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damn double standard. Guy can drink a case of beer and it makes them heros, a girl has one more than 'dipsy' and its bad.
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And, they can sleep around and be called 'studs' and get praised; a chick does that and she's a slut. Stupid double standards.
When I go out, I get the "People like you shouldn't drink..." I think that means because I come from money that somehow means I'm supposed to drink sparkling apple cider or something no alcoholic. Stupid.
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I am going to borrow a line from Grey's to respond to this post.
"How can you be out of booze?! Meredith is a WASP! Alcohol is like water to those people!"
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And, there is nothing wrong with that as long as you don't drink and drive, etc.
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exactly! As long as no one is getting hurt, you're sober for more hours of the week than your drunk and you have a sturdy liver go for it!
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That's what I say!
I'm totally sober way more than I am drunk. I don't even get drunk that much. Okay, so when I do, I get pretty hammered, but it's all in good fun and only once a few months... but having drinks with friends and having fun is not a crime.
People are just weird.
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that is soooooo totaly with in reason.
im going to get plastered next week to celebrate my survival of exams and my best friends dad FINALLY moving out of the house. her parents are in a pretty nasty divorce, but shes actually happy about it she hate her father. Its part of the reason we get along so well lol
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Well, I hope you guys get really hammered and have an absolute blast then! You deserve it for the survival of finals AND your friend deserves it too.
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we are finding times as we speak lol. either one of us has plans for the night, or she has to work the next day and since she works with kids quite a bit she cant exactly show up hung over lest she lose her credibilty. Gah!
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LOL Yeah, that's probably not a good idea... I've gotten into trouble for going to bar and drinking with my friends because a stupid kid in the district saw me and told on me. I didn't even work with kids at that point. LOL I just worked for the district. Now that I am in charge of the volunteer program, maybe... but before? Whatever.
People suck!
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you're legal. u have every right to be on a bar with yor friends. what was the kid doing in a bar huh?
We are hanging out tomorrow but sadly not getting sloshed due to aforemention children, but we are getting hammered on Saturday night!
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Ohh, two dates? Fun!
I have no idea; I think he was outside with his parents and they saw me through the window. Something about making a spectle of myself. I'm pretty sure I wasn't dancing on the bar or anything, though I've done that before... just not that time! That was in college! LOL
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as long as you weren't wearing a uniform or visable school ID, you can do whatever you want as long as it legal! Employers have no say i nthe personal lives of thier employees as long as it doens't affect thier work. unless you're like a doctor or something and you have to be on call. then they own ur ass lol.
God bless the co-op program. i sat through 3 weeks of employee rights. I hated it at the time but now I am so glad i actually learned. my boss at Michaels, where i worked when i took a year off after high school, hated me. I was an informed employee and as such, I ws her worst nightmare lol. I refused to do unsafe work, I wouldn't work over time unless I was asked in advance, and I took every last break that was entitled to me and I wouldn't be intimitated to sway from what i knew was my right and Worst! I told other employees what thier rights were. lol. She was not sad to see me go even though I was one of the most knowledgable crafters at the store, and i knew the stock better than she did.
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I didn't think it was anyone's business and it's not like he threatened to fire me, just said that a student and his parents complained about my behaviour, etc. So, I'm careful... okay, not really, but I stay away from the windows. LOL
Good for you. I have friends who work at places like Michaels and they always complain about their bosses.
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my boss was the biggest bitch known to man. and she didn't present herself very professional. She wore stained and worn out clothing, and didn't bother to keep her hair tidy and her use of language is horrible! RE-turn (no returns like normal people) and "make sure you don't put nothing on those shelfs (double negatives and its SHELVES not shelfs) GAH! Double negatives are a major pet peeve of mine. and she is supposed to be the highest representive of the store!
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Yuck. People talk like that all the time in the south. I don't think you're from the south though; was she? I have a friend who talks like that and it takes EVERYTHING in me not to correct her. LOL
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im from a the south and i don't talk like that lol
and no. shes from the toronto area. She drove me utterly insane! SPEAK PROPERLY! It's not that hard!
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LOL I thought you were from Toronto, sorry. LOL
Especially when you deal with the publid, you should be forced to talk properly.
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