The body is an infinitely complex mass of interacting systems.
People like to think doctors see it all clearly.
But it's not always obvious what's a hiccup in the system, and what's a full on medical disaster.
We figure that out in our first year of residency.
Hey, you sleep okay? Great.
We spend the rest of our careers lying about it.
I probably can't write about this in the article, but something about how my toothpaste hit the sink made me realize that the array could be designed asymmetrically.
Makes it more versatile.
So what you're saying is that you can't spit without having a genius idea.
Well, it may not work.
Zola, are your socks on? It was a revolutionary glob of spit.
So if you need anything, just call me and No, I don't need anything.
I just need to read everything that was ever written on the mediastinal teratomas and crank out a grant proposal.
All I need is quiet.
Well, I can't promise you too much quiet because you did say that I could come visit.
I did say that.
Oh, that's the best part of my day.
Hey, welcome back.
Hey, thanks.
Beats the hell out of a courtroom.
You know, she brought muffins.
It's her day off.
She's doing homework.
In a hospital? - Yeah.
Get some air.
See the world, right? I think it's sweet.
It's adorable.
Webber's bugging me for another stress test.
Oh, he failed the last one two minutes in.
I know, but he's been practicing.
As soon as I get a minute I'll go check on him again.
You're on my service again? - I'm sorry.
As soon as I change, I wanna go through the computer model again before we start printing the vein.
I'm sorry.
Before you do that, you're gonna have to go check on your pancreas lady, Donna Kaufman.
Not good.
We were hoping we could remove the tumor, but it's advanced further than we initially thought.
The best course of action would be to relieve your obstruction and block the nerves in the area.
That should help with the pain.
You're not even gonna try? Victor.
I'm sorry.
I wish there was more that we could do.
Dealing with the pain is a lot better than nothing.
Let's do that.
Sooner is better.
We've been treating him with diuretics and beta blockers, but he's still got a lot of edema.
He'll rally once we put in the graft.
Then we can get him out of here.
Poor kid's been here for almost three weeks.
You done with all the test prints? Yeah, uh, we finished them last night.
Shane's printing out the real one now.
Emma's here with muffins.
Owen's chick? You wanna get rid of her? - No.
I'm glad he's getting laid.
You know, everyone should be getting laid.
I should be getting laid.
Oh, here we go again.
My work suffers when I'm not.
It's bad for humanity.
All right, can you make up with Mer so I don't have to talk to you about sex? Why are you being such a priss? Don't you talk to your guy friends about sex? Who? Avery? No.
Well, you don't talk about who's got the best rack in the shack? - Maybe.
So you can do it with me.
Okay, fine.
Your work's suffering so bad, then, um, find something to play with.
Get your yayas out and leave me alone.
What like battery-operated? No, human.
A human sex toy? - You asked.
How long you been there? - Somewhere around "yayas.
" - That's great.
We have a problem.
Our conduit's contaminated.
How the hell did that happen? I don't know.
I can print another one and try vacuum seeding, but it'll take longer.
We won't be able to do the procedure today.
I don't know if this kid can hang on for one more day.
We gotta try, right? It's still his best shot.
I'll talk to Karev.
Grey's supposed to have the printer by 10:00 A.
We made the schedule and made a big stink about how she had to stick to it.
Edwards! Hey! Uh, can you write down - your mailing address for me? - Sure.
I'm sending you an invitation to my wedding.
Thought about doing them online.
It's better for the environment, I know.
But I just couldn't deal with an evite to my wedding.
Great! I really hope you'll come.
And, um, obviously, you can also, like, bring a guest.
His B.
's in the toilet.
If this procedure's not ready, you gotta come up with something else.
It's one day.
Can you relax? God, maybe you're the one who needs a little - recreational energy release.
I'm getting laid.
So all my anxiety is based on the fact that you brought me on this case and asked me to keep a kid alive long enough for you to do a fancy procedure that's not gonna work.
All right, maybe it's nothing.
But maybe it's worth having a conversation with somebody in psych.
Oh, you're making a mountain out of - Look, it can't hurt! Look, hell, I'd like to have a sit-down with somebody and talk a couple things out every now and then.
Well, then you go.
I have a busy schedule.
Navel gazing is not on it.
That's my point.
Overloading your schedule can exacerbate the kind of behaviors you've been I'm not having behaviors! I'm having a life.
