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  Hi, its Celdric...
 Posted: 09/05/02 17:37
# 1 



Posts: 129

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...just coming from Nutrockers forum where I found your link.
I just read some replies and dare to state that friendly places like yours are seldom in ezboard land. :)
Btw, I'm living in Europe. Most of the tv shows you mention are unknown for me. Nonetheless, I wanted to stop by and say hello. :)

Like almost everyone in these days I have my own forum, Athena City. The second link in my siggy, Downtown Paris, belongs to Desire, thats my Lady in web. And the third, thats Midnight Gypsys forum, she is a good friend.

I mention it to avoid the impression that I just say hallo to promote
a couple of my forums. Even when it was only a short visite here, I enjoyed your place. :)

  Hi, its Celdric...
 Posted: 09/07/02 16:13
# 2 
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Welcome to FD Doc Celdric! :wavey
Glad to hear that you think we're friendly...we kind of pride ourselves on that. I'll have to check out your links!

  Hi, its Celdric...
 Posted: 09/08/02 13:30
# 3 



Posts: 867

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Hey welcome to FD

  Hi, its Celdric...
 Posted: 09/09/02 01:52
# 4 
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Hey Celdric! Welcome to FD! :party
:wavey :wavey :wavey :wavey :wavey
:wave :wave :wave :wave :wave
:dance :dance :dance :dance :dance
:jump :jump2 :jump3 :jump4 :jump

Wow. You found us through Nutrocker? How cool is that? He is such an amazing person, but it is even more amazing that you took time out of your busy schedule to stop by and look around. I'm truely honored. ;) Thank you so much for the compliments.

It is pretty interesting around here. It surprises me everyday. :lol One would think that a place that supports FOS and that doesn't edit or delete would turn out so friendly, but yep it does. Truthfully, it's the people who reside & visit here. ;)

I'm sorry we don't have any of the shows you like. But for the record, you must have a favorite.. right? Doesn't everyone? :lol And no need to worry about posting your boards either. We don't mind. It's neat to see everyone elses creations sometimes. :lol

Glad you enjoyed your stay and your welcomed back anytime! :wavey

  Hi, its Celdric...
 Posted: 09/10/02 00:47
# 5 



Posts: 249

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