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  Supernatural Transcript~ Frontierland 6x18
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6.18 Frontierland

Air Date: 22 April 2011


Bobby: I don't believe it. (He shows a map with five crossed marked on it.)

Dean: Wyoming? What does that mean?

Bobby: (points) Each of these Xs is an abandoned frontier church. (The churches are shown.) All mid-nineteenth century. Built by Samuel Colt.

Dean: Samuel Colt? The demon-killing, gun-making Samuel Colt? (Clip of Azazel being shot with the Colt is shown.)

Bobby: Yep. He built private railway lines, (Jake pulls up in a car at the railway line) connecting church to church. It just happened to lay out like this. (Bobby draws lines on the map between the Xs, connecting the churches. The resulting shape is a pentagram.)

Sam: It's a devil's trap. A hundred square mile devil's trap. (Demons enter the world through the broken railway devil's trap.)

(Castiel touches Dean's forehead, Dean wakes up on a bench. He notices the date on a newspaper.)

Dean: 1973.

Dean: What is this?

Castiel: What does it look like?

Dean: Is it real?

Castiel: Very.

Dean: Okay, so what, angels got their hands on some DeLoreans? How did I get here?

Castiel: Time is fluid, Dean. It's not easy but we can bend it, on occasion.

(The dragons throw a woman into the opened door to Purgatory.)

Bobby: I'm thinking you know Purgatory. This is all about opening a door to let something in.

Sam: What?

Bobby: I'm working on it.

Dean: Can you give us something?

Bobby: I got a name. Mother of All.

(Eve rises from Purgatory.)

Dean: We've got zero on ganking her.

Eve: We've got so much to do. Let's get started.

(Eve latches onto Rick's ear, possessing him with the Khan Worm. Rick kills his wife. Sam kills Samuel Campbell - Samuel was possessed. Possessed Bobby kills Rufus. Khan Worm falls out of Bobby's ear, dead.)

Khan Worm possessing Bobby: She has a message for you.

Dean: Oh yeah? What's that?

Khan Worm possessing Bobby: You're all gonna die.



(A noose is hanging from a gallows.)

Sunrise, Wyoming

March 5, 1861

(Two cowboys step into the street. A woman peers at them through a window. They face each other from several metres apart. They open their coats and have their hands ready to draw their guns. A man watches them through a window. One cowboy is wearing a Sheriff badge. It's Dean. A clock strikes noon. The men look at each other and draw their guns. The screen goes black and a gunshot is heard.)



(48 hours earlier and 150 years later)

Sam: It's here, somewhere. I know it. (to Bobby) Help me move this.


Sam and Bobby move Samuel's desk, revealing a trapdoor.

Bobby: I'll be damned.

(Sam, Dean and Bobby all head down the ladder)

Sam: Welcome to the Campbell family library.

Dean: So, Samuel collected all this stuff, huh?

Sam: Apparently.

Dean: Wow. All right, well, what are we looking for?

Bobby: Well, anything that'll put a run in the Octomom's stockings. Pick a row.

(all three start looking through the books in the library)'

Bobby: Bingo. (all three sit at the table in the middle of the room) Either of you jokers ever heard anything about a Phoenix?

Dean: River, Joaquin, or the giant flaming bird?

Bobby: It says here that the ashes of a Phoenix can burn the mother.

Sam: The mother?

Dean: Great. Where do we get one?

Bobby: You got me. I thought it was a myth.

Sam: All right, great. Well, let's see if we can find something out about a Phoenix.

(they look through books again)

Dean: Guys.Guys, guys, guys, guys, guys, check this out. (Dean joins Bobby and Sam at the table and begins to read from the book he's holding) "March 5, 1861. Sunrise, Wyoming. Gun killed a Phoenix today. Left a pile of smoldering ash."

Sam: Really? Whose gun?

Dean: Colt's.

Sam: Colt? Colt like --

Dean: like the Colt. From...(Dean holds up the book, grinning)...Samuel Colt's Journal.

Sam: What?! (Sam grins) That's his?

Dean: Yeah.

Sam: Dude, no.

Dean: Dude, yes.

Sam: (grabs for the book)Well, let me see it.

Dean: Get your own.

