[ Horse neighs ] You're late.
I came as quickly as I could.
I'm hungry, and I miss you.
You are always hungry now.
And cranky.
I'm sorry.
I know there are royal responsibilities I just None that match my responsibilities to you And our family.
I'm the one who should be sorry.
[ Rumbling ] [ Wind rushing ] What is that? Is it is it a storm? [ Crackling ] [ Horses neigh ] [ Wind rushing ] That's no storm.
That's magic.
We need to get you to safety now.
[ Growling ] Are you all right? Yeah, yeah.
I think so.
What was that? - I don't know.
Snow what happened? We're back.
Once Upon a Time 3x12 - New York City Serenade Original air date March 9, 2014 [ indistinct conversations ] [ Laughter ] Hey.
Sorry I'm late.
I'm guessing it means you caught the guy.
So optimistic I like it.
[ Chuckles ] If you hadn't, you'd have canceled.
And you know me too well.
Emma Swan always gets her man.
And apparently my drink.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Hey, how'd Henry's volcano do at the science fair? It was Pompeii all over again.
Thank you for your help.
Come on.
All I did was convince him not to use real lava.
His teachers did appreciate that.
Let's eat.
I'm starving.
Let's do it.
You happy? With your food you happy? We are happy.
I'll be right back.
[ Cellphone beeping ] Hang on.
I'm just gonna finish one quick work thing.
You - I can explain.
You are a stalker! Don't scream.
Just hear me out.
I don't do this very often, so treasure it, love I've come to apologize.
For trying to kiss me? I was simply trying to jog your memory.
It's time for you to go now.
Emma, your parents are in great danger.
You really have no idea what you're talking about.
Because you think you're an orphan? Because that's haunted you your whole life? Well, I'm here to tell you everything you've believed is wrong.
You don't know me.
Alas, I know you better than you know yourself.
I have proof.
Take a gander.
Here's an address.
If you want to know who you really are, who your parents are, go there.
Leave now.
You've been there before, a year ago.
You just don't remember.
A year ago, I was in Boston, until a fire destroyed my apartment and I moved to New York to have a fresh start with my son.
Regina really did a number on you.
You're a crazy person or a liar or both.
I prefer "dashing rapscallion.
" Scoundrel? Give me one good reason not to punch you in the face.
You really don't believe me? Try using your superpower.
Yep, I know about that.
Use it.
See that I'm telling the truth.
Just because you believe something is true does not make it real.
Maybe, maybe not, but I know you, Swan.
You sense something's off.
Go to that address.
Take a chance.
Then you'll want to talk.
And when you do, I'll be in Central Park, by the entrance for the Zoo.
Don't do it for me or you.
Do it for your family.
They need your help.
How have things been since we left? - The ogres? - Oh, defeated.
We're restoring our kingdom and our lives.
And congratulations.
[ Laughing ] Is it that obvious? You're glowing.
Why is she pregnant and I'm the one who's sick? We have much to celebrate.
And know that you and your friends are welcome in our kingdom.
If you need anything, we're at your service.
Thank you, but all we need is horses.
We have our own kingdom, our own castle.
Our castle was destroyed in the curse.
Well-played, Your Majesty.
You laid waste to everything.
Not everything.
Her castle still stands.
Of course it does.
I protected it.
Well, technically, the castle doesn't belong to her.
It was Snow's before she took it.
Well, to be fair, I married into it.
That you did.
And now we're taking it back And you are coming with us.
[ Scoffs ] You can't be serious.
Regina, everyone out there is scared and confused.
They need hope.
What better way to do that than to return united? You're coming with us.
I know you don't like it.
You'll learn to, for our good for yours.
Thank you again for the hospitality.
We should begin preparations.
Good luck to all of you.
You know we can't pretend this didn't happen.
They've returned.
We have to tell her.
Aurora, we can't.
You know what will happen to them, what she'll do.
We both know if she ever found out we hid this, she would take it out on our child.
We have no choice.
