Forever Dreaming

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Author:  Mr J all the way [ 05/12/03 06:53 ]
Post subject:  ANGEL GOT RENEWED!

:fight Whew that was a close one...well not so much. Now comes the bigger news. There's been some flip flopping in the regular cast ranks. Charisma Carpenter's Cordelia appears to be out, but will probably be a recurring character much like Anthony Stewart Head's Giles has been the last few years of Buffy. And the regular cast memeber that is set to replace her is none other than...(dramatic pause)... James Marsters as SPIKE! I'm thrilled beyond words he's coming on for the next season. He does such a cool character and I think the group dynamics as we know it will be blown out of the water once he arrives. There's sure to be some tension over a certain dearly departed vampire slayer that they both loved at one time or another.One thing I'm forced to wonder is will there be another female role opening up for maybe Willow. Because as of now the only female that would be left is Fred surrounded by Angel, Wes, Gunn & Lorn...(I'm assuming Conner's out from what I saw in the finale...i could be wrong though). I'd like it if Willow jumped on board or if maybe they made Gwen Raiden a regular. She's kind of a tacky tramp type sleeping with Gunn and flirting with Angel, but i'm sure she'd fill Cordelia's shoes no prob. Also who's gonna have the visions?Like I've said all along, "you geta single answer and then a butt load of questions to follow said answer. Can't wait though. Sounds like season 5 will be very cool.:bat

Author:  destinyros2005 [ 05/12/03 12:17 ]
Post subject:  ANGEL GOT RENEWED!

Thank You, God! :thud Spike?! Really? Perfect! So, Cordy is out as well, huh? Well, she has been in a coma and MIA for the most part this season. She hasn't been around a whole awful lot. So, I guess that doesn't really surprise me. Hopefully, they will bring Willow in now. I think Fred does need another female persepective on the situation. Plus, Willow is a witch, so that 'kind of" feels the void of Cordy being gone. Not just another human like, Wes, Fred, and Gunn. Anyway! Congrats Angel! Can't wait for Season 5!

Author:  Mr J all the way [ 05/12/03 16:25 ]
Post subject:  ANGEL GOT RENEWED!

:fight I wasn't too surprised with the Cordy exit either. When she went into that comma, I knew all was not right in Mrs. Carpenter's world. Also when she's barely even in the final 5 episodes, it leads one to believe that the producers are either just giving her a rest due to her real life pregnancy or they're preparing the viewers a little early for a cordy-less Angel season. It may have been a little bit of both in my opinion. I'm hoping someone reports on if the actress wanted out or if she was simply wrote out of the show. I will miss Cordelia, but I feel that the addition of Spike will help me get through it, cause he's bad ass.I wonder if they'll just have her be in a comma forever or maybe they'll have her wake up and decide she doesn't want this life anymore and passes the visions to Lorn. Cause he's already demon, so he could probably handle em without the discomfort that plagued Cordy through her early visions. I'm also starting to wonder how Spike will integrate into the Angel-Wolfram & Hart co-op thing. And this is just a random thought, but anyone else think they're gonna start dressing formal-like when in the office or would that be too much? It just stands to reason though if they have all these employees dressing all formal-like, maybe they would follow suit. I gotta admit it would be too funny seeing Spike in a suit and tie. I'd probably never stop laughing :bat

Author:  destinyros2005 [ 05/13/03 16:34 ]
Post subject:  ANGEL GOT RENEWED!

Spike in a suit and tie

:lol :rollin I can not see Spike in a suit and tie. :shake
It should be interesting to see how they explain Cordy's exit. If she just dies. Stays in the coma. Just leaves after waking up. What? As far as the visions you think they really need someone now who has visions when they have W&H at their disposal?

Author:  Mr J all the way [ 05/13/03 16:48 ]
Post subject:  ANGEL GOT RENEWED!

:fight Oh your good Des! You actually made me slap my head with a "doy, you idiot." It honestly hasn't sunken in that they're actually in charge and have all of Wolfram & Hart at their disposal. I honestly keep thinking it'll never last. W&H always has a seperate agenda. They'll turn on them first chance they get and then they'll need some visions. I could be very wrong, mostly cause I can't read Joss Whedon's mind.:bat

Author:  destinyros2005 [ 05/17/03 12:51 ]
Post subject:  ANGEL GOT RENEWED!

