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Previously on "Once Upon a Time"...

Zelena: I'm powerless.

Regina's got my pendant.

Emma: Want to meet your new uncle?

I saw Regina take your dagger.

She gave it to Belle.

If she has the dagger, you'll have to do what she wishes.

But she doesn't. Belle has a fake.

[ Gasps ]

[ Whoosh ]

Has your power returned now that Zelena's been defeated?

No. I won't need it in New York.

[ Birds chirping ]

Woman: All right, everyone, back inside. Come on.

Back inside. It's almost dinnertime.

[ Engine turns over ]

Don't worry.

You'll find a home, too, Emma.

David: He's a handsome boy.

Mary Margaret: [ Chuckling ]

Stop. You're going to spoil him.

Emma, you okay?


Yeah, of course.

You guys gonna finally tell me the name of my little brother?

Or should I just keep calling him "hey, there"?

Oh... [Scoffs]

well, the thing is...there's sort of this... tradition.

Back in the Enchanted Forest, when any royal is born, you usually announce the name

at a coronation ceremony.

We would have done it with you if we could have.

You're not gonna hold him out in front of the clock tower and present him like lion king, are you?

[ Laughing ] Of course not.

In fact, we've decided to forego all pomp and circumstance for a nice... potluck at Granny's.

The important thing is to mark the occasion, remind ourselves that after

all that we've been through, we're still together... as a family.

[ Door closes ]

Hey. Check it out.

I think I found us a place.

You're looking for apartments?

What do you think?

Yeah, Emma, what do you think?

I think your grandparents can't decide what to name your Uncle, and they are using a fairy-tale tradition

to try to buy themselves some time.

[ Chuckles ]

[ Birds chirping ]

[ Fire crackling ]

Robin Hood: To the return of your heart.

[ Glasses clink ]

So... how does it feel?

Stronger than ever.


What is it?

[ Voice breaking ]

I just never thought I'd have this.

[ Laughs ]

After I... lost my wife, I felt like that for a long time.

Her death was my fault.

I'm sorry.

I would have walked through hell to be with my Marian again.

But when I finally admitted to myself that she was gone and that she was never coming back...

I had to let that guilt go.

My first love, Daniel, was killed because of me.

Because he loved me.

And that's why you never wanted to open yourself up again.

Tinker Bell told me it was possible...

I could love again.

And she led me to this tavern to a man who she said I was destined to be with.

I never saw his face.


...I did see his tattoo.

It was me?


I was just too scared to approach you.

[ Chuckles ]

Well, maybe things work out when they're supposed to.

Maybe it's all about timing.

[ Whoosh ]

[ Bells jingle ]

[ Sighing ] Okay.

This... this is too much power to keep with me.

No, I... I don't want it, Belle.

The point was... I trust you.

I know.

Well, then, is... is there somewhere I can store it safely?

Like back in our land a... at your castle?

You had that vault, the... the one with no doors.

That was for only the most dangerous and unstable magic, that which even I couldn't comprehend.

And this doesn't qualify?


You see, I... I understand this all too well.

I left that vault and all its dangers behind.

But this dagger is not dangerous because, as I said, I trust you.

Let's discuss something a bit more pleasant, like, uh... our wedding.

[ Chuckles ] Yes.

Oh, I... I told my father the good news, and he gave us his blessing.

The man who kidnapped you in order to keep us apart?

Well, I've forgiven him, and he's forgiven you.

He knows you're a changed man.

I mean, everyone does...

Especially me.

[ Indistinct conversations ]

[ Glasses clink ] Ding-dong!

So she's really...

Oh, yeah. That witch is done.

[ Scoffs ]

That's a good thing because if that sleeping beauty had been a monkey a day longer, she would have had a monkey baby.

[ Laughs, scoffs ]

Wouldn't want to change those diapers!

[ Laughter ]

Henry: "And that's when the bandit leapt on top of the carriage"

"and stole the prince's jewels"

"as the prince chased the thief on horseback"

"through the treacherous forest."

Really? I can't hear the kid's name yet.

But I have to hear this story again?

Well, my son should know where he comes from.

Are you sure you want the first thing he knows to be that his parents fell in love

during an armed robbery?

I wasn't armed.

Except with a rock.

I still have the scar.

Which healed.

But that's just how we met.

It's not how we fell in love.

Yeah, that was a bit more complicated.

See? There were black knights when I saved your mother's life.


And the attack on the troll bridge when I saved his.

But it wasn't until I saw my mother's ring on her finger that I knew in my heart there was no other woman

I would ever love.

I wish you had told me then.

We would have saved so much time.

Well, how could I?

I had to get to my wedding.

Sorry. Have I missed something?

You were previously betrothed, mate?

To Kathryn.

Though, she was Princess Abigail back then.

King Midas' daughter? The man who can turn anything into gold?

Why would you leave that opportunity?


Well, what can I say?

My heart was destined for another.

You just had to find her first.

[ Laughs ]

She ran away and was living on a farm.

Oh, it sounded like such a peaceful life at the time... leave everyone and everything behind.

Hmph. Like mother, like daughter.


What is he talking about?

Uh, should we read more stories?

Actually, I'd like to know what the pirate is talking about.

It's nothing.

Are you planning on going back to New York?

Why would we go back to New York?

You're not. Right, Ms. Swan?

Actually, it's complicated.

Why would we leave? This is our home.

Henry, this isn't the time or place.

I think it is.

No, it's not.

[ Bells jingle ]

I'll talk to her.


[ Baby fusses ]

Take this.

It might help her remember where she belongs.

[ Sighs ]

It's gonna be all right.

She's just stubborn like her...

Uh, like all of our family.

[ Chuckles ]

Uh, grandpa?



[ Bells jingle ]

What is that?

