Created by Tyra Banks, AMERICA'S NEXT TOP MODEL follows a group of young women of various backgrounds, shapes and sizes who live together in a loft and vie for a modeling contract.
The show exposes the transformation of everyday young women into potentially fierce supermodels, with participants facing weekly tests that determine who can make the cut. With mentoring by supermodel Tyra Banks and exposure to high-profile fashion-industry gurus, the finalists compete in a highly accelerated modeling boot camp--a crash course to supermodel fame.
Participants are asked to demonstrate both inner and outer beauty as they learn to master complicated catwalks, intense physical fitness, fashion photo shoots and perfect publicity skills, all under 24-hour-a-day surveillance of the AMERICA'S NEXT TOP MODEL cameras that chronicle every move.
Banks leads the panel of judges for cycle 5, including living fashion icon Twiggy, runway expert J. Alexander and photographer Nigel Barker, who will conduct regular evaluations to narrow the field from week to week. In addition, special guest judges appear to critique within his or her area of expertise.
The executive producers are Ken Mok ("Making the Band"), Tyra Banks and Anthony Dominici ("The Amazing Race"). The series was created by Tyra Banks and developed by Mok and Kenya Barris.