:clap Go me! :clap I actually caught ya on something! :lol Yeah, it should be interesting to see how the gang reacts to going to that place all the time. If that's what they're going to do. I would assume so. :dunno But I still can't get the idea of Spike in a suit out of my head! :lol

Author:  Mr J all the way [ 05/18/03 08:51 ]
Post subject:  ANGEL GOT RENEWED!

So basically you'll piddle yourself if it ever actually happens on screen?:rollin

Author:  destinyros2005 [ 05/19/03 17:10 ]
Post subject:  ANGEL GOT RENEWED!

Well...:thinking I probably wouldn't go that far, but I wouldn't rule out the possibility either! :lol

Author:  Mr J all the way [ 05/20/03 04:17 ]
Post subject:  ANGEL GOT RENEWED!

:fight :lol :rollin :lol :bat

Author:  destinyros2005 [ 05/24/03 11:07 ]
Post subject:  ANGEL GOT RENEWED!

From: The Stakeout

Vincent Kartheiser Departs Angel

The actor who plays Connor in Angel will not be returning for the fifth season of Angel. The actor will guest star in one episode at the start of the season. The producers decided not to pick up the actor's contract for another season, as the character didn't have a place to fit into the new story arc.

Vincent is the second actor to leave the show, as producers also dropped Charisma Carpenter from the cast, she will not be returning for season 5. No reason has yet been given for the producers decision to drop Charisma Carpenter. Charisma Carpenter made her final appearance in late season 4 episode Inside Out, though the actress filmed some scenes for later episodes as the body of Cordelia. It is widely believed these two actors have been dropped to make way for the two additions to Angel's cast next season.

James Marsters is to join the cast of Angel next season, after signing a one season, 22 episode contract, however it remains to see how his character will be introduced into Angel following the events of the Buffy finale.

Also returning to Angel next season, is ex-buffy star Mercedes McNab, who is reprising her role as Harmony in a multi episode deal, possibly to be added as a regular. Producers are apparently bringing her back to fill the void left by Cordy's departure.

Former Angel guest stars Stephanie Romanov and Christian Kane are also negotiating to return.

Author:  Mr J all the way [ 05/24/03 15:20 ]
Post subject:  ANGEL GOT RENEWED!

:fight And Des comes through with the news. 22 episodes for Spike huh? Kinda surprised there. I figured he'd be around maybe he'd be missing from the initial 5 or so before he was resurrected. Guess maybe his return could be the focus of the premier along with the Wolfram and Hart take-over stuff. The Mercedes Mcnab stuff was a huge surprise (mostly cause I posted on that a few days ago), what did surprise me was that Christian Kane is in talks. I never figured I'd see Lindsey back on Angel ater the way he left. Especially now that the fang gang is running Wolfram & Hart. He really didn't want much to do with them after he left. It'll be cool though if they get both him and Stephanie Romanov's Lilah back on board. I always wanted Lilah and Lindsey to end up assenior partners. I'm betting Lilah doesn't have a shot in hell now being dead and all, but Lindsey still might. I think it's clear that Wolfram & Hart are bound to be the big bads of season five and I couldn't be happier. I kinda thought the this season's over all arc, left something to be desired. It worked out and I liked it and all, but it just didn't feel as smooth or clever as the other seasons.I thought everything was cool while the beast was rampaging, but once he was a goner, I felt it kind of lost it's focus a bit. It could just be me. In any event I still thought season 4 was a good time, just wanted to rant a little not that it's behind us. Also is there anyone that didn't cry during the buffy finale?:rollin

Author:  destinyros2005 [ 05/25/03 02:38 ]
Post subject:  ANGEL GOT RENEWED!

Yeah, it's kind of nice knowing we'll get 22 episodes of Spike! I can't wait to see how Joss explains how he's there. And he better be Spike...not someone else. That would just be plain stupid. But I'm sure Joss will come up with some clever, interesting way to bring him back from the "dead." I mean, he did bring Lilah back...granted she's techinically still dead, but she's back. I would love to see her come back for more eppys and I'd love to see Lindsay come back. I always liked his character. Hopefully, they can make that work. And like you said, Mr. J, it would be pretty cool seeing them made some kind of senior partners.
Oh...and I cried at the end of Buffy/ :)

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