boston.
We received word the Redcoats had acquired a device a weapon whose power could turn the tide of the war - in favor of the British.
Wait a minute.
Is he kidding? Five-second recap.
Revolutionary soldier.
His wife put a spell on him and he wakes up two centuries later, now he's here.
How's that for believing? Which regiment? The 37th.
Commanding officer? Colonel Jonathan Brewer, under the command of General George Washington.
If Washington knew the precise nature of the weapon we were sent to steal, he certainly didn't tell us.
We tracked the secret weapon to a shipping warehouse at Boston Harbor.
As the British import tax on tea was at an all-time high, I devised a diversion to gain entry.
The Boston Tea Party? You're not telling me this.
With the help of a local politician and ally in Boston, Mr.
Samuel Adams.
ABBIE: You invented the Boston Tea Party so that you could steal something from the British? At the time, it was referred to as "The destruction of the tea.
" You've coined a far more festive name.
Unfortunately, my plans to acquire the weapon did not proceed smoothly.
Let's get what we came for.
The soldier guarding it was a Hessian.
ABBIE: Like the Horseman.
JENNY: As in "the" Horseman? One story at a time.
The Hessian took his own life to protect the weapon.
No! I alone was spared.
(Gasping) I saw what it was they sent us to claim.
A chest made of stone, therefore protected from the blast, covered in markings identical to this.
I summoned a detachment to ferry the chest back to Washington in secret.
That was the last I ever saw of it.
You never saw what was inside? - Whatever it was, it warranted the deploying of Hessians to guard it.
German soldiers loyal to the British crown, known for their ruthlessness in combat.
They sound fun.
Why is the sextant connected to that chest? Like many artifacts from my era, this sextant is much more than it appears.
A torch, a torch.
It's a projector hidden within the design of a sextant.
Washington, an avid cartographer himself, had them crafted to hide weapons on the battlefield.
Looks like an old survey map.
Of Sleepy Hollow.
But from my era.
I believe it pinpoints the whereabouts of our mystery chest.
Get down! (Gunfire) (Automatic gunfire) (Gunfire continues) Don't move! The sextant.
They've taken it.
Uzi pistol military specs.
That's a lot of gun for Sleepy Hollow.
What's in the chest? Answer me.
My turn.
What the hell are you doing? - This man tried to kill us.
I am telling you to back down! - Oh.
You want a feather? - We can tickle it out of him? - Ladies.
(Sighs) (Speaking German) Like the Horseman before him, he's a Hessian.
Still at it after two centuries.
It appears time hasn't diminished the Hessian's fascination with ancient artifacts.
(Speaks German) Your German is exceptional.
As is your tenacity.
What's in the box? A doorway to the seventh circle of Hell, where 72 condemned souls wait upon a shore of flaming sand.
A flair for the dramatic, I see.
The Book of Revelation is dramatic.
For the two witnesses of what has to come.
JENNY: The Lesser Key of Solomon.
That's what you're talking about, right? Are we all having the same conversation here? It's a legend.
About a book of black magic written by King Solomon, filled with rituals that can conjure 72 demons he trapped in Hell.
Are we to understand this book itself is a key? Capable of unleashing these demons into our world? JENNY: It was found 12 centuries later by the Knights Templar during the Crusades.
Hidden away somewhere.
And thanks to your efforts, within our grasp at last.
That is never gonna happen.
You continue to misunderstand.
These hours are the final movements of a symphony written centuries ago.
And all the while, we've been hiding here in Sleepy Hollow.
Living ordinary, quiet lives as we pass your manicured lawns smiling amicable smiles.
One, two, three.
We're your neighbors.
Perhaps even your friends.
Yet underneath the skin, unhindered by conscience, compassion, remorse Security video placed the murder scene car at this address.
Prints at the scene are a match for the car and the premises.
The man's a music teacher.
What the hell is happening here? Detectives.
How many of you are there? GUNTHER: Even I don't know.
And that's the whole point.
But I assure you, we are everywhere.
Growing stronger preparing for the inevitable knowing our cause is just.
Sleeper cells always have someone at the top.
One person who controls the board, who knows the endgame, who moves all the chess pieces around.
You have already met him Miss Grace Abigail Mills.
You all have.
You, Miss Jennifer Mills and Mr.
Ichabod Crane.
How do you know my name? - He told me.
Who? He's inside of you.
In your hearts, in your minds.
He's been there since he appeared to you that day in the forest.
He summoned the Horseman.
And with each dark spirit he brings into our world, his grand design gets stronger.
He wants you to understand.
