Forever Dreaming

The Final Farewell
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Author:  bunniefuu [ 05/14/03 11:26 ]
Post subject:  The Final Farewell

Just starting a thread for tonights last show. :(
:cry :cry :cry :cry :cry :cry

Author:  Butterfly1120 [ 05/14/03 12:48 ]
Post subject:  The Final Farewell

It comes on in 12 minutes :cry2 I am so recording this. I am so sad that they are ending it.. it is a great show. I am happy though 7th heaven isnt ending, I still need my original WB stuff... Buffy is going, now DC what are they doing to us! :mad :mad :mad Well see you guys later, gotta go set up for the FINAL episode :( See ya!

:missu Dawson's Creek!

Author:  alibit [ 05/14/03 15:06 ]
Post subject:  The Final Farewell

I KNEW IT! I'm so excited they ended with pacey and joey together! That is definitely the way it should be! And the way they showed joey and dawson's friendship as this deep eternal thing was really awesome:) GREAT ENDING! so sad:( :( :( :sad :missu

Author:  Willsmama [ 05/14/03 15:10 ]
Post subject:  The Final Farewell

I bawled when Jen made her video for her daughter. What happened to Andie?

Author:  bunniefuu [ 05/14/03 15:20 ]
Post subject:  The Final Farewell

That was the SADDEST two hours of television I have EVER seen in my life.

Take that back, I cried worse than I did in A Walk To Remember.

I honestly think my heart broke in half with Jen and her speech to her daughter.

Wow. I am so speechless after that.

I was really amazed at the entire ending. What a way to go out. It was so sad.

I'm glad about P&J.. but of course I knew that would be the ending there. I did however love how they ended it with her Dawson and the eternal soulmates.

Favorite part was definitely Pace and Joe having the foodfight. :lol :lol

But my thoughts will always drift back to Jen and the sad ending. And Amy. No mom and no dad.

:cry :cry :cry :cry :cry

Author:  TAG [ 05/14/03 15:30 ]
Post subject:  The Final Farewell

I thought the ending was so well written...

The Jen part was a complete tear jerker, just so sad...Poor Amy growing up without her mommy...

Seeing the kids running around together and climbing up the ladder that was so cute...

Oh and Doug being gay like Pacey always teasing him about was priceless and dating Jack no less...

I am so thrilled she chose Pacey. Ofcourse I would have liked to actually see it but when they were having their talk and kept getting interrupted you can tell where she was going...It is also great that Dawson is still their friend and will be friends forever...

bunniefuu, technically Amy does have a dad she has two of them...But it is really sad about her not having her mommy...

Author:  bunniefuu [ 05/14/03 15:36 ]
Post subject:  The Final Farewell

Tag- you are correct. I was referring to her being adopted though. I trust she will be loved by Jack more than any other.. just that the concept of neither parent being there... :(


:cry :cry :cry :cry :cry :cry

Question: Do you guys think that Joey told Jen who it was she loved all this time before she died, or not? :dunno

Author:  Kris2782 [ 05/14/03 17:06 ]
Post subject:  The Final Farewell

Tonight's ep was really good. I'll be back tomorrow with the details.

Jen - I don't think so b/c I don't think she knew. Did you see her face after D walked in?

And PS- they mentioned your fave D moment ;) :lol I thought of you!

Author:  LittlePinkStars [ 05/15/03 01:19 ]
Post subject:  The Final Farewell

holy cr*p! That sound really good (well not good, cause it sounds sad, but i't seems very interesting)! But they don't air the show here anymore :( And I can't seem to download it anywhere! :( Can somebody post screencaps or something...anything...

Author:  BleuUnicorn [ 05/15/03 01:24 ]
Post subject:  The Final Farewell

I cried during the video shoot, but I also bawled when Jack told Jen that she belonged. She belonged to him.

Can you imagine a grown woman driving down the highway bawling and keeping her sunglasses on at night so no one will see when she stops? I carry a TV in the car so I won't miss any TV when I'm dropping off bundles of newspapers.

Author:  bunniefuu [ 05/15/03 04:02 ]
Post subject:  The Final Farewell

Did you see her face after D walked in?

Yeah, but it was more like Jen was really happy to see him. And I think deep down Jen really did know the truth.