Like you used to have when you were pursuing something that challenged you.
Bailey, you have time for an ex-lap? I got a burn patient with a surgical abdomen.
Trauma two! - What do we got? - Ella Holmes, 6, hit by a car, tachycardic and hypotensive.
She was on her scooter.
She knows she's not supposed to ride it down the hill.
I don't know what happened.
Show me the ultrasound.
Is she gonna be okay? - Are you her mom? - They're out of town.
Intraperitoneal free fluid.
Call C.
and book an O.
just in case.
Robbins? She's got a supracondylar femur fracture.
Okay, call Torres.
Is that gonna be okay? Yeah, we're on the mend.
I'm glad to hear it.
Murphy, go with Torres and Robbins.
It's not a good idea.
It'll be fine.
I don't think - Murphy! Pressure's dropping! - What is that? - I can't wait for a C.
prep her for the O.
I have to call her parents.
What am I supposed to tell them? I'll update you as soon as we know.
All right, let's move, people.
Let's go.
But is is everything going to be okay? It's all going to be fine.
Ok, can you pull that lap pad out and see if there's any bleeding? Slowly.
I don't see anything.
Torres is gonna fix the femur? Yeah, but she'll need some help so you should stick around.
Well, you'll help her, right? I mean, you don't think she needs two people.
You're a resident.
You're supposed to beg to be in that room.
I'm sorry if it's awkward.
I hope that it doesn't have to be.
You two are definitely getting back together? We are.
Like you're trying it out or like - Leah.
You don't wanna be the person who says, "I'll wait for you in case it doesn't work out with your wife.
" So you're trying to find a woman for him to be with once you've passed.
I know it sounds strange.
But I don't want him to be alone.
And if he's on his own, I don't think he'll do it.
It's certainly unusual.
But I understand.
You love your husband.
It's it's not my husband.
I mean, I love my husband.
But this is for someone else Stan.
He's a very special friend.
Donna, I'm gonna need to get at that left arm.
Yeah, it's a lot more versatile.
Well, it's an improvement, no question.
Maybe if you have time over lunch, you can look over the proposal.
I wish I could, I've got back-to-back surgeries.
How's it feel to be back in the anesthesia game? It's fine.
Not ideal, but, you know, got a family.
You make compromises.
Yeah, Meredith is gonna kill me.
What? She doesn't like an symmetrical array? I'm supposed to be downshifting, and she's supposed to be upshifting.
Ah, and yet you find inspiration in toothpaste.
Maybe next time, you keep it to yourself.
That works for you? In a marriage? Yes.
You keep your mouth shut.
Although, uh, kinda Miranda's been, uh, kind of struggling lately.
She has what, uh, if you squint real hard looks a lot like O.
Bailey? Yeah, she had that incident with the hole in the gloves.
I knew it freaked her out, but I was away.
I didn't know how much it freaked her out.
You really think it's O.
? I don't know.
I wanted to let her deal with it her way, but I'm not sure she's dealing with it.
We were in the O.
the other day, - and she kept the patient under easily an extra hour.
Ben - she went past that.
I I I'm not sure No, I know, I know.
I should stay out of it.
But when I'm watching a surgeon perform what looks like unnecessary procedures I am on the board of this hospital.
I can't hear about a physician's misconduct and not report it.
I think you telling Dr.
Grey is gonna go over better than No, I don't have time to manage her feelings right now.
Just apologize, we feel terrible, it won't happen again.
She'll be pissy, but she'll get over it.
Well, I could have Edwards tell her.
She's on her service.
Even better.
If you ever need any yaya extraction getting the yayas out I'm available.
Are you offering to service me? Sorry.
It was inappropriate.
It's just, you know, for the sake of the work.
That's even worse.
You're supposed to claim that you're in love with me or something.
Well, I certainly find you attractive.
There's no question.
I mean, - I wouldn't be so presumptuous as to assume - Stop talking.
It's Good.
Hey, are those left over from the morning meeting? Unh-unh, she baked them.
You're kidding.
I kind of hate you.
Yeah, I kinda hate me, too.
If she's cooking your Thanksgiving dinner, I want the leftovers.
Oh, I'm not - Oh, we're not Well, I mean we could.
No, you don't have to say that.
I I hadn't given it much thought so Sorry.
I didn't mean to open a can of worms.