She has to know.
We have to trust that they can take care of themselves.
It is not up to us to save them.
[ Indistinct conversations ] Walsh: Hey, what's that? Nothing.
Hope you're still hungry.
Oh, Walsh, I couldn't eat another bite.
You remember our first date? You were being you [Chuckling] so I couldn't swing a dinner.
I brought you here for lunch, which didn't stop you from ordering an ice-cream sundae, which wasn't on the menu.
I bribed the chef.
They made one up.
I remember.
I was nervous.
Now I'm full.
Will you at least look at it? Emma, I don't want to freak you out, but I couldn't wait any longer.
I love you.
I love Henry.
I love our lives together, and I want to have a future together.
Emma Swan will you marry me? [ Horns honking ] Here I thought the worst thing that could happen was you'd say "no," but I never thought you'd walk out on the bill.
Walsh no, no, no.
I was gonna pay.
It was I'm kidding.
I'm sorry.
This wasn't you just took me by surprise is all.
A lot of things took me by surprise tonight.
Look, surprise was kind of part of the plan, but I can see now it was not a great plan, so Doesn't it all just seem a little fast to you? I mean, we've only been together eight months.
I I've had leftovers in my fridge for longer than that.
[ Chuckles ] I know.
I threw them out might have saved your life.
[ Chuckles ] How do you we know that this is right? Emma, speaking for myself I've known this was right since the moment you walked into my furniture shop.
Why do you think your order was ready two weeks early? Your commitment to excellence? [ Chuckles ] I couldn't wait to ask you out.
[ Laughs ] It seemed the most non-stalkery way to speed things up.
I do love that end table.
That's a start.
I do love you.
You know that, right? Yeah, I do.
And I love you.
I'm not good at fast.
I know.
[ Siren wailing in distance ] I knew who I was proposing to.
I knew you would say this was too fast, and that's why we don't have to get married anytime soon.
We can wait a year or more.
Look, I don't care if we don't get married until we are 65 years old and Henry already has kids, okay? All I know is that I want to spend the rest of my life with you.
Can I have some time to think? Take as much time as you need.
I will be here when you're ready.
[ Clicks ] [ Siren wailing in distance ] [ Crashing in video game ] Mrs.
Cuse said you were quiet tonight.
Not quiet concentrating.
I finally reached level 23.
You mind if a fifth-level wizard joins you? At level 23? Good luck with that.
[ Scoffs ] So, what'd you say? To Walsh? You knew? How? Come on, mom.
First-date restaurant, special night out writing was on the wall.
Technically, the writing was in the dessert.
So, what did you say? Poor guy.
I didn't say no.
Well, if you didn't say "yes," I stand by my "poor guy" assessment.
I just need some time to think about it.
I mean, it's like a big step, kid.
We've got a good thing going here, just the two of us.
Yeah, and we'd still have a good thing if it was just the three of us.
Do you think Walsh is worthy of joining our little family? He's okay.
[ Beep, controller thuds softly ] Mom, not every guy's like my dad.
Not every guy's just gonna leave you.
He didn't just leave he set me up to take the fall for his crime and left me in jail.
He doesn't even know you exist.
He doesn't deserve to.
And this guy is not that guy.
He wants to be with you us.
He wants this to be his home.
And anyways, I know you like him.
How? Cause he's the first guy you've ever dated I've met.
When did you get so wise? Somewhere after level 16, when I became a knight.
Grumpy, look at us.
We're back to normal.
We're handsome again! [ Laughs ] Hey, Jiminy, is that you? [ Chirps ] Where you been? [ Chirps ] Really? No kidding? [ Chirps ] Okay.
[ Chirps ] Okay.
Hey, Your Highness, according to Jiminy, landed not 2 miles from here.
They're popping back all over the place.
That's good.
At this rate, we'll have the whole kingdom back in no time.
Grumpy, you and the dwarfs spread the word all new arrivals make haste for the Queen's castle.
Consider it done.
