Jake (Voice Over): Once upon a time, there was a beautiful princess who lived in a kingdom far, far away. And in that kingdom, there also lived a boy, and the princess loved that boy.
(Peyton is driving when her car breaks down.)
Peyton: Unbelievable.
(Peyton uses her cell phone to call for help.)
Jake (Voice Over): And so the two decided to marry.
Jake: Did you just say you wanted to get married?
Peyton: Yeah, crazy right.
Jake: It's a little nuts, yeah.
Peyton: Okay, but maybe not. I mean it worked for Nathan and Haley. Look how happy they are.
Haley: Brooke, let me in.
Brooke: No, it's not ready. Go away.
Haley: It's my apartment. It's my wedding dress, for that matter.
Brooke: No, it will be, but for now it is my wedding dress and it is not ready.
Haley: Does it look like my dream dress. Vera Wang meets Snow White.
Brooke: It's better
Haley: Yay.
Brooke: This is so exciting.
(Haley sits down on a chair and Brooke pulls out a tape recorder which Haley can't see.)
Brooke: So, how did Nathan ask you to marry him the first time?
Haley: Um… well, it was raining and we had just had that argument. The one that I had told you about.
Brooke: Oh, the one about the internet porn.
Haley: Yes, thank you. Anyway, we made up in the rain. And we were laying in bed the next day, and he just looked over at me and said: you're my family now and he said that he could love me forever. Then, he asked me to marry him.
Brooke: That's so sweet. But, the dress still isn't ready, so you need to find something else to do with yourself. Chop, chop.
Haley: You're such a grouch when Lucas isn't around. How long until he gets back?
Brooke: A couple of hours, just in time for your rehearsal party. Which like your dress, is a total surprise.
Haley: I hate surprises.
Brooke: Not these you won't, I promise. Get out of here.
(Rachel enters Club Tric and finds Deb.)
Rachel: Hi.
Deb: Oh, hi.
Rachel: You're Deb right?
Deb: Yeah.
Rachel: I was wondering if you tell me how I could get in touch with Cooper. I'm…
Deb: No, no I'm sorry. He's out of town. Can I give him a message?
Rachel: Just tell him, his girlfriend stopped by.
Deb: Rachel. Look, um, I know you've called the house. And, I'm sure you've tried his cell, but I think you know that this is not going to work out.
Rachel: Well, maybe I'll just wait and here that from him.
Deb: You're not going to, okay. And I know that must hurt, but you're in high school and he's nearly thirty. What's next, he takes you to the prom. If you thought this could work, you wouldn't have lied in the first place.
Rachel: Did he tell you that he slept with me after he knew how old I was?
Deb: Yes, he did. He also told me, it was a terrible mistake. One he regrets.
Rachel: Just tell him I stopped by.
(Rachel leaves Club Tric)
(Haley is trying on the wedding dress that Brooke has made for her. Brooke has her blindfolded.)
Haley: Ok, this is weird. I mean usually, it's the groom who can't see the dress before the wedding, not the bride.
Brooke: Ok, quit whining. Are you ready?
Haley: Yes, please.
Brooke: Alright, Haley James Scott. I now pronounce you fabulous.
(Brooke takes the blindfold off of Haley.)
Brooke: Do you love it?
(From the look on Haley's face, you can tell that she hates the dress.)
Brooke: You're speechless. I knew you would be. Hold on, there's one more thing.
(Brooke puts a halo on her head)
Brooke: Do you get it? Halo.
Haley: Wow. Wow. Brooke this is um…
Brooke: You're welcome. Thank you so much for asking me to be your Maid of Honor. I love weddings.
(Haley starts to cry.)
Jake (Voice Over): Now in this kingdom, all was not well.
Peyton: I love you Jake, I do. And you know that I love Jenny, so maybe that's enough.
Jake: I think only in fairy tales that's enough, Peyton.
Peyton: You know what, someone told me once that there's nothing wrong with fairy tales. Everybody lives happily ever after.
Jake: Ok, listen you can't just fly into Savannah and then get in my head all over again. Telling me you want to stay and then ask me to marry you.