I just I mean, you could do what we do at my house, which is act like it's not even happening.
So you're you're not going home to your family, or I'm on call the next day.
Well, we could do something.
Oh, they're painting my apartment next week.
And we can't really cook in the trailer.
Why not? We could just eat outdoors, and - In November? - Yeah.
You could cook at my house.
You'd have to feed us, too, but That could be fun.
I don't wanna commandeer your kitchen.
Oh, please.
Someone should.
They made those construction paper turkeys at Zola's school, and she had no idea what they were talking about.
You'd make me look like a better mother.
Think about it.
Pancreatic tumor.
Gotta go.
Do you have Donna's pre-op labs? In process.
I'm gonna go examine Dr.
And when I get back, we're gonna get started on the printer.
Is that okay with you? Yeah.
Pfft, what was that about? I got her kicked off her own surgery a few days ago.
Alex told me.
Did Kepner invite you to her wedding? - No.
So she didn't ask you for your address? No, but I'm sure Alex is invited.
I'm probably the plus one.
Hey, Dr.
Yang needs the printer again today.
Uh, no.
One day.
Tell Grey we're sorry.
No, you you tell her.
Gotta get the printer going so we only take one day - away from you, not two.
Shane - Dying baby waiting on a part.
No - get back here! - I'm a waste of a bed.
Your stress test was a disaster.
You want me to dwell on all your past failures? I'm a different man than I was last week.
I exercise.
I don't know why you don't think about going into a rehab facility.
We can get you in there even if you don't pass.
Look, I don't want to go to a facility.
It's bad enough I'm here where everyone knows me and has to be nice.
Well, you can't go home alone.
I'll get a home health aide.
I'll have Wilson run another stress test.
You watch.
Flying colors.
You know, if you get out of here in time, you can have Thanksgiving dinner at our house if you and Catherine don't have plans.
You cookin'? Is that so preposterous? You want a straight answer? No, Owen's girlfriend is cooking.
Does she put mushrooms in her stuffing? I find it makes it soggy.
You done already? No, she was too edematous.
We packed her and put in a temporary closure.
You can do her femur tomorrow after we close.
I wanna talk to you about something.
Hmm? I was with someone when we were apart.
I don't think that it was completely out-of-bounds.
We were separated, and you'd kicked me out of the house.
Oh, so it's my fault? There are no faults.
I just feel like you should know.
We're starting fresh, and I wanna be honest with you.
I I shouldn't have said anything.
No, no.
I'm sorry.
You're right.
Thank you for being so very honest.
I'm trying.
Is there anything that you wanna ask me? Oh, wow.
Um no.
I don't know.
Was it.
Was it once? It was more than once.
More than twice? More than ten? You know what? I don't I don't wanna know anything about it.
I'm sorry.
Is it over? Yes.
That's all I need to know.
You didn't? - What? Cheat on you? Get involved with anyone.
I got involved with myself.
I danced in my underwear, and I tried to remember that I used to be a person who had fun.
I'm really trying.
Callie, please tell me that you're trying, too.
I am.
Can I hug you? Yeah.
I really missed you.
Me, too.
Uh Ella's thigh is really swollen.
She's hypotensive.
All right, we gotta get her back in the O.
And, uh, do the femur right now.
Um are you gonna help me? Sure.
Will you give the family an update? They're on a plane.
It's just the babysitter.
I have to stop in post-ops.
Tell Wilson to run a stress test on Dr.
Webber They need the printer today Dr.
What? No.
They said it's not up for discussion.
They're already running it.
I mean, I tried to talk to Ross, but he said Dr.
Yang isn't even interested in having - Nurses' station.
We need to talk.
We really don't.
No, we do.
I have to wrap up a patient in the E.
back here in 15? - Okay.
Hunt? Hey, so I invited Dr.
Webber to Thanksgiving, so now it really has to happen.
His lady is cooking Thanksgiving dinner at our house.
Oh, that's nice.
Should we invite more people? Well, uh, if we're making a whole turkey, we can we can invite a few more.
Okay, let's get Dr.
Yang here, please.
You and Bailey can come.
We're going to my family, assuming she's still speaking to me by then.
We should probably invite Callie.
I'm sure with the trial, I'm sure she didn't have time - to make plans.
So we're not inviting Arizona.
We can't have both.
Well, they're back together, so - They are? - Hey, can you go do your thing - so we can get to our thing? - Yes.