That is a problem.

That light is from Zelena's time portal.

It's open.

David: [ Sighs ]

Zelena... she's gone.

No. She was here when I left her.

But if she escaped, that would explain the time portal.


Without her pendant, she's powerless.

How could she have escaped, let alone open a time portal without magic?

Unless you did something to her.

Well, I'm sorry to disappoint, but no.

Well, even if I wanted to, Belle has my dagger.

She would certainly curb any homicidal tendencies. - It's true.

Well, if she escaped, let's find out how.


[ Tape rewinding ]

[ Whoosh ]

What? What... what was that?

What just happened?

Yeah, we could use an upgrade.

Ah, stupid Betamax.

Oh. Here we go.

Well, it seems her great escape was of a more permanent nature.

I won't ask for an apology.

She must have had just enough residual magic to do herself in.

And when she did, when she was gone, the magic in her pendant had no tether.

It was set free.

Her last wish fulfilled.

So, how do we unfulfill it?

Excellent question.

But until we figure it out, no one should go near it.

A trip to the past could have catastrophic repercussions.

[ Cellphone ringing, vibrating ]

[ Sighs ]

You're making a mistake.

I don't want to talk to you about this.

Don't listen to me. Listen to your son.

He thought this might remind you of what you're leaving behind...

your family.

Henry is my family, and I am taking him where he is safe.

No, Swan. The safety-first nonsense is just that.

You defeated the bloody Wicked Witch.

You defeated Pan.

You broke the curse.

And you keep running.

What are you looking for?


And that's in New York?

That wasn't real.

The last year was.

They were false memories.

It was based on magical nonsense.

Now we have our memories back.

Now we can make it real.

Why can't you do that here with your entire family?

Because of this.

I don't see my family here.

I see... fairy tales.

I see stories of princes and princesses.

[ Stammers ] It's not me.

I was never a part of any of this.

Then what are you a part of, Swan?

Besides being with Henry, I don't think I've ever been a part of anything.

But you could be.

Look, when I was a kid, I ran away.

It's just what I did.

But the first time I did it, I had the same exact thought.

I wondered,

"What if I'm making a mistake?"

"What if I miss this place?"

Did you?

Not the first time. Not anytime.

So you just keep running.

I learned something a long time ago, Hook.

Home is the place when you leave you just miss it.

So, yeah, I'm gonna keep running until I feel that.

So you're just gonna leave your parents, then.

Don't you even care about them...

Or anyone in this town?

Of course I care.

I just have to do what's right for me and Henry and...

What the hell is that?

Hook: I have no idea.

I'm checking this out.

Swan, wait!


[ Electricity crackling ]

Whatever's going on in there, it can't be good.

It's Zelena's time portal. David left a message.

Somehow, she died and triggered it.

[ Metal creaking ]

Wait! We have to get out of here.

Not until we find a way to close it!

You got your magic back?


Well, then, we're not bloody well messing with any of this!

Let's go!

[ Groans ]

[ Cellphone ringing, vibrating ]

[ Screams ]

[ Screams ]

[ Both grunting ]

Hold on!

[ Screaming ]

I can't!

[ Grunts ]

[ Sighs ] One of these days, I'm gonna stop chasing this woman.

[ Cellphone ringing, vibrating ]

[ Insects chirping ]

[ Electricity crackles ]

[ Both groan ]


Emma: No.

[ Sighs ] It appears we're back in the Enchanted Forest.

Yeah, I got that.

The only question is... when?


I have a pretty good idea.

Well, I suppose we're lucky we wound up in this time.

We could have appeared In the middle of the ogre wars or smack-dab in the belly of a whale.

Why are you reading that now?

'Cause when we were falling through, I was thinking about Henry and the story we were all reading at granny's.

You think that time portals work like any other sort?

They take you back To where you're thinking of?

Not where. When.

Excellent deduction.

Alas, it appears

They share another quality.

They don't stay open for the return trip.

Well... [Sighs] we're trapped in the past.

I should have left Storybrooke the instant we defeated Zelena.

This is exactly the kind of thing

that does not happen in New York.

On the bright side,

I'm sure real estate's much more reasonable here. - Don't.

I understand your frustration, but we've been in dire straits before.

There's no need to be antsy.

We have our wits.

We just have to focus on being constructive.

So... any ideas how to get back?

How would I know how to get back to the future?

Who do I look like... Marty McFly?

Marty McWho?

The kid with the lightning and the DeLorean and they went back

In time and, and then he...

Is he some sort of wizard?

No. Marty McFly is not a wizard. He's...

Maybe a wizard is exactly what we need.


Man: - Hyah! Hyah!

We could find Rumplestiltskin.

Black knights.

[ Indistinct shouting ]

[ Horse neighs ] Get in line!

Get in line!

Listen to me very carefully.

Whatever squalor and despair your pathetic little lives have been able to tolerate until this point is nothing compared

to the pain and misery

I can inflict if I leave here unhappy.

That's Regina.

Not Regina, love. The Evil Queen.

You will help me.

She's even worse without the sensible pantsuits.


Please, Your Majesty.

We are a peaceful village.

What do you want from us?

That's Marco.


If I find out anyone in this village has helped the bandit Snow White, they will suffer dearly.

Here's what helping Snow White looks like.

[ All gasp ]

Help me!

She's gonna kill me!

Who wants to be next?


[ Laughs ]

Wait, wait, wait. What are you doing?

And what about you?

I'm helping that woman.

She's just an innocent...

No, Swan.

Woman: - Let me go!

When Belle figured out

that Zelena wanted to change the past, she warned us it was dangerous.

Messing with events could do untold damage to all of us.

I'm just supposed to let her rot or die?

Whatever her fate, we can't interfere, not if we want a chance at getting back to the world we know.

