Forever Dreaming

5x12 - There's Only One Sydney Bristow--100th Episode!!!
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Author:  destinyros2005 [ 02/19/06 15:03 ]
Post subject:  5x12~There's Only One Sydney Bristow--100th Episode!!!

Alias Villainess Returns!
Bradley Cooper isn't the only familiar Alias face returning for the show's 100th episode, airing, um, whenever ABC finds room on its schedule. I'm told that Gina Torres will reprise her role as Syd's archenemy, Anna Espinosa, in the landmark installment, which begins production next week and airs — all together now — "whenever ABC finds room on its schedule."


Ausiello: Will she be in the 100th?
Pinkner: No, but Espinosa (Gina Torres) will be.

Ausiello: And Bradley Cooper (Will), too, right?
Pinkner: Yes.

Ausiello: How is he reintroduced?
Pinkner: Sydney's baby is born in the 99th, and for the 100th, we jump a month [ahead] and she's taking time off from work. [Will] is the thing that pulls her back into the field while she's on maternity leave. The bad guys realize that the best way to hurt Sydney is through her friends.

Ausiello: Will the 100th be a self-contained episode or part of this season's arc?
Pinkner: Both. The 100th episode is absolutely an episode that somebody who, even if they only checked in on the show a couple of times, can appreciate. But it also continues the story that we've been telling all season.

Ausiello: What's the basic plot?
Pinkner: The title is "There's Only One Sydney Bristow," and it's very much a love letter to her, and also to Jennifer for all the amazing things she has done and brought to the show. One of the themes running through the show is Sydney's concern that, because she's been in these people's lives, their lives have been much harder than they would have otherwise been. Will never would have been abducted or tortured by evil people [had he] not come to know Syd. And she's very much struggling with the life that she's bringing her baby into. The message of the episode is that these people are far better off for having known her and the world's a far better place with her being a part of it.

Ausiello: Bradley is just in this one episode?
Pinkner: Yes, but that's less out of our desire to have him and more because he's off to Broadway to be in a play [with Julia Roberts].

From: Ask Ausiello

Author:  UMgirl [ 02/20/06 11:23 ]
Post subject:  5x12~There's Only One Sydney Bristow--100th Episode!!!

This episode sounds so bad. Like it's only going to be a total ass-kissing. Blah. I should keep a bucket nearby...

But yay on Will and Anna!

Author:  DestinySky [ 02/20/06 20:25 ]
Post subject:  5x12~There's Only One Sydney Bristow--100th Episode!!!

Wills return is JJs only saving grace right now

Author:  UMgirl [ 02/21/06 13:37 ]
Post subject:  5x12~There's Only One Sydney Bristow--100th Episode!!!

I'd go for Vaughn, but since Will comes first, okay. LOL

Author:  destinyros2005 [ 02/22/06 16:17 ]
Post subject:  5x12~There's Only One Sydney Bristow--100th Episode!!!

I'm excited to see Will and Anna. I always liked Anna!

Author:  UMgirl [ 02/23/06 12:42 ]
Post subject:  5x12~There's Only One Sydney Bristow--100th Episode!!!

Anna is Sydney's only real rival... Sark doesn't count anymore...

Author:  destinyros2005 [ 02/23/06 15:10 ]
Post subject:  5x12~There's Only One Sydney Bristow--100th Episode!!!

Not after the thing with Rachel! :shake

Author:  UMgirl [ 02/23/06 16:38 ]
Post subject:  5x12~There's Only One Sydney Bristow--100th Episode!!!

Banging Lauren and being all upset about her being blasted didn't do him any favours either, but then again... I've deluded myself into thinking it was all about Vaughn... 'cause Sark has a thing for Vaughn. ;)

Author:  destinyros2005 [ 02/23/06 16:57 ]
Post subject:  5x12~There's Only One Sydney Bristow--100th Episode!!!

:lmfao :lmfao :lmfao

Author:  DestinySky [ 02/23/06 21:08 ]
Post subject:  5x12~There's Only One Sydney Bristow--100th Episode!!!

delusion is a marvolous thing

Author:  UMgirl [ 02/24/06 07:13 ]
Post subject:  5x12~There's Only One Sydney Bristow--100th Episode!!!

Aw, don't tell me I'm the only one who got those vibes? LOL

Author:  destinyros2005 [ 02/25/06 14:01 ]
Post subject:  5x12~There's Only One Sydney Bristow--100th Episode!!!

:lol :lol :lol Well...

Author:  UMgirl [ 02/26/06 08:40 ]
Post subject:  5x12~There's Only One Sydney Bristow--100th Episode!!!

Go back and watch a Vark scene; you'll see it. The boy is obsessed with Vaughn. LOL

It's love for Vark! If that's how the series ended, I wouldn't complain. ;)

Author:  destinyros2005 [ 03/02/06 10:37 ]
Post subject:  5x12~There's Only One Sydney Bristow--100th Episode!!!

:lmfao I know what you're talking about. :)

Author:  UMgirl [ 03/02/06 14:32 ]
Post subject:  5x12~There's Only One Sydney Bristow--100th Episode!!!

LOL The more I think about the ending of this show, the more it upsets me. This season could have been so much better with VAUGHN! Ugh!

Heck, they could have had S/V seperated and shown us Vaughn as he fought to get back to Sydney as she believed he was dead. Something, anything. Ugh.

Author:  destinyros2005 [ 03/05/06 17:36 ]
Post subject:  5x12~There's Only One Sydney Bristow--100th Episode!!!

That's a fact! This season could of been SO much better! It was missing so much with Vaughn missing. Removing him from the mix was almost as bad as if they got rid of Sydney. I mean seriously...those two have been the show since day one. :shake

Author:  UMgirl [ 03/06/06 15:43 ]
Post subject:  5x12~There's Only One Sydney Bristow--100th Episode!!!

Actually, I think I could have taken an MIA Sydney, which is what they should have done. Had Sydney kidnapped and go from there. But no...

It's quite clear MV was the heart of the show; it just isn't the same without him.

Author:  destinyros2005 [ 03/11/06 18:07 ]
Post subject:  5x12~There's Only One Sydney Bristow--100th Episode!!!

Yeah..actually a kidnapped Sydney would of worked so much better then this BS. Especially since MV would still be there!

Author:  UMgirl [ 03/12/06 08:58 ]
Post subject:  5x12~There's Only One Sydney Bristow--100th Episode!!!

And, we wouldn't have the Spawn of the Assfleck slammed down our throats every 2.2 seconds. Blah.

JG checked out of Alias when she and BA hooked up and she made them ruin the show to suit her own agenda.

Author:  destinyros2005 [ 03/16/06 13:24 ]
Post subject:  5x12~There's Only One Sydney Bristow--100th Episode!!!

Sad...but true it seems. :sad :sad :sad

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