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  9x02 - Devil May Care
 Posted: 11/08/13 22:35
# 1 
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[ Abandonned House]

(A man, Jason, drags a body bag through the house into the bathroom. He unzips the bag to reveal a charred body)

[ A Park]

(Dean is lying on a picnic table. Sam sits down next to him)

Sam: So, what, Cas is human?

Dean: (sitting up) Ish. I mean, he's got no Grace, no wings, no... harp, whatever the hell else he had.

Sam: Okay. Where'd he crash-land?

Dean: Called me from a pay phone from Longmont, Colorado. I told him just to make for the bunker.

Sam: Well, you think he can handle a road trip like that?

Dean: Well, Cas is a big boy. Things go Breaking Bad, he knows our number. Right now we got bigger worries.

Sam: The fallen angels?

Dean: Yeah. I mean, thanks to Metatron, we now have a couple of thousand confused loose nukes walking around down here.

Sam: What do you think they're gonna do?

Dean: I got no damn clue.

Sam: What about Crowley? You, uh... (mimes slicing throat)

Dean: I would've loved nothing better than to ice that limey bitch. But then I thought to myself, what would Sam Winchester do?

Sam: I'd've stabbed him in the brain.

Dean: Oh.Well, I figured the King of Hell might know a few things, so why not Zero Dark Thirty his ass?

(They get up off the table and went to the car)

Sam: Wait, so Crowley is... alive?

(Dean opens the Impala's trunk to reveal Crowley).

Dean: Oh yeah. He's the junk in my trunk.

(A Devil's Trap has been painted on the inside of the trunk to keep him there)

Sam: Huh.

[ Abandoned House]

(Sigils have been drawn on the bathroom's walls in blood. Black Demon Smoke swirls around just below the ceiling. JASON takes out a knife and flips it open. His eyes turn black. He cuts open his wrist and allows the blood to pour into the bathtub. Bright light starts to emanate from it, and the Demon Smoke flies down into the tub. The light pulsates and dies out with a small shockwave. Abaddon emerges from the bathtub)

[ Bunker - Control Room]

(Dean enters the bunker. An arrow comes flying in his general direction, getting stuck in the handrail a few feet in front)

Dean: The hell?

(Kevin stands up from behind his barricade of books and a flipped-over table, holding a crossbow.)

Kevin: Dean? You're alive!

Dean: Yeah, 'cause you're a crappy shot, Katniss.

Kevin: Sorry. It's been a bad couple of days. I-I haven't slept, or eaten, I'm pretty backed up.

Dean: Okay, overshare.

Kevin: After we talked, this place went nuts, alright? Th-there was some alarm, and all the machines were freaking out, and the bunker just locked down. I couldn't open the door, my cellphone stopped working, I thought the world was ending.

Dean: Close. The angels fell.

Kevin: The... what does that mean?

Dean: Nothing good. (he takes the crossbow from Kevin) Listen, next time the world's ending, grab a gun.

(Dean puts the crossbow down on the table and starts to walk away, taking out his cellphone)

Dean: I got service.

(Kevin flips a switch on the bunker's control panel. Lights turn on and there's a sound of mechanics whirring into action)

Kevin: It's back online. Maybe when you opened the door from the outside door, it reset the system.

Dean: Yeah, okay, let's go with that.

(Sam enters with Crowley, handcuffed, blindfolded and with earmuffs on)

Sam: Hey. All good?

Dean: Is it ever. Come on.

(Sam and Dean leave with Crowley as Kevin looks on)

Kevin: No.

[Bunker - Dungeaon]

(Crowley has been chained to a chair in the center of a Devil's Trap. Dean pulls off his hood and tears the duct tape off his mouth)

Crowley: Ahh! Hello.

(Dean punches him in the face)

Dean: Never get tired of doing that.

(Crowley grunts and looks at the wall full of torture implements)

Crowley: Homey. Where did you get this fantastic little treehouse?

Sam: Alright, here's how it's gonna go. You're giving us the name of every demon on earth, and the people they're possessing.

Crowley: Am I? Doesn't sound like me.

