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I say: Max & Liz forever!
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Blacked Out
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I loved Max and Liz, so more of that would be great! But I also would love to see some Charmed as well
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Quote: Quote: See I think she should just post the M&L scenes again when season one reruns come on. Especially the first half. I know, I know we all seen them before, but I think it would be great.
*must end this obsession*
That's a good idea. I would go ahead and start reposting them but my S1 tapes aren't so great anymore.
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The reposting idea is good, but I'd also like to see Alias ones, or Buffy.
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Quote: Quote: but I'd also like to see Alias ones, or Buffy.
I'm considering doing them when they come back in the fall. If the schedules don't change I can get Buffy early Monday mornings and Alias on Wednesdays.
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Damn! I don't watch either of those shows! What about Jason&Liz? I want to see some clothes off! And what about just reposting the reruns in the fall of Roswell with M&L scenes? AND What about Smallville?!? Clark & Lana scenes? (Assuming there are any ) Well, now I guess this is way too much to ask of any one. So I won't. But I'll dream away. Oh and I just got upgraded to a cable modem with extra server space, just in case. Uh, how many servers do we have on this site already? Dear God
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Quote: Quote: What about Jason&Liz? I want to see some clothes off! You and me both. You know Jason hasn't gotten any (onscreen atleast) for like 3 years. Trust me Jen when clothes go off between them two I will definitely post screen caps of it. I may even just start posting screen caps of Liason anyway. I gotta spread the Liason love ya know, maybe I should post the pull scene that was definitely swoon worthy. Quote: Quote: And what about just reposting the reruns in the fall of Roswell with M&L scenes?
That can be arranged. Quote: Quote: AND What about Smallville?!? Clark & Lana scenes? (Assuming there are any ) Smallville I can't get those episodes early. I could still do some caps though.
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Ok...Diana, can you post a picture of this Liason that I keep hearing about? Pretty please!
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Quote: Quote: Ok...Diana, can you post a picture of this Liason that I keep hearing about? Pretty please!
I can do that. It'll be a little while though, I have to upload some of the pics.
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Definite Yay! On the Jason & Liz scenes. (And the upcoming hot ones we better get soon!) on the M&L season one make- out scenes. Wasn't Blind Date or Heat Wave the really awesome ones. Oh and don't forget the ones with Max and his shirt off! I am so bad. *Sniff* on the Smallville ones. Is it a WB thingy? Ohwell. Just have to wait for the season pictures they release.
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Quote: Quote: *Sniff* on the Smallville ones. Is it a WB thingy? Ohwell. Just have to wait for the season pictures they release.
Nope... cause I can get DC somewhat early. I'm not sure what it is. Okay I'm about to upload some of the Liason pics I have where should I post them on the GH thread or just start a Liason Thread?
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I say just start a Liason thread. They should have their own spotlight. I can't wait to see them, but I have to retire or I'll never make it threw tomorrow. I'm just so damn excited your back! And I noticed you got your posts back! I was going to tell you that today I was reading the help forums and others had requested it as well~ apparently ezboard can fix those things. ed2
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Quote: Quote: I'm just so damn excited your back! And I noticed you got your posts back! I was going to tell you that today I was reading the help forums and others had requested it as well~ apparently ezboard can fix those things.
Actually I didn't lose my post count for Ademafan18. I lost my post count for Embracing Wind and it still hasn't been restored.
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Quote: Quote: Actually I didn't lose my post count for Ademafan18. I lost my post count for Embracing Wind and it still hasn't been restored.
Oh, I must of had it backwards. Well, so you know.. they can restore them. How long though is a different story.
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Okay I've decided that I'm more than likely going to do some Sydney/Vaughn Screen Caps when new episodes of Alias get here if I can still get the episodes early. I like them. Maybe some Buffy/Spike ones too.
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Diana...that would be wonderful! Especially since I love both of those "couples!"
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