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  3x15 - Quiet Minds
 Posted: 04/01/14 15:24
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Previously on "Once Upon a Time" Mary: - Who were you back in our land? - I was a midwife.

Maybe you could give me some advice.

Allow me to introduce myself.

You can call me Zelena.

How many people do we know who can spin straw into gold? Emma: Rumplestiltskin.

[ Footsteps approaching ] Granny: If you want privacy, talk fast.

We open in 20, and no one gets between Leroy and his bacon.

Is there any sign of our quarry? I went all over that farmhouse and the land around it nothing.

Well, now that the sun's up, we should hit every place Gold might go his house, shop, his cabin.

'Cause dead men love vacation homes.

Can someone explain to me how this is even possible? We all saw Gold.

He - disappeared into nothingness.

I know.

I might have an inkling.

When we went back to the Enchanted Forest, Neal was talking about the possibility of getting his father back.

What? How? He didn't know how.

He just He missed his family.

And he was desperate to find a way to return to this world.

He believed that bringing his father back was the key.

Emma: Well, if that was his plan, then obviously something went wrong, because while Gold might be alive and kicking, Neal is he's we don't know what he is.

We don't even know if he made it back to Storybrooke.

No one's seen him since this new curse.

He's out there somewhere.

With all due respect, we have bigger issues right now than who brought Gold back.

The fact that he was in the Wicked Witch's basement, for one.

I want to know what the hell she was cooking up with him.

Well, the best way to find that out would be to ask Gold, right? He could tell us who the witch is maybe how to track her down.

I'm gonna head back to that farmhouse.

It's possible this witch left behind some trace of potion or a special ingredient.

Have at it.

Just be careful.

Well, she's the one who needs to be careful.

She invaded my space.

When I return the favor, I'm not pulling any punches.

I summon thee, Dark One.

Rumplestiltskin! [ Sighs ] It's not working.

The Dark One has broken free, and he knows far too much.

[ Monkey screeches ] Find him, beautiful one.

Find him now.

[ Monkey screeches ] [ Panting ] Once Upon a Time 3x15 - Quiet Minds Original air date March 30, 2014 So so Rumple's alive? I mean, how is that even possible? We were hoping you might be able to tell us that.

You know him and this shop better than anyone.

If he's in Storybrooke, there has to be a clue in here about how he got back or how we can find him now that he is.

Yeah, I'll, uh I'll start looking right away.

Keep your eyes out for him, too.

If he comes into town, he'll He'll come to me.


I know.

I will stay here with you.

I'm surprisingly good at research.

You will stay with me? He'll protect you if the witch comes.

You do know he tried to kill me.

Well, there were extenuating circumstances.


Sorry? You really know how to charm a girl, don't you? This will be my way of making it up to you.

Hmm? - Fine.

All right, we should really get out into the woods.

Hey, maybe you should stay home.

Me? I'm the best tracker here.

I know, but we'll manage.

Remember what Zelena said you need your rest.

[ Clears throat ] Belle, thank you for your help.

Don't worry.

We're gonna find him.


Thank you.

Belle: If there's anyone who can defeat that witch and get you back to your family, it's the Dark One.

The way to resurrect him has to be here.

You really believe in him, don't you? I love him all of him, even even the parts that belong to the darkness.

Yeah, it took me a while to see past all that to the good man trying to get out.

He did get out.


He did.

Irony is, now I need the dark part In order to get to the ones I care about.

What is that? A necklace.

It was Emma's.

It was supposed to represent our life together.

I don't know how it survived the trip.

Because it was born out of true love.

Now come with me.

I think I know where we can find what we need.

[ Sighs ] You think there's magic in here? No.

Something better than magic books.

Books on history, witchcraft, and hopefully some on the Dark One, too.

Where do we start? One shelf at a time.

Man: [ French accent ] Hello, there.

Did you, uh did you say some Over here.

Allow me to introduce myself.

What the hell? No need to be frightened.

I am but a humble servant of this castle.

My name is Lumiere.

Uh, watch the cover on that one.

Dealing with a hook here.

[ Sighs ] [ Crashing ] It's him.

It's it's Rumple.

[ Crashing continues ] [ Grunting ] [ Gasps ] Neal? Neal! Emma: Henry.


Were you out all night? I never heard you come in.

I was working, but I got you breakfast because I am supermom.

Some cocoa and a sesame bagel.

Henry: That's a bagel? Sorry, kid.

We're not in Manhattan anymore.

Are you going back out? I got to, yeah.

You remember Leroy, right? He's going fishing with some buddies today.