We need to find Rumple.

The sooner we get out of here, the better.

Aye. Agreed. But... [ Sighs ]

There's one thing we need to do first.

Come on, Swan. Let's get a look.

[ Grunts ]

Oh, well, that's much better.

Is this really necessary?

What would you have done

if Regina had spotted you back there?

My guess... run.

And even if we had, she'd seen you.

She might remember you when

you first arrive in Storybrooke.

She's gonna remember a glimpse

of a face years from now?

The point is to minimize you

making a lasting impression,

and, sadly, red-leather jackets

don't come into vogue here... ever.

[ Sighs ] Fine.

Well, the only lasting impression

I'm concerned about right now

is what this corset

is making on my spleen.

Your discomfort is a cross

I'm willing to bear.

And nothing compared

to what might happen

if we affect the timeline,

which means proceeding with all caution.

You're not from a world of magic.

I am.

Even the smallest of changes

could have catastrophic consequences.

Things must happen as they always did.

What do you think of the view, my dear?

I've seen better.

This is taking forever.

I told you the troll road

would have been quicker.

[ Thud ]

And far less bumpy.

Are you even listening to me?

Yes, of course I am.

[ Horse neighs ]

Man: Hyah!

Could be the Queen again.

Whoa! Oh!

Man ♪ : - Whoa!

Now what?

My lord.

[ Sighs ]

Charming: Worry not!

It's but a fallen tree!

Is that...

Your father.

We should go.

[ Branch cracks ]

[ Gasps ]

[ Gasps ]

[ Grunts ]

Look at these markings.

This tree didn't fall. It's been cut.

It's an ambush.

Man: We need to get

this log moved... now!

[ Indistinct conversation ]

[ Horse neighs ]

[ Gasps ] Oh.

[ Sighs ]

You almost gave me a heart attack.

The tree was cut. It was planned.

Someone wanted to rob us.

Who would dare attack a royal carriage?

I have no idea.

But now you can relax.

We scared off the bandit.

We'll never have to see them again.

Man: Hyah!

You know that thing about small

changes having consequences?


What about big changes?

Why? What did we do?

That bandit was Snow White.

This was the moment

my parents first met.

And because of us, now they didn't.

[ Horse neighs ]

Man: Whoa.

There it is... our new home.

It's... so gold.

After a time, you'll stop noticing.

[ Indistinct conversations ] Well?

I need to get far away from here

as soon as possible.

And I need my destination...

Secret. [ Coins jingle ]

Then you're talking

to the right captain.

However, turning a blind eye

will cost double.

Look ahead, Swan.

The dark one's castle.

A little more imposing

than the pawnshop.

So, what do we do now?

Knock on the door

and introduce ourselves?

"Hey, we're from the future."

Might be best if I stay back.

The dark one and I have

a rather complicated past.

I'd wager he'd want to kill me on sight.

Oh, I'll take that bet. [ Gasps ]

[ Laughs ]

I can't tell you how long I've

been looking forward to this!

Oops. I suppose I just did.

[ Groans ]

[ Straining ] Swan. Stop!

[ Whoosh ]

Rumplestiltskin: I don't know

who you are, dearie,

but why don't you run off

and let me enjoy my killing in peace?

He's not gonna hurt you.

You have to listen to me.

And why would I listen to you?

Because if you don't,

You'll never see your son again.

[ Groans ]

[ Gasping ]

What do you know of my son?

His name is Baelfire.

You're planning to enact a curse

in hopes of reuniting with him.

Who told you that?

What are you... some kind of witch?

No, I'm not a witch.

I'm the one who breaks the curse

so that you can find him.

I'm the product of true love.

But that's speculation.

Part of my plans.

But I haven't done it.

You will, and you will succeed.

If that's true, then that means...

We're from the future, mate.

But time travel hasn't been done, mate.

Yeah, well, Someone's cracked that code.

We need your help.


[ Laughs ]

You need my help?

Then answer me one question.

Do I find my son?

Answer me!

Y... yes.


I find Bae.



Don't tell me.

If I succeeded,

I don't want anything in my head

that might throw it off.

It might already kind of be thrown off.

You've changed things.

What have you done?

We interrupted my parents meeting.

Thank you, mister G... Rumplestiltskin,

for believing us.

I know that time travel

is hard to swallow.

Not as hard as the other mystery

you've presented me.

Why haven't I killed him?

If it makes you feel any better,

it wasn't for lack of effort.

Let's just say we bury the hatchet.

[ Laughing ] Yes.

But why not in your skull?

Oh. Rumplestiltskin,

you're... you're back.

Do you, uh... do you need anything?


So, do... do we know each other?

Oh. Sorry. No.

Um, mister... Rumple...

The Dark One, um, told me about you.

Did he?


Go away a... and read a book or

whatever it is you like to do.

Come back and clean later.

Y... you could ask nicely.

I could also turn you into a toad.

It's a miracle you two

fall for each other.

[ Laughs ] What?

I mean, first, you tell me

I let the pirate live.

Now you're telling me

I fall for the help.

Yeah, she has A strange sense of humor,

but let's get back to her parents.

Yes. Who are they?

Snow White and Prince Charming.

Prince Charming.

His real name is Prince James.

King George's son, whose wedding

I've just arranged?

See, that's what I'm trying to tell you.

That marriage isn't supposed to happen

because the ring he was going

to give her gets stolen by Snow.

It's quite a tale you're spinning.

Here, let me show you. It's in the book.

[ Clears throat ]

Wait. What?

It's all gone.

Anything that was supposed to

happen after they've met

has disappeared.

The ripple effect.

Once you change something in the past,

anything from that point forward

becomes uncertain.

The future, as you can see...

is a blank page.

We need to get Snow to steal that ring

so we can put their story back on track.

