Forever Dreaming

new spoilers
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Author:  hshap2 [ 01/02/03 09:38 ]
Post subject:  new spoilers

Thank Roxy at PN and FF

Fan Forum's Finest
P/J do have storylines in Feb, but it certainly isn't anything Joske spec'ed a few pages back. C'mon people, the writers are NOT subtle. They are NOT! Everything the characters say winds up having some sort of relevance. Example: "Coffe to Condoms?" -Jen, Audrey sleeping with CJ after coffee. "Careful Audrey, keep it up and you may spend next semester in Rehab." -Joey, and in 13, that's exactly where she's going.
*dusts off neglected delusional shipper hat.*

Audrey winds up in Rehab in Cali, Eddie winds up in an exclusive writing workshop in Cali (thanks in part to Joey and Prof Heston in 612), and Joey goes with them for the ride. Drop Eddie off, get Audrey in Rehab, and I'm guessing she goes right back to Boston.

In 12, Audrey goes on a bender that leaves her passed out pretty much half dead (if not three quarters) and Joey freaking out and calling 911 after finding her. That's where the ep fades to black. My question, do we care that much about Audrey? I don't. 12 sounds like a yawn fest.

14 on the other hand...

Roxy is a PJ and Joske is a DJer.

Author:  hshap2 [ 01/02/03 11:31 ]
Post subject:  new spoilers

Jason: Hello Sami. Due to a change in scheduling, James Van Der Beek will now be making his directorial debut on episode #521. Josh Jackson will also be directing an episode, but it has yet to be determined which one.

I wonder why JVDB changed his mind. Hmmm. Hee. I'm just speculating. Originally, he was directing 515.

Author:  hshap2 [ 01/02/03 12:54 ]
Post subject:  new spoilers

sharone at PN
the spoiler queen
Posts: 2212
(1/2/03 2:00:16 pm)
Re: CREEK SPOILERS - Happy New Year!
614 is the reason why Roxy's dusting off her old shipper hat...the P/Jo shipper hat...and I'm sure she's going to put it back on that night!

*insert grin smilie*

If she is happy, this has to be fucking great. She is one of the most pessimistic spoiler sources. I have no idea what it is. I think it has nothing to do with Audrey. That is a plus right there.

Author:  destinyros2005 [ 01/02/03 15:50 ]
Post subject:  new spoilers

P/J!? When does eppy 14 air?

Author:  hshap2 [ 01/02/03 17:04 ]
Post subject:  new spoilers

I've got tons more goodies.

Thank The Wicked Bostonian
Joey: No, I suck at relationships. I'm destined to fall madly in love with people and lose them before the good part.

Pacey: We had a good part, you and I.


Thank The Wicked Bostonian
He smooths her hair, arranges the blanket over her.

Pacey: I never did. Look at you. How could I?

The Wicked Bostonian at PN
wants MORE P/Jo Nookie
Posts: 52
(1/2/03 6:12:01 pm)
Reply Re: CREEK SPOILERS - Happy New Year!
FYI: Joey is NOT talking about Eddie. No No No No!

Just remember what Jason said:
-There will be a lot of Pacey/Joey interaction in Season 6.
- A Pacey and Joey kiss?
(credit Jason at

Author:  hshap2 [ 01/02/03 17:27 ]
Post subject:  new spoilers

The DJer's are so bitter. I never believed they were over each other so fast in the first place.

Author:  destinyros2005 [ 01/02/03 18:04 ]
Post subject:  new spoilers

:clap Interesting!

Author:  hshap2 [ 01/02/03 18:13 ]
Post subject:  new spoilers

I am so giddy that he touches her hair.

I just thought about some ways from last season that Pacey and Joey weren't completely over each other.

The DJer's forget how happy Joey was to see Pacey when he was back in Boston and how hurt she was when she thought he didn't want to see her or how embarrassed she was when Audrey told Pacey about her love interests. Let's not forget "Who's Karen?" He didn't want to talk about it, so she pretended to be on a sugar high. Why did Pacey offer Joey the waitress job? Maybe, he wanted to be in proximity with her.

Author:  hshap2 [ 01/03/03 12:43 ]
Post subject:  new spoilers

Roxy at PN and FF
As far as P/J in 14, talk about cake. Pacey and Joey are finally honest about a lot of things, and they share a lot of great times and the likes. Actually, all of Joey's scenes in this episode have Pacey in them. But all of Pacey's scenes don't have Joey in them, but he does mention her in them. Anyway, in my opinion, as someone who is only watching for cake, they couldn't feed me more if they tried. Return of Goo!Pacey, and fun!Joey. Life is grand. Pass the fork.

