Forever Dreaming

Sarah's Movies!
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Author:  SugarSweetSlayer [ 12/27/03 11:12 ]
Post subject:  Sarah's Movies!

Hey, I thought I'd start a thread for chatting about upcoming or past movie's that Sarah's been in.
To start us off, she's going to be in two new films, "The Grudge", and "ScoobyDoo 2"

Author:  destinyros2005 [ 01/01/04 13:52 ]
Post subject:  Sarah's Movies!

What's "The Grudge" about?

Author:  buffyanne96 [ 01/01/04 21:52 ]
Post subject:  Sarah's Movies!

Hey Sydney! I recognise you from Essence of Amber!

Great thread idea!
I haven't heard of *The Grudge* either

Author:  dbsgirl [ 03/05/04 15:02 ]
Post subject:  Sarah's Movies!

I am dying to see both those movies...

I liked her in The first Scooby Doo movie and some people will probably say OMG, but I loved Simply Irresistible, it was just such a different Role for her...

Author:  JADESTONEDREAMS [ 07/01/05 11:52 ]
Post subject:  Sarah's Movies!

I haven't see the second Scooby Doo.

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