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4/2/03 ANGEL: Inside Out
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Author:  bunniefuu [ 04/02/03 12:49 ]
Post subject:  4/2/03 ANGEL: Inside Out

Credit to the WB ;)

All New | wednesday | 9/8c trailer

Desperate to find out why Cordelia (Charisma Carpenter) has turned to the dark side, Angel (David Boreanaz) goes to demon Skip (guest star David Denman) for answers. Forcing the truth out of him, Angel learns that all that's transpired, Connor's (Vincent Kartheiser) birth, Cordelia's ascension to the higher plane, Angel turning into Angelus and Cordelia's pregnancy, were all a part of a higher being's plan to create something even more powerful than itself.
Guest star Julie Benz returns as "Darla" and Alexis Denisof, J. August Richards, Amy Acker and Andy Hallett also star. The episode was written & directed by Steven S. DeKnight.

Author:  moondust0109 [ 04/05/03 11:34 ]
Post subject:  4/2/03 ANGEL: Inside Out

i missed this episode! :cry2 can sum1 plz tell me what it was about until i can get the script? :tantrum :secret : sick

thanx! ;) :groupwave

Author:  destinyros2005 [ 04/05/03 15:18 ]
Post subject:  4/2/03 ANGEL: Inside Out

Darla's back? :wtf

Author:  Mr J all the way [ 04/05/03 16:39 ]
Post subject:  4/2/03 ANGEL: Inside Out

Briefly.Tried to save Conner's soul from Cordelia...she failed:dunno

Author:  destinyros2005 [ 04/06/03 02:36 ]
Post subject:  4/2/03 ANGEL: Inside Out

Damnit! I missed it!

Author:  Mr J all the way [ 04/07/03 17:31 ]
Post subject:  4/2/03 ANGEL: Inside Out

:fight You so did. KICK YOURSELF!:silly

Author:  SilverMoon Star [ 04/08/03 04:41 ]
Post subject:  4/2/03 ANGEL: Inside Out

Yes I can't wait for tomorrow to see what havoc Jasmine (Connor/Cordy's baby) will cause

Author:  destinyros2005 [ 04/08/03 14:27 ]
Post subject:  4/2/03 ANGEL: Inside Out

What happened?

Author:  Mr J all the way [ 04/09/03 11:18 ]
Post subject:  4/2/03 ANGEL: Inside Out

:fight The quick version is that Evil cordy wanted to have her little spawn of evil super quick so Angel wouldn't have the chance to kill her before the birth. So She sent Connor to snatch a virgin girl to sacrifice. After the abduction Darla appeared to Connor and tried to talk him out of killing the save her from Cordelia. Cordelia intervened and practically sniffed Darla out. She told Connor it was a fake sent by the "evil forces" or something to that effect. And naturally Connor believed Cordelia. Darla tried one last time to save the girl by making the girl's face look like her own. She felt Connor couldn't kill his own mother. He almost looked like he would have saved her, but Cordelia killed the girl and made Connor place his blood soaked hand on her stomach. Angel then showed up, knocked Connor aside and nearly killed Cordelia before the birth could occur, but was too late and the "baby"(full grown black woman) was born.Executive Producer Joss Whedon. That's about the way things happened.Was a pretty cool scene, it's too bad ya missed it.:silly

Author:  destinyros2005 [ 04/09/03 11:22 ]
Post subject:  4/2/03 ANGEL: Inside Out

:thud So, she had a full grown woman?

Author:  Mr J all the way [ 04/09/03 16:42 ]
Post subject:  4/2/03 ANGEL: Inside Out

:fight Without a doubt, you seen tonight's ep with the full grown woman. Apparently she'll be going by Jasmine in the next few eps (ya know the flower she seems so taken with). I expected her to be a Dark God, like Glory was on BTVS( You know with the super strength, invulnerability and super speed). This appears to not be the case, seeing as how Jasmine bled (a lot for a little vampire scratch IMO) tonight. I think once they get out of this trance deal, she'll go down easy. Of course big bads never had been known to go down easy, so I'm probably very wrong.Okay moving on to previews of next weeks ep. Angel and Fred were like...kissing. I wasn't sure how I felt about it at first, then I was like "oh hell...Wes and Gunn are gonna FREAK!" Personally I think it's a cute couple, but I doubt it'll last. Probably some freaky spell or something. They always show the most intriguing scenes in the trailers that we obsess about for a week, then inevitably find it out to be nothing special once the actual ep airs. Damn those tricky Mutant Enemy folks. They always toy with us. Overall was a cool episode, but what episode is ever not cool that contains as much vamp dust as tonight's ep did. I loved the part when Jasmine and Fred were just hanging out, while Vamps we're being dusted and flying all over the place all around them. And the part where Fred found out she'd been "called" was really cute. "I don't get called... the guy I work for, He usually gets called." Was classic.I can't wait for next weeks's just so damn far away.:silly

Author:  destinyros2005 [ 04/12/03 13:32 ]
Post subject:  4/2/03 ANGEL: Inside Out

Ok. Damn it. I missed another frickin' episode! :tantrum I hate it here! They don't show Angel on it's normal night. It's on Thursday nights at like 10pm! Bastards!

Author:  Mr J all the way [ 04/14/03 15:57 ]
Post subject:  4/2/03 ANGEL: Inside Out

:fight Destiny, this is getting downright awful. You've missed 120 minutes of pure Angel Joy (take out the commercials and it's 40 minute eps). I implore you CHECK YOUR LISTINGS. There's a new Buffy tomorrow. Make sure it's on at the right time. This episode is not to be missed. It includes the arrivals of Faith and Caleb. Also there's a new Angel Wednesday, so find out when it's on. Cause there's said to be a make-out session between Angel and Fred that is not to be missed. Good luck!:silly

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