Originally posted by Monica M at FF
She (Joey) might be actually (drunk) because she IS drunk in the ep but you never know. Maybe she is just tired. She's at a party Jack and Pacey are throwing though so I'm guessing those scenes take place there. Jen and CJ are at the party too. CJ is also drinking. Yuck, I hate CJ.

Dawson and Audrey are not at the party. They are the comic relief back in LA. Really funny stuff. D's new project will probably be with this new director chick he meets there. She once worked with Spielberg. Is that contrivance I smell? He pretends to be a druggie at A's rehab to talk to her and one of her comeback lines is, "Kid, you couldn't get addicted to candy cigarettes if you tried", LOL. It's all hilarious.

Also one more jess 13 at PN quote (mwah *slobber*)
If Roxy and TWB are saying the kiss is going to happen, then I would say it is confirmed. Those two are usually right on the money.

Roxy at PN
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Posts: 279
(1/2/03 11:57:46 pm)
Re: CREEK SPOILERS - Happy New Year!
Pssst. Sarah. I do c it.

Guys, if things stay the same, the last scene of 14 will make you cry. Seriously. Dude. I was almost in tears of happiness and OMGing. We're talking, setting the VCRs and taping good. We're talking... it hasn't been this good since, well, season three. IMHO. And that's ALL you're getting from me.

She's talking about Pacey and Joey

Monica at FF

Also, everyone get their earplugs ready for 613. Audrey does a rousing rendition of Bonnie Tyler's classic hit 'Total Eclipse of the Heart'. A song that is very cheesy but I always loved it. She better not ruin it. She also beats the crap out of some guy with a mullet haircut at some point. I guess this is her hitting Rock Bottom (the name of the ep coincidentally enough) AGAIN.

More goodness from Roxy posted at FF and PN
Dude, in my opinion, given the fact that they spend the WHOLE episode together, and they share some "deep conversation (TM: Crazies at FF)," and the fact that he's the only person she calls and he's the only person that actually visits her in rehab, they couldn't set up Dawson/Audrey any harder if they tried to.
Dawson's her rock or something. That's set up in 13, too.

Roxy at FF and PN
Just to add to this, this happens after this guy attempts to rape her. She's drunk, and I believe she's high too. According to the script she really beats the **** out of him once she gets really scared. She's alone cause this happens after she steals Eddie's car a town or so back leaving Eddie and Joey stranded. But, surprise, surprise, Eddie and Joey show up at the bar just in time to drag Audrey off this guy she's pretty much killing.

Roxy at FF and PN
13 ties up everything between Dawson/Natasha (cute!) and Eddie/Joey (cuter!) in a nice neat package. It's over for both couples.

Roxy at PN and FF
As far as P/J in 14, talk about cake. Pacey and Joey are finally honest about a lot of things, and they share a lot of great times and the likes. Actually, all of Joey's scenes in this episode have Pacey in them. But all of Pacey's scenes don't have Joey in them, but he does mention her in them. Anyway, in my opinion, as someone who is only watching for cake, they couldn't feed me more if they tried. Return of Goo!Pacey, and fun!Joey. Life is grand. Pass the fork.


He smooths her hair, arranges the blanket over her.
PACEY: I never did. Look at you. How could I?
(credit The Wicked Bostonian at PN)


Roxy at PN and FF
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Posts: 280
(1/3/03 10:45:27 am)
Re: CREEK SPOILERS - Happy New Year!
Wow. Wrong specs that, for once, don't **** me off. LOL!

Warning to all, 14 is not in final form and I haven't confirmed any kisses. I don't know what Jess is talking about.

But, uh, IF a kiss were to happen, I would *cough* see it right after Pacey says, "I never did. Look at you. How could I?" (which is something they talk about earlier in the night, too) while he's *cough* tucking her into his bed. IF that were to happen, I could see *cough* Joey sitting back up and kissing him, and I see him kissing her back. Heh.

Oh jesus, who do I think I'm fooling.

I don't know the details of this bed thing, but when I do I will be back. I just think it is a friendly thing. She initiates the kiss.

Roxy at FF and PN
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Posts: 281
(1/3/03 12:49:34 pm)
Re: CREEK SPOILERS - Happy New Year!
RE: Emma.

She's about to hit the black hole of DC. Turns out, Emma has dropped out of school because the band is taking off, but because she dropped out she loses her visa and has to go home. There is a whole subplot to 14 where Emma brings a gross guy home and says she's going to marry him and at the end she dumps him and Jack offers to marry her, but she declines. It's clear, she's going back to England. She's done for.

Nothing progresses between Pacey and Emma in the previous episodes. They have those talks, but that's about it.

Since the sexay TWB posted her fave line (who, is the sexiest wicked woman known to man, Rooster!), I thought I'd post one of mine (there are so many!).