Bobby: Well, what else did he say about the Phoenix? What does it look like? Has it got feathers?

Dean: It just says "Phoenix."

Bobby: Did he say where he tracked it?

Dean: No.

Sam: All right, so I guess we got to find one of our own, whatever it is.

Dean: I know where we can find one. March 5, 1861. Sunrise, Wyoming. We'll "Star Trek IV" this bitch.

(Sam shrugs)

Bobby: I only watched "Deep Space Nine."

Dean: It's like I don't even know you guys anymore. "Star Trek IV." Save the whales.

(Sam and Bobby both shrug)

Dean: We hop back in time, we join up with Samuel Colt, we hunt the Phoenix, and then we haul the ashes back home with us.

Bobby: Time travel?

Dean: Yeah.

Bobby: That's a reasonable plan?

Dean: We got a guy who can swing it. (Dean stands up, and prays) Castiel. The, uh, fate of the world is in the balance. So, come on down here. Come on, Cass, "I Dream of Jeannie" your ass down here pronto. Please.

(an angel appears in the vessel of a blonde woman)

Dean: Jeannie?

Rachel: Rachel. I understand you need some assistance? How can I help you?

Dean: Well, uh, we kind of need to talk to the Big Kahuna.

Rachel: I'm here on Castiel's behalf.

Sam: Where is he?

Rachel: Busy.

Dean: Busy?

Rachel: Yes.

Dean: Well, we've got a line on the mother of freaking everything, so --

Rachel: I'm sure your issue's very important. But Castiel is currently commanding an army, so --

Dean: So we get stuck with Miss Moneypenny.

Rachel: So you need to learn your place.

Dean: Look, I don't know who you think you are --

Rachel: I'm his friend.

Sam: What, you think we're not?

Rachel: I think you call him when you need something. We're fighting a war.

Sam: We get that.

Rachel: Clearly you don't, or you wouldn't call him every time you stub your toe, you petty, entitled little pie--

Castiel: Rachel. That's enough.

Rachel: I told you I'd take care of this.

Castiel: It's all right. You can go.

Rachel: You're staying?

Castiel: Go. I'll come when I can.

Dean: Wow. Friend of yours?

Castiel: Yes. She's, uh, my lieutenant. She's...committed to the cause. Now, what do you need?


Bobby: Where the hell's Dean?

Sam: Supply run, he said. I don't know.

Castiel: Um, about your plan. You'll only have 24 hours.

Sam: Wait, what? Why?

Castiel: Well, the answer to your question can best be expressed as a series of partial differential equations.

Bobby: Yeah, aim lower.

Castiel: The further back I send you, the harder it becomes to retrieve you. 24 hours is all I can risk. If I don't pull you home within that time, you'll be lost to me.

Dean: (enters the room carrying several large shopping bags) Well, then we better get you a watch.

Bobby: What the hell's all that?

Dean: We are going native. Got to blend in. (Dean hands Sam one of the bags - it is from 'Wally's Western World')

Sam: Uh, no, thanks. I'm fine.

Dean: Sam.

Sam: Dean, I can -- I can wear this. (Sam gestures at his current outfit)

Dean: And look like a spaceman?

Sam: Look, just because you're obsessed with all that Wild West stuff --

Dean: No, I'm not.

Sam: You have a fetish.

Dean: Shut up. I like old movies.

Sam: You can recite every Clint Eastwood movie ever made, line for line.

Bobby: Even the monkey movies?

Sam: Yeah. Especially the monkey movies.

Dean: His name is Clyde. At least wear the damn shirt.

Sam: (Sam comes downstairs wearing a white shirt embroidered with yellow Roses. Dean is wearing a whole outfit, complete with sarape) Dean, this is stupid. I look stupid.

Bobby: You going to a hoedown?

Castiel: Now, is it -- is it custoMary to wear a blanket?

Dean: It's a sarape. And, yes. It's, uh... Never mind. Let's just go. (looking at the gold watches and chains in his bag) What's this?

Bobby: Where you're goin', they don't take plastic.

Castiel: I'll send you back to March 4th. That should give you time to find the Colt... and this Phoenix creature.