Peyton: Well, why not?
Jake: Because. I might just say yes.
(Jake leans in and passionately kisses Peyton.)
Jake (Voice Over): So the princess and the boy were set to be wed. And because she was a princess, the call went out for a beautiful gown.
(Haley stands in front of a mirror in the dress that Brooke made for her. Nathan enters the house.)
Nathan: Whoa, sorry. I'm not supposed to see you in your wedding dress, right?
Haley: It's okay. This is not my wedding dress.
Nathan: It's not? Haley: No, it supposed to be but there is not way I am getting married in this frock. I asked Brooke to make me something simple and elegant and instead she makes me something so...Brooke! Nathan: Well, maybe you should wear it anyway. Well, Brooke is your maid of honor and you did ask her to make the dress, right? Haley: So? Nathan: Well, so, she'll be crushed if you didn't wear it. Anyway, it doesn't matter what you wear. My girl is going to look beautiful.
(Nathan kisses Haley on the cheek.)
Haley: Thank you. Nathan: Except maybe in this thing. Haley: Shut up!
(Nathan's cell phone rings. He answers it.)
Nathan: Hello. Oh, okay. Yeah, yeah, I know where it is. Alright, I'll be there. Bye.
(Nathan ends his phone call and continues taking to Haley.)
Nathan: Peyton's car broke down. You wanna come with me.
Haley: Um, yeah, actually just let me go change. You can drop me off at the café. I'm gonna need money for a new wedding dress.
(Lucas and Karen driving in a car)
Karen: What's on your mind kiddo?
Lucas: Brooke. You know, it's nice to get away but I'm glad we're gonna be home soon.
Karen: Did you like any of the colleges we looked at?
Lucas: Yeah. But you know, I figure I'll just go to somewhere we can afford. I mean, thanks to my heart condition I won't be getting a basketball scholarship.
Karen: You know, this trip wasn't just about finding you a school. It was also about finding a way back.
Lucas: To what?
Karen: To a place where it's okay to dream again. You know, you walked away from basketball so that you could live a long life. But what are you gonna do with that life? What's your next dream Lucas?
(Peyton on the side of the road by her car. A tow truck pulls up and parks in front of her car. Marcus gets out of the tow truck.)
Peyton: Hey. Sorry about this.
Marcus: No problem. What it do, overheat?
(Marcus opens the hood and takes a look at the engine.)
Peyton: Yeah, I'm not really sure why though.
Marcus: How's your leg doing?
Peyton: Oh um, it's okay. It's kind of weird, everyone knowing about it.
Marcus: I was in the tutor center that day.
Peyton: Oh. Well, I guess you know my friend Haley then?
Marcus: Not really, but I think that was kind of the point. You got a hole in your radiator. I'm gonna have to tow you in but I can drop you off somewhere, if you want.
Peyton: No, it's okay. I called someone.
(Nathan pulls up behind Peyton's car. He gets out and walks over to Peyton and Marcus.)
Nathan: Hey. You okay?
(Peyton nods her head.)
Marcus: How's it going Nate?
Nathan: Hey, Marcus.
Peyton: So, I guess you guys have met.
Nathan: Yeah. How ya been?
Marcus: Could be better. You mind giving me a hand.
Nathan: Sure.
Peyton: I'm gonna go clear my head.
Nathan: Okay.
(Peyton walks off.)
Nathan: So, uh I haven't seen you around much.
Marcus: That's cuz you don't hang out with any cool people. Nah, the truth is the day in the tutor center kind of screwed me up.
Nathan: Yeah, I think it kind of screwed all of us up man.
Marcus: Yeah. I guess but, it just made it worse. Sometimes I wish I could talk to the kid in the room. Try to help him.
Nathan: Edwards, you mean.
Marcus: And me too. The me I was then.
Nathan: So, you're working a part time job now, huh?
Marcus: No, full time.
Nathan: You dropped out of school?
Marcus: Yeah, it was hard walking past that room. So, I just quit going. Thought it might help but, I guess we're all gonna have that day with us forever.
(Peyton walks back to Nathan.)
