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  What was your favorite episode?
 Posted: 06/13/02 15:43
# 1 
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Favorite Episode of the First season? Why was it better than the others?

  What was your favorite episode?
 Posted: 06/14/02 20:26
# 2 



Posts: 296

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It had its moments of suspense. you felt sympathy for the villian. It was sad with all the deaths (Kwan and Mr. Fordman) :( but it was the episode where Clark said he thought he and Chloe could be more than friends. :grin

  What was your favorite episode?
 Posted: 06/20/02 03:51
# 3 
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Now see I have always loved Shimmer the best, but the only episode I missed this season was Crush; which I have heard is or was the best episode of the year from numerous sources. Go figure I miss it. I'm hoping I haven't missed it yet on the reruns as it's the only one I'm dying to see.

  What was your favorite episode?
 Posted: 06/23/02 04:49
# 4 



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I loved Tempest because you got to see Lex/MR portray a range of emotions - i just loved the panic-filled office trashing followed by the rage filled verbal bashing between father and son.

Was anyone else creeped out by the blood in the eye and the v.calm contemplation over what to do at the end? (hmm maybe it was shock lol)

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