Dean: All right, well, see ya at High Noon tomorrow. ( Clicks tongue )

(Castiel touches them on the forehead and Sam and Dean appear in Sunrise, Wyoming 1861.)


Dean: Oh, now we're talking.


Castiel: I have to go.

Bobby: What about getting the boys back?

Castiel: Pray for me in 24 hours, and I'll return.

Bobby: I'll pray for all of us.

(Bobby sets a timer to 24 hours)


Dean: All right. Let's go find Samuel Colt.

(Sam sets the timer on his watch to 24 hours)

Dean: Hey, we should try the Saloon first, uh, see what we get from the locals.

Sam: Sure. (Chuckles) Whatever, Sundance.

Dean: Think we'll have time to hit on saloon girls?

(Sam gives Dean a look)

Dean: I'm kidding. Come on.

Sam: (takes a step right into a pile of horse manure) Oh, damn it. Come on.

Dean: You know what that is?

Sam: Yeah, it's horse --

Dean: Authenticity!

Sam: (Groans)

(The boys walk into the center of town and see a hanging taking place)

Judge Mortimer: We stand here today -- March 4th, 1861 -- to execute justice upon Elias Finch for the murder of his own wife.

Sam: Wow. Talk about authenticity.

Judge Mortimer: Sentence handed down by myself, Tye Mortimer, duly appointed judge of the Wyoming circuit. You will be hung by your neck until you die.

Sheriff: You got anything to say?

Elias Finch: You're gonna burn for this. Every one of you.

(Elias is hanged. His bones crack and the crowd gasps)

Dean: Good times. So where do we find Sammy Colt?

Sam: No idea. Huh. (watching the judge and Sheriff walk down the steps of the hanging platform) I think I know who to ask, though.

Man: (turning around, he stares at Dean's attire) Nice blanket.

(Dean, disappointed, takes off his sarape. Sam and Dean enter the jail to find the Sheriff.)


Dean: Sheriff? Can we have a word?

Sheriff: Depends who's askin'.

Dean: Marshal Eastwood. Clint Eastwood.

("The Good, The Bad and The Ugly" theme plays)

Dean: This here is, uh, Walker. (gesturing to Sam) He's a Texas Ranger.

Sheriff: So, what can I do for you boys?

Sam: Uh, we're looking for a man.

Judge Mortimer: I'll bet. (gesturing to Dean) Nice shirt, there.

Dean: What's wrong with my shirt?

Judge Mortimer: You're very clean.

Dean: It's dirtier than it looks.

Sam: We need to find Samuel Colt. Do you know him?

Sheriff: The gun maker?

Dean: Yeah. Is he in town?

Sheriff: Not that I know of. Might try asking Elkins over at the Saloon. Been here longer than God.

(Dean tips his hat, and he and Sam leave. They head into the saloon.)


Dean: (surveying the saloon) This is not awesome.

(Sam gives Dean an encouraging pat on the shoulder)

Sam: Hi.

Elkins: What'll you have?

Dean: Oh, uh, okay. Great. I'll have your top-shelf whiskey.

Elkins: Only have the one shelf.

Dean: That'll do just fine. (pointing to Sam) And he'll have a sarsaparilla.

Sam: You Elkins?

Elkins: One and only.

Den: You know a man named Samuel Colt?

Elkins: He passed through here about four years ago.

Sam: He still around?

Elkins: Rumor is, he's building a railroad stop 20 miles out of town, just by the Postal road. Middle of nowhere.

Sam: (whispering) The Devil's Gate?

Dean: Location fits.

Darla: Howdy, boys.

Elkins: Darla's my best girl.

Darla: Try me. You want a kiss?

Dean: S-so much more germier than I pictured.

Judge Mortimer:  Darla!

Darla: Ah. Judge. Nice to see you.

Judge Mortimer: I thought we had a date.

Dean: Wow, that was a close one. 

Sam: I guess it's good to be judge.

Dean: Yeah. (drinks from his whiskey, spits it out) Ohh. It's like gasoline.

Sam: Sarsaparilla ain't half bad.


(Darla and Mortimer are on the bed. Darla sees something, gasps, and pushes away. She scrambles away from the bed.

Downstairs, Sam and Dean hear Darla's scream. They run upstairs.