Sam: I saw you break down, Crowley. When I was trying to cure you, I know a part of you was human again, maybe still is.

Crowley: Blah blah, boohoo. Done? Good. 'Cause this is what I know. I'm not giving you anything. Why would I? You have no leverage, darlings. You're not gonna close the gates of Hell, because you didn't, you're not gonna kill me, because you haven't. So what's left?

Dean: We have a few ideas.

Crowley: Torture. Brilliant. Can't wait to see Sam in stilettos and a leather bustier, really putting the S-A-M into S&M. Honestly, boys. What are you gonna do to me that I don't do to myself just for kicks every Friday night?

(Sam and Dean exchange a look, then turn and leave, locking the dungeon's doors behind them)

Dean:Have fun.

(They turn off the lights, leaving CROWLEY alone in the dark)

[ Bunker- Control Room]

Kevin: What's Crowley doing here?! Why isn't he dead? Why aren't you stabbing him right now?!

Dean: Alright, alright, chill out, Kevin, okay? We need him.

Kevin: What?!

Sam: Kevin, look. If we can get Crowley to give us the name of every demon he's got topside, we can hunt them down. All of 'em.

Dean: He will break, okay. When he does, we'll hold him down while you knife him. Then we all go out for ice cream and strippers.

Sam: Just stay away from him, alright?

Kevin: So now what?

Dean: I gotta make some phone calls. You need to hit the Angel tablet, see if you can find anything on the spell that Metatron used to empty out Heaven.

Sam: Yeah, maybe we can reverse it before the God Squad does too much damage.

Dean: Yeah, if we're lucky. Alright, check the net for anything angely.

Sam: Or demony.

Dean: Or monstery. Or ghosty, or... it's gonna be a busy year.

[ Abandoned House]

( Abaddon addresses Jason plus three other Demons)

Abaddon: My name is Abaddon. But enough about me, let's talk you. Jason tells me you're all violent, power-hungry opportunists. So maybe you can tell me what the hell happened to Hell. And demons, I mean, (mocking laughter) you call that a meatsuit?

Old Demon Lady: I closed 72 deals last year. Kids love Grandma.

Abaddon: And that's the problem. Deals. We're paying for what we should be taking. Who put Crowley in charge? What's the matter, Hellhound got your tongue? You took orders from him!

Old Demon Lady: He's the King!

Abaddon: He's a salesman. A king fights. A king conquers. A king does more than sit around reading contracts. But the King's dead. Long live the Queen. I can train you. I can get you new bodies. And we will march into Hell, where we will be greeted as liberators. And Demonkind will rise up and sweep over the earth. And all the humans, and all the angels with their clipped wings will bow to me! Or they will burn.

Old Demon Lady: What about Crowley?

Abaddon: Crowley's dead.

Old Demon Lady: Uhuh. Well, no offense, honey, but we all thought you were dead until, like, a week ago. And what if Crowley does come back? Look, a lot of us were scared of him, a lot of us still are. Prove that Crowley's really gone, and then maybe this scheme of yours will work. Or not. Honestly, I always thought you Knights were overrated.

(Abaddon grabs her by the throat and smokes her out)

Abaddon: You go to hell. And you tell them... I'm coming.

[ Bunker - Library]

(Dean's on the phone while Sam and Kevin do research)

Dean: Yeah, Irv, fallen angels.

Irv: Huh. That's a wrinkle.

Dean: Well, trust me, they're just monsters with good PR. So, if you run into one, torch his ass with holy oil. Oh, and if they drop, uh, like, a silver sword, grab it. Those pigstickers come in handy.

[ Road]

Irv: Okay. Criminy.

[ Bunker - Library]

Dean: Hey, look, I know this is weird, but—

Irv: Well, Dean-o, weird's what we do.

[ Road]

Irv: I remember this case me and Bobby worked up in Saskatoon, had these two—

[ Bunker - Library]

Dean: Werewolf siamese twins.

[ Road]

Irv: He told you about that?

[ Bunker - Library]

Dean: Every time he drank Labatt's. So if you run into any problems, give a call, okay? The more hunter that know, the better.

[ Road]

Irv: Roger-Dodger.

