Forever Dreaming

Angel-Season 4-SPOILERS!!
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Author:  destinyros2005 [ 07/23/02 14:26 ]
Post subject:  Angel-Season 4-SPOILERS!!

I found some information regarding the upcoming season of Angel at There's two different pieces, so I'll post them seperately!

Get Your Wings
Mon, Jul 22, 2002 03:06 AM PDT
by Kate O'Hare

Some people seek angels. Others have "Angel" thrust upon them.

With a resume including such genre shows as "The Adventures of Brisco County Jr." "Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman," "Charmed," "Dark Angel," "Roswell" and "FreakyLinks," it's not a huge leap to believe that writer-producer David Simkins runs the show on the supernatural drama "Angel."

Still, he didn't lobby for the job.

Shortly after the announcement that "Angel" -- a spinoff of UPN's "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" -- would return this fall on The WB, David Greenwalt, who co-created the series with Joss Whedon, signed a deal to run the ABC midseason paranormal drama "Miracles." Logically, the next step would have been to promote his fellow executive producer, Tim Minear, to pick up the reins on "Angel" (airs Sunday, 9 p.m. ET), which stars David Boreanaz as a vampire cursed with a soul, determined to do good in Los Angeles.

However, Whedon created a science-fiction show called "Firefly" for FOX and tapped Minear to help him with that project. That left "Angel," which just came off its third and arguably best season, without a hand on the tiller.

In stepped Simkins, who had held show-runner status on "FreakyLinks," a short-lived FOX series about a Website that investigated tabloid tales.

Asked what he's doing on "Angel," Simkins says, "Good question. I'm not really sure. I have an overall deal with [20th Century Fox Television], and there is that influence, that 'Let's take care of the guy with the deal' situation."

"But I met with Joss, Tim and Chris Buchanan, who runs [Whedon's production company] Mutant Enemy. We had a pretty good meeting. Apparently, when I left the room, there was a good feeling all around."

"I found out a few days later that Joss said, 'Hire the guy.' So, yeah, that's how it happened. I was touched -- and I'm so happy to be touched. This show is great. And it's my job to bring it down in a crashing, burning flame," he laughs.

For those who fear "Angel" will run off the rails without full-time attention from Greenwalt and Minear, Simkins says, "No, no, Tim is here. Believe me, trust me. There's so much continuity here. This is one building. Tim is on 'Firefly,' but he's consulting on 'Angel' quite a bit. Not a day goes by that he's not down in the writer's room. Tim is very much involved."

"David is also still very much involved. He's doing 'Miracles,' as you know, and it's midseason, so he's got a little time. He's putting his show together, breaking stories, but he's also still here as well and consulting."

"We're all in the room together: Joss, Tim, David, me, the writing staff-- Jeff Bell, Mere Smith, Steve DeKnight. It's the usual suspects."

"Angel" ended season 3 by sending one character down, one up and one to Las Vegas. Angel was last seen in a crate headed to the bottom of the Pacific Ocean -- thanks to his misinformed, vengeful son, Connor (Vincent Kartheiser). One of Angel's team, the prescient part-demon Cordelia (Charisma Carpenter), was tapped for duties in a higher realm of existence and floated heavenward. And Rat Pack-esque crooning demon Lorne (Andy Hallett), tired of having karaoke clubs wrecked as a result of Angel's crusades, decided to pack it all in and try his luck in Sin City.

Elsewhere, ex-team member Wesley (Alexis Denisof) continued in a relentless slide toward the dark side, leaving happy couple Gunn and Fred (J. August Richards, Amy Acker) wondering where everybody went.

Along the same vein, fans were wondering where Carpenter went after her character vanished for a month's worth of episodes. On the show, Cordelia was on vacation with her warrior lover, Groo (Mark Lutz). Where Carpenter was during that time has been the subject of speculation, along with whether the actress would return this fall.

Asked the question, Simkins merely says, "She was on vacation with Groo. But she's back. She is back, back, back. As you might expect, Angel is up from the depths. He comes up in the premiere. We will be featuring Cordy in the first few episodes, but she's not quite all there yet. We're going to hold off on her a little bit, because we're using her to good effect where she is."

