Forever Dreaming

**SPOILERS** Two To Go and Grave Pictures
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Author:  Roswellian 2002 [ 04/30/02 02:02 ]
Post subject:  **SPOILERS** Two To Go and Grave Pictures

I was looking at Mr Video Productions and I came across these pictures for the Buffy two-part season six finale.





Willows hair look kinda wierd but these pictures kinda reveal who the real scooby death is ( I was in denial-still kinda am!)

NOTE: I'm kinda new at this whole posting stuff, so if somethings wrong- I'm sorry!

Author:  bunniefuu [ 05/01/02 17:09 ]
Post subject:  **SPOILERS** Two To Go and Grave Pictures

Roswellian2002~ Wow! It's been a long time since I've been in this forum. :lol I don't watch Buffy, but nice pictures! Thanks for posting them! :grin BTW, those are not her real eyes are they? Special effects right? And no you didn't post anything wrong. As long as you mark spoilers as spoilers you should be good to go.Which you did. :grin :grin

Author:  destinyros2005 [ 05/01/02 17:35 ]
Post subject:  **SPOILERS** Two To Go and Grave Pictures

Ok...I have to say that Willow is scaring the crap out of me! She can't be the one that dies...that's not acceptable! I'm kind of spoiler free with Buffy, but the previews make it sound like its Tara...but I know not to take much stock in the previews!

Author:  shrtstff823 [ 05/01/02 17:57 ]
Post subject:  **SPOILERS** Two To Go and Grave Pictures

Willow is very scary looking. But you can't blame her for going to dark Magik over Tara's death.I wish it wasn't so but the previews give you a hint and so do all the spoilers. So I believe Tara is the scooby fatally injured. At least that is what all the spoilers say.

Author:  destinyros2005 [ 05/01/02 18:07 ]
Post subject:  **SPOILERS** Two To Go and Grave Pictures

Ok...that makes a little more sense now! Sorry...having a moment there! :lol

:wavey :wavey :wavey

Author:  Roswellian 2002 [ 05/02/02 00:18 ]
Post subject:  **SPOILERS** Two To Go and Grave Pictures

I know her eyes and hair look very scary but wierd at the same time!
But they are contacts!

Author:  joena [ 05/05/02 01:10 ]
Post subject:  **SPOILERS** Two To Go and Grave Pictures

Whoa,Willow looks freaky there

Thanks 4 the picz :)


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