You want to go? Yeah, I'll go Because I love fishing Not because I believe you.

What? You know you're not fooling me, right? Something's up.

I'm working a case.

You know how I get focused.

No, it's more than that.

It's this town all these old friends you've never mentioned and people whispering around me all the time.

There's something that you're not telling me.

It's a dirty business, being a bail bondsperson.

I don't want to soil your sweet head.

You're not getting off that easy.

If you can't tell me the truth, then I want to go home back to New York.

[ Cellphone ringing ] Sorry.

Hello? What? I'll be right there.

I got to go, Henry.

Mom, really, what's going on? You got me, okay? Something is up.

And it just got even more complicated, so, for now, can you just trust that I'm doing what's best, and I'll fill you in later? I trust you.

Thanks, Henry.

Love you.

Neal, you're here.

What happened? I don't know.

I I remember seeing the yellow bug cross the town line, and next thing I know, I'm running around a forest back in Storybrooke, where, apparently, there's been a whole lot going on.

Are you gonna tell him, or shall I? Tell me what? Neal, we think your dad's back.

Back? I just watched him die.

What do you mean he's back? Take it easy.

What the hell is that? No idea.

[ Camera shutter clicks ] Belle, can you do some more research? Yeah, sure.


I'll send you the picture.


Hey, guys, can we can we have a minute? Yeah, of course.

[ Sighs ] It's good to see you And even better to have you remember me.

It's good to see you, too.

Has it really been a year? Yeah.

When can I see Henry? Neal, I don't I know okay, I know I can't just come barging back into your life, but No, it's it's not that.

[ Sighs ] My memories came back, but his he doesn't remember anything the curse, his old life.



What does he know about his father? What I knew until about a week ago, which was that you let me go to jail and never came back for us.

But I didn't have a choice.

You know that.

Yeah, I I do know that now, but I didn't during that whole year.

So my son has no clue who I really am.

He just thinks I'm the jerk that abandoned him.

We have to get his memories back.

We have to fix this.

There has to be somebody who can the Blue Fairy or or my father that Neal He was really happy in New York with our life.

You don't want him to get his memories back.

Maybe that's for the best.

But I'm his father.

I want him to know who I am.

Belle: I don't understand.

I've dusted every nook and cranny in this place, and how have our paths never crossed? It's a big castle, and I was woefully underutilized.

Sadly, I only awaken when my candles are lit.

Those are the rules of my punishment.

Punishment by who? Whom do you think? Does he even know where he is? Rumplestiltskin, of course.

We made a deal long ago, and when I couldn't live up to my end, he made sure I paid the price.

He's not here, is he? No, he's he's dead.

But we're trying to bring him back.

You said you spent a lot of time here.

Do you know anything that could restore the Dark One? I know a great many things.

You got to help us.

If you don't, I'll never see my family again.


Why should I help resurrect the man who put me in this wax prison? The Rumplestiltskin you knew may have seemed cold and hard, but he's changed since then.


If you help us, I know he would restore you to your human form.

Please? The bookcase behind you bottom cabinet.

You shall know it once you see it.

It's a volume befitting the Dark One.

What the hell kind of book is that? This isn't a book.

It's a hiding spot.

What is this? It's a key to the vault of the Dark One.

The vault of the Dark One? Where the first Dark One was made born out of the well, darkness.

If you wish to bring back Rumplestiltskin to life, it is where you must go.

Will you guide us on our journey? If your promises that the Dark One will return me to my human form are true, then, yes, I will.

We leave first thing in the morning.

Zelena: Nicely done.

I don't think they suspected you for an instant Which says more about them than it does about you.

That Belle isn't as smart as she thinks.

And that son of his.

[ Chuckles ] Dumber than a box of hair.

They are merely desperate to bring back their Rumplestiltskin.

Not only desperate blind.

Release me.

I have aided you enough.

I'd watch your tone, candle.

There's more to be done, and you shall do it unless you desire being the wax seal on an envelope.

Whoa! You got here fast.

Well, I could hear a little panic in your voice, but I am here to tell you that there is no need to be anxious when you haven't felt your baby move for a while.

It doesn't mean a thing.


Orange juice? Mm-hmm.

Trust me.

See, babies move less right before you go into labor, so it's possible you're closer to delivering than we think.




Maybe I'm just anxious because of everything that's going on with getting ready for the baby, I mean.

And the Wicked Witch.

Everyone in town's talking about it.

Have you found out anything more about her? No.

And I'm cooped up here while everyone else is out there working hard to find her.



[ Chuckling ] No one is working as hard as you are right now.

I mean, you're creating a whole new person.

