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  Where are you from?
 Posted: 02/23/03 00:26
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Neverlands and Netherlands! :lmao

bunnie-I used to think that they were the same! :lmao

  Where are you from?
 Posted: 02/23/03 03:41



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Hahaha No it's not that island from the movie!
It really suprises me to see, that none of you know where the Netherlands are! But it doesn't matte because It's really small!
I've tried to fine some maps, I just hope there not too big!

The tiny red country!

And here a close up from the Netherlands

Can you see the city ROTTERDAM? that little dot? That's where I live! :)

  Where are you from?
 Posted: 02/24/03 19:59
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Hey! I know where the Netherlands are! :grin I loved Geography!

  Where are you from?
 Posted: 02/26/03 16:33
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Pink- Lmao! That little dot. But wouldn't that be all of us? I mean I'm just a dot to on the map. :lol :lol :lol
Thanks for posting those! Now I have a picture to go with the name! :lol

Okay, closing thread -- continued on new thread. ;)

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