So we're not inviting Yang, right? Because that wouldn't be Uh, she probably has plans.
No, she probably doesn't.
Do you have Thanksgiving plans? - What do you think? - My house.
All right, I'm bringing Jo.
I figured.
Don't sound so excited.
You know, you were an intern balling an attending once.
You kiss my kids with that mouth? I got a pre-op.
It'll be fast, but do not start with Hunt until I get back.
I won't.
Thank you.
You don't wanna know.
I called Dr.
She's not available right now.
Does she know it's me who's asking for her? - Yes.
You okay? Sure.
I'm going to update a patient's babysitter instead of doing surgery.
Because Torres and Robbins don't need me.
They have each other.
Are the two of you They're getting back together.
Were you really into her or was it I was really into her.
Why do I do this? I can't keep falling apart at work every time I get dumped.
It's starting to be all the time.
So get off the floor.
Go talk to your babysitter and get back in the O.
like a surgeon would do.
Oh, my vascular graft Yeah, the one you printed? I was gonna come and see it.
It had a glitch, so it'll be tomorrow, hopefully.
Not today.
Hey, you, uh, you have Thanksgiving plans? Well, I'll probably pick up an extra shift.
You know? I don't get all that worked up about Cranberries.
You? Um well, uh, it's, um evolving.
You can tell me you're spending it with Emma.
I won't melt if I hear her name.
I'll be with Emma.
She gonna cook? Mm-hmm.
Well, watch out.
You let her make a turkey for just the two of you, you're gonna be eating leftovers for the rest of your life.
Her femur was bleeding very heavily into her thigh, and she was in danger of losing too much blood.
Oh, my God.
They've taken her back into the O.
, and they're working on her right now.
You told me it was just a broken leg.
Well, a femur break can be complicated, but we're gonna take care of it.
Oh, my God.
They are gonna kill me.
I'm sure that they won't.
I really liked them, too.
They work together.
They're in Alaska, studying the nesting habits of eagles.
I cannot believe I'm gonna lose this job.
They're not gonna fire you.
They'll understand it wasn't your fault.
Something terrible happened.
You have to blame somebody.
What, are they gonna blame their child? They're probably never gonna let me see her again.
I guess it's my fault for getting so attached.
Hey, can I boot you out of your O.
at 4:00? - Uh, the mastoidectomy after this? - Yeah.
I need to put a gastro-j on the schedule, and if I tell Grey she can't get into the O.
until 7:00, she's gonna shove her hand into my chest and rip out my heart with her claws.
That means I have to work late.
You'll be working late anyhow, because you're so committed to the welfare of this hospital.
And to the people who count on you for support.
All right, all right, I will take it.
Thank you.
And Kepner invited me to her wedding.
Did she? Plus one.
And you're gonna be invited plus one.
Is she, like, expecting us to bring other people? No, brides are weird.
Go think about something else.
Please? Okay.
Is he gonna make it? Well, if Yang can get her act together.
I keep diuresing him, but that's not gonna work for much longer.
Hey, you're invited to Mer's for Thanksgiving.
Really? I'm invited and, uh, I'm bringing you.
The attendings are gonna be weird if I'm there.
No, they're not.
Just go without me.
We'll meet up after.
You think I wanna be there if you're not? You're sweet.
Okay, screw it.
How about we get takeout chicken and eat it in the car like we were raised to do? I think I love you.
Yeah, yeah, settle down.
Two more women responded to the ad.
One of them's gonna come by in about half an hour.
Did she seem nice? Yeah.
I told Stan.
What? Why? I couldn't let it go, and he Oh! He'll hate this.
It was supposed to seem natural, like someone you'd met at the pool.
I can't lie to him.
We've always been honest.
That's how it's worked.
This isn't some big lie.
It's a kindness.
You agreed.
Well, that was before Before I was dying? It matters more now, not less.
So you're saying she performed unnecessary procedures? I'm not saying anything.
I was shooting the breeze with a friend, I wasn't making a report to the board.
I'm sorry.
Let's just reel it back in.
You know he can't do that, and I certainly can't.
But she's gonna handle it.
That is not what you said.
You said you saw the Virgin Mary in your toothpaste.
We were talking.
I need to pull her off the floor, at least until this is under control.
She was gonna go I'm sorry.