[ Chuckles ] [ Horse whinnies ] That's a lot of supplies you have there, Hook.
Well, you know what they say about preparation and all that.
Well, there's no need to overload your horse.
The Queen's castle's less than a day's ride from here.
We'll have everything we need once we get there.
Aye, well, that would be lovely if I were going to the Queen's castle.
You're not coming with us? You are a perceptive prince, aren't you? [ Sighs ] Where are you going? Listen, mate, the Enchanted Forest is your home.
Mine is the Jolly Roger.
[ Sighs ] Hook, you don't even know if it's Regina told me how this bloody thing worked that it returned all our belongings to this land, as well as us.
That means that somewhere out there is my ship.
All I have to do is find her.
And what if you can't? I'll just have to take another one, then, won't I? That's what pirates do.
And here I thought you'd gone and changed.
I tried the hero thing didn't take.
Snow: So, that's it.
Emma's gone, and you're gonna go back to being a pirate.
Back, Milady? I've always been a pirate.
Baelfire: Hey.
What Hook said just now about all of our stuff being brought back here that true? W what are you looking for? I was thinking maybe we could stop by my father's place on the way to the Queen's castle.
Neal, I I know you're hurting, but Rumplestiltskin is gone.
Maybe, maybe not, and if he's not, maybe he can get me back to Emma.
Neal, it's impossible.
Regina was clear the price of our return was a complete reset no more portals.
This is our realm for good.
There's no way to cross over, not without another curse.
We have to move on.
This is our home now.
Now, I know you miss them.
So do we.
But even if there were some way to get to them, they wouldn't remember us.
The best thing we can do for Emma and Henry is the only thing we can do let them be and know we gave them their best chance.
[ Birds calling ] [ Siren wails in distance ] Mom, do you have it? My permission slip? It's due today, and if I don't hand it in, I'll miss the museum trip next week.
Yeah, your permission slip it's right here.
Mom, is there something going on? No, nothing.
No, no.
You're doing it again.
You're worrying.
No, I am not.
I am thinking.
There is a difference.
Are you thinking about Walsh? No, I yeah.
I am.
Can you blame me for taking 24 hours to think through making a life-altering decision? I just want to make sure that nothing is wrong.
You're always looking for something to be wrong.
You don't have to do that, you know.
Sometimes it's okay to accept things are good.
I got to go.
Gonna be late.
See ya.
Love ya.
Love you, too.
[ Door opens, closes ] [ Siren wailing in distance ] [ Sighs ] Flypaper for nightmares.
That's not possible.
[ Sighs ] Swan I knew that'd work.
It's good to see you again.
Why didn't you tell me that was Neal's place? I think the tone of your voice answers that quite clearly.
You never would have gone if I had.
What does Neal have you up to? Is he trying to get into Henry's life? How does he even know about him? I already told you.
I'm not here because of Neal.
I'm here because your parents are in trouble.
Their entire kingdom has been cursed, ripped back to Storybrooke.
What are you talking about? My parents? Their kingdom? A curse? Do you know what you sound like? Like a madman, I'm sure.
But it's true.
Your parents need you.
You're the only one who can save them.
If you don't believe me at all, why did you come here? Because Neal has a camera with my son's name on it.
How? Don't you see? That is proof of what I'm saying.
Henry must have left that in the apartment when you were in New York last year.
Not good enough.
I want answers real ones.
There's only one way you'll get those.
Drink this.
Drink the thing the crazy guy just offered me? No, thank you.
[ Scoffs ] It will help you remember everything you've lost.
If one small part of you senses that, don't you owe it to yourself to find out if I'm right? What do you say, love? Take a leap of faith.
Give it a go.
Call me "love" one more time, and you lose the other hand.
Swan, what are you doing? I'm making sure that you never bother my son or me again.
[ Whistles ] This is the guy, the one who assaulted me.
It was a kiss.
He confessed.
You're under arrest for assault and criminal harassment, sir.