You're in luck.

There's a ball tonight

at King Midas' castle.

Prince James will be there...

and so will his ring.

So we just need to get Snow there.

How? We don't even know where she is.

[ Clears throat ] Allow me.

[ Whoosh ]

[ Exhales sharply ]

There she is.

She's with black beard.

She's trying to secure passage

on his ship.

And, it appears, failing.

She can't escape the Queen

without the money she's

supposed to get for the ring.

Can you help us?

Help you?

I can work on getting your

portal to the future open again,

but getting your parents together?

You made that mess, dearie.

Only you know what you did.

Now go undo it.

If she's looking

for passage out of town,

I might know a ship's captain

who can help us.



All: Oh!

There I am.

Rather dashing, don't you think?

Is this even a good idea?

What about preserving the future?

It'll be fine.

Given what I'm drinking,

if I remember anything,

I'll simply blame the rum.

Just make sure that I...

He remains occupied,

doesn't return to my ship.

I'll take care of the rest.

[ Sighs ] Okay.

Wait. What are you doing?

Making sure he stays occupied.

Shouldn't be difficult. You

and I both know I'm his type.

Swan, that man sitting

there... you don't know him.

Just be careful.

If I didn't know any better,

I'd say you're jealous.

[ Coins jingle ]

[ Laughter ]

What are you boys playing?

Captain. I wasn't expecting you

back from the tavern so early.

Vermin. I'll get the bugger, sir.

N... let it be.

You'll understand someday, Smee.

I-is that a new vest?

Of course not.

Are you feeling all right, sir?

You seem... different.

Maybe that's because I'm used to

my first mate asking me

what his captain needs

when he's on deck.

Of course. Sorry.

Is there anything I can do for you, sir?

I need to speak to that woman.

Bring her on board. Do it quietly.

[ Glasses clink ]

I have a confession to make.

Most women do.

I want to know... how you got the hook.

You hear so many stories.

Mm. So, you know who I am,

and here, you haven't

even told me your name.

What fun would that be?

Just two ships passing

in the night, then?

Passing closely, I hope.

Speaking of ships, what do

you say we leave this place,

and I'll... show you mine?


How about we have a few drinks first?

[ Wood creaking ]

Who are you?

It doesn't matter.

I'm a captain, and I can help you.

So, what do you want?

It's not what I want.

It's what I can offer.

I hear that you seek passage

out of the Enchanted Forest.

That's true, But I haven't enough money.

I don't give a damn about money.

It's treasure I want.

I think you can get it for me...

Snow White.

You are a thief, aren't you?

If I didn't know any better,

I'd say you were trying to get me drunk,

which is usually my tactic.

What's wrong, captain?

Can't hold your rum?

No, not only can I hold it,

but I can carry it right out the door.

What do you say we set sail?

Come back with me for a nightcap.

Or shall I find someone else?

So, if I procure this item for you,

you'll grant me safe passage

on your ship?

To any realm you wish.

Then tell me what I have to steal.

A wedding ring.

Ohh! [ Chuckles ]

I think I should rest for a moment.

Oh, no need, no. No need.

I've carried rum barrels

heavier than you.

[ Both laugh ]

Actually, I feel much better.

Behold! The Rolly Joger!

Captain. H... how did you...

I... I thought you were still below deck.

And why does your vest keep changing?

I... seem to remember

a nightcap was promised.

Find one, and I'll be waiting.

[ Chuckling ]

Captain, something's not right here.

You're right. You're still here.

I think you know what "nightcap" means.

It means that we want our privacy.

Of course.

Oh, yes.

What are you doing here?

I could ask the same of you.

I thought I told you to

keep him occupied. I am.

By taking him back to my ship?

His ship.

You know what I mean.

I stalled as long as I could.

I thought you'd be gone by now.

I'll try to keep him above deck so you

can get out of here. [ Door opens ]


Where may you be going?

I do hope you're

Not having second thoughts.

No. I just got tired of waiting.

[ Laughs ]

My apologies.

A woman as beautiful as you

deserves my full and prompt attention.

Are you kidding me?!

How is that not gonna have consequences?

He was asking for it.

And, like I said, he'll blame the rum.

Now let's get out of here.

A predictable excess

of pomp and grandeur.

Snow should have no trouble

sneaking inside.

What about us?

We're supposed to just sit here

and hope that she pulls it off?

I don't like leaving things to chance.

You know, I feel exactly the same way,

which is why I never do.


An invitation to the ball.

So you'll be inside

to watch out for her.

No, no.

I'll be far too busy sorting out

how to get you home.

Well, who's the invitation for?

Well, isn't it obvious?

The two of you.

So, when we're done inside,

you can open our portal?

There's a powerful wand, which,

uh... I came to possess.

Anyway, legend says

It can recreate any magic

that's ever been wielded.

Now, with a little work, I can use it

to re-create whatever

portal brought you here.

Please do it quickly. We'll be

in and out before you know it.

I want to get the hell out of here.

Oh, confidence. I like it.


Not like that.

[ Whoosh ]

[ Laughs ]

The Savior can't come this far

and not play princess for a day.

But I'm not supposed to stick out.

What if someone remembers me

in the future?

Because what you had before

was such an intricate disguise.

Now, speaking of which,

I've returned those stolen rags

luckily, before they were missed.

I mean, it's a miracle the

timeline hasn't imploded already.


Allow me.

A glamour spell.

This is how you shall appear

to one and all.

Now run along and...

and do everything you can

to make sure Snow White gets that ring.

Once they are back on track,

everything else will be, too.

[ Indistinct conversations ]

Just when I thought the clothes

here couldn't get any worse.

You might not be able to move, Swan,

but you cut quite the figure

in that dress.

Greetings. I am king midas,

father of the bride.

