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  08x11 - This Magic Moment
 Posted: 01/15/12 21:55
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She's a love bug.

Have you ever had the starring role in a play ...

A solo in a recital?

Okay, she's gonna take her first steps any minute.

I can feel it.

All eyes on you ...

Okay, so I am gonna give you the giraffe, and maybe she'll walk to you.

Well, she's not gonna do it on cue.

She's gonna surprise us, right?

You gonna surprise us? Here you go.

Waiting for you to do ... what they came to see ...

Oh! Hi. Yeah, daddy.

She's gonna take her first steps while she's in day care, and then I'm gonna kill myself.

No, she won't.

You're not gonna do that, right, Zo? Zo, come to daddy.

Come to daddy.

Come on. Come get the giraffe.

You're just the cutest kid on the entire planet.

Why is that?

She's perfect.


Feeling the incredible pressure to perform.

There was a time when they used to call operating rooms

an operating theater.

It still feels like one.

Scores of people get ready for the show.

The sets are arranged.

There are costumes ...

masks ...


Everything has to be rehearsed ...

choreographed ...

All leading to the moment

when the curtain goes up.

You know what they say about Carnegie Hall?

There's only one way to get there.

Practice, practice, practice until it is perfect, people.

This is a long, complex procedure with many parts.

Therefore many opportunities for error.

So we're gonna go over this again.

Team leaders, let's get in place.

All right, green team over here, please.

Let's go, red.

We've offered this family every pro bono dollar, every surgical hand, every resource this hospital has.

So I'm asking you for every resource that you have.

Be sharp, be present, be focused.

Dr. Robbins has been caring for these children since the day they were born.

They will each get a new life today.

Our actions will decide what kind of lives they will be.

Let's begin.

I thought I had Dr. Knox.

You know what I love about you? Your warmth.

You were doing the conjoined twins.

Well, now Knox is doing the conjoined twins.


Uh, we're not talking about it.

Oh, of course we're talking about it.

It is a crazy idea that I am not talking about because it's crazy.

It's not crazy.

We'd sleep in one bed, we would have breakfast at the same table, we'd have one electric bill instead of two.

Oh, that's why you want me to move in with you, so we could save on the electricity?

Yeah, it's the responsible thing to do ... for the planet.

I am not moving in with you.

It w-what, look, we've been together, what, two weeks?

Two weeks and nine months, before the pause.

And I want to hit play again, right where we left off.

I don't want to start at the beginning.

Because it's good for the planet?

And I have a better TV.

Look, come on now. Admit it.

You-you want to live with me.

You love me.

I want ... Knox back.


Flaps are inset and viable.

We are looking at at least 18 hours, so come and go if you need to, hydrate, eat, but be here at least 30 minutes before your procedures.

All right. Next up, general surgery.

First we need to establish each baby's blood supply to the shared colon.

Then we separate the colon, making the first incision ... I will make the first incision.

We'll separate the colon.

Okay, and now I'm checking the displaced kidneys ... To make sure they're intact and functioning.

Uh, that's implied.

I don't care. Say it.

Checking the kidneys to make sure they're intact and functioning.

Man, she's wound up tight.

Thought you were off work today.

I won't see another one of these in my lifetime.

Okay, you need to tie that off better, though.

You're doing the flip, right, Karev, with Robbins?


The flip's a critical part. You ready?

Yes, sir.

You forgot to cauterize.

You want this baby to bleed out?

Do I ... No, I ... Yeah, I should think not.

Look, I know this procedure is her baby, but she keeps nitpicking everybody, she'll destroy their confidence.

Don't let her do that to you.

Oh, no, sir.

Good, because if this flip goes wrong, she's gonna blame you.

It'll go on your record, and-and boards coming up ... it's not gonna look good.

Did you check the pelvis?

I-I ... Glad it's not me.

Okay, it's time to flip them.

Karev, you're up.



And why is the flip so important?

It just gets very tricky.

