I thinking we put the tub here.
That way you can take a bath and look out the window at the trees.
But that means we have to move the sink here, because there's no way we can get two sinks on that wall.
Okay, so do you want me to move the tub or you want to share a sink?
I have one opinion, and that is that I just want a tub deep enough that it covers my knees and boobs ... Knees and boobs at the same time.
Yeah, I gotta go. You're useless. Mwah. Love you.
The dude's building you a dream house.
I can't read these stupid things.
You just don't give a crap.
I'm taking baby drugs to make my uterus less hostile, and I don't know, it makes my eyes dry, and I have to squint to see, and I don't really care enough about the tub/sink relationship to, you know ... You should talk to that hot O. B.
You are always drumming up reasons to talk to that hot O. B.
Everyone figures doctors are the most responsible people they know.
They hold lives in their hands. They're not flakes.
They don't loose track of important details or make stunningly bad judgment calls.
'Cause that would be bad, right?
Oh, look.
Nice size, good-looking placenta.
Is that an arm?
All good. Did you schedule an amnio yet?
Um ... we don't need an amnio.
Um ... we don't?
Of course we do. We'll set it up.
Why do we need an amnio?
I can think of a hundred reasons why.
You want me to take 'em down one by one or all together?
Hey, hey, hey.
It's so nice that there are three of you.
I gotta go. Don't let her shove a giant needle in your belly before we discuss this.
It's not giant. 9 inches.
Okay, so I'm really sorry about this, but with a clinical trial, the paperwork never ends.
Have there been any changes to your memory in the last week or so?
Oh, I don't ... I don't think it's worse.
Went to see Dr. Kesten, and, uh, couldn't figure out what floor he's on, but that's ... that's always the case.
Well, that place is a maze.
Did you have a problem or was that scheduled?
No, well, he's ... he's the one who first diagnosed me, and I was kind of angry when he said it was Alzheimer's.
I ... I called him a quack.
I, uh, figured I should apologize.
Well, I'm sure he gets that a lot.
Have there been any changes in your schedule in the last week or so?
I ... I don't work, and, um ... I get lost on the way to the post office, so I don't do so many errands.
So how about your sleeping and your eating?
Well, we have, uh, breakfast together before the boys leave.
And lunch ... Well, I ... I'm not home till pretty late, so I ... I don't know ... Half a peanut butter and banana sandwich.
Well, I make one when we get home, and we share it.
Okay. And, uh, what about the drugs ... any side effects?
The pink ones make you thirsty.
Dry mouth. Y ... yeah.
Right, right, right.
And water helps with that?
Okay. Very good.
Ricky ... big day.
Bring it on.
Is this your sister?
This is my girlfriend ... Julia.
You're kidding. He's been talking about you for months.
I figured, if there was ever a day to take off work, it's when your boyfriend's getting new lungs.
Smart. She waited for the real fun.
All right. Let's do this.
Well, your new lungs should leave Portland in about two hours.
You haven't taken any of your cystic fibrosis meds since last night, right?
No food, no water, no drugs.
Great. So we'll just do one last workup, and then we'll get you to the O.R.
Oh, and, uh, Julia, write down your number, please, and give it to Dr. Grey. - Why?
Well, so we can call you when Ricky's in surgery if we have any news.
When was the last time you put in an application to the F. D. A. ?
It's been a while, sir.
Well, it would have to be, because if you had any recollection of what's involved, then you wouldn't interrupt me in the middle of compiling
357 pages of an application.
Do you know how easy it is to lose one page out of 357?
It's gotta be quite easy.
They look for reasons to kill a study.
Do you know what they consider a good reason? - A missing ... One missing page. Now you're a smart man, Hunt.
You have leadership potential, management potential.
I mean, I think you shy away from that.
That may well be, sir.
I mean, you can handle a V. I. P. patient.
I mean, if you don't mention the chief of surgery, they won't ask for the chief of surgery.
Did you mention me?
I think I did, sir.
Now why would you do that?
Did you not know about my application?
I think I knew, sir.
Then what on earth were you thinking?
Your wife, sir. That's what I was thinking.
Just when you thought you were done, we need more blood.
Well, if there's any left, it's all yours.
Well, Dr. Shepherd is going to come up and take a look at you, and if these labs are clean, then we're gonna move you up to the O.R. floor.
Hey. Let's keep our fingers crossed and hope that mom gets the good stuff, okay? - Okay.
