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  GH # 2
 Posted: 01/18/03 06:11
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New thread. More discussion. :lol :lol

  GH # 2
 Posted: 01/18/03 11:03
# 2 



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Does it still count as GH discussion when the last two pages on the other thread didn't even mention GH?:lol

Yes! I'm reposting this because it's a pretty hot looking pic. :b

  GH # 2
 Posted: 01/18/03 12:22
# 3 
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Oh thanks for reposting the pic! I have that goofy smile on my face right now.:lol

  GH # 2
 Posted: 01/20/03 03:46
# 4 



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Just watched Tuesday's episode of Y&R. JT and Colleen are on together. Let me just say that I *loved* their scenes. Tuesday's episode is way better than Monday's. Seriously that smile, well I got it watching their scenes.

Okay recaps:

Scene 1 - JT & Coll are still at the coffeehouse. JT comes out with coffee, Coll puts her arms around him he does the same they hold each other and talk he rests his chin on top her head. Then they sit down and they hold hands across the table. Colleen tells JT about sneaking out to come find him. JT tells her she needs to go back home before she gets caught.

Scene 2 - Still sitting at the table holding hands. Coll tells him to relax her grandpa thinks she's in her room listening to music and he want bother checking on her with the radio blasting. JT says you better hope not. Coll says besides if I get caught it will be worth it. JT says still... Coll says look at you being all protective and boyfriendy. JT asks is that what I'm doing? Coll says you know it is, she says besides I don't want to talk about anything negative. She asks JT what his been up to? JT says the usual, he says he went to a couple of parties. Coll asks if they were any fun. JT says Nah, not really. He asks how she's been doing. Coll tells him about meeting Lily and how they clicked as friends. They continue talking about things. She tells him about her other friends not understanding or just not caring about what she's going threw. JT says poor you. Coll says no, not really I know what I have is real. (their looking at each other and holding hands)

Scene 3 - Still at the table. JT tells her she blows his mind the way she talks sometimes. Coll says "Gushy (or it might be pushy)?" JT says no I was gonna say real. Coll says Oh. JT says you know you should get back, she shouldn't be taking these chances, not that he's not glad to see her. (So cute) Coll says that's all you've been thinking about isn't it. JT says don't push your luck. Coll says admit it you've been dying to see me. JT says he doesn't know about dying he feels pretty healthy. Coll says okay don't admit it, I know how you feel. JT says you do huh? Coll says mm-hmm (she gets up to go sit closer to him), you know everytime the phone rings I hope it's you, whenever I come here your the first person I look for you. Coll continues. Is that what you do, hope you run into me? I find myself thinking about you all the time, your smile, your kiss. Coll says why don't we go somewhere where we can be alone. Their about to kiss when Lauren interupts them.

Scene 4 - Lauren says she was just at Colleen's grandpa's house. (Lauren and him talked about Collen and JT. Coll's grandpa told her about JT being a bad influence. Blah, whatever) She knows Coll is supposed to be grounded and that their not suppose to see each other. Coll says they just don't understand. JT says they all try to turn it into something it's not. Coll asks Lauren if she told on her. Lauren says No, not this time, consider it you're one get out of jail free card. Coll thanks her. JT says Coll will you listen to me now and please go home. Coll says okay. Quick kiss (like a peck on the lips) between the two. JT says see you. Coll leaves. Lauren says Alright Romeo, now that Juliet is gone why don't you tell me what this is really about? (I guess she's wondering about what JT's motives are towards Colleen.)

That's all for Tuesday's episode.

  GH # 2
 Posted: 01/20/03 05:18
# 5 
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Does it still count as GH discussion when the last two pages on the other thread didn't even mention GH?

Oh yes. Because it's what brought us all together. :grouphug
:lol :rollin

And Love that picture D. :grin :clap

  GH # 2
 Posted: 01/20/03 06:19
# 6 



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Oh yes. Because it's what brought us all together.


And Love that picture D.