They have open incisions, so they have to stay sterile, and we have to make sure that they stay intubated and monitored.


And we also have to keep all their I. V. s and wires from getting tangled and intertwined in the process.

You know, I ... Imagine, um, changing the battery of your car while speeding down the freeway.

Except it's not a car or a battery.

I mean, they're your babies.

So ... it's a bad analogy. I'm sorry.

No, that's the first thing you've said that I've totally understood.

But if the flip goes wrong, then ... everything after that is ... is hosed.

Well, the doctors have planned and rehearsed this for weeks.

I mean, they've got it down.

Karev, you rushed it. You're like two steps ahead of me.

No, you over me.

Yours over mine, everything's fine.

Mine over yours, babies in the morgue.

That's how it works.

That's your pneumonic device?

Great. Now Brandi's wounds are exposed, and little Andi's gone without oxygen for a whole minute.

Okay, I ... can we start over?

No, there's no time.

Let's just finish this practice and try the flip again. Next.



Okay, we will access and separate the conjoined spinal canal.

Separate the bony elements of the spine.

Well, that was a train wreck.

You nearly killed both dolls.

Look, I have it. I know it.

If only freakin' Robbins would trust me to do it.

Doll killer.

Meredith Grey. Okay, come with me.

O.R. two. Right away.

Okay, I am gonna tell you something about my personal life.


Okay, um, my personal life is none of your business.

The fact that I know things about your personal life is one of the great sadnesses of my existence.

Sorry about that.

And the fact that you're going to know about mine is exponentially worse, but I don't see how we get around it.


We're about to operate with Dr. Warren.

He and I are ... involved.

Everybody knows that.

Can you not pretend?

Oh, oh. You and Dr. Warren? Wow.

Uh, he is going to try and discuss personal matters in the O.R. today, and I don't want that to happen.


Okay, so I'm going to teach you a lot.

And you are gonna ask questions ... a lot.

And if he gets a personal word in edgewise, I want you to forget which is the business end of a scalpel real quick and ask for help.

Okay, but let me get this straight.

You pulled me out of a once-in-a-lifetime surgery to be a buffer between you and your boyfriend?

Oh, don't use that kind of language with me.

Spinal separation complete.

I have to go. Teddy.

It's been two weeks now.

You need a break, and she does, too.

I gotta go.

Okay, I am now prepared to separate them completely.

Wait. Hold on. What about complications?

I mean, what if there's a double hemivertebra or a tethered cord?

We will cross that bridge when we come to it.

We're done here.

I-I'm sorry.

What if we're standing on that bridge right now?

Dr. Robbins, I said ... No, no, no, no.

We haven't even separated them yet.

We haven't gone through the post-separation surgeries.

Dr. Robbins, stop.

There's so much m ... We're done practicing.

We have practiced our parts not only here in this O.R. , but in the shower, on your drive to work.

We are ready.

We know what to do.

Now we just have to do it.

Ladies and gentlemen, present to you

Andi and Brandi Edwards.

Let's give them new lives, shall we?

It's showtime.

Raising the skin flap. Avery, you there?

One step ahead of you.

You want to race?

No, no, no. No racing.

That was fun last night.

Did you and Mer have a good time?

I know Julia had a good time.

Yeah, we did.

You got enough length there for coverage?

Yeah, I'm dissecting from the base to the midline.

Did Mer say anything about Julia?

She liked her.

Jackson, slow down.

And Zola like Julia, too?

Yes, she did. Everybody liked Julia.

Anybody else here meet Julia?

Did you like her?

Show of hands if you liked her.

Ah, you did? You did?

I think I'll update the parents.

Hunt, they're clearly racing.

No racing.

We're not racing.

We have been rehearsing this for months, and now they're gonna jeopardize the patient because ... Robbins, you take care of your team.

I'll look at the big picture.


I win.

And by that, we mean ready for the colon resection.


Race you there.

General surgery teams, let's go.

Is that enough lap pads?