Hey, Kyle. What's this on your neck?
Oh, that's just my bump. It doesn't hurt or anything.
We've been meaning to make an appointment, but ... with everything there's been going on ... I'm a full-time job.
No, you're not, okay. I should've called.
Well, we have doctors coming out of our ears here.
So I'll have someone come up and take a look.
It's just one less thing to worry about.
Thank you.
I was in the cereal aisle, and I tripped on one of those big display ... fruit spreads or ... or some nonsense and the whole thing came down.
Lido and an epi, please. 5-0 prolene.
Okay. Excuse me.
Oh, it's a cut, Mark. You don't have to show off.
You can give me a couple of band-aids and be on your way.
Yeah, that's not how this is gonna go.
You ... you tripped on the display or you tripped over your feet and fell into the thing or ... The chronology escapes me, Richard.
I was more focused on the fact that there was jam and ... and shard glass all over my coat and my pants and the pants of the store manager, who would not leave me alone until he packed me away into an ambulance.
Oh! You know, this whole thing is just ridiculous!
This is twice, honey. I mean, your wrist ... It's those shoes. Now they are supposed to tone your derriere, but I cannot feel the ground when I walk on them.
I am going to throw them away. If somebody would just give me a couple of band-aids, I can be on my way.
You're not going anywhere.
No, if you make a big fuss about this ... Mrs. Webber.
I'm about to put a needle in your face.
I'd be extremely grateful if you'd stop moving.
Did they come by with the forms?
I think I signed 200 of them.
That sounds about right. You just ... You just gave us your firstborn.
You need a drink of water, Julia?
Just asthma. Sorry. .
Nothing brings people together like respiratory disorders.
Mm. Romantic.
It's mine.
It has Julia's name on it.
Rick, why is she on dornase?
I'm gonna go.
Wait, Julia, do you ... you have cystic fibrosis? - Go.
No, wait a minute. Okay?
Nobody's going anywhere.
Do you know how dangerous cystic fibrosis patients are to each other? - We know.
Your disease isn't contagious to anybody in the general population. It's not like you can't date.
You just can't ... you can't date each other.
You can infect each other with bacteria there's no way you can fight.
We know!
You know how many times we've heard the warnings?
Never get closer than 3 feet from another C. F. patient.
It's a drag. Okay? There's no question. I get it.
No, you don't.
Ricky gets it. Nobody else gets it.
We both tried dating. People can't handle it.
People cringe as soon as you start coughing, like you're gonna kill them.
This is dangerous.
Depression is dangerous.
Living by yourself ... with nobody who understands you, that's dangerous.
We spent eight years making small talk on opposite sides of a doctor's waiting room.
And one day we decided that life with risk is better than not really living.
We deserve to be together.
Kepner, you're on peds today?
Yeah, some kid already puked on me.
Okay, so one of my patient's son has a lump on his neck.
So would you just do a workup on him, and if it's anything, kick it up to Robbins?
Fine. You owe me one.
No, I don't.
I'm doing you a favor. You owe me one.
You're doing your job.
I owe you gratitude and respect.
I already had your respect.
Uh, Hmm.
Give Yang all your patients today.
I have an S. M. A. embolectomy.
Well, I'll take your embolectomy.
Yang can take the rest. You take my wife.
Now I want my embolectomy even more than I did before.
She's fallen and ended up in my E. R. twice.
Maybe it's an inner ear thing, affecting her balance, maybe it's a pinched nerve. I don't know.
All I know, is you're gonna run every test that has a name.
I was looking forward to my embolectomy.
Everyone's unhappy.
Get in here.
You paged me?
Yeah, I need you to check my eyes.
I'm not an eye guy.
I don't know how this crap works.
All right, well, I already did the chart.
I'm, like, 20/25, but I ... I ... I ... now I need you to look at my eyes through this thing.
Maybe it's glaucoma.
Hey, you could get a prescription for pot.
All right. Uh, look up.
Look down.
Doesn't look like glaucoma.
Uh, your cornea looks fine.
Yeah, but you still can't read the chart.
Yeah, but if I squint ... Normal people don't squint. All right.
Read the chart, line 8.
No squinting.
"D, C, P, I."
You're blind. .
Shut up.
Can you even see me?
Yeah, and you look like a real moron.
I need a real eye doctor.
Can you even see enough to operate?
When I do the squinting thing, I see fine.
Don't quit your day job.