[ Naval Base]

(Three Navy Soldiers leave the base)

Soldier1: So, this is your first weekend pass into town, right? So I set it all up. Jamie's waiting at the bar and has a thing for men in uniform. So, you just start buying shots, then you can thank me in the morning.

Soldier2: Cool.

( A bus pulls up and the three get in)

[ Bus]

( The Demons from before (minus the one possessing the old lady) are waiting on the bus. Their eyes turn black. The doors snap shut and the Demons smoke out, then possess the Soldiers. Abaddon, in the driver's seat dressed in a bus driver's uniform, turns to look)

Abaddon: Now that is more like it.

[ Road]

( A young woman, Tracy, is looking under the hood of her car. A van pulls up)

Driver: Need some help?

Tracy: Um, yeah, I-I don't know, I think the thingy broke.

Driver: Well, I can give you a lift into town.

Tracy: That would be amazing. Thanks.

( She grabs her bag from the car while the van's Driver leers at her. He grins wolfishly as she gets in, revealing a set of vampire fangs)

[ Road- Moments Later]

( The van rocks up and down. After a few moments, blood splashes against the window from the inside. The van's doors open and the Vampire comes falling out, headless. Tracy jumps out after and comes face to face with the possessed Soldiers)

Jason (now in Soldier1): Nice hunting.

(Demon Soldier2 grabs her from behind and pulls a bag over her head)

[ Parking Lot]

(The bus has been abandoned in a parking lot. The area has been marked off with yellow tape and there are multiple police officers and army personnel present. Sam and Dean pull up in the Impala)

Sam: Oh, God. This place reeks of sulfur.

Dean: Between the stink, with the freak thunderstorms, and every cow dead within three miles, I'll take demons for $1000, Alex. (to the Sergeant that walks up) Hey. Agents Stark and Banner, FBI. Just need to have a look around.

Sergeant: Why? This is a military case, not a federal one.

Sam: Well, that's not what our supervisor said.

Sergeant: That so? Then maybe him and I oughta have a chat.

Dean: Okay.

(He takes out his phone and dials)

[ Bunker - Library]

(Kevin's phone rings)

Kevin: Hey?

[ Parking Lot]

Dean: Hey, boss, uh... we got a little problem here.

[ Bunker - Library]

Kevin: "Boss"?

[ Parking Lot]

Dean: Yeah, just a local badge needs confirmation we're supposed to be here. How the word came down from FBI headquarters in DC.

[ Bunker - Library]

Kevin: Wait, w-what?

[ Parking Lot]

Dean: Yeah.

(He hands his phone to the Sergeant)

Sergeant: This is Sgt Miranda Bates, who am I talking to?

[ Bunker - Library]

Kevin: Uh... Kevin. Solo.

[ Parking Lot]

Sergeant: How old are you?

[ Bunker - Library]

Kevin: Old enough. And I'm with the FBI, so you have to do what I say, or...

Sergeant: Listen, kid, I don't have to do anything. And I don't take orders from the Feeb.

(Kevin pulls his laptop towards him and starts typing)

[ Parking Lot]

Sergeant: So unless you can give me one good reason you got a couple of pretty-boy agents poking around my crime scene, I'm gonna put them in cuffs and spank your ass raw, understand?

[ Bunker - Library]

Kevin: Cabo, last June.

[ Parking Lot]

Sergeant: What?

[ Bunker - Library]

Kevin: That's my reason. My favourite is you in a sombrero doing a body shot off some naked guy in a Luchador mask. Super classy.

[ Parking Lot]

Sergeant: How did you find that?

[ Bunker - Library]

Kevin: 'Cause I'm Kevin freaking Solo. So unless you want this forwarded to your commanding officer, Major Velasquez...

[ Parking Lot]

Kevin: I suggest you give my guys anything they want. Understand?

Sergeant: Yes.

[ Bunker - Library]

Kevin: "Yes, sir."

[ Parking Lot]

Sergeant: Yes, sir.

(She hands the phone back to Dean and stalks off)

Dean: Kevin? What the hell did you just do?

[ Bunker - Library]

Kevin: All military computers are linked to the same network.

