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The question stands on Jessica: Is she really that stupid or is it just an act for viewers to tune it?
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I'm undecided. If she is just acting, she's a great actress. But I can't stand her dumbness.
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Alien Stalker
Blacked Out
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Its ounds rather real. Poor girl.
But I'm with Maj, she so makes me go roll my eyes. :rollseyes
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I think she really is like that.
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Yeah, I voted that too-- she really is. I mean, some of the things she says and does I don't think are all that bad, I mean, sometimes even I have said a phrase or wording the wrong way.
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I think that is just Jessica. If you think about it, alot of what she says isn't so much out of stupidity but more out of just plain ignorance. Both her and her mother of said that her mother has done everything for her while she was growing up. Why would she need to know all this stuff when it was just done for her?
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Mr Grynch
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I am undecided..But if it is real, alot of it is her parents fault for sheltering her so much that she obviously cannot live in society!
Spending thousands of dollars on lingere etc?
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Well, you know, if you got the money...
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Yes, but money shouldn't let people get off the hook on knowing things, ie... lazy.
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im undecided. but i agree with all who said it: if it is just her being herself, its her parent's fault. they sheltered her. if not: i feel bad 4 her in a way b/c wen all is said and done, thats gonna be quite a statement (shes so dumb!, shes such a blonde!,etc) ti try to retract from he public's eye/mind. just my opinion!
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I think the whole thing is stupid! I can't see how Nick can tolerate her, she is a whiney spoiled brat! Sorry, but she is!
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