You have the right to remain silent.
Swan, please, you're making a mistake - Anything you say can and will be used A terrible, terrible mistake! Swan! Your family needs you! You'll see them again Emma and Henry.
Well, let's hope I don't have to curse an entire kingdom to get back to them.
I heard you talking to David about Rumple.
You know, we never saw his knife.
I think we can get him back.
Regina's castle's just beyond the mountains.
Snow, I think you mean our castle.
That's going to take some getting used to.
[ Horse whinnies ] The last time I was there was just after my father's death.
And I've always dreamed of returning.
I just never imagined it would be with Regina by our side.
I wouldn't count on that, sister.
The Queen she's missing.
[ Sighs ] [ Tapping ] What are you doing? [ Sighs ] So now you're following me? We were worried, and it looks like we were right to be.
What are you burying? Nothing that concerns you.
Why does that make me think it does? What have you done? Is that a heart? Go away.
It's your heart, isn't it? I'm not having this conversation with you.
I know you miss Henry.
Not as much as I did when that was still beating in my chest.
But, Regina, this isn't the answer.
No matter how much pain you may feel, you can't just bury it in the woods.
Watch me.
You won't feel better.
You won't feel anything.
That's the point.
I can't keep walking around, knowing that I'll never see Henry, that he doesn't even remember who I am.
I know exactly how you're feeling.
I just said goodbye to my daughter for the second time Henry, too.
But I promise you it will get better with that.
Right now it might be causing you pain, but I promise you, it will let you feel something else soon enough.
What's that? The one thing Henry always wanted you to find happiness.
I can't be happy without him.
Find a way for Henry.
[ Sighs ] [ Sniffles ] [ Squishes ] [ Inhales sharply ] Now let's get back to our castle.
[ Wind rushing ] Did you hear that? There was something there, in that bush.
There's nothing here, unless it flew away.
It did! [ Screeches ] [ Gasps ] We need to find cover.
[ Creatures screeching ] No.
I don't run from monsters.
They run from me.
[ Screeches ] - Regina! - Oh! Regina! Aah! It's too fast! Well, I'm open to suggestions.
Man: - Get down! - Aah! [ Screeching ] [ Wings flapping ] Milady.
You're injured.
It's "Your Majesty," and I'm fine.
A simple "thank you" would suffice.
We didn't ask for your help.
Well, I'm grateful for the assistance.
Robin Robin of Locksley, and these are a few of my merry men.
Snow White.
At last we meet.
You know, there was a time when our faces graced "wanted" posters side-by-side.
If you're really Snow White, why are you with her? "Her"? Show some respect Or at least some restraint at the buffet.
You'll have to excuse little John, but before you cursed this land, we spent many a day running from your black knights.
Well, I'm sure you deserved it.
What the hell was that thing? I have no idea.
We've never encountered the likes of it before.
[ Screeching in distance ] Come on.
This way.
We need to warn the others.
You want to talk to me about Walsh, don't you? Why would you say that? You bought me candy at the drugstore.
Maybe you're right.
I have been thinking about him.
Maybe what happened in my past with your birth father has kept me from living my life now.
And maybe it's time for me to start looking forward that we start looking forward.
So, does that mean you're gonna marry him? Uh So that's a "yes.
" How are you gonna tell him? Wait.
First, I didn't say that I You could tell him at dinner tonight.
We're not having dinner.
I might have sent him a text from your phone this morning.
He's coming over at 8:00.
And I arranged to sleep over at Avery's so the two of you could be alone.
It's okay, mom.
If your gut's telling you to marry him, trust it.
I forgot to pick something up.
Take this.
Go see if you can beat level 24.
I'll meet you up there.
See ya.
See ya.
[ Sighs ] [ Clink ] Hey.
We need to talk.
Ah, Swan.
I knew you wouldn't let me rot in that cage.
I've been in my fair share of brigs, but none as barbaric as that.
They force-fed me something called "bologna.
