Forever Dreaming |
5/702 Seeing Red - WILDFEED & Discussion |
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Author: | bunniefuu [ 04/29/02 02:05 ] |
Post subject: | 5/702 Seeing Red~ WILDFEED & Discussion |
All Credit goes out to Leoff Online and his unofficial sponsor, the Buffy Cross and Stake. ![]() Wildfeed Summary for Buffy the Vampire Slayer "Seeing Red" Episode Number: 6ABB19 Running Time: 43:32 Summary written by Leoff Previously on Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Spike asking Buffy why they can't sleep together again, Willow and Tara meeting in school hallway, Anya and Spike doing it on the Magic Box table, The Troika's cameras discovered, Xander confronts Anya, Xander hears from Spike about Spike and Buffy, Tara and Willow make up in bedroom. In Willow's bedroom, the two Wiccans lay in bed in the early morning amidst red sheets. Very romantic, very intimate. Willow says it feels real good, she forgot how good it felt, even without the magic. Tara says there was magic (wink). They comment that they didn't hear Buffy come in last night, as she was still upset at the events at the Magic Box. Willow then tells Tara she thinks something might be going on with Spike and Buffy, which Tara opens up about then. Willow is a little hurt and disgusted, but Tara says Buffy didn't wish to tell her because of the oddness of the situation. They decide maybe Buffy needs someone to talk to and wonder if they were so distracted during the night they didn't hear Buffy come in? Willow knocks on Buffy's door, but opens it to find an empty room. Dawn meets Willow in the hall and Willow is surprised to learn it's much later in the morning than she thought! Dawn then starts to talk about how messed up things are with Spike and Buffy and Anya and Xander, just as Tara walks up, wrapped in a sheet. Dawn gets this giddy look on her face and starts jumping up and down, saying she's not there, she'll go downstairs and watch tv real loud so she can't hear anything that might be going on upstairs, etc... She is beyond happy that the two ladies are back together! Buffy kicks open the door to the Troika's basement lair. She calls out for them but no answer comes. She sees models of scantily clad women on a shelf, computer equipment around, papers scattered on the floor, and a whiteboard which reads "Too Late." "Well that can't be good..." Buffy says as a huge spinning sawblade comes slicing through the whiteboard! Another comes through a laundry door, a third comes through a wall! All three close in on Buffy but she jumps in a half-cartwheel to avoid them, grabbing an old book and papers on the way out. Buffy dives onto the front lawn of the house as sawblades are heard continuing to slice through wood. She slowly rises off the grass to look down and see her leather coat has a big gash along the front. "OK, that's gonna cost ya." Opening Credits: For the first time, Amber Benson is mentioned in the credits, sandwiched inbetween Michelle Trachenburg and James Marsters. At the Summers home, Willow and Tara come downstairs, dressed and ready, but still all starry-eyed at each other and very, very happy. Buffy sits with Dawn on the couch, going over the few things she grabbed from the Troika's lair as Willow and Tara join them. Tara picks up the book Buffy grabbed and it falls in half, being cut through the middle. Buffy says they've gotta find Warren and the others fast and wonders how to speed things up. Willow suggests calling Xander, but Buffy says Xander's probably not ready for any Scooby things right now. Dawn then asks about Spike, thinking he can get info from the local demon bars, but Buffy says Spike won't be around much anymore, he's not part of the team. Dawn is visibly hurt by this but understands. Tara suggests Anya, but Buffy says Anya's got her own things to worry about. In a bar, Anya sits with a crying woman who was just cheated on. Anya starts to do her vengence demon coaxing, hoping the woman will wish vengence upon her man, but then Anya slowly nosedives into her own problems with Xander, going on about how he says he loves her, but then leaves when things get tough. The crying woman is now pissed, saying that men suck, and she starts to wish that "Carl"... but Anya keeps going on and on about Xander and her problems, missing the woman's wish! Andrew backs up, terrified, as a large demon slowly advances towards him in a cave. From behind, Warren jabs the demon with a tazer-stick several times as Jonathan jibes him on. The demon falls unconscious (dead?) as Andrew grabs the tazer-stick and continues jabbing the demon. Warren tells him to stop, saying they still