Yeah, well, you keep squinting like that, and you're gonna get crow's feet, but I'm good at plastics.
You want me to do something about that?
I've lost too many babies in my time ... Addison terminated, Sloan disappeared.
I'm not letting it happen again.
I don't care what kind of baby it is.
Okay, you know what? You can't be glib about this.
A special needs baby can be a very sick baby.
We could be talking about a lifetime of surgeries and hospital stays and pain. It's not all hugging and the Special Olympics.
Amnios come with risks, too.
One in some not-insignificant number result in miscarriage.
1 in 300.
She's not 45.
The Down's rate isn't all that high in women her age.
Can ... can we have ... can have a minute? Can I just ... Just ... I ... There's no pulling anybody aside.
We have a relationship, Mark.
Part of that doesn't include you.
She's carrying my kid.
All right, if she gets a minute, then I get a minute, too.
Ok, you know what? No one gets a minute.
I have a patient. The patient gets a minute. - Oh.
I've got a friend who can't see, and, uh, she thinks that maybe her, uh, fertility meds ... Your friend?
You think I'm making it up?
You're looking for reasons to talk to me because the last time we spoke, you asked me out, and I said no.
So now you're taking my temperature to see if I was actually busy or just not interested.
You can't ask me out again, not after what you perceived to be a rejection, because even though your whole rap is about confidence, you're about as self-assured as a chihuahua.
Your friend, uh, she doesn't need my help.
If she did, she'd call me.
So I should just ask you out again?
It's a lot simpler, don't you think?
Are you free for dinner?
Nope. Busy.
Well, at first I thought it was a benign cyst, but it looks like it's probably a cystic hygroma.
Wow. The trachea's starting to close off.
Well, I'll move your diverticulectomy.
Or maybe Dr. Stark has time for it.
Dr. Stark has time for what?
Uh, I've got a diverticulectomy.
We're hoping that you could take it, 'cause this hygroma needs to come out right away.
Oh, good lord. Why did you wait so long?
This thing is a time bomb.
We just saw the patient for the first time today.
Well, so what, the parents don't have health insurance?
They do.
Well, why didn't they get this kid to a doctor?
Kyle's mother has Alzheimer's.
She was diagnosed a few months ago, and the father has been working like a dog so their insurance doesn't lapse.
And Kyle's taking care of his mom as much as anyone's taking care of him.
They're just underwater right now.
Yeah, all right. Call protective services.
What? At least one of you here understood that, right?
You can't take Kyle away from his parents.
You just told me they're not caring for their son.
They are dealing with an extraordinary set of circumstances.
This happens all the time. That's why the state set up a whole department to deal with this.
You know, I've got three specialists on their way in here to look at a tumor, so I need this room. - Dr. Stark ... And you've got a surgery to perform, assuming the patient's airway is not already closed.
If it has, well, he's probably dead, and then, well, yeah, nobody has to call anybody, right?
You have to call him off.
Well, I don't know. We can call a social worker, have 'em go in and say hello, ask if they need any help.
It'll placate him.
No, because once you're in the system, it'll only get worse.
You're registered as a parent who neglects his kid. It's over.
You have to call him off.
He's my boss.
Believe me, I like it way less than you do.
This family just lost the ground under their feet.
No one likes the idea of a 10 year old taking care of his mother, but they're doing the best they can.
Maybe Derek's drug helps her.
Or she could get the placebo, and in 18 months, she doesn't even know who Kyle is.
We can't let their last couple of years together become some nightmare where they're fighting to keep Kyle in their house.
It's enough of a nightmare already.
We'll talk to him. Well, so he shoots us down.
It can't hurt to try, right?
You need me to take your diverticulectomy while you remove the boy's mass, right?
My assistant knows my schedule better than me.
Just check with her.
We think calling protective services is a bad idea.
Oh, uh, Kyle's mother may not have a lot of lucid time.
And these years are gonna be difficult, but it's all the family has, and so pulling them apart ... Do you know when protective services pulls families apart?
When the children are in danger.
When the children aren't in danger, they go away.
They do something else.
But they can have a knee-jerk reaction to certain circumstances ... What, you think they're idiots?
I am sure that they are not ... Heartless wretches?
No. - Pediatric surgeons can be heartless wretches.
Some would argue that I'm m a case in point.
But social workers, on the other hand, are bleeding hearts, all right?
They're earning peanuts, they're doing this thankless work, and then they get painted as, what, home wreckers?
