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 Posted: 08/01/02 16:34
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Diana?! Did you see todays? Liz told Jason she would rather stay with him. :dance :dance I see next week being big between all 3 of them.

I about :barf :barf when Zander said he wanted to stroll the beach and make love under the stars with her. I totally didn't feel a thing for them. I wonder if it's caused I skipped those days with them "together" in bed, so in my mind, this never happened. What an ugly couple. She needs to say la vi to him and wish him well in FL by himself. :grin :grin

 Posted: 08/02/02 13:22
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I about when Zander said he wanted to stroll the beach and make love under the stars with her. I totally didn't feel a thing for them. I wonder if it's caused I skipped those days with them "together" in bed, so in my mind, this never happened. What an ugly couple. She needs to say la vi to him and wish him well in FL by himself.

It was gross. And lots of people don't see or feel anything with them even some Zander fans hates this stupid contrived triangle.

Today was good all-around up until the stupid Zzzzz kiss. Poor Jason. I keep telling myself within two weeks. Two weeks.:lol

I can't wait till Monday.

 Posted: 08/02/02 15:08
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Today was good all-around up until the stupid Zzzzz kiss. Poor Jason. I keep telling myself within two weeks. Two weeks.

You know, actually, I really liked this scene the most.. and not because of whatevertheheckhisnameis but because Jason saw them and it gave yet another chance for us to see how much Jason is in love with her. But it was also terrible. :lol

 Posted: 08/08/02 07:16
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:cry :cry :cry :cry :cry :cry :cry :cry :cry :cry :cry :cry
:cry2 :cry2 :cry2 :cry2 :cry2 :cry2 :cry2 :cry2 :cry2 :cry2
:cry :cry :cry :cry :cry :cry :cry :cry :cry :cry :cry :cry
:cry2 :cry2 :cry2 :cry2 :cry2 :cry2 :cry2 :cry2 :cry2 :cry2
:cry :cry :cry :cry :cry :cry :cry :cry :cry :cry :cry :cry
:cry2 :cry2 :cry2 :cry2 :cry2 :cry2 :cry2 :cry2 :cry2 :cry2
:cry :cry :cry :cry :cry :cry :cry :cry :cry :cry :cry :cry
:cry2 :cry2 :cry2 :cry2 :cry2 :cry2 :cry2 :cry2 :cry2 :cry2
:cry :cry :cry :cry :cry :cry :cry :cry :cry :cry :cry :cry
:cry2 :cry2 :cry2 :cry2 :cry2 :cry2 :cry2 :cry2 :cry2 :cry2
:cry :cry :cry :cry :cry :cry :cry :cry :cry :cry :cry :cry
:cry2 :cry2 :cry2 :cry2 :cry2 :cry2 :cry2 :cry2 :cry2 :cry2
:cry :cry :cry :cry :cry :cry :cry :cry :cry :cry :cry :cry
:cry2 :cry2 :cry2 :cry2 :cry2 :cry2 :cry2 :cry2 :cry2 :cry2
Diana~ This is ALL YOUR Fault! :shake :shake :shake
You've had me in tears ALL week! This is just terrible! :lol

 Posted: 08/08/02 20:53
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Jen - I'm right there with ya and trust me crying with a cold is not good. :cry2 :cry :cry2

How awesome was yesterday? How sad :cry2 was yesterday. Those scenes with Alexis just blew me away. Bravo for that performance. Then the dock scene with Jason and Elizabeth sigh...:cry Jason was hurting and Elizabeth knew it. I loved how she held his hand and how Jason let her.

 Posted: 11/27/02 06:22
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Okay, I'm dying to know! Who the hell killed :fight Alcazar?! :dunno

 Posted: 11/27/02 20:04
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And What?! exactly is the crap they are showing tomorrow for Thanksgiving? I mean come on already. GET RID of Skipper. :tantrum :tantrum I really really don't know if I can watch it tomorrow. :shake :shake

 Posted: 11/29/02 19:48
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Okay. Yeah. I watched the crap of the episode on Tgiving. All I have to say about it is 2 things: One the only parts worth watching was Felicia. :lol :rollin And two : :throwup

And did it not air today? All I saw was football. :(

 Posted: 12/01/02 17:30



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Ahh... Good old GH. I used to watch all the time... But then with school... Only when I'm off school do I get to see all the goodness. What's been happening?

 Posted: 12/01/02 19:25
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Hi Jen...:wavey


 Posted: 12/01/02 19:36
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Hey Frostie! :wavey
:rollin :rollin :rollin

 Posted: 12/01/02 21:37



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:groupwave :groupwave

 Posted: 12/06/02 13:21
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Rebel- Your too funny! :lol :lol

Okay, Diana-- hope you don't mind, but I moved this thread in here cause nobody ever responds back to it in the TV forum. I'm thinking this way maybe you or Amanda (are you still out there Amanda?) would keep me some company. :lol :lol

That said. I must go on about todays show now...

