Forever Dreaming

session 1
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Author:  kittyjingles [ 11/08/03 19:25 ]
Post subject:  session 1

hey so does anyone have session one by anychance. i have a couple episodes but i would love to make a copy of all of the eps. episodes from anyother session would be great too. i was just hoping to make myself a full set of ALL sessions i know i know i'm crazy but... okay anyone who can help me out that would be great.
:groupwave :kiss :dance2 :flowers :boxing :loveu :hide :popcorn :wall :fight

And so it comes around again
like the familiar refrain
of a favorite song
And I sit face-forward
though my mind's looking back
at a past half-remembered,
but never forgotten
And the unanswered questions
continue to haunt me
it's the unsolved mystery
that I can't seem to crack
And the sweetest memory
that I can't seem to get back
Am I en route to something new
or am I just running away from you
Or is it just a circle
that keeps me
coming around?
-Dawson Leary


Author:  jbangelo [ 11/09/03 12:51 ]
Post subject:  session 1

kittyjingles, welcome to FD! :welcome

Unfortunately, I can't help you, but hopefully someone else can. :)

Author:  bunniefuu [ 11/11/03 10:05 ]
Post subject:  session 1

kittyjingles-- Welcome to FD! :welcome
:wavey :wavey :wavey
:wave :wave :wave
Hope you enjoy your stay! :grin

Author:  ae202 [ 11/11/03 16:15 ]
Post subject:  session 1

For season 1, it's available on dvd so you should support DC by buying it rather than getting copies. If for some other season (except season 2 coming soon) then it's understandable. I've got season 4,5,6 if you want although some episodes might be missing.

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