For simply for stepping in where children are being harmed.
Yeah, but the boy is not being harmed.
And you're sure about that, right? You're 100% sure?
No shadow of a doubt there?
Ah. That must be a nice feeling, huh?
Why don't you be a good example for your residents and make the call?
What are you writing?
Dr. Bailey?
I'm writing about your ears.
What about them?
There's nothing wrong with 'em.
Well, then can I go home now?
No, ma'am.
Oh, we are wasting everyone's time.
I tripped at the pharmacy. I have faulty shoes.
I should not be trying to tone my derriere.
That flavor of vanity is unbecoming in a woman my age.
The supermarket.
Excuse me?
You tripped at the supermarket, not the pharmacy.
Whatever. The pharmacy aisle.
I ... needed some cough syrup.
You don't have a cough.
Uh, can you breathe into this tube for me?
I've had an alcoholic husband long enough.
I know a breathalyzer when I see one.
Just breathe into the tube, please.
My husband sent you in here to test me for inner ear problems and balance issues.
Well, you don't have inner ear problems.
You don't have balance issues.
You are having accidents and you are inconsistent with your description of the accidents.
And those behaviors are consistent with substance abuse.
So I will run a tox screen, I would like a list of the prescription drugs in your possession, and I need you to breathe into this tube.
The miscarriage rate is lower.
It's even lower with wildly talented O. B. s, and we have wildly talented O. B. s.
It's a risk no matter who does it.
Okay, you know what? I'm trying to eat, which is more important than it's ever been now, because I'm an incubator.
Okay, I know what each of you thinks, I'm weigthing the options, I will decide.
You'll decide?
Yes, I'm the tiebreaker.
And anyhow, I have the bigger vote, because as we've discussed, I vote on behalf of the baby and on behalf of the ... Vagina.
Right. That's not gonna cut it, okay?
We're co-parenting, all of us.
This isn't a joke.
It's not some cute arrangement where you humor me and use me for babysitting when you want to see a movie.
This is my child. We're doing this together.
You don't get a bigger vote. I'm a parent!
Daddy's mad.
So he says we're only gonna have one sink in the bathroom, like he's hurting me.
I mean, why do you need two?
Well, 'cause men leave wads of toothpaste in the sin.
And if you have your own sink, you don't have to look at it, all dried and congealed ... and filled with their fossilized oral bacteria.
I leave toothpaste in the sink.
Are you supposed to rinse it every time you brush?
Nobody parented you. This is to be expected.
You're really gonna move out and sell your house?
Are you gonna miss me?
No, I'm gonna miss having a cheap place to live.
You know, I have trouble seeing fine print, but I can still see your paws on my food.
The fact that the two of you haven't swapped a live-threatening infection already is a miracle.
So ... so maybe God has a soft spot for you guys.
But once this transplant is done, Ricky will be on immunosuppressants ... Ten times more likely to get an infection.
Lots of things are risky.
This is suicide.
You don't know that.
It doesn't mean anything to you. You've been happy.
We've been sick our whole lives. Don't we deserve some happiness?
You'll get it.
Don't act like it's easy, with your gorgeous eyes and your white coat.
It's insulting.
I won't tell you it's easy. It's not, but people need these lungs.
People can use these lungs for decades ... Parents with small children, teenagers who are just starting their lives.
If the two of you stay together, you could destroy those lungs within months.
These lungs are a gift. If you squander it ... What we have is a gift.
Do you love someone?
If you do ... you know.
It's rare and it's a gift.
End the relationship, or you don't get the lungs.
So it's a cyst, and it's pushing on Kyle's airway, so we should remove it as soon as possible.
But once it's out, he'll be fine.
And Dr. Robbins is great. .
Also, a social worker may be coming by just to talk to you and see how things have been going.
Is that part of the clinical trial?
No. It's more of a formality than anything.
Yeah, thank you, but, no.
Well, if ... if it's part of the experiment, we should do whatever ... No, they're worried about Kyle, okay?
It's not part of the experiment.
Wh ... why?
Ky ... Kyle's fine. You just said that he's ... he's ... If we refuse, what happens?
Wait, wait.
Wh ... what's wrong with Kyle?
No, they ... they think that we're not taking care of him.
I'm fine. I don't need anything.
What ... what are you doing? I'm not doing this. - No, Allison ... I don't want to stay here.
Allison, honey, stay in the bed.