"Without giving too much away, Cordy has her own duties where she is, up there. She's not altogether happy to not be part of the gang and ends up doing a thing, which causes a thing and, well, she ends up back with our guys. I have to say there's a little hitch in her giddy-up. She doesn't come back quite altogether Cordy."

As for Lorne, Simkins says, "You'll be seeing him in Vegas in Episode 3. It's Lorne as Wayne Newton meets Tom Jones. He's having a great time."

Whedon tends to give themes to different seasons on "Buffy," whether it's "Oh, grow up" for last year, or "Buffy: Year One," for next. Asked if "Angel" has a theme this season, Simkins says, "Yeah, we do, but again, if I told you, Joss would kill me. Seriously, it hasn't really been mentioned what this year's theme is. I guess if I could say anything, it would be, 'Look out.'"

"We did end the third season with a lot of chess pieces thrown off the board. We're going to spend some time putting those pieces back on the board in the right positions. Just about the time we do that, oh, somebody might come along and upset the board again."

Author:  destinyros2005 [ 07/23/02 14:26 ]
Post subject:  Angel-Season 4-SPOILERS!!

Angel Goes to Vegas
Sci Fi Wire
David Simkins, who replaces departing show runner David Greenwalt on The WB's vampire series Angel, told SCI FI Wire that the upcoming season will feature an episode filmed on location in Las Vegas. "It's an episode that takes place entirely in Vegas," Simkins said in an interview. "The logistics are challenging, but it's something we're working out. Even though the episode is set in Vegas, obviously, we'll shoot three days there, hitting locations and casino work, and then we'll bring everything back here [to Los Angeles] and finish up."

Simkins revealed that the episode will feature the return of the demon karaoke host Lorne, played by Andy Hallett, who left Angel Investigations at the end of last year for a gig at a Vegas nightclub. "Lorne is in Vegas. And he's got his own show. And it's a bit Tom Jones meets Liberace meets Lorne. And the trouble starts there," Simkins said. Rather than trying to recreate Sin City on a soundstage, Simkins explained that the producers felt that the episode required the authenticity of a location shoot.

"What we needed to do in Vegas is [capture] the scope [and] the feeling of it—the world of it. It's a show about destinies and futures and losing those futures and losing destinies." Angel returns in the fall in a new timeslot, Sundays at 9 p.m. ET/PT.

Author:  destinyros2005 [ 08/12/02 14:21 ]
Post subject:  Angel-Season 4-SPOILERS!!

Angel becomes his own worst enemy
Angelus to resurface next season, and he might be facing Faith

By Dave Mason,
August 4, 2002

CENTURY CITY -- If you see a dark, brooding character knock on your door, don't invite him in.

It's Angel at his worst, Angel out for blood ... Angel when his soul has taken a vacation.

Angelus will return midseason next year on "Angel," executive producer David Simkins said during a news conference in the 20th Century Fox Studios dining room.

"Angel" will begin its fourth season Oct. 6, airing 9 p.m. Sundays on The WB, Channel 5.

The last time Angelus attacked was when the vampire Angel (David Boreanaz) lost his soul on "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" several years ago because he had sex with Buffy. Fortunately, Willow was able to duplicate the gypsy curse that gave Angel the soul.

The curse says Angel keeps his soul until he has that one perfect moment of happiness, which usually involves sex and true love. Then good Angel turns into evil Angelus.

Angelus temporarily showed up during part of one episode of "Angel" during its first season, but Angel quickly regained his soul because the happiness wasn't real; it was induced by a drug.

"Angel" ended last season with a cliffhanger that left the vampire, still a good guy with a soul, at the bottom of the ocean. His son Connor had imprisoned Angel there.

"Vampires can survive indefinitely without blood. That's the torture," Simkins said during an interview.

Angel will return to the surface in the first episode. And, despite her ascension to a higher plane, Cordelia (Charisma Carpenter) is still part of "Angel."

During midseason, the staff at Angel Investigations will find they need the help of a Hannibal Lecter-like creature to fight a villain, Simkins said. In this case, it's Angelus, not Angel, who can save the day.