A little more is not gonna hurt.

They'll help mobilize it.

How's Zola doing?

Oh, she's great. Thanks.

She's about a minute away from walking.

That's great.

A-and she's in the day care downstairs?

She is, yeah. She really likes it.

Must be nice, having the whole family in the building.


It's a win-win.

You love Dr. Shepherd, and he loves you, and you see each other at work, and then you see each other at home.

Just more of a good thing.

Dr. Bailey, is that the spleen right there?

That is the spleen.

So are we gonna take out the whole thing?

We will. We will take it right out.

So how many suture ligatures you think we'll need to do for the splenic vessels?

Oh, could be two, could be three.

I'll, uh, see if two does it.

But I may have to throw in a third.

This is good stuff.

I'm glad I skipped the conjoined twins.

There's beauty in the basics.

There's beauty in sharing a bowl of cereal with a woman that ... I can't remember how to do a stick tie.

No shame in that.

There's no stupid questions.

You sure about that?

Dr. Altman.

Dr. Yang.

You paged me?

Oh, I didn't realize Cristina was ... Do you want me to step aside so she can ... No.

But you paged her.

It's no problem, really. I don't mind.

I can go peek in on the progress of the conjoined twins

If you'd rather have ... Stay put, Kepner.


From the beginning?


Vitals were stable after receiving L. R.

and packed cells.

The bronch was already placed when I entered the O.R.

so I proceeded with the laser endoscopy using the c-o-2 laser.

Step by step.

I had good visualization of the tumor almost immediately.

About 80% of the tumor had been vaporized when the bleeding began.

He had clots, which were blocking my scope.

I passed a brush through the scope to clear the field.

However, Henry's hemorrhaging was so severe ... Suction, Kepner.

Kepner, suction.


Henry's hemorrhaging was so severe that the brush did not solve the problem.

SATs dropped to 88.

Blood was coming out of the E. T. tube.

At that point, Dr. Webber exercised his judgment and stepped in.

We cracked his chest and tried to get to the source.

Henry became bradycardic so we pushed atropine.

Then I realized, the tumor had eroded through the pulmonary artery.

He flatlined.

We did A. C. L. S. protocol and got sinus brady.

We pushed high-dose epi. He flatlined again.

We did more compressions.

We continued in this manner until Dr. Webber and I both agreed that since he already lost more than half his blood volume, his heart could not restart.

We called time of death ... 8:52 P. M.


When I entered the O.R.

Henry's vitals had been stable.

He had received L. R. and packed cells.

The bronch was already placed so I proceed with the laser endoscopy.

And then thanks to the unhealthy level of comfort she felt working for her husband, she took some liberties with the clinical trial and now neither of their careers will ever be the same.

You know, I would love to go back to dividing the gastrocolic ligament, but I'm not sure I remember how to ... Figure it out. Look, all I'm saying is, it'd be nice to maintain some boundaries so a person's life doesn't fall to pieces like Dr. Grey's here.

For the record, my life is pretty great right now.

You hush. No one's interested in your life.

Dr. Grey.

Please ask me about a spleen.

Who's the last person you see before you fall asleep at night?

Or a pancreas. I've got a very good view of it.

It's tan and lobulated ... Answer the question.

The last person you see before you fall asleep at night.

Derek Shepherd.

Must be nice, all I'm sayin'.

Zero silk.

Thank god.

They're separating the colon right now.

Making sure that they each have good blood supply.

Have they done the flip thing yet?

That's next.

Um, I gotta get outta here.

Is there a bar around here?

Um ... yeah. Across the street.

He's not a total drunk if that's what you're thinking.

He has a job.

It's a good one, with benefits.

Seriously, Gretchen, I-I-I wasn't ... No, I know what you were thinking.

It's what everybody thinks.

That we accidentally got pregnant and now we're stuck with the kids we can't take care of.

You're probably placing bets in the O.R.

of how long we'll stay together or whose mother is gonna end up raising the girls.

