Forever Dreaming

Joh Jacksons web page address
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Author:  pele159 [ 09/17/03 15:44 ]
Post subject:  Joh Jacksons web page address

Hi yall, does anyone know Joshua JAckson's web page address, thanks

Author:  jbangelo [ 09/17/03 16:05 ]
Post subject:  Joh Jacksons web page address

pele159, welcome to FD! :welcome Glad to have you here!

Unfortunately, I do not know the answer to your question. Maybe someone else can help?

Author:  bunniefuu [ 10/07/03 14:08 ]
Post subject:  Joh Jacksons web page address

pele159~ Welcome to FD! :welcome
:wavey :wavey :wavey
:wave :wave :wave

I don't either. I'm still waiting for his phone number. :lol :lol

Author:  lulabelljane [ 10/07/03 16:30 ]
Post subject:  Joh Jacksons web page address

:welcome Sorry, I don't know the address. I'm in the same line for his phone number myself!:lol


Author:  Kris2782 [ 10/10/03 14:09 ]
Post subject:  Joh Jacksons web page address

Definately on the line... :lol

Author:  Ana Scott [ 10/11/03 12:55 ]
Post subject:  Joh Jacksons web page address


you could try this one...

bye :wavey

Author:  RedSpuffy [ 10/18/03 12:02 ]
Post subject:  Joh Jacksons web page address

Once you guys get that phone number, would you mind passing it along? Thanks ;)

Author:  bunniefuu [ 10/25/03 17:00 ]
Post subject:  Joh Jacksons web page address

Yeah, it could be so much fun.. One girl calling after the other.. man his ego will explode. :drink :drink

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