Can you let me talk to her? Yeah.
She seems nice, right? - Oh, the woman? - Yeah.
Oh, I I don't know.
I Okay, I tried to check her out, but I just there wasn't a good enough reason for me to stay in the room.
It is strange.
There's no question.
My wife and I looking for a female companion for her lover.
Yeah, it's a first for me.
Eh, you're young.
Uh, Donna and I had a wonderful marriage for 30 years.
And then the fire went away.
And we both found other people.
But she was still my best friend.
We somehow both hated the idea of divorcing each other.
So now you're helping her pick somebody for - Stan.
He he's never been in love like this before.
She's afraid he's gonna be alone forever.
He's he's a wonderful person.
We we played golf together for years.
I don't want to see him alone either.
You told the chief of surgery that I have a psychiatric condition? It was an accident.
Derek and I were talking - Where the hell do you get All we're talking about is a few days.
Take a break! Figure out how to manage this.
Stay out of my Bench yourself, or the chief will.
Miranda You send your lackey to tell my lackey? You can't tell me to my face you're destroying my study? You know I'm not destroying your study If I don't finish this phase by the end of this week, I lose my funding.
Come with me.
That's Nathan.
He's a real baby.
We're not talking about me.
We're talking about him.
That's Ashley, his mom.
He has a very nice father.
This isn't a study, Meredith.
This is a baby.
Nathan is the first one in his family who's supposed to go to college.
I mean, he's a baby.
Have you lost your mind? Do you think that because I have kids, every time I see a child, I'm gonna start lactating - and lose my ability to reason? - No, I you wanted to do something flashy with the equipment.
It didn't work.
Now you want me to shut down my entire study, so that you can run a hail mary that very well might kill this very cute child.
Baby Nathan and all of his college potential, - can get an artificial graft - No.
Like every other H.
baby No, he can't.
Because you can't make it work.
How many people? We might be up to 16.
But some of them are kids, and they barely eat.
I thought this was dinner for four.
I know.
I'm sorry.
It just kinda got out of hand.
We can all just cook together.
I thought Meredith doesn't know how to turn on an oven.
Well, the rest of us.
I'll do all the shopping.
I'll do all the planning.
I will do everything, and you just get to shout out orders.
Okay, it's starting to sound better.
So maybe I should quit while I'm ahead but, um What? Cristina isn't she doesn't have Thanksgiving plans.
I mean, just as a friend I, uh You know, I shouldn't have said anything.
Just forget it.
No, Owen.
It's okay.
If you say you're over her, I believe you.
And really, it's up to Meredith and Derek 'cause it's their house.
Are you sure? You know, I want you to be comfortable.
Well, I'm gonna be cooking for what could be, at the end of the day, 30 people, so I won't have time to be uncomfortable.
You know, I'm gonna speak to her about the stuffing.
You think she could handle a deep fried turkey? I mean, there's nothing like it.
Don't people kill themselves trying to make those? Everything has a price.
You guys, my patient has a husband and a lover.
And she and the husband are interviewing women for the lover to date when she's dead.
When the patient's dead? - It's weird.
Is that like a threesome thing? Dr.
Webber! I'm just asking a question.
You hiding from Grey again? On your way, Edwards.
I need you to take over Bailey's surgical load today.
I can't.
My study is falling apart, and I have a palliative surgery later today.
I Meredith.
You ever done an ex-fix before, Murphy? No.
Try it.
Right there.
Now the first cortex is hard.
Then it'll feel spongy in the middle, and then hard again when you hit the second cortex, okay? That's it.
Really push through.
Uh, okay.
It feels spongy.
Okay, ease up a bit now.
Now the pitch'll change when you hit the cortex, okay? Can you hear it? Oh, my God.
Okay, you drilled right through her leg into the table.
Oh, my God! No, it's back it up.
Just put the drill in reverse.
I I can't - Put the drill in reverse! I can't find the can you just take it? - My hand is shaking.
Okay, all right.
Pull it together - Can you please just Murphy, pull it together.
Oh, please! - Murphy! - Can you please do something? Callie, can you take it yourself? Just give her a few minutes to calm down.
Well It was her? Ten-plus times! That was her? That is just perfect.
Why would you tell her? I didn't.
I I I I told her it was someone.
I didn't say who.
I mean, listen, she figured it out because you fell apart in there.
You could've just forgotten about it and gone on with your happy life.