(Pacey and Joey discuss Dawson, hee! He's giving her @#%$ about kissing Dawson drunk back in season one. Dude, there are MAD refs to season one and season three in this script. Also, the italics are from Anna. I'm just posting the way it was written.)

Joey: I never kissed Dawson drunk! We never had any fun.

sharone at PN
the spoiler queen
Posts: 2215
(1/3/03 1:51:24 pm)
Re: CREEK SPOILERS - Happy New Year!
I'm officially announcing this: TAPE 614

Anna must be a closeted P/Jer.

I'm still not sure if this episode is a bone thrown to the P/Jers but man, I'm gonna take all the bones and run with them.

Roxy, you are so right about this:

Guys, if things stay the same, the last scene of 14 will make you cry. Seriously. Dude. I was almost in tears of happiness and OMGing. We're talking, setting the VCRs and taping good. We're talking... it hasn't been this good since, well, season three. IMHO. And that's ALL you're getting from me.

The last scene is very very good and knowing the interaction and CHEMISTRY that Katie and Josh have together in scenes, it's going to be totally worth it! It is season 3 but it reminds me a little of the last P/Jo scene in "Future Tense" from season 4. Drunk Joey (who I have always liked) and Smart-yet-sexy Pacey are both in the scene. Man, I miss these two characters! Actually, Karen I would love to see "Three's company" with Jack, Pacey and Jen and Joey as the stop over love interest. That would make a good show. Too bad we still have Dawson, Emma, CJ and Audrey.

And like Roxy said, this scene will make the P/Jers cry tears of "Thank-you's" and shout outs to the genius/geniuses who decided to finally give the P/Jers what we wanted...what we've been asking for for YEARS now!

Now, as giddy as I am, for those of you who know me, it's gonna take more than just a kiss to make me optimistic. But the signs are there. Which road will Joey take this year? Who will be at the end of it?

*prays for a "Say Anything" type of ending with Pacey*

Christmas has finally come for us!

Btw, for those of you mathematically inclined and those who weren't at the chat last night: 624 (finale) - 614 (P/Jo goodness episode) = 10 The magic number BABY!

Math is power!

Author:  hshap2 [ 01/05/03 21:45 ]
Post subject:  new spoilers

sharone at PN
the spoiler queen
Posts: 2220
(1/5/03 2:25:25 pm)
Re: CREEK SPOILERS - We had a good part!

About the whole issue on Joey making a reference to Eddie: Joey makes a reference to all her past boyfriends, including Pacey, in one sentence. However, Pacey's the one to remind her they had "a good part." She agrees.

Btw, when in doubt, trust TWB. Has she ever let you down with accurate spoilers? I think not.

Author:  bunniefuu [ 01/06/03 07:35 ]
Post subject:  new spoilers

Holy Mary Mother of goodness! I honestly feel like I'm dreaming. :thud OMFG! They really are going to take the P&J route to the season ending? :kiss :kiss This season is starting to sound wickedly good!

*runs off to buy some freaking tapes* :rollin

:thanks Hshap! :clap :clap
:bow :bow :bow

Author:  destinyros2005 [ 01/06/03 13:00 ]
Post subject:  new spoilers

:thud Holy Crap! I might have to start watching this again! And if I do, I BETTER get some P/J cause this sounds promising!

Author:  hshap2 [ 01/06/03 13:06 ]
Post subject:  new spoilers

I don't want to disappoint you guys. So far, this is all I know. I am just happy that the network remembers them at all. I have no idea what is going to happen with this. I did hear they have a storyline that goes through Feb sweeps. It could be longer. I am just excited about the previews. Last year, we were getting, "I give you my blessing." The year before that was "ten my love." This year we're getting a declaraction of love by Pacey. I have no idea how Joey will respond or if she is drunk or not.

The writers have been throwing PJ references all season. When Pacey came back, he compared his summer with Audrey to Joey. Jen told Audrey that Joey shouldn't have broken up with Pacey, even though he broke up with her. Audrey compared herself to Joey. Pacey said he didn't love Audrey and she heard him. Audrey was mad at Joey.Audrey embarrased them at dinner by saying she broke his heart and called her "the one that got away."

Author:  destinyros2005 [ 01/06/03 13:25 ]
Post subject:  new spoilers

Here's to hoping! :drink2

Author:  Kris2782 [ 01/06/03 18:19 ]
Post subject:  new spoilers

Whhhhhy!?!? Why!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

:lol I'm actually a little happy for the P/Jers. You can finally have the closure you've always wanted!