[ Parking Lot]

(Sam motions "are we good?" to Dean, who nods. Sam walks off towards the bus)

Dean: And?

[ Bunker - Library]

Kevin: I hacked it.

[ Parking Lot]

Dean: Hey, Kevin? Good job, buddy.

(He hangs up and joins Sam)

[ In The Bus]

Dean: Hey. Anything?

Sam: Yeah, this guy was shot in the heart.

Dean: That what killed him?

Sam: Maybe—fifteen, twenty years ago. Every one of these bodies has a fatal wound, or two, or three, but they're all old.

Dean: So we're looking at meatsuits? The bodies took a licking, and the demons inside kept them ticking.

Sam: Probably. I think they were possessed. And now those soldiers are.

(The Sergeant enters)

Sergeant: Excuse me, agents? We pulled this off a security camera. You might wanna take a look.

(She hands Sam a touchscreen tablet with video footage that shows the possessed soldiers and bus driver exiting the bus. SAM zooms in on the driver)

[ Parking Lot]

Dean: Abaddon? Seriously?! I thought you Kentucky fried that meatsuit.

Sam: I did, Dean.

Dean: You—well, then how'd she get it back? (to the police officer holding up the crime scene tape) Thank you. (to Sam) And why's she playing G.I. Joe?

Sam: No clue. Why don't you ask her when we find her?

Dean: Oh, I will. And then I'm gonna chop her freaking head off. Again.

[ Contaminated Ghost Town]

( The Demons are beating up a hunter, Pete)

Jason: Alright, Pete. The Winchesters, where are they?

Pete: Bite me.

(Jason punches him again)

Jason: I said, where are the Winchesters?

Pete: And I said, bite me, crewcut.

(Jason punches him again)

Abaddon: Let me show you how it's done, boys.

( She grabs a noose and slips it around Pete's neck)

Pete: Help me!

(He screams as Abaddon tightens the noose and pulls on the rope to lift him off the ground)

Abaddon: You can scream all you want to. No one's gonna hear you! Now let's talk Sam and Dean.

[ Bunker-Library]

(A cellphone (in a box full of them) starts ringing. Kevin picks it up)

Kevin: Hello?

[ Contaminated Ghost Town]

Abaddon: This is Dean's number, but you're not a Winchester. Who are you?

[ Bunker - Library]

Kevin: I'm... nobody.

[ Abandoned Diner]

(Abaddon enters the diner)

Abaddon: Well, nobody, I need you to give those boys a message for me.

(She walks over to Tracy and Irv, both tied up and gagged)

Abaddon: I have something they might want.

[ Impala - Nightime]

Sam: (on phone) Kevin, wait wait wait. Slow down.

Kevin: She gave me these coordinates. 44.053051 by -123.127860, and two names. Irv Franklin and Tracy Bell.

Dean: Irv's a friend, don't know Tracy.

[ Bunker - Library]

Kevin: Alright, the lady said they were hunters, and that if you didn't go save them, that she would kill them.

[ Impala]

Dean: Yeah, I've heard that song before.

[ Bunker - Library]

Kevin: Dean, who was she?

[ Impala]

Dean: She's the bad guy. Alright, new job, dig up everything the Men of Letters have on Knights of Hell.

[ Bunker - Library]

Kevin: "Knights of Hell"? Sure.

[ Impala]

Dean: You find a way to kill one, I mean permanently, drop a dime.

Sam: Thanks, Kevin. (he hangs up) The numbers point to a spot on the outskirts of Eugene, Oregon. You know this is a trap, right?

Dean: Yep.

Sam: And we're just gonna walk right into it?

Dean: Guns blazing. You with me?

Sam: You know it.

[ Bunker – Dungeon]

(Crowley still sits in the dark, flashing back to the night of the third trial)

Sam: You're the third trial, Crowley.

Crowley: Where do I start...

Dean: You're our bitch.

Crowley: even look for forgiveness?

Dean: Your demon ass is going to be a mortal ass pretty damn quick.

Crowley: None of this means anything to you?

You're my Marnie, moose.

A-and Hannah, she just, she needs to be loved.