Who do I have the honor

to welcome into my home?

I am...

I'm Prince, uh... [ Sighs ]

Charles. Prince Charles.

And I'm Princess...


An honor to have you both.

Announce Prince Charles

and Princess Leia.

Mary Margaret and David

are always going on about

this ball and that ball.

What's the big deal about these things?

[ Indistinct conversations ]

You were saying?

What am I supposed to do?

Blend in.


Are you saying you know how

to do whatever this is?

It's called a waltz.

There's only one rule...

pick a partner who knows

what he's doing.

[ Metal clangs ]

Watch the mocking.

I'm actually getting the hang of this.

I'm not mocking you, Swan.

I'm just thinking about

what you said in Storybrooke,

about not being a princess.

Really? You get my first dance

at my first royal ball

and all you can say is, "I told you so"?

I believe what I'm

Trying to say, your highness...

Is that you appear to be a natural.

There's Charming.

Would you care to dance?

My feet are killing me.

If only I'd thought to wear

my comfortable shoes.

Would you like me to fetch them

for you, my dear?

My hero.

[ Sighs ]

[ Gasps ]

Where is that ring?

What a pleasure, my Queen.

I thank you for honoring

my daughter with your presence.

And thank you

for your generous hospitality.

I hope you don't mind

I brought some friends.

Regina's here.

Damn it. That definitely

was not in the plan.

Breathe, Swan. She's a guest.

The king's head would vanish

to another realm

if he didn't invite her.

Yeah, good point.

Where's Charming?

[ Gasps ] My ticket to freedom.

Who are you?!

Stop! Thief!

[ Both grunt ]

You're a girl.


[ Both grunt ]

[ Groans ]

James, what is taking you so...


You're Snow White.

Snow White!

Snow White!

[ Crowd murmuring ]

My lord, Snow White

was spotted in the castle.

The bandit Snow White here?

Get her!

[ Gasps ]

She did it.

She must have stolen the ring.

[ Groaning ]

[ Clicks tongue ] Hyah! Hyah!

You can't hide from me!

Wherever you are, I will find you!

Mission accomplished.

Now all we have to do...

You'll find her sooner

than you think, my lord.

[ Bow creaks ]


[ Exhales sharply ] The ring.

We've got to get it to Snow.

Go. I've got this.

There she is!

She helped the bandit escape.

Going somewhere?


that's a bit informal, wouldn't you say?

Show some respect.

It's "Your Majesty."

[ Groaning ]


You're not going anywhere.

Snow White may have left

the party early,

but... I suspect your night

has just begun.

[ Chuckles ]

Take her away.

Come on.

[ Siren wailing in distance ]

When you said you owed me a drink,

I thought you meant

in a place like a bar

or a restaurant or someplace

with, you know, chairs.

Patience. I got

somethin' better in mind.

Here. Hold this.

[ Clicking ]

What the hell are you doing?


It's all about the tumblers.

[ Lock disengages ]

Come on. It's worth it. I promise.

What'd I tell ya?

Yeah. All right. It's pretty cool.

Come on.

Hop on.

[ Sighs ]

So, what's your story, Neal?

That's an interesting choice of words.

My "story" is that

I left a screwed-up situation.

And it kinda screwed me up.

Crappy home life? I get that.

Nah, but it wasn't always. It...

That's the problem. It was...

Pretty great once.

So, why don't you go back

and try to fix it?

I can't really go back.

'Cause of my father...

Bad guy?

Not at first.

But he changed.

That's when things got really crazy.

But before that?

It was home. It was nice.

[ Sighs ] That's how you know

you've really got a home.

'Cause when you leave it...

There's this feeling

that you can't shake.

You just miss it.

[ Grunts ]

[ Door closes ] [ Sighs ]

Are you all right?

Yeah, I think so. Thanks.



I wish I could say It was nice

to meet you... [ Chuckles ]

Yeah, but under

The circumstances, I get it.

What's your name?

I dare not speak it here.

The Queen doesn't know who I am,

and my silence is the only thing

keeping my family safe.

She's pretty ruthless, huh?

Here. You hungry?

I swiped it off a food tray

on my way down.

[ Gasps ]

What? What is it?

I saw you in the village with the Queen.

I wanted to help, but... It's all right.

If you had tried to free me,

you would have just ended up

in here a day sooner.

What did she put you in here for?

I knew - where Snow White was hiding,

but I refused to tell the Queen.

You gave up your freedom

to ensure Snow White's?


I believe her to be innocent.

How long are you in for?

Same as you.

Just one more night.

Really? One night.

W... why? Is Regina going soft?


One night, because tomorrow

everyone in here is to be executed.

[ Birds chirping ]

[ Screams ]

[ Grunting ]

Charming: [ Laughs ]

I told you I'd find you.

No matter what you do,

I will always find you.

Is this the only way

you can catch a woman?

By entrapping her?

It's the only way

to catch thieving scum.

[ Chuckles ]

Aren't you a real "Prince Charming."

I have a name, you know.

Don't care.

"Charming" suits you.

Now cut me down, Charming.

And why would I do that...

...Snow White?

Relax. I'm not gonna turn you in.

All I want is the ring you stole.

Not the jewelry type.

Indeed. I noticed.

I don't have your ring.

And why don't I believe you?

You should.

She's telling the truth, mate.

Prince Charles.

Lovely ball the other night.

The mutton was a tad overcooked,

but that happens.

Snow White doesn't have your ring.

But I can tell you who does.

My princess.

And I need your help to get it back.

She has my ring?

That's two women who robbed me.

[ Sighs ]

Where is she?

Well, that's the problem.

The Queen's castle.

Actually, that's not a problem at all.

I know it well. It used to be mine.

I can get us in there

but not from up here.