This is my marriage we're talking about.
Yeah, and it's my career! She hates me now.
No, she doesn't.
Oh, please.
Of course she does.
She can't blame you.
She loves you.
The only one she can blame is me.
Hey So you realize that Stephanie and I are serious, right? You get that? - Yeah, yeah.
Uh-huh, great.
I think it's nice that you guys are, you know Whatever you are.
Right, so so why is it that you invited her to your wedding plus a guest and you're gonna invite me plus a guest? What's going on? Right, yeah.
Um, I wanted to talk to you about that.
You are actually not getting an invitation, but Stephanie is, so you could just be her plus one.
Look, I put your name on the invite list.
Your name is Avery.
We don't know any other A's.
You're literally the top of the list, first thing we see when we look at it.
I just I didn't wanna rub it in Matthew's face.
If he has a problem with my name on a piece of paper, why should I be at this wedding? Because of me.
Because you're my friend and I want you to be there.
Yeah, well, I wanna be there, too, but Come on Jackson, I can't go through with this if I don't have your blessing.
Well, you have it.
All right, but I don't think I should be there.
Grey was pulled into an emergency surgery.
So we are gonna have to push Mrs.
Kaufman's procedure - to tomorrow.
I - What is she doing? I apologize.
I'll be over here.
You don't have to actually date the woman she chooses.
I don't wanna date any woman! That's why she's doing this, Stan.
I thought you were gonna talk her out of it.
You need to tell her yourself.
You're both putting me in the middle.
Because she listens to you.
She doesn't listen to anyone! Besides, this is not such a terrible idea.
I'm not a child she has to arrange daycare for! A bunch of women she scared up on the Internet? This is it's awful.
It's taking her mind off what's actually happening.
That can't be the worst thing in the world.
She thinks she can find someone to replace her? You can't replace her.
Nobody can possibly replace her.
Why? Why is this happening? He's desatted to 60.
If we're gonna do this thing, we gotta do it now.
I can't.
I don't have a conduit to put in him.
It won't be done for another six hours.
I don't know if he's gonna last that long.
Okay, let's put him on an oscillator.
It will stabilize his sats for easily a day.
I don't wanna wait a day, Cristina.
No, neither do I, Alex.
But in the long run, it's still his best chance.
Well, thanks to you, my resident offered to service me.
What? Drive me around the block before my battery dies.
You gonna do it? Shane? No.
It'll be like having sex with a baby seal.
Sats are better.
Why don't you talk to Meredith? Explain that everything is gonna be fine.
Maybe she'll cut me some slack.
She's got a point.
Which is what? You could put in an artificial graft.
We tried.
He rejected it.
So try again.
Pump him full of meds, hold him over for a couple years until your brand-new procedure's old news, tested hundreds of times.
That's what I'd do.
You wanna fight a different battle, - that's your own problem.
You know, you're right, Alex.
This is my problem.
Your heart rate's pretty high.
Keep going.
I'm fine.
This is when we're supposed to take it up a notch.
But I'm not sure - Wilson, I'm gonna hurt you.
Webber, I don't think that we - No! Take it up again! Wilson! Oh, my God! I need some help here! Dr.
Shepherd! What happened? Dr.
Bailey, could we speak for a moment? Uh, I'm about to get started here.
Why don't I track you down when I'm done? This is a conversation we should have now.
Grey can take over.
Bailey - I will speak to you when I am finished here.
Do you mind? Dr.
Grey, please move Dr.
Bailey's bovie one inch to the left.
Oh, don't touch Grey And move the suction one inch down.
Get away from my - Maybe even 4 Get away from my table! - Bruising over the chest wall.
I need a portable ultrasound.
I don't need an ultrasound.
My rib's broken.
His pulse ox is low.
What the hell happened? Please, don't.
He fell off the treadmill.
What you're jogging now? Oh! Yeah.
Rib's broken.
Stress test.
He wanted out of here.
All right, can we get a portable X-ray in here? I'm Dr.
How you doing? I should probably go.
I mean, I'm the last person they wanna see right now.
I'm sure they're glad to have you here.
It's stupid, right? I mean, she's not even my kid.
Maybe I could, uh, hang out a little, you know? See if they need anything? I can wait with you.
This is what the fracture looked like initially here.
What happened with Bailey? I heard she got kicked out of her O.