Nathan: You know, I love you Sawyer but, isn't this the kind of thing you call Lucas for.
Peyton: He's out of town.
Nathan: What about Brooke?
(Peyton is lying in the bed and sits up to talk to Jake.)
Peyton: Jake, you okay?
Jake: You know you talk in your sleep.
Peyton: Uh…yeah. I'm sorry.
Jake: I've been sitting awake wrestling with the feeling that you need to go back to Tree Hill. You shouldn't stay here. And you can't.
Peyton: Why? What happened?
Jake: You talk in your sleep, Peyton.
Peyton: Okay, so, so, what? I don't understand. So, I mumble a few words in my sleep. I mean, what'd I say. Was it really that bad? Did I say I wanted to kill you or something?
Jake: No. You said I love you.
Peyton: Okay, well normally, that's a good thing.
Jake: You said I love you, Lucas.
Jake (Voice Over): Now as the wedding day approached, the Princess worried about the evil King. Because, although he had not always been this way his heart had grown dark and his kingdom had grown to fear and despise him.
(Dan stands outside of Karen's Café. Haley goes outside to talk to him.)
Haley: Okay, Mr. Scott. You've got to go home, cuz you've been out here all morning and you're kind of creeping some of the customers out. Deb's not working today, okay.
Dan: How's Nathan doing? I mean since he's lost Keith.
Haley: He's a mess. Especially, since he lost his father long before that.
(Haley starts to walk off.)
Dan: Haley. I here the two of you plan on renewing your vows. I'm happy for you. You're the best thing that's happened in his life in a long time. Would you please just tell him I send my best? I understand he wants to keep his distance with this restraining order. I respect that.
Haley: Mr. Scott, I'm not buying it. This...you.
Dan: I guess I can respect that too. I'm glad that you're protective over him, Haley. I suppose if you were just his potential, it doesn't matter who got him there. You or me. It's just that he gets that's important. Have a nice wedding day.
(Rachel is calling Cooper's cell phone.)
Cooper's Answering Machine: Hey, this is Cooper. You know the drill.
Rachel: Hey Cooper, I was just thinking about you. Thought I'd try you again. Give me a call, okay. It's kind of starting to feel like you're trying to avoid me. Okay, bye.
(Rachel ends the phone call and throws it against the wall.)
(Haley walks into her apartment and Brooke is still working on her wedding dress.)
Brooke: Hey buddy, okay, I know I said I was done with the dress but I came up with a fantastic idea. It involves feathers but, tasteful feathers so don't freak out.
Haley: Okay, um… I need to talk to you about the dress.
Brooke: Okay.
Haley: I know that you've worked really hard on this and I just love you for it. I just don't know if it's me.
Brooke: You don't like it.
Haley: No, it's not that I don't like it. It's just a little... maybe we could just take it down a little, you know.
Brooke: I worked really hard on this.
Haley: I know you did, like I said.
Brooke: And you hate it.
Haley: I don't hate it. I just want something simple.
Brooke: This is simple.
Haley: Brooke, you're putting feathers on it.
(Brooke stands up.)
Brooke: Fine. You know what, why don't you wear that stupid hat and poncho of yours for all I care.
Haley: Brooke, there's no need to get nasty.
Brooke: No. You can insult my fashion sense but I can't insult yours.
Haley: Brooke, all I'm saying is I want something closer to the picture.
Brooke: Right, closer to the picture. Okay, you if you want to go shopping and buy a new wedding dress, why don't you go to slut barn. I'm sure they're having a sale.
Haley: Oh, well you would know! Wouldn't you!
(Brooke storms out of the house and slams the door.)
(Peyton walks into her bedroom and lies down on her bed. She looks at a picture she drew that is hanging on her wall.)
Jake: You told Lucas that you loved him?
Peyton: It was the school shooting, ok? I was bleeding and I thought I was going to die. I didn't even mean it like that! Jake, I love you.
Jake: I know that you do.
Peyton: Well, then why are you making such a big deal about this?
Jake: When you decided that you weren't going to go back to Tree Hill do you remember what you told me?
