Forever Dreaming

Who Do You Think Called Sloane?
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Author:  bunniefuu [ 10/14/02 03:44 ]
Post subject:  Who Do You Think Called Sloane?

Credit to ABC for poll. ;)

Author:  bunniefuu [ 10/14/02 15:08 ]
Post subject:  Who Do You Think Called Sloane?

Well, I voted Emily. I just think it's too easy her being dead. (Pure Speculation on my part) but I *think* since she knew so much about him she actually out smarted him and *knew* he was going to kill her and somehow she went along with the plan and is now back to give him some grief or payback.

Hmm.. then again I am also leaning strongly on one of his enemies.

Just my thoughts. :lol

Author:  The Zookeepers Apprentice [ 10/14/02 15:09 ]
Post subject:  Who Do You Think Called Sloane?

Whoever is doing it wants to drive Sloane insane, and they push all the right buttons to do it. ;) Keeps you deliciously on edge.

Author:  bunniefuu [ 10/14/02 15:23 ]
Post subject:  Who Do You Think Called Sloane?

Yeah, but honestly who else would know about the flowers and the bed and breakfeast besides her and Jack he just told? :dunno

Unless of course it's Jack doing it. Now that would be interesting. :lol

Author:  The Zookeepers Apprentice [ 10/14/02 15:29 ]
Post subject:  Who Do You Think Called Sloane?

Jack is a man whose depths have not even begun to be revealed. Still waters run deep. It wouldn't surprise me if he was behind it.

Author:  bunniefuu [ 10/24/02 16:13 ]
Post subject:  Who Do You Think Called Sloane?

After last weeks show.. I'm seriously beginning to think Jack is behind ALOT of things. ;)

Author:  destinyros2005 [ 10/24/02 16:19 ]
Post subject:  Who Do You Think Called Sloane?

Yeah, I'm beginning to wonder the same thing. :dunno

Author:  bunniefuu [ 11/17/02 15:07 ]
Post subject:  Who Do You Think Called Sloane?

Looks like Emily is winning so far. I'm guessing since last week her body was missing. :lol :lol

I'm still betting she's alive and Jack is in on it with her. :idea

I would lean towards an enemy and her really being dead; but too many things don't add up and she's the only one that *knew* about some of the things. :dunno

Author:  destinyros2005 [ 11/17/02 16:50 ]
Post subject:  Who Do You Think Called Sloane?

Yup...I'm with ya Jen. :idea :idea <--look, it's that cool dude again! :lol

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