need the demon fresh. Warren says if this plan works, everyone will be afraid of them. Jonathan asks what's next, to which Warren tosses him a knife, saying it's his turn. In his crypt, Spike pours some booze as Dawn appears at the door. She's on her way to sleep over at a friends but stopped in to see how he's doing. She asks if he's going to be coming around anymore, he says it's more complicated than that. Dawn then asks if it was worth it, what he did with Anya? Spike is surprised she knew, but she says she caught the show on camera. Dawn then asks if Spike loves her, to which Spike says no, it was just a bad day and they were both troubled. Dawn corrects him, saying she meant Buffy. Spike hesitates, but it is clear he does love her. Dawn then asks how he could do something like that to her, to which he counters, saying that Buffy has been treating him oh, so good lately herself! Dawn leaves with the parting shot, letting Spike know that if he wanted to hurt Buffy, congratulations, it worked. In the demon cave, another demon walks through a type of force barrier as Andrew and Warren look on. Andrew starts forward to touch it, but Warren holds him back, saying that it would fry him, only the demons can walk through unhurt. Up walks Jonathan, clad in the freshly killed demon's skin! He puts on the "head" as Warren says he has to be careful to make sure no skin is exposed. Warren then says they've got to hurry while the demon skin is still fresh. Jonathan starts to question what he means as Warren grabs him and throws him through the barrier. "Jackass" says Jonathan as he gets up on the other side and walks off. Andrew asks Warren if Jonathan "knows?" Warren says not to worry, if everything goes to plan, Jonathan won't be a problem by the end of the evening. Andrew says he doesn't trust the "little leprechaun" as Jonathan walks up and through the barrier, carrying a wooden box. Jonathan takes off the demon head and he's all gooey, which Andrew comments on his hair gel choice. Warren scans the box with some electronic device and then opens it, revealing two red, golf-ball sized orbs. "Gentleman, the orbs of Nezbilachan" he announces as he takes one in each hand. "Strength, invulnerability, the deluxe package." Jonathan asks if they will still work, having been sitting in the cave for many years. Warren touches them together and suddenly his entire body is crackling with energy and power. "Oh, they still work!" Commercial break: M&M's chocolate candies. Now reducing the amount of "W"'s in each package! Andrew comments to Warren that he doesn't look any different and wonders if they really do work? Just then a demon walks up to attack. "Let's find out" says Warren and he charges the demon. The Demon punches Warren once, but he shakes it off and overpowers the demon, grabbing it's head and breaking it's neck easily. Andrew and Jonathan are excited and impressed and Jonathan grabs for the orbs, saying he wants a turn. Warren grabs them away, saying not yet, they'll each get a turn, but first he wants to play with them. Buffy walks in hesitantly into Xander's place. Beer bottles and pizza boxes are scattered about. Buffy starts to tell Xander that Anya loves him still and that it was a terrible mistake, but Xander is more hurt by Buffy's lies about she and Spike. He says he understands why Anya did what she did, but he still can't understand how Buffy could do what she did with Spike, someone who's evil and a killer. Buffy counters with Xander having fought side by side with Spike during her absence and protecting Dawn, but Xander doesn't buy it, saying he never forget what Spike was, a soulless vampire with an electronic leash in his head. He questions whether Spike would still be all snuggly if it wasn't for the chip. Buffy says it doesn't matter now, it's over. "Yeah, there's a lot of that going around" says Xander as he gets up and barges out. A musical montage shows Xander walking alone, depressed, down a nighttime Sunnydale street. Anya is in the Magic Box, dusting things slowly with a feather duster. Xander looks in the window of the Magic Box, spies Anya cleaning, then walks away silently. In bed again, Willow works on her laptop, going through some computer files left by the Troika. She can figure out what they mean if they took a trip to the county clerks office, but that involves getting up she jokes. Tara asks "What about the Trio's evil scheme?" "I'm kinda busy working on my own..." Willow smirks and crawls towards her lover. Xander sits at a bar as a woman hits lightly on him, but he starts rambling on and on, saying he'd better not because they'd get together, then