Peyton: Yeah.
Jake: You said that your father is not around, that Haley has Nathan and that Brooke has Lucas.
Peyton: Ok, you know what? Haley and Brooke are my best friends and they spend a lot of time with their boyfriends. That's all meant by that!
Jake: Let me ask you a question: what if Brooke didn't have Lucas?
Jake (Voice Over): In the days before the wedding the king surprised the Princess and gave his blessing to the marriage. But, the Princess was still torn for even though she had found her true love it meant she would have to faithful handmaiden behind forever.
(Peyton is leaning against the wall in her room when Brooke comes in. Brooke sits on Peyton's bed with Haley's wedding dress.)
Brooke: Hi, only friend that I can trust.
(Brooke notices Peyton is crying.)
Brooke: Whoa, what's wrong? Did you break up with Pete?
Peyton: I didn't go to see Pete. When I left this weekend, I went to go see Jake.
Brooke: Oh my god! But that's a good thing, right?
Jake: You asked me to marry you, after Jenny called you mama. After, you lost your mom again. And your dad's not around.
Peyton: You know what, don't.
Jake: Your alone Peyton, I get it. It makes all the sense in the world that you would want a family.
Peyton: No, I want this family.
Jake: Do you?
Peyton: Okay, you know what...just don't. I don't understand this, okay. Cuz it looks like you're trying really, really hard to push me away. So if you're not into me, just say so.
Jake: No, that is not it. I love you Peyton, okay? I don't wanna believe that there's another guy in your heart, but I think that there is.
Peyton: I think that you're afraid.
Jake: Yeah, you know what…I am afraid. It hurt like hell the last time I lost you and I...I don't wanna do that again.
Peyton: Then, don't.
Jake: Look… marriages fall apart all the time, because people, they get caught up with the romance and they're not honest with themselves. Well I have to be twice as honest. Once for me, once for Jenny.
(Haley is punching a punching bag when Nathan walks in the house.)
Nathan: Whoa! Anyone I know?
Haley: Mostly me. I talked to Brooke today.
Nathan: Oh, boy.
(Haley stops punching the punching bag.)
Haley: I have never seen someone go from so thrilled to so hurt, to really mean, so quickly. And that was just me.
Nathan: I'm sorry, Hales. Well hey, you'll never guess who I ran into today. Marcus.
Haley: Marcus from the tutor center, Marcus.
Nathan: Yeah, you know he dropped out of school.
Haley: I ran into Dan today. Who do you thinks a bigger ass?
Nathan: Actually, he seemed like he was really affected by the whole thing. Like, maybe he was trying to change because of it.
Haley: Actually, I was gonna say the same thing about Dan. Believe it or not.
Nathan: Not. But, uh… I was thinking about inviting him to the wedding.
Haley: Dan!
Nathan: No, Marcus.
Haley: Oh.
Nathan: I mean I'd love to include my dad but, he'd just screw it up. There's still hope for Marcus.
(Haley nods her head.)
Nathan: Oh, and just a reminder, you gotta pick out our first dance song.
Haley: I know, I have it narrowed down to three.
Nathan: Oh cool. I'll tell you what, you give me those three songs. I'll surprise you on the day.
Haley: Ok, sounds fun.
Nathan: Alright. Now what are you gonna do about Brooke? I mean besides pretending that she's a speed bag and whaling on her.
Haley: I am going to apologize and hope she forgives me.
Nathan: That's my girl.
(Lucas and Karen driving in a car)
Lucas: Literature. You asked me about my future. If I could go to any college it would be to UNC to study literature.
Karen: My son, the next great American author.
Lucas: I don't know about that ma.
Karen: And, UNC would be your dream school?
Lucas: Yea, sure, I mean if we had the money.
Karen: Okay, listen to me. Before we left, the lawyer who drew up the adoption papers called. He told me that ever since you were born Keith has been saving a fund for you, for college. I didn't know about it myself. He dreamed your dream with you Lucas. And, if this is something that you really want then you have the grades, then you can have it. Because Keith left it for you.
Lucas: God, I miss him so much.