Allison, stay in the bed.
I don't ... I don't ... I don't want them to touch my son!
I understand, but ... I don't want this!
No, we are taking care of our son!
? Keep a a close watch on ?
* this heart of mine *
I don't want to be here.
♪ I keep my eyes wide open all the time ♪
Allison, listen. You need the surgery.
This is ***!
Don't let them touch our son!
All right, but ... Please! Just take me home!
♪ because you're mine ♪ ♪ I walk the line ♪ ♪ I find it very, very easy to be true ♪ ♪ I find myself alone when each day is through ♪
She loves Johnny Cash.
He does this, and it ... always calms her down.
I need an answer.
Is it over?
Yeah. It's over.
You need to say good-bye.
Right now.
This minute?
We need to prep you and then cut your chest open.
So, yes ... this minute.
Hey, hey, Meredith.
Um, what was the deal with Adele Webber when you saw her a few weeks back?
Oh, she fractured her wrist.
Yeah, but you ordered a head C.T.
Just to be sure, and it was clear.
Okay, I read the file. What I'm asking for is a more complete impression of the patient.
I myself just accused her of being either a wino or a junkie, and that seems not to be the case
'cause the tox screen was clear and so was the breathalyzer.
So I'm wondering what the hell is going on.
She fell down, and she couldn't get her story straight.
I tried to talk to the chief, and he got very angry with me because I suggested that there was some indication of early dementia.
And he thinks, because I'm on Derek's study, that I see Alzheimer's everywhere.
Are you concerned?
Did you really call the chief's wife a wino?
My finest moment.
I am so grateful you're not trying to knock me up.
You're welcome.
The three musketeers are all freaked out about having an amnio, and Meredith is getting shot up every day with fertility drugs.
It is a nighghtmare, the whole thing.
And all for what? Just to sign up for, uh, two years of sleep deprivation and feces?
I'm so happy we're never gonna have to deal with that.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Well ... I want the amnio.
I just ... I want to have the information, whatever it is.
That doesn't mean I'm gonna act on it. It just ... I ... whatever the situation is, I want to know about it.
Thank you.
That's it?
Well, I just wanted her to think about it.
I wanted all of us to really think about it.
And you did.
There's three of us. I got out voted.
As long as my 33%
is considered and nobody's body parts get more a vote than I do, that's all I can ask for.
All right, Allison, the anesthetic is in.
I just need to make a slight incision, and we should be good to go, okay?
All right. Good.
You want to celebrate by drilling some burr holes?
I would love to.
Okay, on the black Mark.
Easy in, easy out.
What's the matter? Just go ahead and start.
I can't.
Can't what?
I can't see it.
They're lying.
She's just gonna lay low for a couple of weeks, and then they're gonna get back together and destroy this perfectly good pair of lungs.
She's probably still in the hospital.
You want to stop the transplant?
It's too late. Lungs are on their way.
The clock's already ticking.
Maybe it'll be okay.
You know, m ... maybe it's not a waste.
They love each other. It ... it is rare.
What if they are soul mates?
And you're thinking about Sloan again.
No. Why?
He told Callie that he would be happy to raise a special needs child. Okay?
He's a good man.
I didn't think about it when I walked away.
I just got mad and I walked.
You did think about it. You think about everything.
Okay, what if I was wrong?
You really want to be dating a guy, two women, and a baby?
Okay, well, that sounds bad.
You think?
Uh, I said I'm never having kids, and you said "yeah, yeah, yeah."
Uh, what exactly does
"yeah, yeah, yeah" mean?
Well, of course you don't want to have kids. You're a resident.
I felt the same when I was starting out, so I figured we could, uh, revisit this conversation down the line.
We already discussed this.
Yes, but people change.
And it's possible, in a couple of years, you'll come around.
When have you ever known me to come around?
The idea that your career is the only thing that will ever matter to you is frankly a young person's notion.
And after what you've been through these last few months, I would've thought you'd have a more ... nuanced vision of this whole thing already.
Okay, so ... so ... so you assumed that I was gonna grow up and that I'm going to get over my childish vision of my life?
Well, that's one way to put it.
I also thought that you might find a little room for my vision of life.
Well, I've grown up as much as I plan to.
And ... I don't come around.
Dr. Avery.
Yep. Here you go.
Got it.
Got it? Great. Pickups and potts scissors.
Dr. Grey, bring 'em over.
God, they're beautiful.