[ Chapel – Nightime - Flashback]

Crowley: She deserves it.

[ Bunker - Dungeon]

Crowley: She deserves to be loved.

[ Chapel – Nightime - Flashback]

Crowley: I deserve to be loved! I just wanna be loved.

[ Bunker - Dungeon]

Crowley: I just wanna be loved.

(Present-day Crowley gasps, distraught. Suddenly, the lights come on)

Crowley: Kevin?

[ Bunker - Archives]

Crowley: Kevin, I know it's you. I'd recognise the pitter-patter of those little feet anywhere.

(Kevin makes his way to one of the shelves and rifles through a box)

[ Bunker - Dungeon]

Crowley: That's right, run. It's what you do.

[ Bunker - Archives]

(Kevin pulls a file from the box and starts to walk away)

Crowley: I understand, I do. You're, what's the word?

[ Bunker - Dungeon]

Crowley: Weak.

(Kevin yanks open the dungeon's doors)

Crowley: Hiya, Kev.

[ Contaminated Ghosth Town]

Dean: The hell happened here?

Sam: Local chemical plant sprung a leak, years ago. They evacuated three square blocks. Guess it's still contaminated.

Dean: Wait, so this whole place is poison?

Sam: Yeah.

(Dean shields his crotch with his hand protectively)

Sam: That's not gonna help.

Dean: Doesn't hurt.

(They locate the diner)

[ Abandoned Diner]

(Sam and Dean enter the diner)

Sam: Dean.

(Dean removes the gag from IRV's mouth)

Dean: Irv? Hey. Where's Abaddon?

Irv: Abaddon's been torturing hunters. She's trying to get intel on you boys.

Sam: Do you know why?

Irv: I seriously doubt she wants to add you to her Christmas card list. Now, d'you wanna make with the rescue or what?

Dean: Right after you take a shot of holy water, huh?

(Sam and Dean both unscrew flasks of holy water, and make Tracy and Irv drink some, respectively)

Tracy: Happy?

Dean: Sorry about that.

Irv: Don't worry about it. Last night you need is us popping black eyes.

Sam: You're Tracy, right? I'm Sam Winchester.

Tracy: Good for you.

Irv: She's new. We did a shifter job in Sacramento together. Smart, but got a mouth on her.

Dean: Let's gear up.

[ Bunker - Dungeon]

Crowley: So, what brings you to my boudoir, handsome?

Kevin: You're gonna tell me how to kill a Knight of Hell.

Crowley: Abaddon giving you trouble, eh? Tell you what, you let me go, and I'll spit-roast the little whore for you. Sound good?

Kevin: You're bluffing. You don't know.

Crowley: Oh, I know plenty. For example, I know she'd love you. Skinny, submissive... you're just her type.

Kevin: Shut up.

Crowley: Fine. That's not what you came for, anyway, not really. What's on your mind, Kevin? You can tell me. We're friends!

Kevin: You tortured me.

Crowley: I torture all my friends. It's how I show love. I was raised in a dysfunctional home environment.

Kevin: You killed my mom!

Crowley: Did I? I mean, are you sure? Did you ever see her body? I mean, how can you be sure she's dead?

(Kevin screams and punches Crowley)

Crowley: You can do better than that, little man.

(Kevin glances at the wall full of blades and other equipment)

Crowley: That's right. Let it all out.

[ Abandoned Diner]

(Dean is busy checking their supplies)

Dean: Alright, we got Jesus juice, guns loaded with Devil's Trapped bullets—shoot a demon, you put 'em on lockdown. The angel blade works...

(There's a noise outside and Sam moves over to the window to investigate)

Sam: They're coming.

Dean: Good.

Sam: And they've got assault rifles.

Dean: Okay, less good.

Irv: So, what's the play?

[ Abandoned Diner - Later]

(The Demons approach the diner. Dean's voice can be heard from inside)

Dean: Come and get it, you dicks!

(Jason kicks open the door and enters together with Demon Soldier2)

Jason: Down, now!

(Close-up on Dean's phone playing a pre-recorded clip on repeat)

Dean: Come and get it, you dicks!

Come and get it, you dicks!