Well, you can tell everyone in that room that they're wrong.

We love each other, and we wanted these babies.

We're staying together, and we will do whatever we need to do to make sure that they're okay ... Including accepting the hospital's charity, even if I have to sit around with judgy doctors.

I wasn't judging you.

Really. I-I just ... I was thinking how lucky you are to be with somebody that you love.

Looks like Andi has the bulk of the blood supply to the colon.

So we'll give her all the colon then?

And leave Brandi with an ileosotomy?

I don't think so. I'll do an ileoproctostomy.

Maybe they should just share so we don't have to ... No. We'll do it my way.

Check the function of the blood supply to the kidney.

Flip's coming up, and I don't want a repeat of this morning's rehearsal.

That's what I want to talk to you about.

I'm a little nervous about it.

We practiced that flip before, and it turned out great.

And today ... Robbins doesn't trust anybody today.

Get to your point, Karev.

I just don't want to screw this up.

We gotta be the perfect team.

And you're not comfortable doing it with her?

She's making everybody uncomfortable.

I get it. You don't need to say another word.

Who wants to replace Karev on the flip?

No, that's not what I meant.

Uh, I'll do it. Sir.


You sure you can do this?

Disconnect and cap subclavian I. V. s, anesthesiologist holds the E. T. tube, designated circulators and the techs hold the monitors.

Yours over mine, babies ... Don't. Don't.

Why aren't you doing the flip?

Webber snaked it from me.

Webber? But he hasn't practiced.

You've been practicing this for two weeks.

Yeah, tell him that.

I told the parents that you've practiced.

I told them that you had this thing down cold.

Okay, one ... two ... three.

Easy, easy, easy.

I hope he drops her.

How's he gonna like it when one twin's pushing her sister in a wheelchair the rest of their lives?

I'm just pissed at Webber.

You're just ... a monster.

And we're done.


All right!

Oh, good. Okay.

Nice work.

Well done.

All right!


He flatlined again.

Then Dr. Webber and I decided that without any blood left to circulate, his heart would not restart, so we called time of death at 8:52 P. M.

Tell me about the tumor.

The tumor had eroded through the pulmonary artery.


How do you know?

Know what?

When you say that the tumor eroded into the pulmonary artery, how do you know?

There was a hole in the artery.

Did you actually see the artery?

I felt it.

You just blindly felt it?

It wasn't a blind feel.

I knew what I was doing.

I traced it with my fingers.


It was the posterior segmental artery.

I'm sure of it.

How can you be sure?

You never got a visual.

I-I followed the tracheal bifurcation.

It came directly off the main pulmonary artery.

Okay, Kepner, let's get a few of these lymph nodes for biopsy and then get ready to close.

I didn't call it without being sure.

From the top, Yang.

Um, his vitals were stable after receiving fluids.

He was under anesthesia, and the bronch was placed when I entered the O.R.

so I proceeded with the laser endoscopy using the c-o-2 laser.

Dr. Bailey, op notes done.

Do you mind if I run out for a minute until the next patient's ready?

He's gonna be here 30 minutes from now.

I know. I can get out and make it back in that time.

You're going to try and get a sandwich then I'm going to get the sad story 40 minutes from now about how long the line was in the cafeteria.

He's a nice man. You could do without me for half an hour.

Dr. Grey.

He won't bite.

For god sake.

You can run, but you can't hide.

Look, what we have is good.


Now why on Earth do you want to rush it and-and complicate it and-and quite possibly destroy it?

Because we're not kids anymore.

B-because my life is happening now, not ten years from now or five or a respectable 14 months, but right now.

And I want to share it, every day, every morning, every evening, a-and if that's not what you want, then I guess we're just not right for each other.

Now look, we just got back together two weeks ago.

I-I can't ... Well, I guess I just got my answer.

Hey, come o ... it's been two weeks.

Excuse me. Excuse me. Excuse me.

Okay. Look at this face.

Seriously, look at this face.