[ Chuckles ] Now, drink up.


[ Gasps ] Oh, wow.

[ Chuckles ] Works every time.

[ Chuckles ] You're amazing.

Your little prince or princess could be here any day.

I am not letting you have this baby without me.

[ Chuckles ] [ Twig cracks ] Show yourself, you winged freak.

[ Gasps ] [ Sighs ] Apologies, milady.

I thought you were the Wicked Witch.

And I thought you were a flying monkey.

I do hope my mistake hasn't cost me my head, Your Majesty.

So, you know who I am.

Your reputation in the Enchanted Forest precedes you.

I didn't catch your name.

Robin of Locksley at your service.

The thief? Well, as we're tossing labels around, aren't you technically known as the Evil Queen? I prefer "Regina.

" You think you can bring down the Wicked Witch with sticks? Well, I'm certainly going to try.

I'm afraid we're too late.

She's long gone.

Well, perhaps she left a trail.

I was hoping the same thing.

Well, then you've got yourself a partner.

I don't remember asking for one.

You didn't.

Just don't get in my way.

I wouldn't dream of it.

Have have we met before? I doubt I'd ever forget meeting you.

Unless, of course, it was during that pesky year no one can recall.

Robin: All the more reason to find this witch.

Perhaps she can offer some insight into our lost memories.

Hook: Thought you could use some sustenance.

Nothing like a green blob to get the appetite going.

Well, I gather it has great medicinal properties.

They put you on babysitting duty, huh? What, no one trusted me to stay here? Emma's simply concerned about you.

She thought it best you weren't out in the cold running after your father.

Thank you, by the way.

For playing nanny? For getting Emma the message to come back.

You would have done the same.


What's it feel like to play the hero after being a pirate for so long? Unfamiliar.

And you how does it feel to play the villain? I'm a villain now? Well, if you truly had a hand in bringing your father back, I suspect you had to use the darkest of magic and paid an even darker price, though I'm sure you felt the ends justified the means.

[ Grunts ] I should be out there looking for him to set things right with him and my son.

Question is, are you gonna stand in my way? I am in your way.

What the hell are you doing? Oh, this is long overdue.

Sometimes, when I look at you, all I see is a man.

I forget that, beneath it all, you're still that boy the one I looked after all those years ago.

Yeah, I haven't forgotten.

We got caught up in so much nonsense over a woman.

I need to do this, Killian.

You know that, right? You have 10 minutes, and then I alert the others you've gone.

Thank you.

You know, ever since it happened, I I haven't been able to stop thinking about Rumple's sacrifice.

I mean, how he died to save everyone in Storybrooke.

You know that wasn't it.

He died to save us his family.

At least he died a hero.

Were you surprised he had it in him? Of course not.

W were you? I don't know.

I mean, my papa was never the most selfless guy.

I know he wished he hadn't let me go through that portal.

I know how sorry he was, but now that I have a son of my own, I can't imagine ever doing what he did.

He regretted what happened with you so much.

He he was willing to do anything to get back to you.

Well, that's one thing about him I can relate to is I would do anything to get back to Henry.

It's, uh it's getting colder.


Come on.

Let's get what we came here for.

Let's get my father.

David: So, how was Neal? It was hard.

Henry makes it complicated.

It's not just about me.

He's hoping Gold can help bring his memories back.

That would be an added bonus to finding him.

[ Sighs ] Would it? A couple days ago, I would have thought that was true, but now Now what? How's he gonna stay in Storybrooke without them? Unless you're not planning to.

[ Sighs ] You think you'll go back to New York after we break the curse? A week ago, Henry and I were playing video games and eating fruit roll-ups.

Now I am chasing after the Dark One, hoping he can help me find the Wicked Witch of the West.

Man: Aah! [ Moaning ] Gold! You all right? No.

No, no, no, not all right! Not all right! It's I can't quiet the voices.

We know that you were held captive by the witch.

Do you know where she is? Yeah.

[ Panting ] She's aah! There's no room! No room! There's too many voices! Too many voices! We got to get him out of here.

[ Monkey screeching, gun cocks ] [ Grunts ] [ Screeching continues ] - Gold! - He's getting away! [ Grunts ] I'll hold it off! Go! [ Grunts ] [ Screeches ] Nothing useful here.



So, none of these contain magical properties? Well, a good witch covers her tracks, but a better one can uncover them.

We'll find her.

Just be patient.

You know, I've heard many stories about the great and terrible Evil Queen, but from this angle, the "evil" moniker seems somewhat of an overstatement.

Bold and audacious, perhaps, but, um not evil.