I love that picture too! The only thing I like more than that picture is the guy in that picture. :lol Sigh...JT (Thad) is hot! He even looks hotter in today's and tomorrow's episode if thats possible. I've decided JT is my Vaughn. Yummy. :grin

  GH # 2
 Posted: 01/20/03 06:28
# 7 
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You know... from that pic, he looks a lot like CMM. ;)

  GH # 2
 Posted: 01/20/03 06:41
# 8 



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Yep, he does resemble CMM. Not only that but his name is Thad! His character also sort of reminds of CMM's character on DC (Charlie, I think?) You know kind of arrogant and cocky yet could get away with it because of all that charm and the fact that he's so damn cute. I still like CMM but right now Thad has him beat.

  GH # 2
 Posted: 01/20/03 13:54
# 9 
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Thanks for the recaps! I'll have to record it tommorrow as well. I'm just about ready to watch today's episode.

Now JT is a hottie, but I don't think he's as sexy as Vaughn. Right now in my eyes no man is as sexy as Vaughn!:lol

  GH # 2
 Posted: 01/20/03 15:37



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:lol I do think Vaughn is a hottie too, but for some reason I'm more into guys like the character of JT. I have no clue why, I just do. I think it's the whole bad boy thing.

Tomorrow's episode is way better than today's was and it made me feel better about the whole Lauren scene. Although I'm still a little leary about it, because I'm used to getting screwed in the couples department. :(

  GH # 2
 Posted: 01/20/03 15:47
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I need to get a tape from that girl so I can get to know the characters better. I saw her JT and Colleen page and e-mailed her asking when she'd being doing the tapes again. She said probably by this weekend. She has finals to get through.

  GH # 2
 Posted: 01/20/03 15:59



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Cool. I hope she start's back taking orders soon. I need a tape too!

I just hope the writers don't go there with the Lauren thing, because Lauren (late thirties/early forties) has a son who's at least a teenager, and JT's 19 at the most. It just has an ick factor to me. Tuesday's episode seemed better though, JT and Colleen's chemistry seems more on track and Lauren just seemed to wanna know what was up especially with whole Romeo & Juliet comment.

  GH # 2
 Posted: 01/20/03 17:14
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I'm not going to worry about Lauren. Now I don't know the Y&R wriiters at all, but I doubt they'd go down that road. At least I hope not!

  GH # 2
 Posted: 01/20/03 17:39



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I hope not too.Speaking of the writers you just made me remember something. Jack Smith the co- head writer is the one that created and pushed for a JT/CC pairing. I read it in SOW, so I don't think after all that hard work he put in to get this story told that he would simply screw it over especially since it's giving Y&R a lot of postive reactions.

Sometimes I just get bummed though, no matter what couple it is, or what show it is there is always naysayers. They just get to me sometimes because if they don't like a couple they'll hop on any other train just to try and bring them down. :(

  GH # 2
 Posted: 01/20/03 18:31
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Oh I know what you mean. I can't stand the naysayers, AND we both know what it's like to be screwed when it comes to good couples. 1. Max and Liz 2. Jason and Elizabeth! Believe me I'll be watching Colleen and JT with caution. You just can't trust anyone!

  GH # 2
 Posted: 01/20/03 19:11



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So true and I'm definitely watching "Jolleen" (just found out that's what they call them.) with caution.

Okay going to Liason for a second. I almost have another layout done and then I have to upload it but when it's ready I'll send you the link.

  GH # 2
 Posted: 01/20/03 19:45
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Hey I finally made it to "drunk" with my posts! Cool!:lol

Liason? Who's Liason? :lol I'll be waiting for the link. Can't wait to see it!

  GH # 2
 Posted: 01/20/03 20:16



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:clap Congrats Amanda!

I just sent you the link.

  GH # 2
 Posted: 01/21/03 03:50



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Wednesday's Y&R episode is pretty good, JT & Colleen are in it. They're not together except for a flashback of when JT sings her their song.