she'd end up flopping around with his best friend's lover, etc... He then apologizes and says he just wants to be alone. In walk the Troika, looking around the bar. Jonathan says he doesn't wanna do this, but Warren spies a beautiful woman talking to another guy and walks towards them, saying "All right... let's make some noise." Buffy punches and spin kicks a vampire in a graveyard. "Not bad. How hard you gonna kick when you're blowing in the wind?" she quips. She stakes the vampire in mid jump. He turns to dust JUST as he's kicking her, sending her reeling backwards and breaking a tombstone in two. "That was rhetorical..." WARNING: The following scene is not pretty. Very violent and graphic. No musical soundtrack is heard. Buffy arrives home and draws a bath. Spike follows her in the bathroom and asks if she's ok. Buffy calmly tells him to get out. He wants to talk, to apologize for his actions, but she says he shouldn't sleep with her friends if he's really sorry. He says he didn't go to Anya for "that", but instead for a spell. Buffy gets upset that Spike would use a spell on her, but Spike says no... "I wanted something... anything to make these feelings stop. I just wanted it to stop. I should have let him kill me." "I couldn't do that." Buffy says. "Why?" "You know why" "Because you love me." "No, I don't." 'Why do you keep lying to yourself?" "How many times... I have feelings for you, I do, but it's not love. I could never trust you enough for it to be love." 'Trust... is for old marrieds, Buffy. " 'Great love is wild and passionate and dangerous... it burns and consumes." "Until there's nothing left. Love like that doesn't last." "I know you feel like I do... you don't have to hide it any more..." "Spike, stop this..." Spike advances towards her and tries to kiss her. Buffy fights him off but he continues, pushing her towards the tub, where she grabs onto the shower curtain and then falls, hitting her head. Spike continues, talking like he's possessed, saying that she loves him, but Buffy is dazed and continues to try and fight him off. They fall to the ground as Spike gets on top of Buffy. Commercial Break: Windex makes it shine! Buffy continues to struggle under Spike who continues to force himself on her, saying "I know you love me, you love it when I'm inside you." Buffy shouts no, then begs him to stop, but he continues, ripping open her robe. She then kicks him and sends him flying across the bathroom. She gets up and is terrified, clutching the robe to her body. "Ask me again why I could never love you." She is hurt, brused, and angry/scared. At the bar, Andrew and Jonathan watch as Warren hits on a woman. Jonathan is worried and paranoid, wondering what they're doing there, "risking everything so that Charles Atlas can get a date." He brings up possibly going against Warren, but Andrew stops him, saying that Warren's the boss. "He's Picard, you're Deanna Troy. Get used to the feeling, Betazoid" and he walks off. Warren uses pick up lines on the woman before her boyfriend walks up and tells him to take a hike. Warren then recognizes the boyfriend, remembering him from 5th grade gym class. Warren makes fun of the situation, remembering the humiliation he suffered way back then, then he goads the boyfriend on, and the boyfriend goes to shove Warren... and Warren doesn't move! With one punch, Warren sends the boyfriend flying! Two other men attack Warren but both are delt with very quickly with a simple punch. Warren then approaches the bar, offering drinks to the ladies as he opens the cash register and takes out money. Xander comes out of the bar's washroom and spots Warren. He approaches him and tells him to leave the ladies to themselves so they can take it outside. Warren asks if Anya's available "cause if she's taking it from a vamp, I think I've got a chance..." Xander punches Warren, but Warren isn't even phased and he punches Xander back, sending him FLYING over a pool table, completely across the bar! Warren then advances menacingly (shoving the pool table aside as if it were a chair) and is about to pound the crap out of Xander when Jonathan informs Warren that they'll be late for that "thing" he wanted to do if they don't move now. All three geeks leave with Xander still stunned and bloody on the floor. Xander walks into Buffy's house and calls out for her, but he spots Spike's coat on the banister. He barges up stairs, ready to confront Buffy and Spike, but only finds Buffy, sitting on the floor of the bathroom, tired, confused, and brused. "Did he hurt you?" Xander asks. "He tried." Answers Buffy. Xander is REALLY pissed and starts to go after Spike, but