Forever Dreaming

Sarah as Buffy - Appreciation Thread
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Author:  buffyanne96 [ 10/21/03 20:55 ]
Post subject:  Sarah as Buffy Appreciation

Discuss Sarah's role as Buffy in this thread!

Author:  dbsgirl [ 03/05/04 14:39 ]
Post subject:  Sarah as Buffy Appreciation

okay no-one has done anything for this thread so I will...
I have loved Sarah as Buffy, she has really showed many different sides to her and she has done an excellent job at it..I really dont think that anyone really could have done a better job. Buffy was put through alot and Sarah handled every scene like a charm...She was great at comedy, drama and her slayerslang, was choice, she really read her lines well...
Better stop yammering, I'll be Back...

Author:  Aryannaa [ 06/28/05 17:33 ]
Post subject:  Sarah as Buffy Appreciation

Best role she ever did! Didn't care for her as much in other movies!

Author:  JADESTONEDREAMS [ 06/29/05 20:06 ]
Post subject:  Sarah as Buffy Appreciation

I liked her movies.. but I think he did a kick ass job playing buffy. no one could ever replace her as the slayer

Author:  SpicyAlejandra [ 07/03/05 00:48 ]
Post subject:  Sarah as Buffy Appreciation




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