Yeah, yeah, yeah, super cute.

They're in the spinal cord now.

Bailey spent the last two hours telling me how crappy my life is, but look at this face.

Oh, Zola, look. There's your daddy.

He's about to repair a myelomeningocele.

Can you say myelomeningocele?

What an ass.

Hey, language.

Baby here.

He pretends he's all gentle and sad with the Alzie wife at home, dispensing zen wisdom from his half century of being a surgeon.

Well, guess what.

Yoda down there ... biggest shark of 'em all.

The guy is dangerous and mean.

I think what Teddy's doing is mean.

It's fine.

No, it's horrible. It's-it's horrible and ... You know what else is horrible?

Having a dead husband.

No, you know what? You don't know, okay?

It's not right.

Teddy's O.R. , it's like ... it's like a morgue.

Well, Altman's husband died on Yang's table.

Payback's a bitch.

Oh, will you just shut up? It's fine.

I can handle it.

Well, it has been two weeks of this.

It must be getting to you.

No more than it did yesterday or the day before that or the day before that.

It's fine. I'm ... I can handle it.

Damn it. Spinal dermoid cyst.

It's all tangled up in the spinal root.

Yeah, there's a lot of scarring in there.

I don't see a clean approach.

Well, no, well, you have to take it out because the cyst could become malignant.

Yes, we're aware. Thank you.

Maybe if I can come in from an angle ... like this, but then we risk the contents spilling out ... Which could cause a chemical meningitis.

Dr. Robbins, we've got this.

Okay, what if we stretch the nerve root here?

Well, that might paralyze Brandi.

Yes, Brandi might end up paralyzed.

Yeah, no one understands that better than we do, which is why we will be making this decision, okay?

Us. Not you.

Us. You all right with that?

Just make sure ... you.

I ... Yes, I'm okay with that.

No more talking from anyone in this O.R.

We need complete silence from now on.


I was in the shop downstairs, and I figured, you know, now there's gonna be two of 'em, they're gonna need their own clothes.


So I figured Brandi could be the punk first and then we could make 'em switch and see which one wears 'em better.

I love you.

I love you, too.


Uh, they're, uh, about to separate the girls, which is so ... cool.

It ... Okay, we're ready for the final cut.

All right. Separation complete.

No, no, no, no, no.

Not yet, not yet.

We still need to check on the motor function.

Let's do ... 2 milliamps of stimulation on Andi first, please.

All right.

All right. Let's try Brandi now.

2 milliamps of stimulation.

Let's go up to 3 milliamps, please.

Come on, Brandi. Just give us some kind of movement.


All right. Let's go to 4

milliamps of stimulation.

Hey, there you go.

All right. Good.

Great work, everyone. One step at a time, by the numbers, like we practiced.

Let's move.

Okay, count of three. One, two three.

Two, three.

Gently, gently.

Nicely done.

We've still got a hell of a long way to go.

I'll be checking in on you both.

How's it going in here, Sloan?

The flap is well-vascularized, has good cap refill, and is covering the defect perfectly.

I nailed it.

Did Avery nail his?

What's going on, Avery?

You should've finished your flap by now.

Yet I haven't even started.

Why don't you give me a call when you're ready?

Her kidney's completely necrotic.


Okay, push 30 milligrams of calcium.

She's already showing signs of renal failure.

Her kidney was fine earlier.

Maybe something caused an arterial spasm while we were checking the function of the blood supply.

I don't know, but at this point, I don't think it's salvageable.

She hasn't had any urine output since she's been in this O.R.

How did it happen?

Sometimes complications can arise.

I didn't even want this.

I mean, you people, you doctors talked us into this.

You promised us that you could do this.

So what are you saying, Dr. Grey?

She's saying that our perfectly healthy daughter started the day sharing three kidneys and now she only has one which isn't even working ... which basically means, she has none.

That's what she's telling you.

Can they fix it?

Is she ... is Brandi gonna be okay?

We don't know yet.

