Forever Dreaming

wat happened in the finale
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Author:  gemz2004 [ 12/02/03 07:56 ]
Post subject:  wat happened in the finale

can people please give me a summary fo wat appened in the finale cus im in england and it hasnt been shown yet and im goin on holiday wen it shows
so can u tell me wat the big secret was and who ended up with joey will b much appreciated thanxs very much
xxxxxxxx:popcorn :loveu :flowers

Author:  Kris2782 [ 12/02/03 08:09 ]
Post subject:  wat happened in the finale

Welcome to FD! :wavey

Here's the transcripts:]623 - First Part of Finale[/url]

and]624 - Second Part of Finale[/url]


Author:  bunniefuu [ 12/28/03 18:10 ]
Post subject:  wat happened in the finale

gemz2004~ :fd

You should try to tape it or have someone else do it when it does... it's one of the saddest finale's I've ever seen. It was really good. :thumbsup

Welcome aboard! :welcome

Author:  Kris2782 [ 12/30/03 13:01 ]
Post subject:  wat happened in the finale

I don't know about good :lol , but it definately was *sad* :bs

Author:  jbangelo [ 12/30/03 13:03 ]
Post subject:  wat happened in the finale

gemz2004, welcome to FD! :welcome Glad to have you here! :)

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