I can't get into that with you.
Come on.
Oh, we don't have to go to Kepner's wedding.
I talked to her.
We don't have to worry about any of that.
Why? It's just simpler.
You know, um, my patient and her husband are interviewing women to date her lover when she dies.
They're all friends, and they're supporting each other through this horrible time.
And when Stan cries, Victor hugs him.
That's what it looks like when people are over each other.
You think I should be hugging Matthew? Why aren't we going to the wedding? Because my name starts with "A.
" Because April is neurotic.
Because Matthew and I do not hug, and no, it's not gonna be comfortable.
It's awkward, frankly.
It's probably gonna be awkward forever.
But that does not mean that it is not over between us because it is.
It's important to me that you believe that.
'Cause if you don't, I could really ruin our night.
I have some really nice ideas about our night.
Okay, you've had a day.
Day's over.
I need you to clear out.
We need some more time.
You have had more time! I need to get started printing my portal vein by tonight or We're having trouble with the vacuum seeding.
And we need to print out another conduit.
Again? - Yes, we started a new one, and it should be done by 3:00 A.
I mean, Cristina, no.
It's not working.
You are not Christ child reincarnate.
You don't walk on water.
You have failed to revolutionize modern medicine and save a baby all in one fell swoop.
And you are endangering a child's life while you Stop! - Excuse me - That's enough.
Ross, take a walk.
She wasn't gonna do this.
Because of you.
I practically had to force her into it.
Ross, just Because she cares about you.
Oh, somebody's got the hero worship down! No, you've made this emotional.
You made it about your friendship.
If it was about the work, you would've gone to the chief of surgery, but you know what he would've said.
You'll get the printer tomorrow, Dr.
I'm sorry if that was out of line.
I just couldn't listen to her go after you like that.
Hey, you just about ready? I was gonna check on our patient before I left, but maybe you should make sure Leah's not near the room.
I don't wanna make her cry.
She's not gonna cr - Look, I think that the next time you exercise your right to play around when we're taking a break, I'm gonna ask you to keep it out of the hospital.
Not that it isn't fun, all the drama in the O.
R I realize that you're hurt, but when we got back together, we got back together based on the assumption that we both made mistakes and we were ready to start fresh.
I can't keep apologizing.
And you can't keep playing a victim.
If you want me back, I'm back, but I'm not here to be your whipping boy.
I've been sleeping on the couch for a week.
If I'm back I sleep in the bed.
Uh, okay.
I get a night to just digest this all.
And then fine, you can sleep in the bed.
That's enthusiastic.
Arizona Fine.
If you spent half the time working that you do having girl talk with Shepherd, we wouldn't be in this mess.
Yeah, 100% my fault.
Just stay out of my career! - I made one mistake.
Oh, one? - Because I can think - I waited for Derek to push me into it.
I should've gone to Owen Hunt myself, and I should've done it days ago.
I should've stopped the test.
Well, he's a hard guy to say "no" to.
Yeah, but it's sort of my job.
Well, he couldn't do the stress test.
He wasn't ready to go home.
You should go to Dr.
Grey's for Thanksgiving.
Me and these guys are gonna hang out with Dr.
Is that okay? Oh, you're blowing me off for some old guy in a hospital bed? I'm sitting at the kids table.
I like the kids table.
You meet me after? Booty call.
Well, we can do a potluck.
What exactly are you gonna cook? I could probably handle a turkey.
You think they're gonna give you six hours off to baste a turkey? It takes six hours? You're not making aturkey.
What about fried chicken? From the Colonel's? You said that you liked fried turkey.
The bucket lacks dignity.
It's family style.
They do make a nice mashed potato.
All right, I'm gonna make a list.
Uh, biscuits.
How many pieces? - Yes, and the gravy.
My best friend's a mean girl.
Why did I choose that? I don't know.
It never bothered me when she was mean to other people.
But it really sucks when she's mean to me.
Well, is she mean or is she What? Nothing.
Oh, Meredith.
You can invite Cristina if you want.
You know, Thanksgiving.
I checked with Emma.
She's fine with it.
Well, I'm glad she's fine with it.
Uh It's just a cold.
Muscle through it.
I'm gonna go pick up the kids.
It'll pass.
Nothing's really wrong.
We're doctors.
We'd know if something was wrong.
We'll be fine.
Nothing's wrong.