Forever Dreaming

My banners (Pacey & Joey/ Liason, SonJa, CarSon, Shuis..
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Author:  Former Member [ 04/12/03 09:27 ]
Post subject:  My banners (Pacey & Joey/ Liason, SonJa, CarSon, Shuis..

Banners being edited, server problems...check back later..thanks

Author:  destinyros2005 [ 04/12/03 13:41 ]
Post subject:  My banners (Pacey & Joey/ Liason, SonJa, CarSon, Shuis..

Welcome to Forever Dreaming, Lissarv68! :welcome

Love the banners! :grin

Author:  bunniefuu [ 04/12/03 13:51 ]
Post subject:  My banners (Pacey & Joey/ Liason, SonJa, CarSon, Shuis..

lissarv68~ Welcome to the board! :welcome
:wavey :wavey :wavey
:wave :wave :wave
And OMG! :thud :thud LIASON! :cry :cry I love them! :love
Love all the banners actually! Very nice! :clap :clap
My favorite? The blue one! P&J! Of course I'm really partial to anything blue, but that one stands out to me the most.. that and I'm waiting on them to get married! :lol :rollin
Welcome again! :wavey

Author:  Former Member [ 04/12/03 15:09 ]
Post subject:  My banners (Pacey & Joey/ Liason, SonJa, CarSon, Shuis..


I LOVE your anti-crack siggie! Too funny. And funny thing about the blue one, I cannot remember how I did it! I used a bunch of different filters in photoshop and now I cannot mimic the same order...*sigh* that may turn out to be a very unique graphic.

Here are a couple more...hmmm...I love playing with a new toy (my graphics program) BUT...I still haven't figured out how to use it to animate!




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