Karen: He's always with you, always. You make him proud.
Lucas: I will.
(Peyton and Brooke walking down the street)
Brooke: I totally lost my mind and went off on Haley. I called her a slut.
Peyton: Wow. You know what, I'm proud of you B. Davis. Helping Haley find another dress is...
Brooke: Oh no, we're not shopping for her. We're shopping because I feel miserable and this is therapy.
Peyton: Brooke.
Brooke: Oh, see… all better. Be right back.
(Brooke walks into a clothing store.)
(Rachel is trying on a pair of jeans. Her cell phone is ringing. When she checks it, she sees it is Mouth calling. She is upset that it is not Cooper calling her back. She throws her phone down and walks over to the mirror. She punches the glass and cuts her arm. Brooke walks out of one of the dressing rooms and sees what Rachel did.)
Brooke: Rachel…
Rachel: He said he liked me. I need him to like me.
JAKE (Voice Over): On the eve of the Princess's wedding, a lavish feast was arranged. Friends and royalty were summoned from lands far away to join the happy couple for a night of laughter and magic.
(Peyton is helping set things up on stage and Brooke shows up.)
Peyton: Well, well, as usual Brooke Davis shows up when all the work is done.
Brooke: Sorry, I had some… things I had to deal with. Speaking of, you never told me how everything ended up with Jake.
(Haley comes on the stage to join the conversation.)
Peyton: Uh, just not what I wanted it to be. Um… I think I'm gonna go hide the knives.
(Peyton walks away so Brooke and Haley can sort things out.)
Brooke: Hey.
(Brooke and Haley say I'm sorry at the same time. Then they hug.)
Brooke: I'm sorry. I was being selfish and I wasn't listening to you and I...
Haley: I was so wrapped up in what I wanted that dress to be that I freaked out a little bit. I would love to wear your dress.
Brooke: That's really nice but I think you might wanna save the love until after dinner tonight. You know all those questions I've been asking you about the early days of Naley. Yeah… you didn't think I really wanted to know all that stuff, did ya?
(Brooke shows Haley the tape recorder.)
Haley: Yes.
Brooke: No. I was just gathering material. I'll see you tonight.
(Brooke walks off the stage.)
(People are all seated at the tables in Club Tric. Peyton and Brooke are doing some last minute setting up.)
Peyton: It's really filling up out there.
Brooke: Really… I was worried. Apparently, there's a flu going around and everybody's dropping like flies.
Peyton: Lucas should be back any second, are you excited?
Brooke: Yeah, I am. But I don't know, it's kinda strange. I realized, since he's been gone that I'm not as dependent on him as I thought. You know, I have my clothing line and I have my friends and I have me. And I'm not such bad company. Who knew?
(Bevin comes on the stage.)
Bevin: Peyton, Naley's here.
(Peyton takes a deep breath.)
Peyton: Brooke, you're the best company. Believe that.
(Peyton walks off stage.)
(Peyton leads Nathan and Haley to their table while everyone else is clapping for them. Backstage Haley is rehearsing what she is planning to say. Lucas walks up on stage and surprises her.)
Lucas: Hey pretty girl.
Brooke: Hi, boyfriend. Oh, I missed you.
Lucas: I missed you.
(Lucas kisses her on the cheek.)
Lucas: This place looks great. You did good Brooke.
Brooke: Yeah, I know I did. Peyton and some other people helped but, it was mostly me.
(He laughs. Bevin and Fergie walk on stage.)
Bevin: Small problem… Skills is sick and he's supposed to be in that first scene with me. Fergie said he'd stand in for him but I don't think anybody's gonna buy him as Nathan. Cuz, ya know, his hair.
(Brooke laughs.)
Brooke: Um… you know what, I think it's gonna be fine. Just give him a set of lines. Lucas, here's yours. It's showtime.
(Everyone exits the stage but Brooke walks out from behind the curtain. She stands in the middle holding a microphone.)
Brooke: Once upon a time in a kingdom far, far away a girl and a boy fell in love. And then another girl, supposedly a friend, secretly taped how they fell in love and decided to use it against them. So tonight, I give you an authentic and very unauthorized re-enactment of Nathan and Haley, a fairy tale.