Buffy stops him, just wanting everything to be left alone. Willow then comes in and rushes in with good news, but stops and questions the odd situation. Buffy says it's nothing, then wonders what Willow has found. Downstairs, Willow and Tara inform Buffy about the Troika's plans. They have found maps to armored car routes, schematics for banks, etc. and they plan on hitting multiple banks soon. One of the banks has a time-sensitive lock, and that might be their best choice for the night. Buffy says no problem, but Xander informs her about Warren's new "Mighty Mouseness." "Good. I won't have to hold back then." She says. In his crypt, Spike has flashbacks to the bathroom and is in torment. He pours a drink but has another flashback, not believing what he did, and he smashes the glass in his hand. Clem walks in, carrying a bucket of hot wings, looking for a guys night in watching a Knight Rider marathon. Spike openly verbalizes his thoughts, saying "what has she done to me?" Clem and Spike start to talk, with Clem saying that Buffy isn't all there, after all she did come back from the grave and such. Spike's mind starts wandering, saying he can fill the chip in his head squirming about. He says things shouldn't be this way and it's all the chips fault. It won't let him be a monster, it won't let him do what he's supposed to do, kill the Slayer. Clem tries to cheer him up, saying not to worry, things change. Spike laughs with an evil grin "Yeah, they do... if you make them." A night-time cash pick-up is done at an amusement park. Two armed guards climb into an armored car and try to drive off, but the wheels just spin. Suddenly the truck turns on it's side. Warren has tipped it over! But a quipping Buffy stands on top of the overturned truck and jumps to attack. A fight ensues, with Buffy doing only a little damage to Warren, but having the speed and reflexes to still almost outdo him. He punches her hard a few times, but then she does a flip over him and kicks him into a stone bridge, which collapses on Warren, completely covering him. Buffy approaches Andrew and Jonathan, who are scared. But they look behind them and see Warren crawling out of the stone rubble. Buffy's eyes grow wide in disbelief as Warren shouts out unscathed "Well what's a matter, baby... you never fight a REAL man before?" Commercial break: Looking for a good, strong, stone bridge? Come to Stone Bridges-R-Us! The fight continues with multiple punches being thrown. While Warren is being punched around, it doesn't seem to hurt him at all. Warren gets the upper hand on Buffy, but then Jonathan jumps on Buffy's back, making it LOOK like he's attacking her. "The Orbs... smash the Orbs" he whispers in her ear as she throws him off. Warren then continues the attack, throwing Buffy into a wall. Standing above her, he goes for the final punch. Buffy sees a small pouch on his belt, grabs it, and smashes it to the ground. It blows up in a small burst of blue energy. Warren's face goes white, knowing he's not powerful anymore, and Buffy kicks him across the pavement. Buffy approaches Warren, but then Warren throws off his coat to reveal a Jet Pack! He hits the controls and shoots off into parts unknown! Buffy looks at the other two Troika members. Jonathan is scared, but Andrew is calm. He throws off HIS coat to reveal a jet pack! "Hey! How come I don't get one of those?" Jonathan complains as Andrew hits his controls and flies off... RIGHT into the overhead roof not 2 feet above him, knocking him unconscious. Two police cars pull up to the station. Andrew and Jonathan are dragged into the station, cuffed. Andrew wonders if he was really used by Warren, or if Warren will come back for them? Spike pulls up outside the Summers home, some packed things strapped to the back of his bike. "Get nice and comfy slayer, cause I'll be back. And when I do, things are gonna change." He streaks off into the night on his bike. Willow and Tara rise up from getting dressed and start to smooch as Willow notices Xander outside, walking up to Buffy who is checking the bushes for more cameras. Buffy tells Xander that Andrew and Jonathan are in custody, but that Warren pulled a Rocketman. Xander responds "You'll catch him. He's not much good without his friends..." The two sit on a bench and talk. Xander wonders how they got into this position, but Buffy doesn't have the answers. Xander admits he was hurt when he didn't know about her and Spike. Buffy apologizes, knowing she should have told him. "I don't know what I'd do without you and Will" Xander says. The two friends embrace and Buffy says that she loves Xander (meant as a friend, gang... don't