Forever Dreaming

What did you think of the series finale?
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Author:  appleBehr [ 05/17/03 20:29 ]
Post subject:  What did you think of the series finale?

Okay, I can't comment on it since I'm far from watching it but post away, people!

Author:  destinyros2005 [ 05/18/03 07:16 ]
Post subject:  What did you think of the series finale?

I think it was amazing! I was actually really pleased with it! Granted, I would of loved a little more Pacey and Joey after they obviously got together. But it's nice to know that's the way it ended. Jen dying and everything involved with that part of the story, broke my heart. :cry2 I did love the fact that Jack told her that she was his soulmate! Cried my eyes out! :cry2 :cry2 :cry2 It was nice to see that everyone was successful...especially Pacey. That was a good thing to see. And as much as Dawson has irritated me over the years, it was nice to see that he got what he's always wanted...a meeting with Speilberg!:)

Author:  jbangelo [ 05/18/03 10:46 ]
Post subject:  What did you think of the series finale?

Overall, I was very please with the finale. I cried my eyes out through most of the eppy (I don't think I've cried this much since Alex died on Roswell). Every single scene that Jen was in tore me to pieces. Michelle Williams did a phenomenal job, especially when she finally broke down and admitted how angry she was. Jack and Doug as a couple was a bit of a surprise, but a good one. I have to say though that I was disappointed with the resolution to the Pacey/Joey/Dawson triangle. I'm not a PJer or a DJer, so I wasn't really rooting for one couple or the other. Honestly, I would have rather seen her choose neither one of them. But I felt that the way it ended was sort of a cop out--a way of letting her choose both of them. But whatever.

But, overall, I felt the finale was nicely done. I especially liked how it concentrated only on the 5 core characters, and everyone else was pushed to the background. That's the way it should be.

Author:  TAG [ 05/19/03 08:33 ]
Post subject:  What did you think of the series finale?

I loved it..I thought it was very well done..I would have liked to see more of Joey and Pacey after they got together but I am just glad they did end up...

The Jen part was heartbreaken, I haven't cried that much in a long time...Especially when Jack told her she was his soul mate...:cry2 I was glad she gave Amy to him cause really I think he is who she belongs with, noone loves Jen the way Jack does...Jack and Doug shocked the hell out of me..I just laughed and said well Pacey was right...:rollin ...And Dawson finally get to meet Spielberg that was great...

Joey and Pacey watching the Creek at the end was so cool..I would have liked to hear them both say I love you towards the end just for old times sake..But I really loved the finale...

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