In Darla's room, Elias appears and puts his hand on Mortimer. Mortimer screams and burns. Sam and Dean enter and find Darla in the corner, on the bed there is only a smoldering skeleton, half turned to ash. )


Sam: You okay, Sheriff?

Sheriff: 'Course I'm okay.

Darla: It was a ghost!

Sheriff: It wasn't a ghost. Unless ghosts leave footprints. (gesturing at the floor where there are dark footprints leading out of the room)

Darla: I am telling you, Elias Finch was here. He did... that, and then he walked out that door.

Sheriff: Rope didn't kill him. Seen it before.

Sam: Well, you got any idea where he could be?

Sheriff: Could be a thousand places.

Dean: Well, you got a way to flush him out?

Sheriff: 'Course. We're gonna form a posse. Then we're gonna string Finch up right. Put a bullet in his head for good measure.

Dean: That actually sounds like a good plan.

Sheriff: You two should come along. Meet downstairs at dawn.

Dean: Yeah, we'll be there.

Sheriff: Get yourselves some real gear first, huh?

Dean: Well, I think we ought to pay our respects to Finch.

Sam: I was thinking the Same thing.


Sam: You thinking what I'm thinking?

Dean: Rose from the ashes, burned up its victim? You know, maybe we're not looking for a flaming bird. Maybe the Phoenix is actually walking around in cowboy boots.

Sam: That makes sense, right? Could be Finch. So, question is, how do we put this thing out?

Dean: Well, we do know one thing that'll kill friggin' anything, right?

Sam: Yeah, the Colt.

Dean: So, you go get the gun.

Sam: But isn't the gun coming here? I mean, according to Samuel Colt's journal?

Dean: Yeah, but people here barely even know who Colt is. Maybe you got to go find him and make history.

Dean: I'll stay here, hook up with the posse. 'Cause you know me -- I'm a posse magnet. I mean, I love posse. Make that into a t-shirt.

Sam: You done? Look, the problem is, Colt's 20 miles outside of town. How am I supposed to get there and back before noon?

(they hear a horse in the distance)

Dean: Ride 'em, cowboy.

(they buy a horse)

Dean: Wh-- uh, try -- try the other side. Yeah, good boy.

Sam: Right. (Sam gets onto the horse and rides away slowly) Yeah. Right. Hey.

This actually feels all right.

Dean: All right, take it -- just take it easy.

Sam: Yeah, you bet. I'm good. All right, 11:00 A.M., right?

Dean: Don't be late!

Sam: Okay.

Dean: All right. Go on. Go. Hyah!

Sam: I'm okay!

Dean: That poor horse.

(Sam gallops off)

(the Sheriff goes to his horse, Elias watches him. The horse is startled, and runs off. The Sheriff sees Elias and shoots him, to no effect)

Sheriff: Forgive me! I'm sorry!

Elias: You had your chance. Tell it to the judge.

(Elias burns the Sheriff, the Sheriff screams and dies)


Rachel: We need to talk.

Castiel: You summoned me here?

Rachel: Castiel, I've been hearing things. Things I don't want to believe. Just tell me if it's true.

Castiel: If what's true?

Rachel: You know. Your dirty little secret.

Castiel: I have to defeat Raphael.

Rachel: Not this way, Castiel.

Castiel: Rachel.

Rachel: We put our faith in you, and...look what you're turning into.

Castiel: I don't have a choice.

Rachel: Then neither do I. (Rachel stabs Castiel with her blade)

(They fight, Castiel turns Rachel's blade on her and stabs her. He lowers her to the ground and watches her die.)

Castiel: I'm sorry.


(Castiel appears in Bobby's kitchen, bleeding.)

Bobby: What the hell is going on?! Cass?

(Castiel draws a sigil on the kitchen cabinet.)

Bobby: Cass? Are we running or fighting?

Castiel: We're...(he collapses into Bobby's arms)

Bobby: Balls.


Elkins: New hat.

Dean: I look good. Where's the posse? I must be early.

Elkins: Or you're the only greenhorn dumb enough to go chasing after a ghost.

Dean: What are you talking about? Sheriff's tough as nails. He'll be here.

Man: (from outside the saloon) Oh, God! The Sheriff's dead!

Dean: Or not. 