(Everyone claps and a sign on the stage says The First Date. The curtains open and Bevin (playing Haley) is sitting on a bench, at a table. Haley notices that she is wearing her poncho. Everyone claps. Fergie (playing Nathan) walks up and sits on the bench on the other side of Bevin.)
Bevin (as Haley): So you're Nathan Scott? Mr. big shot basketball player. I don't trust you and I'm totally not into you. And I'm just tutoring you so that you'll leave my best friend Lucas alone.
Fergie (as Nathan): Damn baby, that is one ugly ass poncho.
(Everyone claps.)
Fergie (as Nathan): Yo, check it out.
(Fergie pulls a bracelet out of a cracker jack box and puts it on Bevin's wrist.)
Fergie (as Nathan): Don't say I never gave you no bling.
(Fergie moves towards Bevin to give her a kiss and the curtains close. Another sign is on the stage that says. The Sleep Over. The curtains open and Lucas (playing Nathan) is sitting on a bed. Brooke (playing Haley) is standing next to him and wearing a robe.)
Brooke (as Haley): Listen Nathan, I know you collapsed on the basketball court tonight. So I was thinking, maybe you wanted to stay the night and get a little freaky.
(Brooke opens her robe to reveal the lingerie she is wearing.)
Brooke (as Haley): How about this?
Lucas (as Nathan): Okay.
(Lucas stands and hugs Brooke. Everyone is clapping and the curtains close. Haley protests and says that's not really what happened. Another is on stage and it says. The Last Hurdle. The curtains open to find Deb (playing Haley) sitting on the floor by a coffee table, crying. A guy playing Nathan walks onto the stage.)
Guy (as Nathan): What's wrong Haley?
Deb (as Haley): I just wanna go home to my own room. I'm not a wife… I'm not even a senior. (Crying)
Guy (as Nathan): I'll always be there for you Mrs. Scott. I mean, um… Haley. Always and forever.
(The guy hugs Deb and goes in for a kiss as the curtains close. Everyone claps. Brooke runs out on stage.)
Brooke: It seems that there's a bit of a bug going around. We've lost a few performers. So I was wondering if in this next scene, Nathan wanted to play himself?
(At first he says no but decides to get on stage for the next scene. Another sign is on the stage and it says. The First Kiss. The curtains open and Nathan is throwing rocks at this fake window. Gigi (playing Haley) walks up to him.)
Gigi (as Haley): You're gonna wake my parents. That's their room.
Nathan (as himself): Uh, look… Haley I…
(Gigi grabs him and pulls him into a kiss. Brooke looks in shock and says that she skipped ahead. She stops kissing him.)
Gigi (as Haley): Gosh… I think I messed up. We better start over.
(Nathan laughs, along with everyone else. The curtains close and another sign says. The Make Up. The curtains open and Lucas (playing Nathan) is standing in the rain. Well, it's supposed to look like it. Brooke (playing Haley) walks up to him, looking angry.)
Lucas (as Nathan): I decided to go for a run and I ended up here. Boy is it raining out.
Brooke (as Haley): I'm mad at you, Nathan Scott.
Lucas (as Nathan): Haley, please listen to me. I know I'm a porn freak.
(Everyone laughs.)
Brooke (as Haley): Nathan, it's okay. I like my porn too. And I Haley myself from time to time, but I still need to know that you love me.
Lucas (as Nathan): Someday, I'm gonna marry you Haley James. Someday.
(Lucas and Brooke kiss and then the curtains close. Peyton stands in the distance watching. She looks upset.)
(Peyton and Jake are sitting on the couch.)
Jake: Peyton, I'm sorry. I don't want you to go, but you're father told you to follow your heart. And he's right...as much as it kills me to say it. I think you need to follow it home.
Peyton: What if you're wrong? What if I go back and my heart just aches for you like it has for months now?
Jake: Well, then I'll still be here. And if it's meant to be...we'll be together.
Peyton: Someday.