Jason: Damn it.

[ Contaminated Ghost Town]

Dean: Alright. We gotta flank SEAL team douche in there, so, uh, Irv, you and me will go left, and Sam, you and Tracy go right.

Sam: Okay. Let's move.

(He lays a hand on Tracy's shoulder, who promptly shoves him away)

Tracy: Don't touch me.

Dean: Whoa. What's the problem?

Tracy: My family's dead because of him.

Sam: What?

Tracy: I watched a demon slaughter my parents. And the whole time it talked about how it was celebrating. Some dumb kid let Lucifer out of his cage.

Dean: ...okay, alright, we gotta move. Girl's with me, Irv...

Irv: (to Sam) Okay. Let's go, son.

[ Bunker - Dungeon]

(Kevin drops a bloodied hammer to the ground)

Crowley: There. Now that you've felt your feels, maybe we can talk.

Kevin: No.

Crowley: Gonna make this simple, Kevin. Let me go, and I'll give you back your mother.

Kevin: She's dead.

Crowley: Oh, she wishes she was. After what I had my heavies do to her, she's begging for it. But when have you ever known me to let anyone off easy? You think Sam and Dean care about her? Huh? You think they care about you? You are just here to serve their needs. Nothing more. You're gonna lose, Kevin. Everything. It's just a matter of time. When the Winchesters are done with you, they'll toss you aside without a second thought because they can. Because they think they're special. And because, well, there's always another prophet waiting in the wings. I'm the one in chains, but we're both prisoners here. What say, you let me go, and we walk out those doors together? What say we both win?

[ Abandoned Diner – Ext.]

Dean: Okay, I think they're still inside. We wait till they come out, and we pick them off one by one. (beat) Listen, for the record, Sam's not the only guy who thought he was doing right and watched it all go to crap, okay? That's just part of being—

Tracy: Being a hunter.

Dean: Being human. Look, you wanna be pissed off at Sam, that's fine, I get it. But if you wanna go after somebody, you make sure that they got black eyes. Gotta know who the real monsters are in this world, kid.

[ Other Side of the Diner – Ext.]

Irv: Sam, you copacetic?

Sam: Yeah.

Irv: Good. Now, hand me that toothpick and you and Dean and Tracy, you beat feet outta here.

Sam: What?

Irv: I'm going in there alone. I'll buy you as much time as I can.

Sam: Irv, that's death.

Irv: Yeah, well, it's what I've got coming. It's my fault, Sam. I was... in some dive and I was sloppy, and lonely, and I met some girl. And next thing I know, I'm strapped to some bed, and she's twisting things that ain't supposed to be twisted.

Sam: "She" who?

Irv: Abaddon. (starts tearing up) I gave 'em up. Pete, Tracy, I Gave 'em all up. So you hand me that blade, and you let me do what I gotta do, or so help me—

(Irv is shot through the heart and drops to the ground, dead. Samshoots at the Sniper on the rooftop and makes a break for the diner, diving inside)

[ Abandoned Diner]

(Sam slides in and comes to a stop on the floor in front of Jason, who traps Sam's wrist under his boot)

Jason: Boo.

[ Abandoned Diner – Ext.]

(Abaddon emerges and punches Dean to the floor. Tracy shoots her in the chest repeatedly, but Abaddon barely flinches)

Abaddon: Nice grouping.

(She lifts up her shirt to reveal a bulletproof vest)

Abaddon: Kevlar. Beats magic bullets. I love the future.

(Dean flings holy water up at Abaddon, and she staggers backwards, smoke rising from her face. Dean crawls up and hands Tracy his keys)

Dean: Listen, my car is three blocks over. Go get more bullets, more holy water, get everything.

Tracy: No, n-no, but what about you?

Dean: Just go! Go! Now!

(Tracy runs off. Behind Dean, Abaddon has recovered from the holy water attack)

Abaddon: Alone at last.

(Dean pulls out an angel blade and attempts to stab Abaddon, but she blocks the swing and twists his arm, sending the blade flying)

Abaddon: I missed you. Did you miss me?

(She grabs Dean by the shoulder, dislocating it and forcing him to his knees)

[ Abandoned Diner – Int.]