So you let me down

and you get your princess,

you get your ring,

and I never have to see

your charming face again.


[ Grunts ] [ Horses neigh ]

Apologies, lass.

[ Laughs ]

You are really enjoying this,

aren't you, Charming?

It is not my fault your face

is plastered on

every tree in the forest.

What's that around your neck?

I thought you weren't

the "jewelry type."

Don't worry about it.

Oh! No! Careful!

[ Laughs ]

That's a weapon.


Fairy dust. From a dark fairy.

It transforms

The most fearsome adversaries

into a form that's easily squashed.

I'm saving it for a special someone.

The Queen?

Those charges on her posters are lies.

Didn't stop her from trying to kill me.

That's why I'm trying to

get out of this kingdom.

That's why I tried to steal from you...

to secure passage on a pirate ship.

What did you do

to incur the Queen's wrath?

She blames me for ruining her life.

Did you?


We're here.

[ Horses snort ]

[ Sighs ]

We're going to need help

to get past her guards.

Wait here.

We go at night.

I'll be back with help.

[ Crickets chirping ]

You excited for your nuptials?

I'm marrying Midas' daughter.

What's not to be excited about?

I don't mean to pry, mate,

but you don't exactly look like a man

who's doing this by choice.


I always thought I'd marry for love.

And here I am about to enter into

what amounts to a...

business transaction.

A merger of two kingdoms.

[ Inhales deeply ]

I don't know.

This whole ordeal makes me wonder

if there's even such a thing

as true love.

I once felt as you did, mate,

and all it took was

meeting the right person

and everything changed.

Princess Leia? The one we're rescuing?

Aye. I'd go to

the end of the world for her...

Or time.

And she for you, I take it?

[ Chuckles ]

I don't know.

What's the problem?

There are many complications.


Because my father is

making things quite difficult for me.

Aye. There's that.

I'm not so sure

her parents approve of me.

Given the lengths you've gone to

to save her?

They'd be crazy not to.

I hope you remember that.

What the hell was that?

I think we're about to find out.


Who the hell are you?

Name's Red.

I'm a friend of Snow's.

She sent me to help

get you into the castle.


You'll see.

What's that?

It's my parents'.

I guess you could call it

their wedding ring.

And they entrusted you with it?

Sort of.

I need to get it back to them.

Being away from family

is a terrible, terrible thing.

Yeah. It is.

The longer I'm separated from them,

the pain doesn't dull.

It worsens.

Maybe 'cause I know...

I'll never see them again.

If my mom was here,

she would tell me to have hope.

Maybe you should, too.

Who knows? Maybe you will

end up with them again.

I don't think so.

I'm fairly certain they

already think that I'm dead.

And soon that'll be true.

Maybe not.

Give me your spoon.

What are you doing?

It's all about the tumblers.

[ Tumblers clicking ]

[ Lock disengages ]

You did it.

What are you waiting for? Go.

Get out of here!


[ Growling ]

[ Snarling ]

I'm glad the wolf's on our side.

Yeah, she's a fearsome one.

[ Sighs ]

Better hurry. When he wakes,

they'll be on to us.


Someone's coming.



What the hell are you doing? You're

depriving me of a dashing rescue.

Sorry. The only one who saves me is me.

Speaking of which...

I'm not gonna be around much longer

unless we find where this belongs.

I think that belongs to me.

You guys have a way out of here?

Follow me.

Snow told me where to meet her.

Thank you, Leia.

Swan, you didn't...

She was supposed to be executed

in the morning.

I couldn't just leave her there to die.

Actually, if she's to die,

she pretty much has to.

I hate to break up a reunion.

But we have to keep moving.

We have to find Snow White.

I didn't think you were dumb enough

to sneak back in to your own home.

But then again, I suppose

you were dumb enough to lose it.

Don't come any closer.

You think I'm scared of fairy dust?

This is dark fairy dust.

How did you get that?

Doesn't matter.

What matters is

I intend to use it on you.

Do you really think turning me

into a bug will stop me?

No, but stepping on you will.

You plan to kill me?

I don't think you have that in you,

Snow White.

[ Grunts ]

Dark magic is my strong suit.

Not yours.


It's about time you suffer as I did.

It was a mistake, Regina.

I didn't know

telling your mother about Daniel

would mean she would stop your marriage.

I was a child.

A child who didn't

learn the most basic lesson!

All actions have consequences.

You can kill me, Regina.

But this kingdom will never be yours.

She dies tonight.

What is it? Did you find Snow?

I'm afraid so.

We have to get down there

before it's too late.

I don't think we can.


[ Whoosh, fire crackling ]

[ Wolf howls ]

After my brother passed,

all I could do was relive that final,

terrible moment.

Don't do that to yourself, love.

All we can do in times like these

is try to live in the here and now.

Here and now.

I'm still here.

How is that possible? We saw her die.

Which means I would never be born.

You should've faded from existence.


Well, then perhaps... she's still alive?

[ Gasps ] [ Insect buzzing ]

If Snow is out there,

we have to find her.

[ Sighs ]

Cursed vermin.

We should head back

to the Queen's castle.

Take a look around.

Perhaps it's a trick by Regina.

No. Whatever happened,

Regina thinks Snow is dead.

Stay still, love.

[ Buzzing continues ]


Don't harm that thing.

When we were coming to rescue you,

Snow told me what her dust

would do to the Queen.

She said it would turn her into a form

that could easily be squashed... a bug.

You think Snow turned herself into that?

Well, if she timed it right,

she could've escaped that fireball.

Faked her death, and flown away.

[ Buzzing continues ]

Yeah, that's her.

Just need to find a way

to bring her back.

[ Buzzing continues ]

She's saying something.

Wonderful. Anyone fluent in bug?

Woman: She's calling for me.