(Dean looks at the pile of ash and bones with the Sheriff's badge on top) 

Dean: Great. Who's the Sheriff now?

(Elkins pins the badge on Dean)

Dean: What. What...

Elkins: Now...Congratulations, Sheriff.


INT. Samuel Colt's HOUSE

(Samuel Colt sits at his desk drinking.)

Samuel Colt: Ahh.

(Two men enter.)

Man: Samuel Colt?

Samuel Colt: You have the wrong drunk, gentlemen. Have a nice day.

Man: We've been looking for you, Colt.

Samuel Colt: And who might "we" be?

(The two men's eyes flash black. they are both demons.)

Samuel Colt: Listen...I've long since hung it up. I'm tired, and I'm too damn old for this, and I'm sure as hell not looking for any trouble.

Demon: Well, it's found you anyway. We know you built that Devil's gate, Colt. So you're gonna open it for us. That is, if you fancy keeping your lungs in your chest.

Samuel Colt: Walk away, gentlemen.

Demon: Well, I think we'd rather rip you to ribbons, you soft --

Samuel Colt: (pulls out his colt and shoots the two demons. They fall to the floor and die. Samuel peers over his desk at the shattered bottle of whiskey on the floor) ah, that's a shame. A damn shame.

INT. HOUSE - Deputy's ROOM

(the Deputy is packing his suitcase- he hears a knock)

Deputy: Who's there?

Dean: (in a high pitched voice) Candygram for Mongo.

(Deputy opens the door)

Dean: Howdy, pilgrim.

Deputy: I ain't no pilgrim.

Dean: All right, back up. (gesturing at the Deputy's gun, Dean shows the Deputy his new Sheriff's badge) Is that any way to, uh... Greet your new boss?

Deputy: (Scoffs)

Dean: Missed you at the posse this morning. I was a one-man wolf pack, thanks to you. (looking at the Deputy's suitcase) What's going on here?

Deputy: Going to visit my sister.

Dean: Well, she'll have to wait.

Deputy: But if I don't --

Dean: Finch said he was coming back for the former Sheriff...Judge Mortimer... and you. That's two down and one to go.

Deputy: Then just let me go!

Dean: You really think you can outrun him? He is going to kill you. Unless...

Deputy: Unless what?

Dean: Unless we gank him first.

Deputy: "Gank"? What's "gank"? Mister, you're crazy. No way. You're on your own.

Dean: I'm not asking you to throw down with him. I'm asking you to play your part.

Deputy: My part?

Dean: Yeah. Bait.

INT. Samuel Colt's HOUSE

(Sam opens Samuel's door and peers inside)

Sam: Hello?

(Samuel throws holy water on Sam)

Sam: Okay, not a demon! Not a demon! Just -- just a hunter. Sheesh.

Samuel Colt: You're what?

Sam: You Samuel Colt? My name is Sam Winchester. I'm -- I'm a hunter from the year 2011.

Samuel Colt: Prove it.

(Sam hands Samuel his blackberry. Samuel looks at it and heads back to his desk)

Samuel Colt: All right. (he places Sam's blackberry behind his desk on the bookshelf)

Sam: A-all right? That's -- uh, that's it?

Samuel Colt: Well, when you've done this job as long as I have...a giant from the future with some magic brick doesn't exactly give you the vapors.

Sam: I need your help killing a Phoenix.

Samuel Colt: A Phoenix? They exist?

Sam: Well, you shoot one in about three hours.

Samuel Colt: If you say so.

Sam: I don't. You do. (Sam hands Samuel Colt's journal to Samuel Colt)

Samuel Colt: (looks at his two journals laying on top of each other)

That's...I'm either too drunk or not drunk enough. So what is it I'm about to exactly do?

Sam: Well, the Phoenix is in sunrise, so, uh, if we leave now, you can --

Samuel Colt: I appreciate your situation, but I'm not gonna be of any help to you. I'm booked.

Sam: Right, but -- but you say right here --

Samuel Colt: Don't believe everything that you read.

Sam: But you're a hunter.

Samuel Colt: Retired.

Sam: There's no such thing.

Samuel Colt: I'm out.

Sam: There is no getting out. Look, for what it's worth, in my time, you're a hero.