He wastes these, I swear to God, I'll kill him. .
Are you still gonna love me if I'm blind or does it all go out the window if I'm not a surgeon anymore?
It ... it's not funny.
I don't know how you went into my O.R. and didn't say anything.
It wasn't intentional.
It started out as fuzziness in the morning.
And then I didn't see the big black spot until I started staring at Allison's skull.
Metzger's gonna meet you in ophthalmology as soon as he's out of surgery.
He could be a while, so cancel the rest of your day.
And you need to stop the fertility drugs right away.
I can't. I mean, there's two pills left in this cycle.
My egg's about to drop. I can't stop now.
Yes, you can. Okay, you know all the scary side effects they list on the side of the box?
One of them is happening to you. You need to make sure this doesn't permanently damage your eyesight.
This cycle's over.
I had a feeling I'd find you here.
The lungs are in.
So far, so good.
Gonna tell her I'm here?
Dr. Altman? No.
No, I'm pretty sure you're gonna leave.
Here's the thing ... you're killing him.
You're taking a gun and killing him.
And there is nothing romantic about a joint suicide.
It's cruel ... to you, to him, to your parents, and to the family that just buried someone.
Those lungs are gorgeous.
You can't do this.
And it always feels like ... there is just one person in this world to love.
And then you find somebody else.
And it just seems crazy that you were ever worried in the first place.
You'll tell him he has to find someone?
He really has to try, 'cause ... I don't want him to be alone.
Oh, hey.
Allison Baker is in Dr. Shepherd's Alzheimer's trial.
Uh, she has to have follow-up visits every two weeks for the next three years.
We'll make Kyle come every time.
I ... I will do the exam myself every two weeks.
Look ... Kyle ... he's not just loved, he's cherished.
I would like you to consider putting a pin in the call to protective services.
I thought she'd already made the call.
We didn't.
Excuse me?
Better not stay too long. I might reconsider.
Run away, Dr. Kepner.
She's gone ... Really. I don't know how to tell him.
Well, if I had to hear something like that, I'd want to hear it from you.
Everything's clear.
Well, she's just got two left feet.
Could be. I didn't check for that.
Sir ... something's clearly wrong.
Dr. Bailey, when you're rolling down the far side of the hill, things fall apart.
Uh ... Okay, look, if it was me, and my wife was suddenly accident prone and losing track of details, I wouldn't ask the general surgeon who's only been an attending for a year to check her out.
I'd ask the neuro guy ... the very fancy, extremely good neurosurgeon who happens to be studying neurological disorders, like Alzheimer's, who happens to be a close friend.
That's who I'd ask.
But that's just me.
I just wanted to make sure you were all right.
Ricky's not, that's for sure.
I told Julia that she'd find somebody else.
But ... I'm not sure I believed it.
She will.
Yeah, well, what if he's her ... Soul mate?
You gotta be kidding me with this crap, Lexie.
Nobody has just one soul mate.
That'd be such a dumb system.
Look, Ricky and Julia deserve better than someone who makes them sick.
You deserve better, too.
And there is more than one soul m m me for everyone.
And someone like you?
There'd be a line out the door as soon as word got out.
Oh, would you be in the line?
I'm in the line.
I think I have veto power.
I mean, I think you don't bring a human being into this world if one of the parties, like the mother, doesn't want it.
I mean, what's there left to discuss?
All right. Let me, uh, get this straight.
You've made a decision, and I have no say. Zero.
So what if I think having a family is a huge part of what it means to be alive?
Well, then you married the wrong person.
You know, maybe you did. I mean, it was ... it was hasty.
I was a P. T. S. D. wastoid, shivering on the couch. I ... Maybe we didn't think this through.
Stop it.
You don't get to pull that crap with me.
We got married, not because you're a basket case, but because we l loved each other and we wanted a life together.
So you don't get to threaten walking out just because I had the gall to express an opinion that is different to yours.
You need to think about it.
You have an obligation to at least pretend that you care what the hell I want.
Oh, these are all done. There's just two more.
I'd like you to join me for dinner.
Come again?
Uh, right now?
No, I already ate.
I'm just saying, some other night.
Like ... Just, you know, I mean a date.
Did you say you wouldn't call child services because you wanted to go out with me?
No. No, actually ... I wanted to go out with you because you convinced me not to call child services, and nobody has changed my mind in ... ten years.
Is that a selling point?
It cuts both ways, no doubt about it.