That's right. And you are...?


[ Chuckles ]

No, that's not it.

But your secrets can be yours.

I sense it's better that way.

Can you bring Snow back?

[ Sighs ]

Dark magic did this to her.

Light magic can undo it.

[ Insect buzzes ]

[ Gasps ]

[ Gasps ]

[ Laughs ]

You're alive! Oh!

[ Sighs ]

It would appear so. Thank you.

Red: Snow!

Snow: Oh! Red!

Oh, I'm so happy to see you.

Looks like we're back on track, love.

[ Sighs ]


[ Sighs ]

I suppose I should, uh, thank you.

You saved me.

Well, it seemed like

the honorable thing to do.

I'm going to the stream

to get some water.

I can fill your canteen if you'd like.


They're warming up

to each other. This is good.

This'll work. That may be, Swan.

But we have another problem.

Well, I had to save her.

Sure, you did the noble thing,

but she's supposed to be dead.

Her presence in the Enchanted Forest

could have unforeseen consequences.

She's just a sweet, innocent woman.

What if she had a child

who grows into a mass murderer?

Or she gets tipsy some night

and rides her horse

into one of the dwarfs

and there's only six of them?

Who knows?

We're best not finding out.

She doesn't belong here.

I know exactly what we can do.

Take her with us.

The future?

You can't stay here.

You were supposed to die hours ago.

I don't understand.

I just want to get back to my family.

They need to believe you're dead.

Because that's

What they've always thought.

Trust us.

All due respect,

but I don't trust you.

Or believe you,

so unless you're kidnapping me,

I'm going to go find my family.

[ Groans ]


Well, then,

I guess we're kidnapping you.

[ Laughs ]

I always knew there was

a little pirate in you, Swan.

Charming: What happened to her?

She's, uh, resting.

What's up?

Have either one of you seen Snow?

She went to the stream,

but she hasn't...

The ring! She took it!


Do you know where she might be headed?

She was seeking passage

on a pirate ship.

There's only one way to get

to the harbor from here...

the troll bridge.

[ Sighs ] Oh, no.

Swan, wait. The bridge.

Isn't that where you want them to be?

Isn't that where Snow saved

your father from the trolls?

Yes, but the only reason

she was able to do that

was because she had a weapon...

the dust.

Which she's already used on herself.

Bloody hell.

Come on! They're gonna need help.

[ Grunting ]

All right. All right.

[ Laughs ]

Snow White.

Tell the Queen she still lives.

[ Grunts ]

[ Grunts ]

[ Laughs ]

[ Grunting ]

Go! I'm right behind you!

[ Grunting continues ]

Follow me.

They don't know the forest like I do.

[ Trolls growling ]

Royal blood

is the sweetest of all.

[ Grunts ]

Snow: Stop!

Drop the sword,

or I'll turn you all into bugs.

Dark fairy dust.

So, you let him go,

or I will be peeling you all

off the bottom of my boots.

[ Grunts ]

We don't want any trouble.


And while you're at it,

give me a reason

To forget this ever happened.

[ Chuckles ]

You saved me.

It was the honorable thing to do.

But how?

You used the dust on yourself.

Mm. Sand.

Trolls aren't exactly

known for their cleverness.

[ Chuckles ]

Come on. We should go.

In case they come back.


So, you probably want this.

Snow: Right. The gold.

It appears your parents

didn't need our help after all.

And, um, you can't

get married without this.


[ Chuckles ]

I know. Not your style, right?

Well, there's Only one way to find out.

Yeah. Not me at all.

I'm sure - your fiancée will love it.

Hook: It's okay, Swan.

Not everyone gets a chance to

watch their parents fall in love.

Well, wherever you're going, be careful.

If you need anything...

you'll find me?


I almost believe that.

They're heading away from each other?

No, it's okay.

That's how it happened the first time.

It took my parents a while

to accept their feelings.

Must run in the family.

[ Sniffles ]

Emma: Look.

We did it.

Do you know what this is?

This is what happens to people...

or in this case, trolls... who fail me.

Find Snow White.

I shall destroy her happiness...

...if it is the last thing I do.

We did it.

Your parents are together?

They're right back on track.

We're ready to go.

I see.

And you brought some luggage.

Long story.

So, how's the portal coming?

Can you open it?

I cannot.

Then what are you working on?

Oh, this is for me.

A forgetting potion.

I know too much about my future.

The only way to protect it

is to forget it.

Well, what about this wand?

You said that could help us.

Oh, that.

Well, apparently

only those who used the portal

can reopen it.

So unless you can wield magic,

I'm afraid you're going nowhere.

Can you?

Thought not.

So you just expect us to stay here?

What about protecting

your precious future?

That's exactly what I'm going to do.

He means to kill us, Swan.

[ Cackles ] - No.

I mean to put you someplace safe...

someplace even I dare not go.

Where I store the magic that is too dark

or unpredictable even for me.

Rumplestilt... [ Whoosh ]


Oh. Well, at least he did us one favor.

I'm devilishly handsome again.

[ Chuckles ]

[ Sighs ]

Wait. Don't touch anything!

Emma: If Rumple's afraid of this stuff,

there's gotta be a reason.

I'm just trying to figure a way out.

I don't think there is one.

And what's the point?

You heard what he said.

We can't reopen the portal.

But you can.

All he said we need is magic.

You're the Savior, Swan. You can do it.

Not anymore. I lost it.

When Zelena died,

all of her spells were undone.

Your powers should've been restored.

Believe me, if I could make it work,

I would. You think I'm faking it?

I think not having magic

makes it a hell of a lot easier

for you to run back to New York

and pretend to be somebody else.

But listen to me, Swan. You're not.

It's time to stop running.

You think I don't know that?

Yes, I run away.

That's how I've always survived.