Samuel Colt: Me?

Sam: Yes, sir.

Samuel Colt: (Laughs)

Sam: Now, look, we -- we need to kill this Phoenix. Its ashes are the only thing that can kill the monster I'm hunting. So stow your crap for a few hours, and let's go. We got to go now. So, either you're coming with me, or I need the gun.

Samuel Colt: What gun?

Sam: The gun.

Samuel Colt: Oh, that gun. I lost it in a game of Stud.

Sam: You're lying.

Samuel Colt: Am I? (Laughs) Now, that doesn't sound like me.

Sam: You shot a couple of demons with it less than an hour ago.

Samuel Colt: How do you figure?

Sam: (Breathes deeply and points towards the door) Two pairs of bootprints. Cabin reeks of sulfur.

Samuel Colt: (nods) Not bad. (Samuel opens his jacket so Sam can see the colt in his holster) You don't want it. It's a curse. Believe me.

Sam: Great. Then let me take it off your hands.

Samuel Colt: You go put on a few more miles and come back, and we'll talk.

Sam: Trust me, I've got plenty of mileage.

Samuel Colt: I'm doing you a favor. Believe me.

Sam: So, what? You can really just sit there?

Samuel Colt: I've given my whole life to this. I'm done.

Sam: So it doesn't matter what happens.

Samuel Colt: No, it doesn't.

Sam: So everything you did, it all means nothing? Give me the gun.

INT. Bobby's HOUSE

(Bobby's timer shows one hour left)

Castiel: (sits up and exhales sharply)

Bobby: Cass, you -- you like you went 12 rounds with truckasaurus. What happened?

Castiel: I was, uh...I was betrayed. Rachel, uh...Raphael...He corrupted her. She turned on me.

Bobby: Sorry. Girl's a real... peach.

Castiel: She's... dead. I... was wounded. I needed... safety. Thank you. (He tries to get up from the couch, coughs and grunts, Bobby pushes him back down)

Bobby: Hey, hey, hey, hey. Hey. What's with the finger painting?

Castiel: It's a warding symbol against angels.

Bobby: How bad's it hurt?

Castiel: I'll heal.

Bobby: Well, good...'Cause we got less than an hour before you pick up the kids at Frontierland.

Castiel: I can't.

Bobby: Come again?

Castiel: This fight...Drained me.

Bobby: Well, if you're up on blocks, then call in another halo who can get the job done.

Castiel: I can't.

Bobby: Well, there's got to be something that can juice you up. A spell -- something.

Castiel: There is one thing that might work, but...It's extremely dangerous.

Bobby: Shocker. So, lay it on me.

Castiel: It's your soul.

Bobby: What do you want me to do? Make another deal? Seal it with a kiss?

Castiel: I need you to let me touch it.

Bobby: Touch it?

Castiel: The human soul -- it's pure... energy. If I can siphon some of that off, I-I might be able to bring Sam and Dean back.

Bobby: And the catch is...?

Castiel: Doing this is like...putting your hand in a nuclear reactor. I have to do it very gingerly.

Bobby: Or...?

Castiel: Or you'll explode.

Bobby: Well. Keep both hands on the wheel. Let's do this.



(Dean glances at the clock nervously)

Dean: Never been late in your damn life, Sam, and now you're dragging ass.

Deputy: (from the jail cell) So this is your big plan, huh? Just let me rot in here till Finch comes?

Dean: Pretty much. Why's he gunning for you, anyway?

Deputy: I guess you missed the part where we hung him?

Dean: No, I'm thinking to a thing like Finch, that's no big whoop. He would've just blown town, but he came back. That seems personal.

Deputy: I'll tell you what -- you let me out of here, and we'll talk.

Dean: (Clicks tongue) No can do.

(Elias Finch enters)

Elias: Open up that cell.

Dean: Open it yourself. You melt people's faces off. I'll bet you got the juice to tear that apart easy, don't you? Unless you can't. Just like you couldn't

break those cuffs when they strung you up.

(Dean throws the iron nail he's holding at Elias, who catches it by reflex)

Elias: Aah. (he drops the nail and his hand smolders)

Dean: Iron shackles...iron bars, iron nail. See a pattern? Don't worry. Most creatures I meet can't get it up for iron. It's a common monster problem.