The name served me well.

Fear is quite an effective tool.

What about this? Is this magical? Not exactly.

But it is a liquid that can conjure courage, give strength, or even act as a love potion of sorts.

[ Chuckles ] It's called whiskey, and, no, it's not magical Especially the next day.


You want to have a drink? Now? Well, in the last few days, we've survived a curse, woken up in an entirely new realm, and forgotten a year of our lives.

I'd say we've earned it.

Wouldn't you? You need love.

You're gonna help me find another soul mate? There he is.

The guy with the lion tattoo.

Is something wrong? Regina? Gold? Emma! Neal, what the hell are you doing here? You expect me to stay in bed while you're looking for my dad? Right.

I forgot who I was dealing with.

You got a bead on him? David and I just saw him, but he took off again.

So it's true he's alive? Yeah.

He is.

How'd he seem? Uh, I don't know what that witch did to him, but he seems a little crazy.

When I asked him about her, it was like he wanted to tell me, but he couldn't.

Well, he can't be far.

Come on.

You want to waste time dragging me back to the hospital? 'Cause that's the only way you're gonna get me there.


Let's go.

You found it.

Thank heavens.


Now what? Head to the center of the clearing.

Under the ice and snow, you shall find the entryway to the vault.

Belle! Yeah, the key must go in the middle.

You're sure about this? I spent 200 years in Rumplestiltskin's library witnessing more dark magic and sorcery than any living creature has ever seen.

I'm I'm sorry how long did you say you were there? He's lying.

Rumple built that library for me not long before the curse.

It's been there barely 30 years.

Who are you?! Unless you want to spend the rest of eternity under a snowdrift, you better start talking.

I am who I appear to be, only it wasn't Rumplestiltskin who turned me into this wretched form.

It was the Wicked Witch of the West.

The Wicked Witch? She told you to lead us here? She wants you to bring back the Dark One so she can control him with his dagger.


We need to leave this place.

Belle, wait.

It means we can bring him back.

Does it matter who got us here? Rumple didn't sacrifice his life for good so he could return to be a slave to evil.

My father is the king of loopholes.

I'm sure he'll figure out a way to deal with her.

But what if he can't? Think what she could do if the Dark One was under her control.

We'll find another way to bring him back.

What if there is no other way? I can't waste any more time.

I need to get back.

To hell with the cost.

That's what your father told himself when he forged the curse that condemned countless people to misery.

Don't make the same mistake he made.

Neal, wait! Aah! [ Steam hisses ] [ Panting ] [ Gears clicking ] [ Liquid bubbling ] Rumple? So, New York, huh? I like the pizza.

Did Henry like it? He loves pizza.

I meant living there in the city.

Oh, yeah.

I did, too.

Finally had time to do all the things we normally couldn't.

Like what? Go to the park, see a movie, go to the zoo, just do nothing.

Life was good really good.

It didn't get lonely? Just the two of you? [ Sighs ] Henry had tons of friends at school, and I had someone.


Why are you sorry? Of course you did.

It's not like we were or you even remembered [ Chuckles ] Was it serious? He proposed.


And then he turned into a flying monkey.

Sounds intense.

[ Chuckles ] Go ahead and laugh.

I almost married a monster from Oz.

It's hilarious.

I almost married a minion of my evil grandfather, Peter Pan.

[ Chuckles ] So I know what you're saying.

[ Grunts ] Hey, I'm sorry it didn't work out.

Really? I care about you, Emma.

I always will.

I just want you to be happy Even if it isn't with me.

We were happy once.

We never found Tallahassee.

[ Cellphone ringing ] Belle, what'd you find? Belle: The symbol on Neal's hand, it's from an ancient talisman a key that opens the vault of the Dark One.

I think he may have used it to resurrect Rumple back when we were in the Enchanted Forest.

Wait, so he brought Gold back? That's where it gets unclear.

The vault will only restore the Dark One in exchange for another life.


Hang on a minute.

What? It's a one-for-one trade.

If Neal used that key He should be dead right now.

Aah! Neal? Neal? [ Groaning ] Neal, what did you do? Aah! [ Groaning ] - Aah! - Neal! Neal! What's wrong? Aah! - Aah! - Are you okay? - Aah! - Neal.

It's okay.

[ Groans ] Just hold on, okay? Belle.



[ Panting ] Bae.

Poor Baelfire.

Just couldn't learn from his father's mistakes.

He wanted so badly to get back to his son.

Couldn't see the forest for the trees.

You did this.

You tricked him.

All I did was pass on some vital information With the help of a friend.