Author:  hshap2 [ 01/06/03 19:11 ]
Post subject:  new spoilers

We'll see Kris. You never know. Why go to all the trouble of having Pacey still being in love with Joey, if they aren't going to do anything. Really, if the writers wanted to, they could have had Pacey and Audrey break up over his job, but no, it was because he didn't love her and was still in love with Joey. You really want your slapped on reunion at the end with DJ. I'm sure you'll get it, but let us enjoy as much as the PJ stuff as we can.

Here' s a picture from season 5 which shows how jealous Pacey looks when Joey is with Charlie.


Thank Chaz and Nike
Look how uncomfortable Joey looks in this pic. She looks like she wants to crawl in a whole.


Thank Chaz and Nike
Look how jealous she looks when Audrey says Pacey and her are going to stay at the hotel. Charlie's a good looking guy, so why would she be so upset.


Thank Chaz and Nike

Author:  hshap2 [ 01/06/03 19:26 ]
Post subject:  new spoilers

TV Gal
Audrey parties like a rock star and with the son of a rock star when Jack Osbourne returns to "Dawson's Creek" on Wednesday, Jan. 15. Joey will go in search of Eddie only to find that he's moved out of his apartment, but she'll find him by the next episode and they'll visit Eddie's home. Pacey will skip work to spend time with Emma and he'll learn that his new project at work isn't exactly ethical. C.J. will train Jen on being a peer counselor and Jack still won't have a story line. I've also heard from several sources that in February Joey and Pacey will share a kiss following a drunken game of spin-the-bottle. It's seems Pace has never gotten over his No. 1 skittish kitten.

I don't know the details of the kiss, but tv gal is one of the most trustworthy spoiler people. She is like never wrong, unlike Wanda. Here it is. It seems like it is happening. I already gave the spoilers, but now there is another person confirming this. I know Pacey's not drunk. At least, there is more confirmation about this Pacey and Joey thing. I was right. Pacey is still in love with Joey. Now, there are more confirmations.

Author:  hshap2 [ 01/06/03 19:55 ]
Post subject:  new spoilers

Roxy at PN
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Posts: 292
(1/6/03 9:46:58 pm)
Re: CREEK SPOILERS - We had a good part!
I'm in a giving mood. Here's Pacey's direction during the spin the bottle moment. Remember, white version.

"Joey crawls halfway through the circle to circle to meet him and waits. Eyes closed, lips ready. Pacey looks at her for another moment, the forbidden fruit. He's thinking about just leaning in and doing it when suddenly...


Roxy at PN
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Posts: 291
(1/6/03 9:13:19 pm)
Re: CREEK SPOILERS - We had a good part!
TV Gal is kinda on, but not about the P/J stuff really. According to the script, P/J almost kiss during a game of spin the bottle, they are interrupted by the Television breaking. They go on to share a few more scenes, and they go on to close out the episode in Pacey's room while Pacey helps Joey into bed. They are talking, and Joey sits up and kisses him, then goes to sleep. Pacey stays and watches her.

The screen directions (white version) say:

"She sits up a little bit, and Pacey is so close to her that she doesn't really have far to go.

Joey Potter, in all her drunken, sleepy, disarming charm, kisses Pacey right on the lips. And it's more than some Spin the bottle smack. And he returns it..."

I cut off the really good parts after that. She says something and Pacey's screen direction is hella interesting. They actually say that Joey is the "one that got away."

I am so happy right now.

Author:  hshap2 [ 01/06/03 21:13 ]
Post subject:  new spoilers

It turns out Pacey's been in love with Joey all this time. I never bought any of the crap last season. I never believed he meant it when he told her to have a chance with Dawson. He didn't even want to go to the airport after Audrey, but Joey initiated it. He only got with Audrey because Joey gave her permission. I can't wait until this hits the fan. How will Audrey react when she gets out of rehab? Did she realize this the whole time? When did she find out? I never thought the writers would do this. Why torture us with the hellmates at the end, if they are going to do this.

Author:  bunniefuu [ 01/07/03 06:57 ]
Post subject:  new spoilers

Wow! Well I for one would love to see P&J back for good. Hell anything is better than the crap of the last episodes and seasons. It's been just dull lately.

I can understand (and I will) if the writers decide to end the show with D&J. That was the beginning of the show and I guess it would make the most sense in that way. Of course I personally wouldn't feel it because quite honestly I haven't seen any D&J love interaction for almost 5 years. They started it off that way and then it went downhill ever since. With the exception of them sleeping together- but that was horrible altogether IMO. It was like a one night stand and if I was a D&Jer I would have been sooooo pissed about that.

Only because I love Pacey to pieces I would really enjoy the end of the season ending with them. It makes more logical sense in my opinion. I wouldn't even be surprised if he proposed. I mean that would end the show with a HUGE bang. Of course we would always want more- sigh. :lol :lol :lol

Either way, I wish the damn writers would pick a freaking side and get going. Heat things up and end it well. :mad

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