We're just gonna have to wait and see.

17-year-old male with multiple G. S. W. to the chest.

We're bringing him straight from the E. R.

so we don't have a lot of time, people.

Let's get him on the table.

Dr. Yang, are you scrubbing in this time?


All right. On my count. One, two ... three.

Let's move, Kepner.


Vitals were stable ... after receiving L. R. and packed cells.

The bronch was already placed when I entered into the O.R.

so I proceeded with the laser endoscopy.

How was your lunch, Dr. Grey?

Oh, it was fine. Actually, no line at all.

I was able to get my sandwich, find my daughter, see my husband, go watch the groundbreaking surgery.

That's going on right next door.

And still get back in time to do my work.

Sounds like you have it all, Dr. Grey.

I do, actually. I have it all.

I've heard enough about the lunch.

I don't see any more perforations.

I'm gonna start closing.

Oh, I'd say we should grab a drink and celebrate, but I know you don't have room in your life for joy.

Is it a crime that I like to focus when I'm in the workplace?

If so, my apologies.

I focus.

I focus like a laser.

That's why I don't make mistakes.

That's why my patients survive surgery.

That's why I'm not sloppy or careless ... We're missing a sponge.

Or inconsistent like many of my colleagues are.

Frankly, like most of my students are.

When you and chatty Cathy over here we're discussing the magic of lunch, I was focused enough for both of us.

Dr. Bailey.


We're missing a sponge.

Well, count again.

We did. Three times. We've looked everywhere except ... Except where?

Inside the patient.

Did you clear out the clots?


Were there any adhesions?

No, the vessels are clear, and yet the kidney is-is dead.

What if we tried a bypass graft?

A kidney transplant.

We've got the perfectly matched donor right next door.

They used to share all three of those kidneys.

Th-there's be no need for immunosuppressants because they're identical twins.

They'd be saving each other.

Okay, Karev. It's your idea.

Make it happen.

The parents wanted to see her before she went up to PICU.

She looks so weird.

Where's her sister?

I cannot look at her without her sister.

Honey, Brandi's gonna be fine.

She'll be here, too.

They're both gonna be fine.

We need Andi back in the O.R.

What's wrong?

We're gonna do a kidney transplant.

Brandi's kidney failed.

It's straining her other organs, including her heart.

No, you can't.

It's okay. Let them take her.

I can't lose them both. Please. No. You can't.

How much longer? You need me to scrub in?

Almost there.

Well, can you be almost there a little faster?

There. Got it.

Thank you.

Open the friggin' door.

Kidney looks healthy. Are you ready?

Yeah. Go ahead and scrub in.

Vitals were stable after receiving L. R. and packed cells.

The bronchoscope was already in place when I entered the O.R.

so I started with the laser endoscopy.

I had good visualization of the tumor almost immediately.

Tell me about the tumor.

It was highly vascularized and had eroded through the pulmonary artery.

How do you know?

I felt it.

What did you feel?

A hole in the pulmonary artery.

Are you sure that it was the pulmonary artery?


Or did you just blindly feel it?

I knew what I was doing and what I felt.

You had your hand on it?

I had my hand on it and traced the anatomy.

Are you 100% sure?

She said she's sure!

Enough! It's enough!

This is enough. You can't keep doing this.

You c ... you can't ... He's gone.

Dr. Altman, I-I'm sorry, but he's gone, and this is not gonna bring him back so please just stop.


Are you all right, Dr. Kepner, or do you need time to gather yourself?

No, I ... No.

Okay, then.

I am 100% sure.

All right.

Henry flatlined.

We did compressions, pushed epi, got a sinus brady, pushed high-dose epi.

He flatlined again.

We did more compressions.

We continued in this manner until both Dr. Webber and I

decided that his heart would not start.

We called time of death at 8:52 P. M.

You have every reason to be pissed with me, Karev.

I played you.

I wanted in on that surgery, and I looked for the weakest link, and it was you.

That's all right.