But after the mission, Angelus escapes, and it's up to a slayer to stop him. If contract talks succeed with actress Eliza Dushku, the vampire slayer Faith will return to fight Angelus during a story arc lasting several episodes.

Faith had been an evil slayer but turned herself in to the police after Angel helped her start on the road toward redemption. Angel has been helping the helpless as he tries to atone for his past misdeeds as Angelus.

According to Simkins, that past is why Angel can forgive Connor for sending him to the bottom of the Pacific in last season's cliffhanger.

"Angel has lived a long life and has done a lot of terrible things. His capability for forgiveness is enormous," Simkins said. "He realizes his son was given bad information."

In his revenge against Angel for Angelus killing his family, Connor's surrogate father, Holtz, committed suicide with a friend's help and arranged for Connor to believe Angel had killed him.

Storylines this season also will include continued romances and an episode set in Las Vegas.

Author:  Laura [ 08/17/02 17:38 ]
Post subject:  Angel-Season 4-SPOILERS!!

hmmm... not sure if this is a good thing. Someone new takes over and changes the direction of the show. Reminds me of another show I used to watch...

It will be interesting to see Faith again, though. I have been waiting for her to resurface.

Author:  destinyros2005 [ 08/18/02 02:16 ]
Post subject:  Angel-Season 4-SPOILERS!!

I know...I love Faith. I really hope things work out so Eliza can make some apperances...maybe on Buffy too!

Author:  Ulicus [ 08/25/02 10:14 ]
Post subject:  Angel-Season 4-SPOILERS!!

(new here, I mainly just read)

I'd quite like to see Faith lose to (i.e. die at the hands of) Angelus before he becomes Angel again, not that I don't like her, but It would be nice for our favourite evil vampire to get at least one slayer under his belt, after all he can't let grandchilde Spike get all the action.

Oh and Conner really has to go, I'm not a sadist, he should die honourably after fufilling that little prophesy about Sajahn... hey, maybe Angelus could kill Conner, that should get Angel back to his reclusive and tortured roots fast enough... heh, okay, maybe I am a sadist.

Apart from that, as long as they drop the Cordy/Angel thing, or they discover that its really just 'deep friendship' I don't mind what they do... Sorry, but since my favourite TV season of anything EVER was Buffy Season 2, I find the simple idea of Angel moving on appalling.

I don't mind Buffy's thing with Spike though, but I just thought Angel would be above that whole 'moving on' business... sigh, guess they need the protagonist to have a love interest thats a regular on the show for ratings... grrrrrr...

Buffy n Angel 4eva.

Author:  bunniefuu [ 08/25/02 12:03 ]
Post subject:  Angel-Season 4-SPOILERS!!

Hey Ulicus! Welcome to the Board (Glad you came out of lurking:lol ) :party
:wavey :wavey :wavey :wavey :wavey
:wave :wave :wave :wave :wave
:dance :dance :dance :dance :dance
:jump :jump2 :jump3 :jump4

I really like your whole viewpoint on Angel. Problem is I only watched a few episodes and just was so behind in it I gave up. :( So I don't really watch either, but still enjoyed your thoughts neverless. ;)

Welcome Again! :wavey

Author:  Former Member [ 09/28/02 17:23 ]
Post subject:  Angel-Season 4-SPOILERS!!

..would you get over the fact that B and Angel have moved on. its been years- get over it.

Author:  bunniefuu [ 09/28/02 17:45 ]
Post subject:  Angel-Season 4-SPOILERS!!

BiteMeAngel- Welcome to FD!
:wavey :wavey :wavey
:wave :wave :wave

Author:  destinyros2005 [ 09/29/02 00:58 ]
Post subject:  Angel-Season 4-SPOILERS!!

BiteMeAngel, Welcome to Forever Dreaming!

Author:  Former Member [ 09/29/02 14:51 ]
Post subject:  Angel-Season 4-SPOILERS!!

