Okay, found a site with some transcripts to go with Diana's screencaps. So for all those who aren't watching this awesome couple, you can at least follow it through the words and pics. Be careful though, you might get sucked in!
Okay here's the transcript from last week when Jason is talking about Liz. All words courtesy of world of soaps.net
(Walking into Sonny's penthouse)
Jason: You know what? Just forget I asked.
Carly: No, you know what, Jason? It's an important question and it deserves an answer. I actually have excellent reasons for messing in your life. Oh -- just one second, excuse me. (She goes to the door and looks into the hallway) Elizabeth? Elizabeth?
Jason: Are you trying to be funny?
Carly: No, I was just checking to see if Elizabeth snuck back up on the elevator.
Jason: Stay out of this.
Carly: She's stalking you, Jason. You know it's true.
Jason: Leave Elizabeth alone.
Carly: Oh, you don't believe me? All right, ask one of the security guards -- those two new ones? -- Because they found her lurking around in the parking garage where you park your motorcycle, and they practically hauled her up here and shoved her in my face.
Jason: (Concerned) Did they harass her?
Carly: Jason, get a grip, ok? She was lurking around in the parking lot, praying that you'd show up. It's pathetic.
Jason: No, see, Elizabeth sees things a little differently than Carly does.
Carly: Oh, yeah, you're right. She's just a fool. I'm just a little irritating.
Jason: You're right about the last part.
Carly: Jason, come on, Elizabeth cannot figure out how she should feel about you. That's -- on one hand you're, like, the -- I don't know, the greatest thing she's ever seen. You're dangerous and you're wild and you're a complete --
Jason: Will you stop?
Carly: Come on! Elizabeth -- she doesn't know what to do. She can't take her eyes off of you. I mean -- ok. She gets close enough to you, but she can't touch. It's like she can't follow through if she has the chance because you're too intense, Jason. You're too fearless and fabulous and -- come on, Jason. You know it's true. I mean, you really should bail and there's something that just keeps you there.
Jason: It isn't like that.
Carly: No? How is it, then?
Jason: Doesn't matter.
Carly: No, come on, sure it does. Tell me.
Jason: Ok, will you promise to stay out of my life?
Carly: No. Tell me anyway.
Jason: How I feel about Elizabeth? None of your business.
Carly: Oh. Oh, ok. You've got it bad.
Jason: It doesn't matter how I feel. I can't get involved with anyone.
Carly: Why not?
Jason: It isn't fair.
Carly: Oh, so everyone gets to be happy but you.
Jason: I didn't say that.
Carly: Look, Sonny and I are finally solid. Why should you be alone?
Jason: Because my life is too dangerous, Carly.
Carly: Oh, and Sonny's isn't?
Jason: Elizabeth won't accept danger. She pretends it's a game.
Carly: Ok, then you need to find yourself a real woman. I'm not available. Jason, what is it with you and these wimpy, little, saccharine girls?
Jason: Will you please not start? Please?
Carly: What, you want little miss perfect? Go for it, ok? Get it out of your system. Get her out of the garage at least, ok?
Jason: I don't want to talk about this, Carly.
Carly: Oh, not that Elizabeth could ever appreciate you the way a real woman could. God, what a waste. Oh, well, I guess it's better for you to be with Elizabeth than me.
Jason: I don't want to be with you.
Carly: That's not the point.
Jason: Then why are we having this discussion?
Carly: Jason, it's not the point, ok? The point is I'm happy now. You are my best friend and I want you to be happy, too. And -- and -- all right, I'm willing to share you, even if it means I have to share you with a wannabe artist who follows you around like a little puppy dog. It's very grown up of me, isn't it?
Jason: I got to do what's best for Elizabeth.
Carly: And what makes you think that you're not what's best?
Jason: I got her kidnapped, for one thing.
Carly: She doesn't seem to hold it against you. Come on, Jason, whatever happened to letting people make their own choices?
Jason: Staying away from Elizabeth is my choice.
Carly: Ok, so you can look me in the eye and you can swear to me -- look me in the eye -- swear to me, come on, that you positively, categorically do not want to be with the little twit?
Jason: Concentrate on your own life and forget about Elizabeth.
Carly: I can't, Jason. She's going to get you killed.
Jason: I doubt that.
Carly: Jason, you just said that she treats this like a game. Ok, fine, you know what? Elizabeth wants to be with you. You should just be with her, you know? Let her see if she can live your life. Let her worry about you. Let her worry and see if you don't come home shot. Be relieved when you don't. Let her see if she can live your life and see if she can deal with it or not.
Jason: I already know she can't.
Carly: Why, did you tell her?
Jason: Yeah, I did.
Carly: And then you kissed her? And you walked away? I know you, Jason. I know you better than yourself. Come on, you want to be with her? Take her, have some fun if it's possible.
Jason: I want you to stay out of this, Carly.
Carly: Come on, you know what? I will even -- I'll help her out, I'll give her some pointers -- not about sex, though, because she's on her own, although she probably needs it. Oh, God, you know, I don't even want to think about that.
Jason: Well, good, then don't, please.
Carly: Oh, God, I can't think about anything else now. Oh, I hate it when that happens. Ok, change the subject.
Jason: Ok, let's see. I think I'm going to ask her to paint you.
Carly: Ew!
Jason: No, it'd be kind of interesting.
Carly: Ok, double ew! Ew!
Jason: You could hang the picture up there, the fireplace, and you could just, like, look at yourself all day long.
Carly: Ok, I will be nice to her. I -- I won't even -- I will. I'll teach her something about your life.
Jason: Don't teach her anything.
Carly: I won't call her a twit. Not to her face at least.
Jason: All I want is to protect her.
Carly: All I want is to protect you, too, Jason. And maybe this time I can.