Next time I'll know better.

It's not all right.

That was your moment, and I took it away from you.

What I did today was ... sad.

It was pathetic.

An old man acting out of fear.

You get to a point in your career ... hell, in your life ... when you realize you got more yesterdays than tomorrows.

And that realization is hard on a man.

But when you get a chance to get in on something like that ... You fight like a tiger, all because you think it'll give you just a little more time in the game.

I don't think you have to worry about that.

You kidding?

A year from now, maybe two if I'm lucky, they'll stick me in an office in a part of the hospital nobody ever goes to.

They'll appoint me to some do-nothing board that makes up rules nobody pays attention to.

They'll let me do a couple of appys a week so I can still call myself a surgeon.

You reach a certain age, that's what happens.

It's the order of things.

I can't think of anything more humiliating.

Can you?


Hey, you want to scrub in on the transplant?

Robbins just needs one of us.

Go ahead.


Go on or I'm gonna change my mind.

I-I don't know ... Thanks, Karev.




39. Nope. The X-rays are here.

Oh. Look, keep looking.

Uh, Dr. Bailey, we have to close.

He's been under too long.

You have boards coming up.

Is this really what you want on your record?

Well, don't just stand there like a whipped puppy.

Check under the liver again.

It's-it's not under the liver.

Excuse me?

It's not in the patient.

Dr. Grey, I-I thought I

taught you the simple, reliable rules, like when you don't find the problem on your first look, check again.

Double-check, triple-check if you have to.

We don't throw our hands up in my O.R.

when a man's life is at stake.

Dr. Bailey, the sponge is on the bottom of your shoe.

On the ... Wh ... Focus ... like a laser.

Why aren't we getting any urine?

There's a kink in the vessels.

Papaverine, please.

Hey, why are you doing this and not Karev?

He was the one who suggested the transplant.

I picked Karev's pocket.

You what?

Twice in one day, Karev?

Honest to god ... it was like taking candy from a baby.

No, that's not right.

It's not fair to the baby.

It was easier than taking candy from a baby.

At least the baby puts up a bit of a fight.

Removing clamp.



Yes! Oh, we got it.

We have urine.

The kidney's working. We did it.

Good job.

Dr. Webber exercised his judgment and stepped in.

So we cracked his chest and tried to tamponade the bleeding and get to the source.

He became bradycardic, so we pushed atropine.

Um, I then realized he had lost so much blood because his ... The tumor had eroded through the pulmonary artery.


That's when he flatlined.

We did compressions ... Pushed epi, got a sinus brady ... Push high-dose epi ... Which is when he flatlined again.


And you and Dr. Webber agreed that he had lost too much blood ... Yes.

And didn't have enough left to circulate, so his heart ... would not restart.


So you called time of death.

8:52 P. M.

8:52 P. M.

I'm sorry.

Oh, you don't apologize.

You hear me? You don't blame yourself.

You did every single thing that I would have done.

You were me in that O.R.

You were good and you did it right.

He just ... He just ... He just died.

I had a husband and a baby and I was a surgeon.

I had it all.

And then it all ... turned bad.

So I got divorced.

And then I got back on my feet.

I found you.

And then there was a shooting.

So now I am finally back on my feet again and I have you again.

I just don't want it to blow up.

Okay. You-you're scared.

See, all right, now ... I am, too.

Why can't we be scared in the same house?

Well, don't act like it's not complicated.

It's not complicated. We just take it one step at a time.

Put a toothbrush in my house today.

Tomorrow, maybe a couple pairs of socks.

Then a suitcase on the weekend ... I have a child.

I can't just move in with you.

Wait. You-you have a child?

Whoa. When did ... when did that happen?

Oh, stop ... you are not a funny man.

I met him. Rick, right?

It was a mistake to even enter into this conversation.

T. rex versus megalosaurus ... who wins?

Well, I have no idea.

You know who does?

I do, and so does Tuck.

Megalosaurus is a tenth of the size.

