Forever Dreaming

Pacey and Joey stuff from season 3: positive
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Author:  hshap2 [ 11/02/02 20:16 ]
Post subject:  Pacey and Joey stuff from season 3: positive

Like A Virgin
By Wing Chun | Season 3 | Episode 1 | Aired on 1999.09.29 pg 14 of 14

Joey cries on her dock. Pacey appears in Dawson's boat and tells her he got in and it took him to her dock of its own volition. Because it's Dawson's boat. And Dawson likes her so much that even the boat knows. Geddit? She tries to warn him off with threats of murder, which he ignores, hopping up beside her. She pauses a moment, and then says, "He told you what happened, didn't he?" Pacey doesn't answer until she repeats the question, at which point he mutters, "Well, what do you think?" Okay, in those two lines of dialogue, Katie Holmes and Joshua Jackson had more chemistry than she and the Beek have ever had, and I am not joking. Anyway, Joey says she thinks she hates them both. Pacey says he's really going to hate him when he tells her what he has to say -- that Dawson was right, and that the two of them need to be apart right now. Joey asks how Pacey would know what she needs. Pacey chuckles ruefully like the man of the world that he isÂ…not, and says words to the effect of, she's right, how would he know how hard it is to have to give up someone you love, only he says it in nine different ways and talks for about twenty minutes, like, yeah, you had to do that with Andie, it's parallel, WE GET IT. She cries some more and says, "Of all the people to see me like this, it had to be you." Pacey says that, it's a new year, and they might even become friends. She pouts, "I'm upset enough as it is." He puts her arm around her. She continues to cry. That was actually a nice scene.

Author:  hshap2 [ 11/03/02 07:34 ]
Post subject:  Pacey and Joey stuff from season 3: positive

When I first saw this scene, I didn't really think that much. I knew that there was chemistry between them, but I just thought it was a cute scene.

Author:  bunniefuu [ 11/03/02 07:44 ]
Post subject:  Pacey and Joey stuff from season 3: positive

I was trying so hard to remember that scene and the last lines pinned it for me. The friends line. I remember that well. I think that was the year that he spent all year in love with her didn't he? The year before they were together.

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