Tell me his name! My brothers have the map, and soon the doorway will open, and my task will be completed.
(Speaking German) There's something in his mouth.
There's something in his mouth! CRANE: Hold him, hold him! (Choking) (Groans) CRANE: Oh, no, no! ABBIE: A cyanide pill.
(Sighs) What did he say? (Repeats German phrase) It means, "Moloch shall rise.
" No cell phone, no wallet, nothing to track him with.
This is Lieutenant Mills.
I need Captain Irving immediately.
This is a priority request Have you lost your mind? You're talking on a cell phone after what he just told us? ABBIE: This is a crime scene.
That is a dead body.
His friends are already on their way.
JENNY: There are others out there just like him.
We have to assume they are everywhere.
Trust no one.
Not the cops, not your boss.
This is out of control, Jenny.
We can't do this by ourselves.
No, look.
They were tracking me.
You got to trust me on this, okay? We need to do this ourselves.
That is not the way - that we are doing this.
Oh, come on.
You cannot hide behind your badge this time, okay? If it weren't for me, you would have half the National Guard - on your ass right now.
Maybe I do.
You need to rethink - Jenny I'm trying to concentrate! Mill Pond.
Philipsburg Manor House.
Wh You You remember it? He has a photographic memory.
Once I've seen an image, recalling it is a rather simple matter.
North was that way.
JENNY: Mm-mm.
No, north is by the river.
Wait, I know where the river is.
We used to swim there every Sunday.
I remember there was a church.
The Dutch Reformed Church.
Southwest here.
Uh here.
The last known whereabouts of the Lesser Key of Solomon.
Let's go get this damn thing.
(Wings fluttering) Here.
May I inquire where you received your combat training? You're quite gifted.
Weapons and demo training in Mexico.
Sent a drug czar home in a box.
Insurgent tactics in South Sudan.
Warlords were stealing people's food.
And women.
So you're a freedom fighter, then? I kind of learned long ago that if you don't fight for the things you stand for, you don't really stand for them.
Well, she does make a compelling Don't.
(Speaking German) (Deep rumbling) (Wind whistling, demons hissing) Back away! Show me your hands! (Both grunting) (Gasping) (Demons roaring) (Yells) (Demons roaring) Drop the book or your sister dies! Don't do it, Abbie! Don't do it! - Lieutenant! - MAN: Drop the book! Now! You got it.
No! (Demons roaring) They left without a farewell.
How impolite.
(Door opens) I never got a chance to ask.
What's with you and Prince William? You remember how Mom used to drag us to Bible study, make us memorize passages? Chapter and verse.
How much do you remember in Revelation? "And I will give power "to my two witnesses, and they will prophesy for 1,260 days.
" Revelation, chapter 11.
You're telling me that's you and him.
I know it's it's impossible to believe, but I believe everything.
Here's one for you.
Psalm 94:1.
"O Lord, the God of vengeance, let your glorious justice shine forth.
" It's poetic, isn't it? You turn your back on everything, and now you're picked to fight the good fight.
Are you just gonna keep punishing me forever? I plan on it, yeah.
Maybe that's what this is.
It's my punishment for turning my back on you.
People say that, uh, things happen for a reason.
I haven't found one yet.
'Cause we lost everything in the forest that day.
Our childhood, for a while, our sanity.
We lost each other, Jenny.
And I need you to know that I see who you really are.
And I'm proud of you.
We're all the family that we have left.
You and me.
That's it.
So I can't take back what I did.
But I can try to make it right.
What is this? Paperwork granting me limited conservatorship over you and your legal affairs.
They'll appoint you an attorney.
We have to go to court, but if they say yes, I can get you out of there in less than six months.
It's a psychiatric hospital.
I escaped.
What the hell are you gonna say that's gonna convince anyone of anything? They can't afford to let the state know.
Otherwise, it'd mean that their security is incompetent, they can't control their patients.
Long story short, you are a problem that they do not need.
And I believe that we can work together to get some answers, some real answers, for once.
Corbin said that one day you'd be back.
When you were ready.
Asked me to find a way to forgive you.
I said I didn't think I could.
I'm sorry that it took me so long to find you.
Miss Mills.
The Hessian's final words were, "Moloch shall rise.
" The name is referenced in several theological texts, notably Milton's Paradise Lost.
"First Moloch, horrid King besmear'd with blood of human sacrifice, and parents tears.
" So called as the God-Demon of child sacrifice who led a revolt of fellow demons against Heaven.
This is the creature you saw in the forest, Miss Mills.
The one who controls the Horseman, who guards Katrina.
And now we know his name.