(Coffee house sitting down at the table)
Lauren wants to know what's going on. JT says what do you mean, what's really going on? JT says you saw Coll and I were cool together. Lauren says yeah but let's face it. JT says if your going to say she's young please don't. I'm tired of hearing it. Lauren says I can imagine. She is awfully cute. JT says yeah and honest, smart and funny…. Lauren says okay I get it, I guess she is mature enough. JT says enough for what? What are you getting at? Oh, I get it old man Abbott is telling you I'm corrupting his princess. Lauren asks are you? JT says it's not like that. Lauren gets right to the point and asks if Colleen is still a virgin. (Not that it's any of her business) JT says wow you just come right out and ask it. Lauren says yes I do. Is she? JT says what do you think. Lauren asks what about you? JT says come on lady. Lauren says I didn't think so. Your probably fighting co-eds off with a stick. JT asks what's your point? Lauren says she's just trying to figure out why he's doing all of this, why he's going threw some much trouble for Colleen Carlton. Is it the thrill of the chase? The forbidden fruit? JT says that is so wrong. You don't have a clue. Lauren says she worships you. JT says so is that such a bad thing. Lauren says that depends on what your planning on doing about it. JT stands up. He tells Lauren not that it's any of her business but he cares about Colleen. That she's the first girl that he's ever been with that matters. He tells Lauren to think what she wants. He really doesn't give a damn. He leaves.

Colleen sneaks back into her room. She goes to turn the music off when Lily walks out. Lily wants all the details on what happened with JT. Coll tells her it was perfect, except for Lauren. They talk about Lauren warning her. Lily says a grown-up on your side. Coll says yeah for a change. Lily says that is so cool. Coll says that Lauren said it was a one-time thing. Coll says she doesn't trust her and that she hopes she doesn't start hanging around or anything.

(Back to the Coffee house)
JT walks back out to find Lauren still sitting there. JT asks doesn't she have someplace better to be? Lauren says she likes the coffee and besides their not finished. JT says yeah we are. Lauren asks him if he's feeling misunderstood. JT says you got that right. Lauren asks him to tell her his side of the story, the truth according to him. JT wants to know why she's interested. Lauren tells him that Coll's grandpa and him will never see eye to eye and that maybe she can help.

(Back in Colleen's Room)
Lily says she better be leaving. Lily asks Coll when is she going to see JT again. Coll says that's the thing every time she leaves him she doesn't know if she'll ever see him again. Lily thinks that's romantic. Coll says no it hurts. Lily says because they can't be together without getting hassled. Coll says yeah without having to sneak around. Lily says sneaking around makes it fun. Coll says it's not about fun. It's serious. Lily says you're in love. Coll says yeah, well no one can understand that. No one believes that what she's feeling is real. Lily says I believe you and if you want the truth I'm a little jealous too. Lily leaves, she goes out the window because she says it's more fun.

(Back at the Coffee House)

JT wants to know why Lauren would help him. Lauren says she's a sucker for young love. JT says, who said anything about love? Lauren says okay you didn't use the dreaded "L" word, but it must be difficult feeling the way that you do about her and knowing what people think. JT says yeah that I'm a major jerk that's just trying to score. Lauren says parents are a nervous breed especially parents with a pretty young girl. JT says they act like Colleen's completely stupid. Lauren asks because she likes you? JT says yeah. How could she right? Lauren says well maybe she knows something they don't. JT says yeah, she knows she doesn't have to be afraid of me. Lauren says it feels good, to have someone trust you completely. JT says it blows him away, it's like he sees himself through her eyes and for the first time he likes what he sees. Is that weird? Lauren says No, but that's about the best definition of love she's ever heard. JT gets up. He thanks her for listening. He leaves.

(Back to Colleen's room)
She puts in a cd into her cd player. It's the song JT sang to her. She remembers him singing to her. It shows the whole scene. After it ends it goes back to Colleen teary-eyed. Then it shows JT. He was remembering it to. He's kind of teary-eyed. He tells himself to get a grip. He looks up and says Goodnight Blue Eyes. (He calls Coll that)

  GH # 2
 Posted: 01/21/03 07:50
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I think it's the whole bad boy thing.

Now who says that Vaughn man isn't this way? Or will be this way? Hmmm... I have a feeling. :lol :lol

Amanda's Drunk! Whoo-hoo! :clap :clap :clap :clap
:celebrate :celebrate

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