" What the hell are these? We never lived in a town called Storybrooke.
We never took a flight from Boston to New York.
We never did any of this.
So you believe me, then? I don't know.
You could have photoshopped these pictures - "Photoshopped"? - Faked.
If you think these are forgeries, then why'd you spring me from the brig? Because as much as you deny it, deep down, you know something's wrong.
Deep down, you know I'm right.
It's not possible.
How could I forget all of this? I promise you there's an explanation.
Not one that makes sense.
If you drink this, it will.
If if what you're saying is true I'd have to give up my life here.
It's all based on lies.
It's real and it's pretty good.
I have Henry, a job, a guy I love.
Perhaps there's a man that you love in the life that you've lost.
Regardless, if you want to find the truth, drink up.
Do you really want to live a life of lies? You know this isn't right.
Trust your gut, Swan.
It will tell you what to do.
Then, if you won't listen to me, then listen to your boy.
[ Growling ] Hook.
Did you miss me? Good to see you again, Robin.
You, too, Baelfire.
Well [Clears throat] we've come a long way, haven't we? Belle! [ Laughs ] Oh.
I believe you already know she once treated a poor thief far better than I deserved.
She does that a lot.
And what of you? What of your journey? Were you able to find your son in Neverland? Yes, thank you.
I don't mean to pry, but I don't see the boy.
It's complicated, but, uh, he's safe.
He's with his mother.
So, what do you think of our new friend? Can we trust him? He is a thief.
Think of it from his perspective.
How do you think he looks at you? Point taken.
[ Chuckles ] He's kind of cute, huh? He smells like forest.
What happened? That's exactly what I'm about to find out.
[ Crackling ] A protection spell the entire castle's encircled by it.
Didn't you do this? Undo it.
Well, don't you think if I could, I'd be halfway home by now? - No.
Someone hijacked it.
Who? Who's in there? I don't know, but I'm gonna find out whoever's eating my porridge.
Nobody sits in my chair.
Nobody takes our castle.
We've got a lot of people looking to us.
They're scared, and rightfully so.
Let's get them to safety first.
They'll be safe when whoever's in there is dead.
Rushing in there is a bad plan, Regina.
You know that.
I can offer safe harbor in Sherwood Forest.
It's not far.
We can offer food, shelter, and a thick canopy no creature will spy you under.
Do you have weapons? We're lousy with them.
Lead the way.
But we're coming back.
And whoever did this is going to suffer.
Regina, it's our home.
We'll make it safe again.
Hook: Snow and the Queen settled their differences.
Frankly, I was bored.
I had a life to get back to a pirate's life.
Glad to see you haven't changed.
There wasn't anything for me in the Enchanted Forest.
Why would I stay? All was well until I got a message, a message saying that there was a new curse and that everyone had been returned to Storybrooke.
The message told me that the only hope was you.
You came all the way back here to save my family? I came back to save you.
Who could have done this? Someone powerful enough to reach into this world.
Any more specific thoughts? Alas, you're the Savior not me.
You know what I was yesterday? A mother, till you showed up and started poking holes in everything I thought was real.
When I drank that potion, it was like waking up from a dream a really good dream.
Well, you have what matters most your son.
Now I have to figure out how to explain this to him.
Alas, I could only scavenge together enough for one dose of memory potion.
Better start figuring out what I'm gonna tell him.
[ Doorbell buzzes ] Who's that? Walsh.
Henry invited him.
I could get rid of him.
My memories might not be real, but he is and so are the eight months we spent together.
[ Sighs ] I owe him an explanation.
What are you gonna say to him? [ Sighs ] I don't know.
But I care about him too much to drag him into all this.
Wait here.
[ Footsteps ] [ Siren wails in distance ] Sorry.
My place is just kind of a mess right now.
Emma, it's okay to make a bold, romantic gesture without passing it off as a housekeeping malfunction.
Walsh, I [ Sighs ] I can't marry you.
It's too soon, huh? - It's not that.
I I need to go home and take care of some things.