Jake (Voice Over): As the night wore on, a calm fell upon the land and all was right in the world. If only for a moment…
(An intermission is going on right now. Everyone is walking around and talking to different people. Haley runs up to Brooke.)
Haley: I would strangle you, if this wasn't so awesome. Thank you and thanks for being my Maid of Honor. It really means a lot to me.
Brooke: You're welcome. Thank you for being cool about the dress.
Haley: Oh, yeah… no problem. Listen, Rachel's here, can you just try not to kill each other. Okay?
Brooke: Yeah, I actually invited her.
Haley: What?
Brooke: Long story.
(Haley walks off and Brooke walks over to Rachel.)
Brooke: How's the hand?
Rachel: Kinda gross, actually. Thanks for covering for me at the store.
Brooke: Sure… mirror's just break all the time. I didn't even tell Peyton. As long as you're okay.
(Brooke starts to walk off.)
Rachel: Brooke… I broke the glass because I was mad at myself for lying to Cooper. I mean I know I just met him but, I really liked him. And now, he doesn't wanna see me anymore.
Brooke: That sucks. I'm sorry.
Rachel: Why? I mean, you and me, why are you sorry?
Brooke: Because I know what it feels like to have your heart broken. And I wouldn't wish that on anybody.
Rachel: Not even your worst enemy?
Brooke: Not even her.
(They smile and Brooke walks away. Nathan is walking around and spots Marcus. He walks up to him.)
Nathan: Hey. You showed up, man.
Marcus: Yeah. What the hell dude? If this is your history, I can't figure out how you got married the first time.
(Nathan laughs. Haley walks up to them.)
Haley: Hey… I thought you snuck off with Gigi.
(Nathan laughs again.)
Nathan: Hales, you remember Marcus, right?
Haley: Yes, I do. It's nice to see you.
Marcus: Congratulations.
Haley: Thanks. Um, so Nathan says you dropped out of school.
Marcus: Yeah, well I kind of had a lot of stuff to do. And besides, my grades pretty much sucked anyway.
Haley: Oh.
(Haley nods her head.)
Haley: Yeah, I think we all had a lot to deal with after that day.
(There is silence.)
Haley: I can make you an offer, actually. If you wanna come back to school, I'll tutor you.
Nathan: Yeah. She's a great tutor, man. She makes it all easy.
Marcus: I'll think about it. Okay?
Haley: Ok. Thanks for coming.
(Marcus walks off and they tell each other goodbye.)
Nathan: That was really nice of you, Haley.
Haley: You know, even though two people lost their lives that day… maybe in some strange way, other people found theirs.
(Peyton is setting up for the next scene. Brooke walks in.)
Brooke: Okay P. Sawyer, last scene of the night. Are we good?
Peyton: Actually, no. Mouth is sick.
Brooke: What? But we need him for this scene.
(Lucas is right behind her.)
Brooke: I mean Luke, you could do it.
(Brooke gives a big smile and Lucas and Peyton don't look happy.)
Peyton: Maybe we should cut the night short.
Brooke: No we can't, this is the big finale. Please Lucas.
(Brooke holds out a wig for him.)
Lucas: Okay, but no wig.
Brooke: Deal. Those are your lines. Um, I can buy you guys a couple of minutes. Just ad lib if you have trouble.
(Brooke hurries off stage. Lucas is laughing.)
Peyton: You do know what scene this is, right?
Lucas: No, what?
(Lucas is looking through the script and realizes what the scene is about.)
Lucas: Oh.
(Brooke gets on stage and the curtains are closed. Everyone claps.)
Brooke: Before we end the night, I just wanted to say a few words about Nathan and Haley. I told them once, not long ago, to be happy. Because some day they would all make us believe in true love… and they do. In a few days, they are gonna renew that love for all of us to see. But in a way, we see it everyday. The only difference is that Haley will look fabulous in her wedding dress by Clothes Over Bros. Which is kind of odd seeing that she's marrying a bro. That's not the point. Sorry. One rainy day, Nathan Scott proposed to Haley James and the rest is a fairy tale. This is the last scene of the night.
