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  GH , Y&R , and General Discussion # 3
 Posted: 02/26/03 15:22
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:clap I can see them again! ;)

  GH , Y&R , and General Discussion # 3
 Posted: 02/27/03 17:43
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Wait, HOLD UP! Screw GH

:drink :drink :drink :drink

Amanda. :shake :lol Your hysterical! But so Right! LMAO.

But I did watch it today. What shit. BORING. Skipper the dipshit and Ja the dope. :shake :shake :shake Blah. :barf

Brenda's gone. :cry2 And the rest sucks. :tantrum
Nothing good to report.

  GH , Y&R , and General Discussion # 3
 Posted: 02/27/03 18:05



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You know I've officially given up on GH.:( Sad but true. I'm just glad I have my wonderful Liason memories and tapes.

  GH , Y&R , and General Discussion # 3
 Posted: 02/27/03 20:46
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Yeah I have pretty much given up on GH as well. When I hear that Liz and Jas are sharing screentime again, and the whore is totally gone I might watch again.

Right now I'm totally into Pacey and Joey on DC. The damn writers sucked me back in with the K-Mart episode. I have not watch DC since the last half of season 4. I think the last episode I watched was the one before P/Jo broke up. I have a funny feeling that the P/Jo love won't last. Nothing ever does on DC!:(

  GH , Y&R , and General Discussion # 3
 Posted: 02/28/03 06:06
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Amanda- you should check out the Dawsons forum. There are all sorts of spoilers and rumors for the upcoming episodes. Oh. And did you know that we only have like 7 episodes left forever? So it's all about to come to an end and we might find out who she'll end up with. I would say more.. but don't want to spoiler anything. ;)

  GH , Y&R , and General Discussion # 3
 Posted: 02/28/03 12:32
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Yeah I went to the Dawson's forum last night. It doesn't look good for P/Jo. I just know the writers won't end with them. They should, but they won't. I heard that the ratings really went up for the K-Mart episode. That's a sign right there that the majority of the viewers tune into to see P/Jo together! Too bad Hollywood doesn't pay attention to signs!:shake

  GH , Y&R , and General Discussion # 3
 Posted: 02/28/03 17:16
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I know! I haven't watch any eppys this year. I did watch the Christmas one because Jen said it was hilarious. But otherwise the only other eppy's I've watched are the last two...because of P and J! Damn Hollywood!

  GH , Y&R , and General Discussion # 3
 Posted: 02/28/03 19:47
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I know! Hollywood can kiss my ass!:lol

I really hope my new avi. works! I had my friend who is a D/Jo fan, or at least she used to be make it for me. I'm sure she was gritting her teeth the whole time!:lol

  GH , Y&R , and General Discussion # 3
 Posted: 02/28/03 21:07



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Nice avi, Amanda!

I used to love P/Jo when they first got together, but awhile after they broke up I became somewhat disinterested in DC. I watched a couple of times last season because of Charlie but haven't really watched much this season in fear of how it will probably end.

  GH , Y&R , and General Discussion # 3
 Posted: 02/28/03 22:31
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D, I think alot of have that same fear. :(

  GH , Y&R , and General Discussion # 3
 Posted: 03/01/03 13:37
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Well I think they will end up putting Joey and Dawson together. I'm sure "The Beek" will throw one of his hissy fits, and say that Joey and Dawson were running story of the show. BLAH! If they go by fan reaction and ratings it will be Pacey and Joey, but I don't see that happening.

  GH , Y&R , and General Discussion # 3
 Posted: 03/02/03 20:47



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Amanda ~ I think that too. :(

Well I uploaded some Jason and Elizabeth screen caps back from March of 2001 from the Face of Deception error. You can find them at my site. So far their the only caps I have uploaded and they took over an hour just to upload. At this rate it's gonna take me forever to get all the caps uploaded. :cry2

  GH , Y&R , and General Discussion # 3
 Posted: 03/03/03 12:08
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Don't pay any attention to me. I feel that we are all friends here, and I can make a complete fool out of myself. I'm just testing some things here.

Awww Crap it didn't work. Okay friends how do I post a banner?

  GH , Y&R , and General Discussion # 3
 Posted: 03/03/03 13:10



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Amanda ~ Do you want it in your sig?

Just go to your account prefrences. Go to custom sig. Make sure the HTML box is checked. Then use this code:

And if you want to center is just add

And if you just want to post it minus in your sig. This board uses ezcodes so you just add [*img noborder] pic link [/img*] tags. Minus the stars.

Tomorrow on Y&R JT & Colleen are on together. There's trouble brewing with Colleen's half ass dad the one who seems to forget about her for weeks at a time.

  GH , Y&R , and General Discussion # 3
 Posted: 03/03/03 13:33
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So Daddy dearest decided to interfere huh? He has some nerve.

Thanks for the banner posting guidelines. I never would have figured that out. I hope it works!

Edited to say: Yay it works! I got this banner at ihatethehead.s5.com It is a hilarous site!

  GH , Y&R , and General Discussion # 3
 Posted: 03/03/03 13:49



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Omg... that site. :lol . To funny. I Hate the Head :lol

Yep, Brad aka Half Ass Dad decided to interfere. He wants Colleen to come back home, not because he really wants her to but because he wants to make sure she doesn't see JT. :rolleyes And grandpa Abbott is still on his trip. I don't know who is worse. At the end of today's show Brad went to see JT.

  GH , Y&R , and General Discussion # 3
 Posted: 03/03/03 14:07
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So how much JT/Colleen interaction is there? Any sweet kisses?

I love "I Hate The Head". I haven't been to all the pages, but I've laughed at almost everything I have read so far.

Oh I really like your site, Diana! I can't wait to see all of it!

  GH , Y&R , and General Discussion # 3
 Posted: 03/03/03 15:54



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Thanks. My site, it's taking forever to upload everything. Hopefully everything will be ready by the end of this week.

JT/CC there's some kissing action and there's some playfulliness between them. Cute stuff. I'm gonna make some caps later tonight.

I had never been to I Hate the Head before, but I laughed as soon as saw that pic and the opening title.:lol Funny stuff.

  GH , Y&R , and General Discussion # 3
 Posted: 03/03/03 17:06
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The picture at the beginning of the site is hilarous. I never really thought about how big his head is, but she's right, it's huge!

I can't believe Brad has the nerve to but in. Plus I thought they couldn't see each other for two weeks? Isn't the two weeks up by now? I'm confused!

  GH , Y&R , and General Discussion # 3
 Posted: 03/03/03 17:25



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It is big. I would hate to be head-banged by it. :lol

The two weeks have been up. Brad and the Old guy seem to me that they want to control Colleen's every move. It's stupid. She's sixteen not six and if I hear one more time how Colleen needs to date someone her own age I will scream. Earth to the dumbasses. Most 16 year old guys do the same thing as the 19 year old guys.

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