Forever Dreaming

Paging those who know 'BtVS'!!!
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Author:  The Zookeepers Apprentice [ 12/23/02 19:40 ]
Post subject:  Paging those who know 'BtVS'!!!

To keep a long story short, I need help critiquing a Roswell/Buffy cross fanfic, and I know zip about Buffy. So, if there's anyone out there who wants to help me run Intelligence(translation: find what the author messed up, and did right, etc) who knows Buffy, and preferably some Roswell, let me know. And if you know what a Mary Sue is, then even better.

Author:  bunniefuu [ 12/25/02 05:54 ]
Post subject:  Paging those who know 'BtVS'!!!

You guys would probably want to move this thread into the Buffy forum so she can find someone who can help her. ;)

Author:  SilverMoon Star [ 12/25/02 23:53 ]
Post subject:  Paging those who know 'BtVS'!!!

I'll give it ago

Author:  The Zookeepers Apprentice [ 12/26/02 09:51 ]
Post subject:  Paging those who know 'BtVS'!!!

Here's the link to the fan fic:

Thanks for helping. Just email me with comments about who's out of character, what would never happen, unrealistic pairings, etc. I have the Roswell end of things, but if you know Roswell, feel free to comment on that, too. Thanks again!

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