(Brooke walks off stage and everyone claps. The curtains open to find Lucas and Peyton in a bed. Lucas is playing Nathan and Peyton is playing Haley. It sounds like it is raining.)
Lucas (as Nathan): Golly gee. That was some good loving, Haley.
Peyton (as Haley): Oh, yes… yes it was.
Lucas (as Nathan): So uh, what are you thinking?
Peyton (as Haley): Oh, I was just thinking how I never…
(Peyton looks like she forgot the words. Brooke tries to help. Brooke whispers to Peyton.)
Brooke: Never wanna go home again.
Peyton (as Haley): I was just thinking how I never wanna go home again.
Lucas (as Nathan): I love you, you know that?
(Peyton is holding Jenny in her arms. Jake is watching.)
Jake: Where's your head at Peyton? Peyton: Well, uh… when I went to bed tonight, I was living a fairytale. When I woke up, it's a nightmare.
Jake: It's still a fairytale, don't give up on that. Look inside your heart and ask yourself, is Lucas still there? And if not, I'll be here.
(The scene is still going on. Everyone is waiting in silence for Peyton to say something.)
Lucas (as Nathan): Hey. I love you. You know that?
(Peyton and Lucas are lying down in bed.)
Peyton: Everything's gonna be alright, right?
(Flashbacks start of Lucas and Peyton's past together. You can hear Lucas talk in the background.)
Lucas: Yeah. Yeah it is.
(Again, the scene is still going on.)
Peyton (as Haley): I love you too.
(The stare and everyone else claps.)
Jake (Voice Over): Once upon a time, in a kingdom far, far away. There lived a beautiful princess who loved a boy.
(The curtains closed and everyone stands up, clapping. Haley gives Nathan a hug and a kiss. The show is over. Brooke sees Rachel and walks up to her.)
Brooke: Rachel… Are you gonna be okay?
Rachel: Yeah. I'll be fine. It's his loss, right?
(Rachel walks off. Marcus walks up to Nathan and Haley.)
Marcus: So, thanks for the invite tonight and the offer. You know it's not that easy to change who you are. But it helps when people let you try.
(Marcus walks off.)
Haley: See ya.
Nathan: See ya, man.
Haley: You know, there's something I'd really like to do. Do you mind if I meet you back here?
Nathan: No.
(They kiss and Haley walks away.)
(Rachel is gets in her car and looks at her cell phone. She is looking at Cooper's phone number and tries to call him. She gets the answering machine and she hangs up the phone. She starts crying.)
Jake (Voice Over): But the people have their struggles, all people do. And they had grown to fear and despise the king, whose heart had turned dark.
(Dan opens the door to find Haley on his front porch.)
Dan: Haley.
Haley: Hi. So the last time I stood in the doorway giving someone the benefit of the doubt, when my instincts were screaming at me not to, it was for Nathan. And this time, well...it's still for Nathan. We would like you to come to the wedding.
Dan: Thank you.
Haley: But God help you if you don't change.
(Haley leaves.)
(Lucas is telling people goodbye and then walks over to his mom.)
Karen: Happy to be back.
Lucas: Yeah, it's good to be home.
(Lucas watches Brooke as she is laughing with some friends.)
JAKE (Voice Over): But in the end, the love between the princess and the boy was undeniable and true.
(Nathan and Haley walk into their house and they kiss.)
Jake (Voice Over): And over time, that love would see them through anything.
(Nathan and Haley lie on their bed.)
Haley: Where is our bed spread?
(They look over and in the corner of their bedroom, is a wedding dress, made out of their bed spread. Brooke made it.)
Jake (Voice Over): Magical things happen to them. Things they couldn't explain. Much like love itself. And like most fairytales, the princess and the boy lived happily ever after.
(Jake was reading a story to Jenny.)
Jake: At least I hope they do.
(Peyton is sitting down, thinking. Brooke sees her and walks over to her.)
Brooke: Way to go with the tears, P. Sawyer. You brought down the house.
Peyton: Brooke, I think I still have feelings for Lucas.
Brooke: You mean you care for him as a friend?
Peyton: No. I mean more than that.