Home? You said you were an orphan.
You said it was just you and Henry, that this was your home.
That wasn't a lie.
There's a part of my life that I've been blocking out, and I think it would be impossible for you to understand.
Come on.
How do you know that? What changed overnight? Someone from my past showed up.
Henry's father? Another ex? It's nothing like that.
H he's more like a ghost.
Okay, so that's how I'm supposed to sleep at night? You're trading me in for a ghost? It kills me to have to make this choice at all, to leave us behind my whole life.
Emma, if you love this life, then keep it.
Just stay.
I I can't.
I wish you could see this the way I see it.
And I wish you hadn't drank that potion.
What? You just couldn't leave well enough alone.
What are you talking about? It's too bad.
I actually kind of liked you.
Who are you? [ Wings flapping ] [ Screeches ] Really? [ Growls ] [ Grunts ] [ Screeching ] [ Grunting ] [ Sighs ] Swan! What the blazes was that? [ Door closes ] A reminder that I was never safe, that what I wanted, what I thought I could have was not in the cards for the Savior.
We leave in the morning.
Henry: Mom.
Mom! You're hurting the eggs.
[ Sizzling ] Can I ask you something? Sure.
Do you believe in magic? Of course.
And the Tooth Fairy and Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny.
If it gets me a present, I believe.
You're not sure you made the right decision, are you? I just didn't feel like pancakes.
About Walsh.
[ Laughs ] I made the right decision.
[ Chuckles ] I'm certain.
It's gonna be you and me, kid, for a little while.
Here you go.
As long as you're happy.
[ Fork clinks ] Tasty, but I got to run.
I'm gonna be late for school.
You kind of overslept.
Nope, no school today.
How about we go on a trip? Like a vacation? Like I have a new case, and it's in Maine, and it might take me awhile, and I think we should go.
It would be an adventure.
No school? A trip with you? Sold.
Good, 'cause I already packed.
When do we leave? - Now.
[ Knock on door ] Are you expecting someone? Yeah.
You ready, Swan? Uh Henry, this is Killian.
He's I'm, um, I'm helping him with his case.
Did you skip bail? Oh, he's still a little spitfire.
"Still"? He's not a perp.
He's a client.
Why are you dressed like that? Why are you dressed like that? All right, all right.
Just make yourself useful, Killian, and get our bags.
Henry, lend him a hand.
W we're really going? Yes.
I just need one last thing.
[ Insects chirping ] [ Sighs ] It's really back.
I'm really back.
As quaint and homey as you remember? As cursed as I remember.
[ Sighs ] [ Clinks ] That's more like it, isn't it, Swan? How you gonna explain that to him? Well, that's more your concern.
Well, perhaps it'll jog his memory.
Or give him nightmares.
Last time, this curse took away everyone's memories.
This time we don't know what it did.
Then I'll find out.
Stay here and watch Henry.
Don't wake him or scare him or just let him sleep.
Where are you going? To talk to my parents.
Don't close the door.
I I my name is Emma.
David? You remember.
You remember.
Of course.
What what are you doing here? - How - Well, Hook found me.
He brought me here.
He said you were cursed.
Yeah, we're back.
Or we never left, or well, we don't know, but we're trapped again.
But you know who you are.
Emma, this curse we don't know who did it or why.
All we know is our last year it's been wiped away.
Wiped away? All we remember is saying goodbye to you.
It feels like yesterday.
But if you can't remember, then how do you know that it's been a Mary Margaret: Emma! Emma.
year? [ Inhales sharply ] As you can see, a lot's happened.
[ Chuckles ] We just don't know what.
The whole year is gone.
Who the hell would have done this? Did you get what I need? [ Screeches ] Show me.
That's her blood the Queen's? [ Screeches ] [ Chuckles ] [ Hooting ] Lovely.
Now now I shall get my revenge.
[ Screeches ] Of course I will.
The Queen may be evil but I'm wicked.
And wicked always wins.