And then your son did the rest.

You didn't tell him the price.


It's a sin of omission, love.

Although, I would have thought it was rather obvious a life for a life.

It's gonna be all right, son.

I do doubt that.


[ Gasping ] I'm not gonna let him go.

[ Groaning ] Sorry, Rumple.

You can't hang on to both of them.


I didn't think you had it in you.

[ Chuckles evilly ] You've got your son, but you've lost yourself.

Rumple? No.

No Rumple.

No room.

No room.

No Rumple! Enough of this.

Your madness is your burden, not mine.

It's time to go.

But before we do, kill her.

Rumple? [ Whoosh ] Candle! Lumiere: Go! I can't keep her for long! Go! Hurry! Don't make me regret this flash of conscience! Get out of here! Zelena: You're going to regret this, Candle.

Aah! [ Panting ] I think I think Gold is inside you.

I think that's how you're still alive.

I heard my father's voice in my head.

He's in there.

He's in me.

He said there was no room.

He meant you.

I need you to help me, Emma.

Use your magic.

Separate me and my father.

Really? You'll die.

I know, but you need my dad more than me to figure out who the witch is to save the town.

You need to do this.

I've never done anything like that before not that big.

Do it to save you and Henry.

Do it.


[ Panting, shuddering ] [ Gasps ] [ Panting ] Neal! Neal, are you okay? What have you done? [ Weakly ] It's okay, papa.

I told her to.

But why? So you can tell her who the witch is so you can defeat her.


What? Zelena.

She's the witch? What does she want? What she doesn't have.

There has to be some way you can save him, right? It's too late, Emma.

[ Sighs ] [ Voice breaking ] Just hang in there, please.

You never even had a chance to see Henry for him to remember you.

It's okay.

He doesn't need to.

He just needs to know that, in the end, I was a good father.

I saved this for you to give to you again.

Take it.

Go find Tallahassee Even if it's without me.



I'll be watching over you guys from somewhere.

Promise me just prom promise me you'll both be happy.

I promise.

I promise.


No, no, no.

I can fix this.

No, you can't.

You can't.

Thank you, papa, for showing me what it is to make a true sacrifice.

It's about saving the ones that you love.


It's my turn now.


I don't want to let you go.

I need you to.


Let go.

I love you, son.

I I love you, papa.

Emma, David, what's going on? Where's Zelena? In the bathroom.

Why? [ Panting ] She had to know we were coming.

I'll call Regina.

We need to get a protection spell around this apartment right away.

Does anyone want to tell me what's going on? [ Sighs ] I'm just glad you're safe.

Of course I'm safe.

Why wouldn't I be safe? It's Zelena.

She's the Wicked Witch.

What? How do you know? Gold told us.

Neal brought him back before Before what, Emma? What happened? Neal's dead.

[ Sighs ] Emma, I'm so sorry.

Zelena: That was rather ill-timed your son coming to the surface and staging that little escape.

[ Chuckles ] I can see he'll no longer be a problem.


Gold: My son may be gone, but he gave his life so I could tell the Savior who you really are, Zelena.

And now it's only a matter of time before she and the others find you And kill you.

Unless, of course, I manage it first.

[ Whoosh ] Please.

You can't hurt me, but you're more than welcome to try.

I do so enjoy watching futility wreck a man's will.

[ Whoosh ] There.

Much better.

Now that your head is no longer cluttered, everything's working properly.

And it's so much more entertaining.

You may control me, but it's over, Zelena.

They know who you are.

You'll never get close to Snow White's baby now to any of them to whatever your unholy desires are.

They may know who I am now, but it no longer matters, not when I have you, Rumplestiltskin not when I have your beautiful brain.

So be a good little Dark One and get back in your cage.

Oh, Bae.

[ Laughs ] [ Child laughs ] [ Bell jingles ] [ Bell jingles ] How was it? It was awesome.

We should take more fishing trips when we get back home.

Mom? Come here, kid.

[ Sighs ] You were right.

I was not completely honest with you about this case this trip.

The reason I brought us here is because someone was in trouble, and the person who needed help was not a client.

It was your father.

This is about my dad? Some bad people wanted to hurt him.

Is he okay? Did you find him? I found him but I was too late.

He's gone, Henry.

[ Voice breaking ] He was a good man, and he would have been a great father.

There's one thing I need you to know about him he was a hero.

I wish I would have known him.

[ Chuckles, sniffles ] You did.

[ Chuckles ] [ Sighs ] Mom, you're not making any sense right now.

I know.

What happened to the person who did it? [ Sighs ] They got away But I'm going to find them.

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