T. rex eats megalo every time.

But T. rex versus pteranodon, though ... Ben ... Pteranodon can fly. That's an easy win.

Unless you think that's a forfeit.

Yeah, I can do this all day, and so can Tuck.

You're bored already, and we've been at it 30 seconds.

I like Tuck.

I like hanging out with Tuck.

I like dinosaurs and transformers and ... I like you.

I ... want the whole package.

I know you don't come without Tuck.

I know that.

I know who you are.

So that's it?


My toothbrush is in my locker.

One step at a time.

So that went well today.

Hmm. You were a monster.

No, no, no, no, I was just ... I was amped up.


Yeah. I think people found me helpful.

Oh. Mm-hmm. Okay.

Okay. Anyways.

I'm gonna go check on the twins, then I'm gonna head home.

Hey, could you, um, put the humidifier on in Sofia's room?

She seemed a little congested this morning.

Yeah, I noticed that.

Yeah, but don't give her anything for it.

I don't think we're there yet.

All right.

Oh, and give her the pink blanket that your friend Terry gave us. She likes that.

No, no, she doesn't ... Uh, yes, she does.

And don't put it on her directly

'cause she'll just fling it off.

Lay it down on top of the sheet, fuzzy side up.

Uh, excuse me.

This is important. Are you getting this?

Fuzzy side up, not down. Up.

Not down, up.

Fine, fine, fine.

Not down. Up. My way.

Fine, fine.

My way.

Fine, fine, fine.

I was a monster.

Hey, Mike.


You mind if I get started?

No, no, no, go ahead, Mike.

We were just leaving.

Hey, I'll come see the babies with you.

Seriously, though, I'm putting the humidifier on.

If only life was just a dress rehearsal ...

and we had time for do-overs.

That's something, isn't it, Karev?

What a surgery.

This is a teaching hospital, okay?

You were the chief for 20 years.

You're supposed to be teaching your residents, not stealing surgeries like some shark fifth year.

It's not cool, okay?

It's not fair.

Oh, I think I taught you something today.

You don't give up a once-in-a-lifetime surgery, not for any reason, not for anyone, not ever.

Watch your back, Karev.

I may decide to teach you something tomorrow.

We'd be able to practice and practice every moment

until we got it right.

God, I wish you could've been in there with me today.


Me, too.


I'm sorry. I wasn't ... No, no.

I'm-I'm sorry. I was ... hearing things.

It was ... long day. I'm just gonna ... okay.

Unfortunately ...

every day of our lives is its own performance.

She's gonna need rehab, but the fact that her legs are moving already is a really good sign.

Is this a private party or can anybody join in?

Here you go. Brandi ... meet Andi.

She's the one who's been kicking you in the ass your whole life.

Can we, um ... Is it okay if we touch 'em?

Of course you can.

Charley, look at them.

They're beautiful.

Look at them, they're perfect.

It seems like even when we get the chance to rehearse

and prepare ...

and practice ...

Sweetie, you have to go to sleep.

You have to.

Just walk her around.

Oh, I am too tired to walk.


Is that from today?


She looks bigger.

Hey, are you getting bigger?

Okay, she's gonna take her first steps any minute.

I can feel it.

She is getting bigger.

She looks bigger.


Come on. Come get the giraffe.

You're just the cutest kid on the entire planet.

Why is that?


Derek, Derek.

She's walking.

Where's the ... oh, where's the camera?

Come to daddy.

Come to daddy.

Turn it on.

Hi. Hi, baby.

I can't open it. I can't open it.

Hi, baby Zola. Hi, baby.

I can't ... I can't ... I can't do this. I can't ... oh, gosh.

Turn it on! Turn it on!

Right now! Right now!

I can't get it on! I can't get it on!

There. Ah! Walk for me.

We're still never quite ready for life's grand moments.

Hi, baby! Go back.

Oh, my goodness. Oh, I missed it!

Good girl!

Corrected by MystEre

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