read into it.) but Xander spots something behind Buffy. Warren walks up, slightly manic. "You think... You think I'd let you get away with that? Think again..." He pulls out a gun and fires... once straight at Buffy, the others shots are wild, going into the air as he starts to run off. Both Xander and Buffy hit the ground. Glass in a window breaks. Willow stands facing the window when blood is suddenly splattered on her chest and face. Tara stands, a red hole above her heart. "Your shirt..." she says as she falls forward into Willow's arms. Xander rises and starts to complain, but he sees Buffy laying on the ground, face up, quite still. Willow cradles Tara. "Tara? Baby? Baby come on, get up..." Xander is by Buffy's side, a gunshot wound in her right shoulder/chest. He tries to stop the bleeding. Willow holds Tara in her arms and lap as she looks down at her lover and weeps. "Nooo... nooo..." Xander's hand tries to stop the blood flow on Buffy, who still remains motionless. Willow's head slowly looks up from Tara, the Wicca's eyes glow an eerie dark red, pure hatred on her face. Grrr... arrg... |
Author: | Roswellian 2002 [ 04/30/02 00:56 ] |
Post subject: | 5/702 Seeing Red~ WILDFEED & Discussion |
OH MY GOD! ![]() ![]() Not Tara, especially since her and Willow FINALLY get back together ![]() They should keep Tara in it, if they HAVE to kill anyone (WHICH THEY DONT) kill Spike or Giles. Sorry to all the Spike and Giles fans but thats my opinion! I like Spike and Giles isnt too bad but Giles is hardly around anymore anyway! ![]() |
Author: | shrtstff823 [ 05/01/02 17:50 ] |
Post subject: | 5/702 Seeing Red~ WILDFEED & Discussion |
I agree I don't think Tara should have to die. She is one of my more favorite characters. I am very sad about this and don't understand why they have to kill of anyone. Especially Tara, since her and Willow just got back together. It makes no sense and it makes me very mad. But they should kill off someone else, not saying they have too. But Tara has become a very important character on Buffy. |
Author: | bunniefuu [ 05/02/02 02:35 ] |
Post subject: | 5/702 Seeing Red~ WILDFEED & Discussion |
shrtstff823~ How did I miss this post last night? ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() You should stop by the Welcoming Committe forum and let the whole board give you a proper welcome. ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Author: | destinyrebel [ 05/02/02 10:48 ] |
Post subject: | 5/702 Seeing Red~ WILDFEED & Discussion |
Eck. I'm going to have to FF this to a couple of my friends... |
Author: | venusinthemorningsky [ 05/04/02 08:41 ] |
Post subject: | 5/702 Seeing Red~ WILDFEED & Discussion |
Sounds like a disturbing episode... I'm ashamed to say I am a B/S shipper now ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() So we know Tara is dead, was Buffy shot too? It says she's unresponsive... ![]() still pissed... ![]() |
Author: | destinyrebel [ 05/04/02 18:13 ] |
Post subject: | 5/702 Seeing Red~ WILDFEED & Discussion |
I can understand. Hehe. Yeah... B/S? It's a funny thing... You want it to be but then you don't want it to be cause, well it's S/B... ![]() |
Author: | Roswellian 2002 [ 05/04/02 23:48 ] |
Post subject: | 5/702 Seeing Red~ WILDFEED & Discussion |
Yeah Buffy gets shot in the shoulder aswell! Xander rushes her to hospital, both unaware that ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Author: | Laura [ 05/08/02 06:28 ] |
Post subject: | 5/702 Seeing Red~ WILDFEED & Discussion |
I really can't believe this episode. Spike practically rapes Buffy and Tara gets killed. It's all too much. I really love Amber Bensen and wish they had not killed her. I suppose she was leaving the show anyway and they needed a reason for Willow to fall off the wagon. Spike ... I just can't even go into it. It was horrible and yet I feel sorry for him. I don't see how they can ever have him as part of the group after this. One thing that was weird is when Xander came in and asked if Spike had hurt Buffy. But he didn't even make the connection that Spike is not supposed to be able to hurt her. And I really thought she was going to tell him the truth - that Spike can hurt her - when she went to his apartment. Clem. How adorable is Clem? How strange is it that someone so cheery and optimistic is friends with someone like Spike? Andrew was in love with Warren all along. That is too funny. "I can't wait to get my hands on those orbs." heehee "I guess he never loved... hanging out with us." ::sigh:: No, the humorous bits just can't make up for the sad parts. ![]() |
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