Forever Dreaming

TV Gal hates Eddie as much as us: spoiler related
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Author:  hshap2 [ 04/07/03 10:45 ]
Post subject:  TV Gal hates Eddie as much as us: spoiler related

A few things from TV Gal's April 7 column:

Here I was ready to round up the TV Gal search party to look for Jack and Audrey. But they'll be back on Wednesday, April 16. They'll even have story lines, can you believe it? Jack will have trouble with his boyfriend David and Audrey will come back to Boston clean and sober. But the really big news is that this episode is directed by Joshua "my secret boyfriend" Jackson (shhh ... don't tell Adrien Brody). Pacey will be accused of insider trading. Also Joey and Eddie are back together, but I'd prefer not to talk about that. But I will tell you that Eddie offers Joey a trip to Europe over the summer, which sounds very familiar, don't you think?


That damn Eddie. Nothing against Oliver Hudson, but despite the sheer ridiculousness of " Dawson's Creek" (Wednesday, WB, 8 p.m.) Joshua Jackson and Katie Holmes have a fantastic on-screen chemistry. I'd like to see more of it, but I'm okay with Joey and Pacey breaking up now if they're the ones getting married on May 14. By the way, isn't it great that Pacey has gone back to his high school look? I'm quite pleased. On a more serious note, the show will bring awareness to breast cancer treatment and prevention this week when Jen finds out Grams has been diagnosed with breast cancer.
TV Gal knows our pain.

Author:  destinyros2005 [ 04/08/03 15:25 ]
Post subject:  TV Gal hates Eddie as much as us: spoiler related

Eddie Must die! :grin

Author:  hshap2 [ 04/08/03 16:27 ]
Post subject:  TV Gal hates Eddie as much as us: spoiler related

TV gal is my idol. It really sucks that stupid boring Eddie is going to be taking away our Pacey and Joey scenes. This all better be worth it in the end.

Author:  majandra06 [ 04/16/03 04:47 ]
Post subject:  TV Gal hates Eddie as much as us: spoiler related

Stupid Eddie! How dare he! :mad

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