But believe me, I want this to work.

I want to go back.

I want to stop running.

What's changed your mind?

Watching my mother die.

Thinking she was dead...

You saw what happened.

I was so relieved when she was okay.

And I hugged her.

And you know what I saw in her eyes?


[ Voice breaking ]

She didn't know who I was.

I had saved her and lost her, too.

And that's what I've been

doing to her since I met her.

It's got to stop.

When Henry brought me to Storybrooke,

he told me I was the Savior.

I didn't see what he was really doing.

He was not bringing me back

to break a curse.

He was bringing me home.

Neal was right.

About what?

You don't have a home

until you just miss it.

And being with my parents

the last few days

but not really being with them?

I've never missed them more.


It's my home.

[ Twinkling ]


Look down.

I'd say you've got your magic back.

Now, shall we go?

[ Sighs ]

[ Whooshing ]

[ Grunts ] Well done, Swan.

You opened it?!


Let me go!

My son.

What happens when I find him?

I thought you wanted to forget!

Before I do, I need to know...

does he forgive me?



But what?

What aren't you telling me?

Tell me or you will never leave!

He dies.

He forgives you.

He loved you.

He died to save all of us.

Don't let that be in vain.

No, I... I can change what happened.

I... I can save my boy!

You think you can change the future,

but you might make it worse.

[ Voice breaking ]

I loved him, too.

I wanted to save him.

He died a hero.

You can't take that away from him.

You have to drink the potion.

You have to forget

everything I just told you.


[ Grunts ]

[ Vial clatters ]

What the hell am I doing in here?

[ Whoosh ]

[ Cellphone ringing, vibrating ]

Whoa! [ Grunts ]

[ Grunts ]

[ Groans ]

[ Grunts ]

[ Sighs ]

Hey, do me a favor. Fill her in.

Make sure she doesn't freak out.

Where are you going?

I have some people I need to see.

[ Door bells jingle ]

[ Indistinct conversation ]


You weren't answering your cell.

We were worried.

I'm fine.

I'm home.

Do you mean that you're not leaving?

No. I'm not going anywhere.

We're staying in Storybrooke?

Yeah, kid. This is where we belong.

This is where our family is.


Dad, I missed you.

Wait. You're Princess Leia?

[ Chuckles ] Nice alias.

I was in a pinch.

Well, there you go.

You're officially one of us.

A fairy-tale princess at last.

Yeah, and as my first

princess-y request...

I would like to know

the name of the baby.

Right, that.


Excuse me, if I could

have everyone's attention

just for a moment...

This coronation ceremony is something

we've looked forward to for a long time.

The arrival of our new son

has been the cause

of great joy for our family.

And we hope you can share in it

as we name him for a hero.

Someone who saved every one of us.

Who we loved and he loved back.

People of Storybrooke,

it is our great joy

to introduce you to our son...

Prince Neal.

[ Applause ]

It's so nice to meet you, Neal.


Do you think Rumplestiltskin is right?

I'm in the book now.

He said everything,

besides our little adventure,

would go back to normal.

Do you think that it is?

He's right.

Otherwise I'd remember

that damn bar wench I kissed.

How would that prove anything?

I know how you kiss.

I'd have gone after her.

But I didn't. My life went on

exactly the same as before.

Yeah, must've been the rum.

Everything's back to normal.

You're a bloody hero, Swan.

So are you.

[ Chuckles ]

I wanted to thank you, Killian.

For going back for me

in the first place in New York.

If you hadn't...

It was the right thing to do.

How did you do it?

How did you get to me?

Well, the curse was coming.

I ditched my crew

and took the Jolly Roger

as fast and as far as

I possibly could to outrun it.

You outran a curse?

I'm a hell of a captain.

[ Chuckles ]

And once I was

outside of the curse's purview,

I knew that the walls were down.

Transport between the worlds

was possible again.

All I needed was a magic bean.

Those are not easy to come by.

They are if you've got

something of value to trade.

And what was that?

Why, the Jolly Roger, of course.

You traded your ship for me?


It is my great honor

to officiate this most lovely union.

If you'd like to begin your vows...


This thing we have, it's...

it's never been easy.


I've lost you so many times.

I've lost you to... to darkness,

to weakness, and...

and finally, to death.

But now I realize...

I realize that

I have not spent my life losing you.

I've spent my life finding you.


When we met,

I wasn't just unloved and unloving.

I was an enemy of love.

Love had only brought me pain.

My walls were up.

But you broke them down.

You brought me home.

You brought light into my life

and chased away all the darkness.

And I vow to you

I will never forget the distance

between what I was

and what I am.

I owe more to you than I can ever say.

How you can see

The man behind the monster,

I will never know.

But that monster is gone.

And the man beneath him may be flawed...

But we all are.

And I love you for it.

Sometimes the best book

has the dustiest jacket.

And sometimes the best teacup

is chipped.

[ Door bells jingle ]

Oh, let's sit here.

It's the Evil Queen.

Emma: - It's okay.

She's different now.

She's not the same person anymore.

You'll see. I... I'll...

Just stay here.

Regina, there's

something you should know.

I brought someone back from the past...

This woman, and she still

thinks of you as...


I'm gonna bring her over.

I already told her that it's okay,

but it's a little delicate.

And I feel like

If she met you, she'll see...

I understand.


I would like you to meet

...Robin Hood: - Marian?



I thought you were dead.

I thought I'd never see you again.

And I you.


[ Gasps ] Roland?

Oh, my baby!



[ Voice breaking ]

You did this.

I just wanted to save her life.

You're just like your mother...

never thinking of consequences.

I didn't know.

Of course you didn't.

Well, you just better hope to hell

you didn't bring anything else back.

[ Wind howling ]

[ Ice shatters ]

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