(Sam is fighting both Jason and Demon Soldier2, getting thrown over the counter as they overpower him. He scrambles back up as Demon Soldier3 enters)

Demon Soldier3: Cool, I didn't miss the best part.

[ Abandoned Diner – Ext.]

Abaddon: So appreciate you boys coming when I call. I think that's what I like most about you Winchesters. You're so obedient. And suicidally stupid. I like that, too.

Dean: Are we gonna fight or make out? 'Cause I'm getting some real mixed signals here.

Abaddon: I want Crowley. Or what's left of him.

Dean: Yeah? What's in it for me?

Abaddon: I let you die. You give me Crowley's head, and I will snap your neck, quick and clean. You won't feel a thing, trust me.

Dean: And if I tell you to get bent?

Abaddon: Oh. Well... you know, I've loved this body since the moment I first saw it. You're the perfect vessel, Dean. You give a girl all sorts of nasty ideas. So go ahead and play hard to get, and I'll peel off this "no demons allowed" tattoo and blow smoke up your ass.

Dean: Oh, well, I gotta tell you, between you and me, it is a horrow show up there.

Abaddon: It can get worse. Trust me. 'Cause once I'm on top, I'll make you watch. And I'll use your body. Have you ever felt an infant's blood drip down your chin? Or listened to a girl scream as you rip her guts out? Because you will. You and me, lover. We'll have a grand old time.

[ Abandoned Diner – Int.]

(Sam gets thrown into a wall and falls down, unconscious)

Jason: And here I thought all you Winchesters were supposed to be tough.

(Sam's eyes open and flash blue. Zeke/Sam sends Jason flying across the diner with a flick of his hand and stands up. He starts radiating white light and on his shadow on the wall behind him, tattered, broken wings unfold)

[ Abandoned Diner – Ext.]

(There's a bright flash of white light from within the diner, blasting out all the windows)

Abaddon: An angel?!

Dean: What, you think we'd roll up to this mouse trap without some backup?

(Abaddon grabs Dean by the throat and throws him aside, then disappears)

[ Abandoned Diner – Int.]

(Zeke/Sam pulls the demon knife out of Demon Soldier3's body. Dean enters)

Zeke/Sam: They were going to kill him, Dean.

Dean: Ezekiel? The hell did you do?

Zeke/Sam: I was protecting your brother. I thought that was what you wanted.

Dean: Right, yeah, no, I-I... sorry, I'm just still getting used to this whole thing.

Zeke/Sam: As am I.

Dean: But Sam's okay?

Zeke/Sam: He was knocked unconscious. In a way he still is. Sam will not remember any of this.

Dean: So what the hell am I supposed to tell him when he comes to?

Zeke/Sam: That's why I used the knife.

Dean: Right. (he takes the knife back) Smart.

Zeke/Sam: You are troubled, still.

Dean: Yeah, it's just that, uh... this is on me. I was the one who talked Sam out of boarding up Hell. Okay? So every demon deal, every kill that they make... well, you're looking at the person who let it happen.

Zeke/Sam: You were protecting your brother. I am in Sam's head. Everything he knows, I know. And I know that what you did, you did out of love.

Dean: Yeah, uh, look, Zeke—I'm gonna call you Zeke—I'm not really with the whole, uh, love, and... love.

Zeke/Sam: But it is why I said yes.

Dean: Yeah, and if that goes sideways, that's on me too.

Zeke/Sam: That's not going to happen.

Dean: This is nuts. I mean, you're Sam, but you're not Sam, and normally he's the one I'm talking to about all this stuff. I'm trusting you, Zeke. I just gotta hope that you're one of the good guys.

Zeke/Sam: I am. But I suppose that is what a bad guy would say. Dean Winchester, you are doing the right thing.

[ Abandoned Diner – Later]

(Dean packs their supplies back into the duffle bag. On the other end of the diner, Sam wakes up and groans)

Dean: Sam? Sammy? Hey, whoa.

Sam: Dean? What the hell happened?

Dean: You took a shot to the head, and I came in and saved your ass, like usual.

Sam: You killed three demons? Alone?

