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  3x02~I Am A Tree
 Posted: 10/13/06 14:14
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yeah, i don't really miss it lol. Im loving univeristy. I got an extention on wednesday just cause I asked for it! I didn't ahve to petition for it or anything lol

  3x02~I Am A Tree
 Posted: 10/14/06 06:46
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Yay! That's great! I had to petition for one when I was sick(I was in the hospital for a month in isolation), which sucked... but I loved college!

What's your major?

  3x02~I Am A Tree
 Posted: 10/16/06 04:46
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Anthopology, but I haven't decided on a concentration yet. Right now I've ruled out lingual, cultural/social and forensic Anthro. I'm leaning towards Archeaology and Paeleoanthropology right now. Maybe medical. | Have to decide by the end of the year. Yikes! Its awesome though, the more I study Anthro the more I like it. thata rare for me lol. I usually lose intrest a few months afterwards

I'm also getting a minor in Geography. I'm not loving that so much. at this point though, im only 2 credits away from completing the requirement so its not worth dropping and finding a new minor espeically since I want to do a speicalized major in Anthro which will eat up almost all of my elective

  3x02~I Am A Tree
 Posted: 10/16/06 07:23
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LOL I think I remember you saying Anthropology before. How did you get interested in that? When you say the medical aspects(forgive me if this is stupid, LOL), but do you mean like the television show Bones? Like figuring out how someone died based on their skelatel bones or something?

I hate Geography. LOL So, don't ask me anything... lol

  3x02~I Am A Tree
 Posted: 10/16/06 10:17
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BTW...this is reairing on 10/26.

  3x02~I Am A Tree
 Posted: 10/16/06 14:59
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i already downloaded it so theres a thursday off for me lol

no Hannah, thats forensic. Medical it like how dieases are passed from one population to another, or how certian birth defects are common in some populations but extemely rare in others. theres a whole lot more to it, but those are the ones most people are familer with. I just sort of fell in to it. I have always been intrested in archeaology and anthropology, but I didn't concider studying it seriously until late in my first year of university after i took an intro to soical anthro as an elective. I ended up switching my major from Geography to Anthro by the end of my second year and ill probably be changing from a simple major/minor to a specialized major/minor programy by the end of this year. I can never make up my mind lol.\

and what so u have agianest geography? it was a horribly grade/high school teacher who made you memorize every state and their captial and major industry wasnt it? I swear, teachers are more like to ruin a subject for students than inspire them to actually want to learn about it.

  3x02~I Am A Tree
 Posted: 10/17/06 08:48
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Whoa... I was kinda off on that, wasn't I? LOL But damn that sounds interesting.

Something like that. And, when we messed up on one of the captails, my teacher would make us stand up in front of the entire class and go through each state, captail AND state bird or state color or state whatever. I HATE her too. I think she enjoyed humiliating people.

  3x02~I Am A Tree
 Posted: 10/17/06 11:18
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thats not geography. thats memorization. geography is maps and weather patterns and population demographics and fun stuff like that!

  3x02~I Am A Tree
 Posted: 10/17/06 12:44
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Yeah, but we had all kinds of shit in that class. LOL I hated that class...

  3x02~I Am A Tree
 Posted: 10/17/06 14:15
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fair enough. my grade 10 geo teacher nearly ruined it for me. luckily my grade 11 class material was interesting so I took another geo course in my last year and loved it enough to want to major in it. then i realized i hate science and i really hate math so maybe geography isn't for me lol

  3x02~I Am A Tree
 Posted: 10/18/06 13:26
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hehe... yeah, not liking those two subjects...

  3x02~I Am A Tree
 Posted: 10/19/06 05:41
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im terrible at math! Aside from being dyslexic, I have dyscalcia too, whi Terrible isn't a strong enough word! ch means i cant do simple math problem even though i understand the concept.its worse than my case od dyslexia, about 4 times worse. My teachers got do frustrated with me cause I could explain the concept and its applicatinos perfectly bu when I actually had to solve a problem I couldn't do it.

I wasnt much better at science but that was due largely to my lack of intrest in the subject. I don't like chemicals or cells or electrical circuts or any of that crap.

  3x02~I Am A Tree
 Posted: 10/19/06 09:59
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Yeah, science wasn't my favorite subject either. When I wanted to get out of disecting a baby pig or whatever the hell it was, I threatened to have my dad stop making major donations to the school(not that my dad would have listened to me or anything, but it's not like they knew that) and whattya know? I didn't have to do it. LOL I can be a real bitch at times.

Aw, man, that sucks. I'm sorry you had to go through that. Must be so hard for you. When I was in school I hated math and I felt exactly like you, but I don't have the same problem; I think it was just my general lack of interest... now, I'm really good in math, LOL.

How did you get through math? Did they give you a tutor? What do you do now?

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