The biggest question mark: Deciphering the 'Lost' mapBy Bruce Schwartz and Steve Coogan, USA TODAY
After several slow weeks, finally a Lost with lots of fresh fodder for theorists.
Last week, in what could be the granddaddy of all clues so far, the producers offered us a diagram of what seem to be the secrets of the island. The sprawling, scrawled map was painted in black-light colors on a drop-down metal door.
And to emphasize the map's significance, the show trapped Locke under the door so he would have no choice but to stare at it and try to memorize as much as he could before it disappeared.
Viewers across the country and readers responding to our request for observations apparently scrutinized the map as closely as Locke did.
The map was in an octagonal shape echoing the Dharma Initiative logo. In the center was a question mark surrounded by a dashed circle. Radiating out in spokes from that center could be seen (thanks to the wonders of pause control) a number of what looked like hallways. They lead mostly to circular areas denoted by various Dharma icons the swan, the staff, the arrow, the flame.
In a notation pointing to the swan area, a message was written: "I am here."
And several areas were marked CVI, CVII and CVIII. Those happen to be Roman numerals for 106, 107 and 108, the last of which is the hatch clock's countdown time in minutes.
While we're on the subject, there was more grist for Lost's numerous numerologists and students of the 4-8-15-16-23-42 sequence:
The number on the safe deposit box in which Locke's father had stashed the retirement-con cash was 1516.
The card that Sawyer dealt to Jack from the bottom of the deck was an 8.
Henry Gale's address on the driver's license was 815. And the ZIP code of his hometown of Wayzata, Minn., is 55391 which adds up to 23.
Other coincidences (or not): Many readers noticed that the woman whose house Locke is inspecting in his flashback happens to be Nadia (played by Andrea Gabriel), Sayid's old girlfriend from a past flashback. And by the way, both planes that flew close over the Flightline Hotel were everybody, now Oceanic Air.
USA Today