Dean: I took 'em by surprise. Got a little messy, I got a little lucky. (he helps Sam up off the floor) Oh, and, uh, I'm awesome, so there's that.

Sam: Jeez. You are pretty damn awesome.

(A car pulls up outside, and Sam and Dean head for the diner's exit)

(Tracy pulls up in the Impala)

Sam: Hey. You okay?

Tracy: Yeah. You?

Sam: More or less, yeah.

Tracy: Good. (throws the keys to Dean) I got everything, but guess I'm late to the party.

Dean: Lucky you. Let's blow this toxic waste dump. Burgers and Silkwood showers on me.

[ Bunker – Control Room]

(Sam and Dean enter, Dean holding a bucket of chicken and a bottle of prune juice)

Dean: Kevin?!

Sam: Kevin?

(The main level of the bunker is deserted. Sam and Dean exchange a look. Dean puts down the food and they both run downstairs)

[ Bunker - Dungeon]

Dean: Who worked you over?

Crowley: Martin Hayward and Brandon Favors.

Sam: They did this to you?

Crowley: No. They're demons. You asked for names, I'm giving you names. They're underperformers. Spike them, you'll do me a favour.

Dean: Wow. You break easy.

Crowley: Please. Your little plan to have me stew in my own delicious juices... pathetic. You want intel. I want things, too. Maybe we can come to some kind of arrangement. Quid pro quo, gentlemen.

Sam: So these are what, then, freebies?

Crowley: Not at all. You can consider them fair trade for the enjoyment that Kevin gave me.

Dean: What the hell is that supposed to mean?

Crowley: He's my new favourite toy. Wind him up, watch him go.

Dean: (to Sam) You check the names, I'll go find the kid.

(They leave, locking Crowley in the dark again)

[ Bunker – Control Room]

(Kevin heads towards the exit, carrying a backpack)

Dean: Where d'you think you're going? (Kevin walks past, ignoring him) Hey, hey. Hey hey hey, whoa. Talk to me.

Kevin: You can't keep me locked in here. I'm leaving.

Dean: Like hell! Man, we told you not to talk to Crowley, okay? He messes with your head.

Kevin: He said my mom's alive. Crowley said if I let him go, he'd give her back to me.

Dean: And you believed him.

Kevin: He's still in there, isn't he?!

Dean: Crowley's lying.

Kevin: And if he's not?

Dean: Well... if she is alive, then she's dead. In every way that matters, she's dead, Kevin, I'm sorry. I know you're dying to bolt, man. I get it. But out that door, it's demons, and it's angels, and they would all love to get their hands on a prophet. So even with Crowley here, this is still the safest place for you. It just is. And we need you, man.

Kevin:Because I'm useful.

Dean: Because you're family. After all the crap we've been through, after all the good that you've done... man, if you don't think that we would die for you... I don't know what to tell you. (Kevin starts crying) Because you, me, Sam and Cas, we are all we've got. But hey, if none of that matters to you, then I won't stop you.

[ Bunker - Library]

(Sam is doing research when Dean enters)

Dean: Kevin's passed out in one of the back rooms. He's a tough kid. He'll bounce back. (he pours a drink for Sam and himself) What's up with you?

Sam: Nothing. It's just... what Tracy said about me, she wasn't wrong.

(Dean puts the glasses down on the table and sits down across from Sam)

Dean: Sam, listen to me. You have helped a hell of a lot more people than you have hurt. So all of that... that was then. Okay? Here's to now.

(They clink glasses)

Sam: So, you ready for it?

Dean: Hmm?

Sam: The fallen angels? Abaddon? Cas, losing his halo, Crowley in our basement?

Dean: Crap. We're living in a freaking sitcom. What about you, how's the uh, the engine running?

Sam: Honestly, um, I feel better than I have in a long time. I mean, I realise it's crazy out there, and we have trouble coming for us, but I look around and I see friends, and family. I am happy with my life, for the first time in... forever. I-I am, I really am. It's just, things are... things are good.

Dean: Never better.

(Sam turns back to his research. Dean's smile falters and he knocks back the remainder of his drink in one gulp)

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