Elias: So you're a hunter.

Dean: Slash Sheriff.

Elias: You know what this son of a bitch did?

Dean: Do tell.

Elias: I was married to a woman. Good woman -- human. We lived outside of town, didn't bother anyone.

Dean: Sure, freak with a heart of gold.

Elias: You want to call me "monster," fine. But all we did was go into town. I go into the bank for five minutes. I come out, she's gone. And then I heard her scream. (Exhales sharply) This... man had her pinned in the alley. I go to stop him, he pulls his gun, shoots me, then her. She died in my arms. 'Course, I don't die. The shots brought the Sheriff. Next thing I know, I'm in iron. That's why I want him just where he is -- trapped, scared. I saved the best for last.

Dean: (to the Deputy)Is that true?

Elias: So tell me -- are you really willing to die to protect this piece of filth?

Dean: Honestly, I could care less about him. He's a dick and a coward.

Deputy: Hey!

Dean: But this ain't about him. I know what you are.

Elias: Really?

Dean: Yeah. So...I got to kill you.

Elias: Well, if you know what I am, then you know you can't.

(Elias grabs the Deputy's gun from where his holster hangs on the wall and shoots the Deputy)

Dean: Wow, I should've seen that coming.

(Dean jumps through the window and runs from Elias, who is firing at him)


(Dean runs and hides from Elias.)

Sam: Dean!

Dean: Sam, come on, come on!

Dean: Hey, where's Colt?

Sam: He's not coming.

Dean: What?!

Sam: But he sent this. (Sam hands Dean the colt)

Dean: Ohh. Hello, beautiful.

Sam: All right.

Dean: Come on.

Sam: Yeah.


(the timer shows two minutes left)

Castiel: Are you sure?

Bobby: Well, we can't just strand those idjits in Deadwood, can we?

Castiel: The risks...

Bobby: Just... don't explode me.


Dean: (walking onto the main road) Get out here, Finch!

Sam: (from nearby, around the corner) What are you doing?!

Dean: Come on! Let's do this!

Elias: So, this is how you want to die. Fine.

(Elias walks to the road and faces Dean)


(Castiel sticks his arm inside of Bobby and siphons off some energy from Bobby's soul. Bobby screams. There is a minute left on the timer.)


(Dean and Elias wait for the clock to strike twelve and shoot. Dean hits Elias, and Elias dies, shocked. He bursts into flame and leaves behind a pile of ashes.)

Dean: Yippee-ki-yay, mother...


(Castiel's eyes light up)


Sam: (notices the clock shows noon) Dean!The ashes!

(Sam and Dean run towards the ashes)


(Sam and Dean appear in Bobby's house, Dean's bottle is empty- he did not gather any ashes)



Dean: (to Castiel) You gotta send us back.

Sam: Dean, look at him. He's fried.

Castiel: I never want to do that again.

Dean: Bobby, you --

Bobby: I'm still kickin', Annie Oakley. Be back good as new in...A decade or two.

Dean: And we screwed the pooch. Bobby, I'm sorry.

(there is a knock on the door. Sam goes to answer the door. There is a delivery man from "Western Couriers" holding a package.)

Western Courier Delivery Man: Is there a Sam Winchester here?

Sam: Who's asking?

Western Courier Delivery Man: Look, this is nuts -- me and a couple guys made a bet. So... this thing's been laying around the office since...ever!? Uh, with a note on it saying to bring it here today. It's from a-a Samuel Colt?

Sam: Yeah. Yeah, yeah, that's -- that's mine. Great. Thanks. (Sam grabs the ashes and closes the door.) Thanks.

Western Courier Delivery Man: Yeah.

(Sam opens the package and reads the letter inside.)

Sam: "Dear Sam, I got this address and date off your thingamajig, and I thought the enclosed might come in handy. Regards, Samuel Colt." (Sam pulls a bottle full of ashes from the package.)

Bobby: Is that what I think it is?

Dean: Ashes of a Phoenix. You know what this means?

Bobby: Yeah, I didn't get a "soulonoscopy" for nothing.

Dean: Yes. And... it means we take the fight to her.

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