Yes. I watched. It. :shake :shake What a mess. :drink
First off let me say that I laughed my ass off! :lol Mainly because Jason *so* was not interested in her at all. I could feel that coming a mile away. He even stopped right before and I thought oh god he's going to say he can't cause he loves Liz. Blah. But he didn't (but sure the hell looked that way) And then can it get anymore stupid with her? I can't believe the crap she said about AJs bed and stuff. What a fucking moron. And you could see him get dressed and *run* out of there. And outside the door he wiped his head with a "uh crap what in the hell did I just do look" :lol :lol they didn't even show the "scene". Just a few kissing parts and then in bed afterwards. I mention this cause they had *no* chemistry and the writers knew it so they didn't really go into detail with them. How does it go? Boom Bang Bam- no thank you ma'am? :lol :lol

Okay, so onto the most exciting news of my day!
I was at Walmart today (getting gloves and boots for the snow) and in the checkout lane (I'm always looking you know) for the new issue of ABC Soaps.. and today's issue was Dec.11th. Now I don't think that was the issue I'm suppose to buy (with the ad in it). But the outside cover of it rocked! It said "Courtney and Jason have Sex-- but who will win his heart?" AND reading into you know what it means. First they put Sex. Meaning not make love. Just sex. Cool. And then it has Jason in the center with Courtney and Brenda above him (hahahah) and LIZ on his arm next to him. You see this means-- Liz will win his heart. Damn it's heating up already!

Yippidy - do - da!
:jump :jump2 :jump3 :jump4

 Posted: 12/06/02 15:18



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Yep! I'm beaming about today. I know that were still not out of the woods yet though. December will probably still be a rough month. Sigh. They want to put Liz with the new guy. Rick? I believe. Jeez... When are they gonna get that we don't want Elizabeth and Jason with anyone except each other.

LIZ on his arm next to him. You see this means-- Liz will win his heart. Damn it's heating up already!

Yeah. I saw this about two weeks ago. There was some cool pics of the other two edited out. Just Jason and Elizabeth. Very yummy.

 Posted: 12/08/02 19:00
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No. See I think this is a good thing actually. Putting Liz with the new guy. So Jason sees this and realizes that she's the one for him. :grin And then it shall heat up as he profesess his undying love for her! :rollin

 Posted: 12/08/02 19:16



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No. See I think this is a good thing actually. Putting Liz with the new guy. So Jason sees this and realizes that she's the one for him. And then it shall heat up as he profesess his undying love for her!

I would love to see this played out. I have a very good feeling about it too. Why else would they put the new guy and Liz together so soon?

 Posted: 12/09/02 12:58



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No comment on today's show. :barf :cry2

 Posted: 12/09/02 13:13



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I'm back to say I didn't watch GH today (thank god) instead I watched Guiding Light. Now Danny and Michelle I could get into them again. I used to watch them religiously before the old Michelle left and they replaced her, but it's good to know that the characters of Danny and Michelle are still together. They even have a baby. Of coarse Danny is faking his death right now (Sonny anyone. Danny's also in the Mob) and Michelle just found out Thursday/Friday of last week but today was good. Michelle was at the funeral and she was saying that Danny always loved his family more than her and Danny was hiding and listening and as she was saying this. He was shaking his head and saying that wasn't true. Now if GH don't watch themselves their going to lose me as a viewer. I emailed them today to tell them how good GL was. :lol

 Posted: 12/11/02 15:28
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Oh I watched today! LMAO! :drink

First Liz- egging on Skipper the @#%$. Loved it! "Oh he seemed so lovey dovey with Brenda - don'tcha think" :rollin :rollin Go LIZ! :lol :lol

Jason- "First rule is to get the hell out before it starts" :drink :clap :clap Now if he'll just follow rule #1 in relationships and tell her to take a hike! :rollin

Gotta say- I really really love Brenda and Jason. Not in that way really. I just laugh and laugh and laugh with their *hate* relationship. I hope this keeps up- cause they are freaking hilarious!

And yes- Jason shall see Liz with the new guy and realize how much he really does love her and will :fight to get back with her! I just know it! :kiss

 Posted: 12/12/02 18:28
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Okay my GH buddies, how much longer are we going to have to put up with this sh!t? I haven't watched the show in ages, but have read the spoilers and recaps. When will TIIC get that JIP is not working?

I heard the "love dinner/scene" was laughable. THANK GOD!

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