Forever Dreaming

Spike fans anywhere?
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Author:  venusprincess68 [ 02/25/03 16:00 ]
Post subject:  Spike fans anywhere?

Hey everyone, I'm just wasting some time here at my Universal internship by looking at forums of one of my favorite shows. I was looking at the sci fi website and the sci fi street team site (check it out it's really good time waster, answer a few polls get free prizes) and i saw that there was an interview with James Marsters so check it out Spike fans!

Author:  bunniefuu [ 02/27/03 14:20 ]
Post subject:  Spike fans anywhere?

venusprincess68 ~ Welcome to the board! :welcome
:wavey :wavey :wavey
:wave :wave :wave

And I love how you say "wasting time" LMAO! :rollin :rollin
Funny thing how it starts out being a waste of time and turns into something you can't live without. :lol :lol Anyway, look forward to seeing you around the board! :welcome

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