Forever Dreaming

The end has come.
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Author:  Mr J all the way [ 02/14/04 08:57 ]
Post subject:  The end has come.

:fight It's been revealed over at Ain't It Cool News that Angel has been cancelled. Yes, it's surprising, Yes it's maddening and yes it's happening. I really didn't believe it at first because Angel has been performing amazingly well this season for being without Buffy. It's become a very worthy successor to the franchise. Luckily the news has come at a relatively early point in the season, so Joss and co should have sufficient time to give it one hell of a series finale. The site also stated that the WB is more than prepared to do tv movies in the near future to allow the series to continue in manner of speaking. Personally I'm hoping UPN steps up and saves if for two more years, just like they did with Buffy a few years back, but I figure that's a long shot at best. So if that fails and the WB fails to bring Angel back from oblivion in another form, then hopefully the God that is Whedon will step up with a spin-off for fall. You'd think with all the crap that's went on during each show's run there'd be enough there to pull together a spin-off. I mean they have a lot ot work with now. Personally I wouldn't mind seeing a Watcher's council series that focused on a core group of young watchers and slayers or a Faith series should Tru calling crash and burn. No matter what happens, it'll be a tough loss once Angel averts his final Apocalypse. Sorry for the bad news guys, just thought you'd wanna know.:shake

Author:  SylverfoxGRRL [ 02/14/04 13:24 ]
Post subject:  The end has come.

aww man I knew that this was possibly the last season I was just hoping it wasn't true! :(

All good things must come to an end thanfully we have DVDs to view them over and over!

Author:  Kilverstone [ 02/17/04 14:08 ]
Post subject:  The end has come.

Well that is just rotten news! I will see if I can dig up any official word from WB just in case...but it's most likely true.

Author:  SylverfoxGRRL [ 02/20/04 01:30 ]
Post subject:  The end has come.

:wall I'm trying to remember I read on the internet some where about it ending I'll post the link if I can find it.

Author:  majandra06 [ 02/22/04 05:28 ]
Post subject:  The end has come.

I CAN'T believe that Angel's cancelled!Image

Author:  destinyros2005 [ 02/22/04 08:20 ]
Post subject:  The end has come.

Seriously? Damnit! Why is it that all the good shows get cancelled and we keep getting season after season of this crazy reality tv chaos? :tantrum

Author:  Mr J all the way [ 02/23/04 18:45 ]
Post subject:  The end has come.

:fight Yeah, but how many reality shows have a second season? Only 1 out of 7 usually warrent another go. I heard that UPN is already receiving a lot of attention from a lot of fans in the hopes that the network will save the show similar to the way it saved Buffy a few years back. Hopefully they'll come through. Till then there's like 8 episodes left, and they all seem to focus on the big bad (which should be emerging wednesday night) and its plans. I really hope by series end, Joss slips in a nice farewell. In one interview he said that the season would "progress as it had always been planned" making it sound like they weren't going to do anything extra special for the finale. I really hope he was lying his ass off just so fans like us can be all surprised when something momentous happens come May. I suppose we'll know for certain in 3 short months. :bat

Author:  Kilverstone [ 02/24/04 16:59 ]
Post subject:  The end has come.

I'm so mad I could just spit! Why did they have to cancel it when it is doing so well? The WB has plenty of crap shows they could have dumped, why Angel? :dunno

Author:  SpicyAlejandra [ 02/25/04 19:11 ]
Post subject:  The end has come.

Just when Spike enters the scene, just when the show gets interesting enough for me to watch (no offense to anyone), they go and kill it :(

Author:  babyboy658 [ 03/30/04 23:18 ]
Post subject:  The end has come.

I have been hearing yes, angel will end but! it 'won't be the end'

I am thinking this means maybe a spike spinoff or just a random tv movie every now and again.

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