If I say no, will you stop giving me surgeries?
No. Come on. That's sexual harassment.
That's not my style.
Look, just think it over.
If the answer's no, that's fine.
I mean, we'll probably, uh, have to avoid eye contact for a while, but I mean, we can still work together.
Anyway ... think about it.
I gotta tell you, I was impressed with Mark today.
He ... he is really being an adult about all this.
I think that he's gonna be a great dad.
It'll work.
You didn't think it was ... that impressive.
He handled it, and not like a 4 year old.
Is that supposed to make me excited?
I thought I was supposed to be the cranky, hormonal one.
I'm not cranky.
I don't get excited about Mark.
I'm not delighted by Mark.
I love you.
And I can honestly say that I'm gonna love this baby.
But Mark?
I somehow ended up agreeing to a lifetime with ... Mark ... A lifetime of decisions ... bottle or sippy cup, basketball or tap, Dartmouth or Berkeley.
Christmas morning with ... Mark.
I never picked him.
And I don't hate him, but ... I don't want a life with him.
And yet, somehow that's ... what I got.
What am I supposed to do, kick him out?
I mean, it's his kid.
Yeah, you don't need to remind me of that.
I never, ever forget that.
Okay, we're gonna go down that road again.
Okay, can we just be honest about the fact that this is some kind of bi dream come true?
I mean, you get the woman that you love and ... and the guy best friend who's also a great lay, and then you get a baby.
I mean, you get it all. And me?
This is not my dream.
My dream doesn't look like this.
Lexie, are you in here?
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Okay, um, Stark?
Stark just asked me out.
Is that not the weirdest thing you've ever heard?
It's pretty weird. I'll give you that, yeah.
Yeah, yeah, it's weird, it's weird, it's weird.
I mean, he's ... he's old and mean. He's like the Grinch.
The Grinch asked me to dinner, and I said yes.
What? You said yes?
There is ... there is a nice man under there.
A ... April.
You think it's weird.
I ... I ... I do.
But I'm starting to come around to it.
You know, can we talk about it later?
Yeah, o ... okay.
Well, can I pee before I go?
Go downstairs.
This is shared space.
Just go downstairs!
Oh, my God.
We are responsible ... with our patients.
The problem is ... we blow it all out at work.
In our own lives, we can't think things through.
We don't make the sound choice.
We did that all day at the hospital.
When it comes to ourselves, we've got nothing left.
I mean, he knows I don't want kids.
And suddenly, I'm ruining his vision of the future.
Don't talk to me about vision.
What if I never get to operate again?
You could be a bartender. I had a very good time.
Oh, yeah. The whole five hours you bartended.
Free drinks.
You stole those drinks. Joe didn't give you free drinks.
Your eyes will clear up. They will.
Uh, how's it going?
Oh, good. I'm good.
Uh, Metzger's gonna examine you every day.
Until he clears you, you don't set a foot in an O.R.
Well, I can't hold a scalpel, but I can observe, right?
No, you can't.
Did he just bench me?
Yeah, she didn't think she needed to tell me she couldn't see.
She figured it was, you know, not relevant.
I don't know if I'm more mad at her as her husband or as her attending.
You were extraneous to the process.
Kinda like Cristina. She doesn't need to talk to me about whether we're gonna have kids.
That's nice.
Not only do I not have a say, she doesn't even want to discuss it.
They want to hold all the cards.
I want you to imagine for a minute what it's like trying to negotiate with two women.
That's a nightmare.
At least you guys get 50% of the vote.
I get a measly 33% ... I get 50%? With Cristina, I get maybe 10%.
Meredith won't even put anything down on the table.
She doesn't want me to vote, she simply omits the information ... leaving me with zero.
Want to join us?
Can I, uh, offer you a 9-iron?
Yeah, I ... I can't stay.
I just need to borrow Shepherd for a minute.
Yeah, sure. What's up, chief?
And is it worth it ... being responsible?
Adele was in the E. R today.
Is she all right?
Yeah. She just, uh, she took a spill.
Nothing serious.
But it's the second time recently.
So I had Bailey work her up.
Nothing comes up. C.T. , everything's clean.
But she's ... foggy.
I need you to take a look.
'Cause if you take your vitamins ... Of course.
... and pay your taxes, and never cut the line, the universe still gives you people to love, and then lets them slip through your fingers like water.
And then what have you got?
Vitamins ... and nothing.