Forever Dreaming

4/29/02 Angel: The Price - WILDFEED *Spoilers*
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Author:  bunniefuu [ 04/29/02 02:10 ]
Post subject:  4/29/02 Angel: The Price~ WILDFEED *Spoilers*

All Credit goes out to Leoff Online. ;)

Wildfeed Simple-Summary for Angel
"The Price"
Episode Number: 3ADH18
Running Time:
Summary written by Leoff

Angel and crew are in Connor's room, attempting to clean up the devistation from the Earthquake and fire. Angel occasionally drifts off, musing about his missing child. He then wants to keep busy and asks the others for a case, but they say there are none. Just then, a man walks in the lobby, looking for Angel, but a strange, weird slug-like creature appears out of nowhere, attacks the man and crawls inside his mouth, just as Angel appears, asking if he needs help. The man suddenly acts strange and leaves.

Opening Credits: Nothing new.

Angel and Cordelia talk about Angel's messing around with dark magic and both Angel and Cordelia get upset. Cordelia is mad that Angel didn't contact her about Connor's dissapearance.

Meanwhile, the man with the slug in him is at a restaurant and he is BEGGING for water or any sort of liquid, weird scars are on his face.

At Wolfram and Hart, Gavin and Lilah have a run-in about recent events, with Lilah coming out on top beccause Angel has come closer to his dark side on her watch.

Gunn and Fred talk about Wesley. Fred wants Wesley back, but Gunn thinks it better to forget about him.

Cordy and Groo try to wipe up the reminants of the pentagram as Fred tries to get Cordy to talk to Angel about Wesley, but even Cordy won't say anything. (Cordy does get a very brief vision of Angel being thrown across the lobby, but it's too quick to know what is going on.) Lorne then walks in, having heard about the Man with the Slug.

Angel and Crew walk into the restaurant and come across the man with the slug drinking a LOT, but Angel punches him and takes him out easily. They take him back to the hyperion.

Commercial break: Capt'n Crunch: ripping gums appart since 1960.

At the hyperion, the man with the slug comes to, gives Angel a warning that "he" is after Angel, and then collapses into dust. They all then witness the slug thing crawl out and dart off, then decide to hunt it within the hotel. Angel and Lorne track it to a room and wound it, but then Cordy and Groo track ANOTHER one in a different part of the hotel. There's more than one!

Gunn checks up on Fred, who is doing research to stop the slugs. She says they need Wesley cause he understands things like this better.

Lilah gets word that the hyperion is under attack by the slug creatures and decides to launch an attack to "help" Angel, as Angel's death is not in the grand scheme of things.

After realizing the slugs glow in the dark, the group kills the lights in order to better track them. Just then, Fred is attacked by a slug which crawls inside her.

Commercial Break: Pizza Hut, breakfast of champions...

Gunn checks up on Fred again, realizes she's acting weird when he sees her drinking lots of water, and takes her to get help.

In a ballroom area, the gang hears a weird chirping sound and, hacking up the floor, find dozens of the slugs. The group (with Fred) take off for a nearby kitchen and barricade themselves in, but Gunn is not with them.

Lilah gets ready to lead the swat team to the hotel to help kill the slugs, but Gavin then comes in and "informs" her that Lynwood's wishes were that Angel should die.

In the kitchen, Angel talks to the slug inside Fred. It is reveiled that they came through as a result of Angel's dark magic use, and they are fleeing from "the Destroyer."

Commercial Break: Windex makes it SHINE!

Gunn talks to a very hurt Wesley. Wesley refuses to help, until he learns that it's Fred that's infected. Wesley tosses Gunn the answer to the problem: a bottle of wiskey.

Fred's face starts to crack as the group realizes they've gotta get out. Angel and Cordy fight the slugs off as Lorne and Groo carry Fred to the lobby, where they run into Gunn. Gunn forces Fred to drink the wiskey and Fred pukes up the slug.

Angel and Cordy continue to distract the slugs, but then, unexplanably, Cordy starts to glow with a white hot light and then lets out a brilliant flash, making all the slugs vanish.

Gathered in the lobby, the group gets their heads together. Gunn admits to going to Wesley for help, which Angel doesn't like, but understands. Fred then remembers that the destroyer is coming, just as light flashes above the pentagram and a huge monster-demon appears! Immediately after, a man appears also and, with one swipe, cuts off the monster-demon's head! The teen turns to the group and says "Hi dad"

Grrr... Arrrg...

Thank you, Thank you very much...

Author:  destinyrebel [ 05/01/02 19:27 ]
Post subject:  4/29/02 Angel: The Price~ WILDFEED *Spoilers*

Hehe. For some reason, I was laughing a lot while watching this episode... I don't know though... :(

Author:  Spicey Tabasco Rookie [ 05/02/02 14:33 ]
Post subject:  4/29/02 Angel: The Price~ WILDFEED *Spoilers*

I thought it was pretty good...

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