Forever Dreaming

**SPOILERS** Big Scooby Death
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Author:  Roswellian 2002 [ 05/02/02 00:32 ]
Post subject:  **SPOILERS** Big Scooby Death

WARNING: These pictures might be disturbing to some people!

Once again these pictures are from Mr Video Productions!

These have to be the worse Buffy pictures I have EVER EVER EVER seen!





OH MY GOD! WHY TARA :cry The show is perfect as it is, they don't need to go killing people off! :mad I HATE Warren

GO Dark Magic Willow-only get Warren though!

These are once again the WORST Buffy pictures I have ever seen!

Author:  destinyrebel [ 05/02/02 10:43 ]
Post subject:  **SPOILERS** Big Scooby Death

Ya know, I have this friend named Katie and she just told me about Tara and I couldn't believe her... But I guess, now I have too... :(

Author:  destinyros2005 [ 05/04/02 04:11 ]
Post subject:  **SPOILERS** Big Scooby Death

That just ticks me off...right after Willow and Tara finally get back together...they have to go and kill off Tara! :mad :mad

Author:  destinyrebel [ 05/04/02 05:00 ]
Post subject:  **SPOILERS** Big Scooby Death

Does anyone know WHY they are doing this? Does the actor want out? Do they just want to kill someone off? What?

Author:  Roswellian 2002 [ 05/04/02 23:53 ]
Post subject:  **SPOILERS** Big Scooby Death

Amber Benson probably doesn't want out! The writers just want to kill someone off! As if Joyce wasn't enough last Season and the Buffy aswell soon after! :cry But atleast Buffy got to come back to life. No such luck for Tara though :cry
Tara was the only character anyone could confide in and sniff :cry now they've killed her!

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