Don't get me wrong I'm crazy about buffy and angel as a couple, but it's been years... they grew.. which means I like the idea of Cordy and Angel. Why? because the writing was so good. Over 3 years they grew closer and could litterally see the fealings change. I know I have all 3 complete seasons and all I have to do is go on an Angel watching bindge. Cordy and Angel! finally! but don't worry, It probably won't work out. (bummer)

Second Angel is older and I appreciate the idea on Conner to prove it. Angel and David are both fathers, and season 3 writing just rocked. season 4 will be even better. I love to read the spoilers. keep Conner... and see what he does when Angel goes bad. I would like to see Conner all through 4th season... If you really want a soap opera spoiler... have Conner eventually go to Buffy's show and let them get together... (when conners legal of course) EWWW! NA, that would just be caos.

Author:  bunniefuu [ 09/29/02 16:17 ]
Post subject:  Angel-Season 4-SPOILERS!!

Welcome to FD, thrash! :party
:wavey :wavey :wavey
:wave :wave :wave
:dance :dance :dance
:jump :jump2 :jump3

Author:  destinyros2005 [ 10/01/02 13:06 ]
Post subject:  Angel-Season 4-SPOILERS!!

Here's some Season 4 Pictures brought to you by the beloved Fraz on FF!




Author:  destinyros2005 [ 10/01/02 13:08 ]
Post subject:  Angel-Season 4-SPOILERS!!




Author:  moondust0109 [ 10/15/02 13:20 ]
Post subject:  Angel-Season 4-SPOILERS!!

Heres what i think would b best:
1. Angel would get 2gether w/ Gwen (c "Ground State" Gwens a cool char.) * if Buff&Angel don't get 2gether!
2. Connor + Dawn=same age, relative of our fav. couple!
3. Fred + Gunn/Wes
4. Cordy + Wes/Gunn

Author:  destinyros2005 [ 10/17/02 04:48 ]
Post subject:  Angel-Season 4-SPOILERS!!

Yeah, I kind of liked Gwen too. I wonder what they plan to do with her...if she'll be on more or if she was just a one show character. And what's up with Angel's heart? Is it still beating or was it just for those few seconds?

Author:  Ulicus [ 10/17/02 10:11 ]
Post subject:  Angel-Season 4-SPOILERS!!

Do I say that all those who like the c/a relationship should stop talking about it? No. Yeah, Buffy and Angel probably won't happen again- but I'm allowed my own viewpoint on the matter. Anyway, I really don't want to start a 'who should Angel be with thing' but people don't seem to understand-

I'd be fine with Angel moving on, if he had moved to LA for different reasons. He left Sunnydale because if he stayed there was a chance he and Buffy would get 'groiny' and Angelus would come back.

As he puts it himself, "You've moved on, I can't- Im not allowed to remember"

If the writers can explain why he is now, then yay go Cordy and Angel... carry on with Sitcom Angel. If not, get back to mysterious and broody.

I'll shutup now, because for some reason whenever the letters b and a are in the same sentence everyone gets threatened and defensive.

Cyas all. (Angel/Gwen lust would be interesting... hehehehe.)

Author:  destinyros2005 [ 10/17/02 14:50 ]
Post subject:  Angel-Season 4-SPOILERS!!

First off...WELCOME TO FD! :groupwave

Secondly, I personally don't see the whole Cordy and Angel thing either. I would rather it be Buffy and Angel, but we all know that will never happen! Especially since the shows are on seperate networks now...that really reduces the chance of that happening!
I guess if Angel was allowed to "move on," I'd rather see it with someone like Gwen than Cordy. Cordy is just too sweet and fuffy. Where as, Gwen is tough and gutsy---more like Buffy. That's just my opinion and don't be afraid to share yours here...we're all for different opinions with killing each other! :)

Author:  bunniefuu [ 10/17/02 22:38 ]
Post subject:  Angel-Season 4-SPOILERS!!

Huh? :lol I'm guessing you *meant* withOUT :fight .. right? :dunno
:rollin :rollin

Author:  Former Member [ 10/18/02 03:15 ]
Post subject:  Angel-Season 4-SPOILERS!!

I like watching Angel and I have'nt really thought about who should be with who...but last season I really liked Cordy with Groo. They made a cute couple and had a good comedic rythm going. I wonder if we will ever see him again ?

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