And PS- they mentioned your fave D moment I thought of you!

OMG! Kris! :drink :drink You got me on this one. I spent all night last night thinking about this and I haven't a clue. I mean I'm sure I do; but which part? :dunno :rollin

Let's see it could be the part where he is making an exact replica of his life in a TV series.
Or the many problems I have between D&J

OMG and my favorite line was Pacey and D's
Pacey says something about "Goes back to the triangle."
Dawson goes "And the triangle becomes a square."
Pacey- "Good one."
:rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin

Pink- :hug It's okay, we'll all try to find some stuff for you in the next day or so... I'll be on the look out. And I'm sure it will be up on Kaaza within a few days.

Bleu- :lol :lol That is so funny! Of course if I had to work I would of done the same thing probably. :shake :drink
Oh and I loved that scene with her and Jack.. and Jack goes
"Your my soulmate."
Love Jack! :love

Author:  Nikkivan15 [ 05/15/03 05:13 ]
Post subject:  The Final Farewell

I thought they were going to bring Andie. It's kind of sad that Andie wasn't there to say goodbye to Jen. It would have been nice to have all of them in the finale together. I loved the episodes, I cried on practically every Jen part. LOVED that they ended it with Pacey and Joey. I was never a big fan of D/J as a couple. I hate that it's over.


Author:  BleuUnicorn [ 05/15/03 05:21 ]
Post subject:  The Final Farewell

I thought Joey was crazy for picking Pacey. On the bright side, that leaves Dawson free for me in my fantasies. ... 190351.gif ALT=":dreamer">

Author:  Pinkflutterby [ 05/15/03 06:41 ]
Post subject:  The Final Farewell

I'm waiting for my dad to post me the tape of the last episode (just found out season six will not be shown in the uk until...2005!) along with my DVD of season one...boyfriend not gonna be happy.

But i've read transcript to the first episode and it's well sad. Poor Jen, they could have killed off Andie, no one would have cared then!:jump3

Author:  LittlePinkStars [ 05/16/03 09:58 ]
Post subject:  The Final Farewell

Thanks Bunnie, but I actually found screencaps! I haven't been able to download the episodes jet, but at least I have something!

Author:  Lighthouse215 [ 05/17/03 08:44 ]
Post subject:  The Final Farewell

I loved the final episode. I started crying when Jack crawled into bed with Jen.. oh man, that was just so sad. I don't think the tears ever really stopped until the end.. but there were other moments that I was just sobbing.

Jen making that vid for Amy.. OMG.. my sister was even crying and she hasn't watched the show since season 1.

When Jack told Jen she was his soulmate.. more tears! This was said on another board and I couldn't agree more.. Soulmates doesn't have to mean they're lovers. ;) :)

There were so many things that I laughed at too.. like in the opening act, when Christopher is teasing Joey about Wednesday nights. :lol That was just too funny!

I also loved how when Doug pulled Jack over, when he was walking back.. Jack was checking out his ass. Man, I was rolling!

Even the Dawson/Joey scenes were sweet. I truely enjoyed the moments they shared (for this ep. LOL). Glad that they were able to put that one to rest. :lol

One of my favorite scenes was when they were all sitting around the table at the Icehouse drinking.. remembering the 'old days.' That was just priceless. I couldn't help but laugh when Joey was thanking Pacey for reopening the place and he said, 'well if your daddy hadn't burned it down it'd still be yours.' :lol Too funny. Another great line from Jen to Dawson, 'Remember when I devirginized you?' :grin
I was touched at her other line.. as Jack was carrying her out.. "You guys are the best friends.. " :cry2

I'll stop now so not to bore anyone. :lol

Overall this was a fantastic episode and I am saddened that it is all over. :sad

Author:  destinyros2005 [ 05/18/03 07:23 ]
Post subject:  The Final Farewell

but which part?

Jen...I know what she's talking about. In Dawson's dream, when he and Joey are saying their vows...he mentions in a subtle way how he turned her he told her to put her shirt back on!

Author:  TAG [ 06/09/03 09:02 ]
Post subject:  The Final Farewell

I agree that soul mates doesn't mean lovers or inlove..Cause for one Jack and Jen are soul mates...I don't think they are inlove ; just best friends like Dawson and Joey...And will be friends forever even beyond life...

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