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  5/7-Damage Case
 Posted: 05/08/06 02:53
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ok another episode i was not impressed with. they managed to make me hate sheppard, and im starting to dislike callie. shes weird!and the whole thing with the baby. i didn't like it but thats just me. i was a very sick premmie so i tend to be over sensitive to that kinda stuff.

  5/7-Damage Case
 Posted: 05/08/06 03:51
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Oops. I vented in another thread. I swear I can't keep all the threads straight sometimes.

I like Callie, but that thing with peeing topless in front of everyone? Creepy. But Izzy is beyond disgusting lately. I hated the way she treated Callie and I REALLY NEED DENNY TO DIE! NOW! That scene at the end where she climbed into bed with him made me want to gag.

The premie stuff was hard to watch, but I liked that Alex finally found his footing and did his job. I LOVED that he was there for that baby when no one else was.

Derek was such an asshat. Seriously. I was so glad that Meredith told his pathetic ass off. Shut. Up. I honestly think they just basically ended Derek and Meredith. I can NOT see how they can ever repair what he said. Not even saying he's sorry should be enough. That's a story that needs an ending now. Maybe when the show ends, they can get back together, but not until he does some serious redeeming.

  5/7-Damage Case
 Posted: 05/08/06 12:03
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Haven't watched it yet, but it sounds good!

  5/7-Damage Case
 Posted: 05/08/06 13:10
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Looking forward to your comments, especially about Derek. LOL I didn't think it was possible to just completely ruin in him, but they did.

I mean he's ALWAYS been such a selfish bastard, but he was NEVER such an utter bastard. He always had some redeeming quality, but last night? Not even a little.

That Meredith/Derek 'ship has sailed to the great beyond.

  5/7-Damage Case
 Posted: 05/08/06 15:29
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Big fat bummer!

  5/7-Damage Case
 Posted: 05/08/06 15:37
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Well, you MAY disagree with me on that... LOL Though, since we practically agree on most things, you probably won't.

Derek= Asshat of epic proportions.

The writers blog: See, is it any wonder I've lost near interest in this show? The Denny love makes me want to hurl.


  5/7-Damage Case
 Posted: 05/12/06 14:33
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Ok...I totally agree with you about Alex. At first he was irritating the shit out of me with all the attitude. But he totally rocked by saving that baby. And I was sobbing through all of that. I was crying and saying, please save the mom and don't let the baby die. It was a roller coaster man!

Derek...I kind of agree with you about him. The way he handled it was shitty, but honestly...he said what everyone has been thinking about Meredith...at least fan wise that is. Really. He was an ass about it, but sadly it's true. Meredith needs to face the consequences of her actions and as much as I love those two...maybe they need to apart for awhile. Plus...lovin' McVet! It's nice to see someone in the hospital not hookin' up with someone else in the hospital!

Callie...not sure yet about her. :thinking

  5/7-Damage Case
 Posted: 05/13/06 07:39
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It isn't that I disagree with Derek, it's that he LOST ANY AND ALL right to have an opinion on how SHE lives her life. He chose HIS wife over her. He has no right to get all up in her grill over whatever she decides to do.

Did you catch what they said about the mother's condition? I kept missing their explainations for it. But I was just so happy to see Alex being there for the baby. He did exactly what Addison demanded of him. Every other doctor was there for the mother, but Alex... he had to be the one looking after the baby and it was good to see him take that seriously. Even if that isn't what he wanted. He didn't let anyone down.

Callie bugs me, but.. I like that she keeps the girls on their toes.

  5/7-Damage Case
 Posted: 05/14/06 12:29
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Good point. Although he said what everyone of us has been thinking...he gave up the right to talk to her like that when he chose Addison. She had just as good of a point when she basically told him that. And I'm glad she made sure he knew why she'd been screwin' up like that...because he destoryed her world.

And Alex...:rock :rock He made up for some of his asshole behavior last week and even some of it that he had at the beginning of this episode. They are really making him out to be a prick lately.

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